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Quarter 1 Week 1
Module in Noting Context Clues

Juan B. Dugayo Jr.

Maycie M. Salvador


Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues (EN8V-If-6).

LESSON 1: Determining the meaning of words and expressions
that reflect the local culture by noting context clues.


This module is self-instructional. You can read, analyze concepts and ideas
presented, and reflect on them. The activities and tests will help you assess how you
understand the lesson as you go through with the module.

If you need help and further clarification, you can ask the assistance of your
subject teacher through traditional or on-line communication.

It has been recommended that as much as possible to ask guidance from your
parents or guardians

Your score on the activities and tests will be part of your formative and
summative grades.


Remember, you must work on this module independently. It is expected that you
will make the most of this module and learn the necessary skills the lesson requires.


Context Clues are hints that help define a difficult or unusual word. The clue
may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it may follow in a
preceding sentence.

In this lesson, you are not only going to find out the meaning of regular words
through context clues but also words and expressions that reflect the local culture of
Asian countries.

In this lesson, you should be able to:

1. determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues;

2. consult the dictionary to compare the meaning and get more information about
the word’s other spellings; and

3. write sentences using the words that reflect our own local culture.


Test I. Each example below has hints within the passage or sentence to help you figure out the
meaning of the highlighted word. Read each CAREFULLY and circle the letter of your answer.

1. Speaking rudely to the barangay officials was rash behavior. You really should respect them
so they can do their job well especially in this time of pandemic.

A. a disguise to hide something C. a little thought or consideration

B. a funny action D. an itchy skin condition

2. Some people are always bashing the president just like others bashed the one before him.
Wouldn't you think that everyone could find something to praise him for, at least once in a

A. going to too many expensive parties C. speaking or writing harshly about

B. hitting hard with a heavy tool D. voting for a different candidate

3. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Fabunan is applauded for his life-saving research.

A. greatly admired C. unable to chew gum

B. held over boiling water D. very old

Test II. Write the word or phrase that hints at the meaning of the underlined words.

1. Only Yasmin, Abdul's six-year-old granddaughter whom his Serene Highness had petted
and to whom he had given a lump of sweet sukkar while drinking his tea, remained on the
top of the brick oven in the larger room.

2. He was thrown out of Gouken's dojo where both Ken and Ryu lived and trained, and
developed his own breed of martial arts.

3. He understood this language, and after the song ended, he got on the microphone himself
and said, "the bride from hell says we can't do anymore karaoke so I guess we won't be
singing anymore.
Looking back on lessons you learned, a synonym is a word that means the same or
nearly the same as another word in the same language.

Examples: big – large heavy – weighty thin – slim

On the other hand, an antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

Examples: tall – short thick – thin difficult - easy

To test if you remember your lesson in synonyms and antonyms, answer the following:
A. Underline the option that best identifies the sample words.

1. RETRACT: RETRIEVE – These words have…

contradictory meanings.
neither similar nor contradictory meanings.
similar meanings.

2. CONFOUND CONFINE – These words have…

contradictory meanings.
neither similar nor contradictory meanings.
similar meanings.

B. Complete the analogy in the problems below. Underline your answer.

3. Secede is the opposite of ____________.

accessible bail merge recall

4. Alleviate is the opposite of ____________.

hover intend large worsen

C. Underline the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence

5. Dr. Duque ignored Mary’s particular symptoms, instead, he administered a holistic

treatment for her condition.

Concerned with the whole body Randomly selected

Insensitive to the patient’s needs Specific to the area indicated by the

6. The doctor was struck by the symmetric patterns of scarring on the patient’s back.
Geometrically shaped Painful to the touch
Occurring in corresponding parts at the same time Scabbed and oozing


Context Clues

A context clue is an information that appears near a word or phrase and offers direct or
indirect suggestions about its meaning. Using context clues allow you to figure out a word you
do not know without using a dictionary.

Using context means you must read the sentence and sentences around the confusing
word to get an idea of what the words you do not know means. Often, there are clues around
the unfamiliar word that help give you the meaning.

To find the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues, here are some techniques you can use:

1. Word Parts: Determine the parts of the word: root word, prefix, and suffix to find out its
Example: Racism is one issue that the African-American people want to eliminate in
Root word: Race Suffix: -ism

“-ism” is a suffix that is commonly added to signal a belief (buddhism, idealism, realism,
etc.). Therefore, racism is a belief that race is a factor in differentiating or discriminating

2. Definition: Look for an explanation of the word within the sentence.

Trevor grew up learning the language and culture of the Xhosa people, an ethnic group
in Southern Africa.

They held festivals to preserve Ubuntu: the spirit of humanity.

3. Example: Check out examples within the sentence.

Example: African soil is rich for it is home to corundum minerals like ruby and sapphire.

4. Synonym: Identify if there is a word with a similar meaning.

Example: Living in sahara possesses dangers. After all, the desert offers little resources.

5. Antonym: Find signal words that mark opposite meanings such as unlike, as opposed to,
different from, etc.
Example: Being industrious, unlike being lethargic, will not help one succeed.


How to find the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture
by noting context clues.

In some contexts, the unfamiliar words are words that reflect or show the local culture of
a certain race or country. The term local culture is used to characterize the experience of
everyday life in different places. It is a reflection of people's feelings of appropriateness,
comfort, and correctness.

In the Philippines for example, there are plenty of common local culture that we
experience every day. For instance, when speaking to those who are older or of higher status,
Filipinos tend to use polite forms of speech like ‘po’ at the end of phrases, sentences, or
questions. This demonstrates respect. Another example is they take the elder’s hand and place
the back of it to their forehead. This gesture is known as ‘pagmamano’. It is also an act of
respect, usually done to someone either older or a person of the religious order.

The word that reflects local culture to other words help you determine its meaning.

Read the excerpt and find the words that reflect the local culture of South Africa. After
reading the excerpt, answer the questions that follow.

A Desire to Serve the People

by Mary Benson

When a son was born to Chief Henry Gadla Mandela and his wife, Nonqaphi, on 18th
July 1918, they gave him the Xhosa name of Rolihlahla and, because it was the fashion to have
a European name, preferably a heroic one, they also called him Nelson. The boy and his three
sisters lived in the family kraal of whitewashed huts not far from Umtata in the Transkei.
Although the Mandelas were members of the royal family of the Thembu people, Nelson,
like most African pupils, herded sheep and cattle, and helped with the ploughing. As a young
boy, he was tall for his age and was a fast runner. He hunted buck and, when hungry, stole
mealie cobs from the maize fields and Amasi fermented milk stored in calabashes. He loved the
countryside with its grassy rolling hills and the stream which flowed eastward to the Indian
Ocean. Much of his time was spent in the open Veld in the company of his age group, trapping
birds, play fighting in the grassland. At night, under Africa's brilliant stars, everyone used to
gather around a big open fire to listen to the elders of the tribe. The boy was fascinated by the
tales told by these bearded old men. Tales about the 'good old days before the coming of the
white man', and tales about the brave acts performed by their ancestors, in defending their
country against the European invaders. Those tales, said Mandela many years later when he
was on trial for his life, stirred in him a desire to serve his people in their struggle to be free. A
desire which eventually led to his becoming the most famous political prisoner of our time - a
prisoner with songs written about him and streets named after him. How appropriate that Nelson
Mandela's Xhosa name, Rolihlahla, means 'stirring up trouble'. When Nelson first went to school
- a school for African pupils - it was a shock to find the history books described only white
heroes, and referred to his people as savages and cattle thieves. All the same, he was eager for
Western education and proud that his great-grandfather had given land on which to build a
mission school. Even when fellow-pupils teased him about his clothes, cast-offs from his father,
he pretended not to mind. In 1928, Nelson moved to the Great Place and shared a small
Rondavel with his cousin for their shelter. The school was small. He learned English,
Geography, and History. There were no notebooks so they write on slates. Each day after
school, Nelson and his cousin look after the cattle then, drive them back to the kraal in the
evening for milking.

Who is Nelson Mandela? Why is his Xhosa name, Rolihlahla, means 'stirring up trouble' a
perfect name for him? Was it his destiny to be given that name? Explain your answer.







Based on the excerpt, fill-in the table below with the needed information.

Words that reflect Clue words Your meaning using the context clues
the local culture

Examine each sentence in this activity. Determine the word that reflects the local
culture of an Asian country in each statement, then, complete the table below each
statement by writing the information needed.
1. I told my YouTube subscribers I would make thirty mukbang videos in thirty days, but I
thought that’s too many. I did not want my viewers to see me eat too much food, slurp,
chomp and display bad table manners so I decided to do a mukbang every week.

Words that reflect Your meaning Dictionary meaning Other spelling

the local culture using the context

2. While most people would quickly assume that the presence of the bandhna tied on his head
automatically means that the boy from India must be trying to avoid revealing a bald head, it
is important to remember where he comes from.

Words that reflect Your meaning Dictionary meaning Other spelling

the local culture using the context

3. As Japanese troops poured ashore, more kamikaze pilots go down to certain death by
crashing their planes into targets attempting to break the air cover and crash into ships of
the covering and carrier group.

Words that reflect Your meaning Dictionary meaning Other spelling

the local culture using the context

4. The old town of Manila rests at the boxed-in end of the narrowing valley, which spreads from
the towering San Juan boondocks in roughly a northwest direction, dropping elevation as
the valley gradually widens.

Words that reflect Your meaning Dictionary meaning Other spelling

the local culture using the context

5. His martial arts sensei believed in his talent and convinced him to pursue professional
Japanese martial arts as a career.

Words that reflect Your meaning Dictionary meaning Other spelling

the local culture using the context


 A context clue is an information that helps you determine the

meaning of a word in a given context. It is important to spot context
clues specially when there are words that indicate a local culture
because the meaning of these unfamiliar words might be culturally-

 You can find context clues by looking for the following:

 word’s parts
 definition
 example
 synonym or antonym.


In this activity, you may ask the help of any of your family members or use other
available sources, but don’t forget to give them proper credit. Look for five words that reflect the
local culture of the Philippines. Be able to get their meanings and use each in meaningful

1. ______________________________________________________________________



2. ______________________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________________



4. ______________________________________________________________________



5. ______________________________________________________________________




A. Underline the option that best identifies the sample words.

1. SENSEI: GURU – These words have …

contradictory meanings.
neither similar nor contradictory meanings.
similar meanings.

2. NIRVANA: HEAVEN – These words have…

contradictory meanings.
neither similar nor contradictory meanings.
similar meanings.

B. Underline the meaning of the italicized word in this sentence

3. My uncle is having a hard time consulting a pediatrician for his baby who has high fever.

specialist in hormones and metabolism specialist in the medical care of children

specialist in child birth specialist in women’s diseases

4. The hospitals charged a nominal fee to COVID patients.

excessed small amount

reasonable tiny

C. Write the word or phrase that hints at the meaning of the underlined words.

5. Creative, colorful, and sometimes perplexing, emoji add energy within Facebook Messages
by enabling them in your device's keyboard setting.

6. Heading across the ocean, Japanese manga and other Asian comics have provided us with
some great Naruto, Pokemon, and Dragonball games.


What Filipino word/s that reflect(s) our local culture can be adopted into the English language?
Explain why.














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