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Breshears Earth's End w, SS Earth's End From the Beginning Book 1. Intro: The Ancient Future 1." Counterfeit Apocalypse” Fragment 1. Holy Shepherd to Might funter Fragment 2. Islamic Kings Conquered Fragment 3. Strategic Famine Fragnent 4, Preneditated Chaos 2."The Beginning of Sorrows" Fragment 5. Spiritual Dark Age Begun Fragment 6. Signs in the Sun and Moon Fragment 7. The Seventh Seal Broken Fragment 8. The Seven Trumpets 3, ‘Judgement of America’ Fragment 9. The Eagles End ‘4. Babylon Ruined and the Fate of Isian" Fragment 10. Conspiracy of Gog 5.¥antichrist Unveiled” Fragment 11. Idol Shepherd Apocalypse of Tasoneus the Scribe” T-IV, Vision of the Pillar of Knowledge V. " Vision of the Beasts of the Eerth VI. Vision of the Image of the Likeness of God ee NSON Breshears werh DEPhusstt Gatch Earth's End Introduction “The Ancient Future” If you seek to know the future, then know this: long before the earth’ beginning, ite’end”was already written! Within the vast archives of prehistoric Heaven, was inscribed the descriptions of the . the every being in existence, the secrets of time,and the epochs and eras, that would unfold from the dateless past,to the eternal future..-al1 recorded ere the Earth was made. Long before Adam was created, an order of beings intently examined the archives of Heaven in an attempt to thwart the Creator's divine plan for mankind. These beings were the first created, and their resentment S2S%n thet they knew by wledon of the erchives thet one day the Creator would make enother species, a rece made in the God- These beings rebelled against the Kingdom of Keaven and were banished, knowing that in their exile they would continue their warfare against knowing our eternal destiny: A third of these insurgent beings had been ousted from Heaven, and it is their furvent intention to ensure that there will'never be the required amount of humans,in the @esurr- 1 ection; to replace them. 3. Breshears Earth's End As civilizations rose and fell, this Heavenly arcanum became more and more obscure,as these beings waged wars of deceit against the souls of nen! (the ancient Truth was lost in this way.) Tt can now be found overspread throughout the earthyin thousends of fragments of bidden wisdomjend knowledge! These baleful entities have cleverly used their memories of the archives of Meaven) and subtly given rise to entire faise religious movements, and twisted doctrines. Dut we are armed against these archaic enemies of Heaven, and carta! They strive to keep us ignorant of the keys to the arcenum, which stated simply i the more we peer into the mists of antiquity, the ’ clearer the future becomes! The greater the depths we search, the closer to Heaven's secrets we venture! In essence, the future of the earth mirrors the History of Heaven! The future and its understanding can be dangerous! These beings gazed into the books of Heaven, and because of their reaction to these secrets they are now reserved their places in eternal judgement! Will you too peer into the secrets of the Ancient Lost, and by virtue of its implications give up your place in the kingdom of God? Though the future“is® ancient, yours will be determined, by what (you) do,with the } information you receiver Breshears Earth's End Chapter 1. v, 2 Counterfeit Apocalyps Fragment One Holy Shepherd to Mighty Hunter ‘There was @ time of old)when shepherds were heroes, few in number, but greatly revered with unquestioned authority! They were valiant guard- tans who protected the people from predatory animals that rapidly multiplied against humanity, after the Great Flood. Lions, bears, wolves, early unprotected settienente! us provided the social security necessary, for growth and expansion. About structures boasting of mighty fortifications, and watisl No longer 0 hou ! moreD TR. var with another, anetG°ouna otttesyan nish tovers! t Breshears Earth's End The animals were now under the dominion of ordinary men,and the shep~ hende, eraduslly declined into disrepute,(e men multiplied, reduced to guardians of goats and swine. Though the vocation was no longer of value, the renenbrance of these once mighty nen was immortalized into 8 theology of the ancients. In fact, many Tegents,of the third and second millenniums BC; were called" shepherd Kings! The early Israelites understood the shepherd motif. They were, in fact, descendants of Babylonia. They also recognized this motif's prophetic significances The patriarch Jacob declared to his sons that the promised Messiah, would come as a‘ohephera!’(1) over fifteen cent- uries later this Savior appeared, and in Terael He claimed that He vee “sethe Good Shepherd) the Good Shepherd giveth fie 1ife for the sheep! (2) ‘The specification of peing"good'was necessary because the Teracl- ites were fully aware of both archaic portraits,of shepherd gods; the Fighteous protector, as opposed to the wicked rulers of old; celled Shepherd Kings, "sho spared ct the flock!" (3) This hope is found in the eschatological writings of the priest-prophet Eera, who wrote, “Wait for your Shepherd, who is coming very soon, at the'end of the agey to give you eternal rest!” (4) As redemptive Savior, Jesus,[Greek for savior],declered that He had come for the "lost sheep of the house of teraet! (5) The olden prophets knew too well the role the Messiah would play in His shepherdship, of humanity,as @ redemptive Savior,and of His end-time enemy that would Ftd arise against nin! Jeremiah provides us glimpse at this future mimic, writing, " +for who ig 1ike mo, [God], and who will appoint me the 8 iS ‘time? afd who is that" shepherd that will stand against me?” (6) 6 Breshears Earth's End this ancient Messianic symbology of @ shepherd deity; ruling over the Flock of hunenity/is discovered throughout the Gospels, andyNew Teste~ nent writinge! Peter wrote that when the chief Shepherd appears) He wit receive a'croun! (7) This Savior is in stark contrast to the Idol Shepherd,aiso foretold to come. The prophet Zecharish wrote that an idol, and foolish shepherd) will arise! (8) He will mimic the deeds of to this latter-day imposter, saying, "I am come in my father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his ovn name, him ye will receive! ) Before the Akkadisns branched off into the Babylonian, and Assyrian ‘that weilded @ bow and arrow who bore the epithet, "the Shepherd who 4 treads on mounteins:" (10) The famous Babylonian King Hanmurebi, not only respected the older Sumerian traditions, but also thought of him- self) as "the favorite sepheral" (11) Ae the Babylonian Kingdom splintered out its memories also fragmented. One of their earliest gods; was a savior called Merodek, the son of an Elder God. (12) As a protector, Merodak is depicted on one Babylonien cylinder, as battling evil epirite with a bow and arrow! (13) Merodak mesns’ bitter contri Hon, (sorry for one’s sins), from a root word meaning rebellious (mered). (14) This memory is what the Teraelites recorded in Genesis 10:8-9 concerning Nimrod, “the mighty hunter before, [against J)the Lord!" The Jewish Haggedeh texts, and Muslim writings jtel1 that Nimrod was the greatest sinner,since the Flood! (15) Incidentiy, Nimrod is referred to as the(tirst) Shepherd King! (16) Some scholars believe that Merodak 1h Breshears Earth's End means “bold (17), but there is no doubt that it is based from a root neaning’to rebel [urd], as in Nimrod! The most encient designation of this historic person 1s from Sumer vhere his name 1e recorded a8 AWAR.UDA.AK, @ logogram also constructed using the root for “rebel! AQDACR).U(D)A-AK! This was the Sumerian title for the Biblical Nimrod, also found in the Old Testament) as Merodach: (18) From Sumer spread abroad a seemingly dateless theologicel motif of a shepherd godywho was a mighty hunter with bow end errow,ready to conquer the enemies of the righteous! rt is evident that even the early Babylonians recognized that not 11 shepherd gods were good! one such deity was Nabu, later regarded as 2 false messish. (19) The bow and arrow was @ weapon of divinity,in the archaic Neer Eastern mindset, The thiré millennium BC,Akkadien Stele of Naren-Sin, fn amaring detail) shows an army of Akkadian soldiers led by a elent manywith a horned helm who wellds a bow and arrow upon a mountain top! Above his head is a ster glyph signifying hie heavenly origin, and divinity! (20) Narom-Sin was a shepherd god to hie people, a mortel king regarded as divine,who protected Suneryend Akkad, ageinst their Flenite enemies to the east! Mesopotenian kings maintained an old tradition in remembrance of the aa See eee eee eee sraphed as demonstrations ritualizing the king's shepherdship over the people. (21) A 9th century BC Limestone relief from Aseyriayshows Ashurbanipal slaying Lions with arrous,from his horsedrawn chariot. (22) Assyrian kings as late as 750 BC practiced this olden custom. The last of the great Assyrian rulers was ,Tiglath-pileser, which means Lord of 8 Breshears Earth's End the Arrow!’ (23) Interestingly, Old Testanent prophecies tell of @ future false messish,that will be like these kings, calling him,"the Assyrian} that will “fall by the sword!" (24) Assyrian military stand- ards depicted Ninurta,(Nimrod), as aiming a bow and arrow above horned bulls. (25) In the Middle Assyrian times Ninurta was the royal god of war, end hunting! The Assyrians were always enemies of Tsrael,and it has been long held by Jewish eschatologists that horsemen in their prophetic Literature, signify foreign oppression, (26)(a belief associated, and dating back; to the Assyrian deportations)of Terae! 2,700 y 8 ago. Other longstanding enemies of Ierael were the various Canaanite clans) who all worshipped « shepherd god of stormsyand fertility named Beet! (27) As a war god)his weapons were celestial arrows, or great lightning bolts! (28) The Semitic epithet of Baalyderives from a root that literally » i. . means“archer and horsemen. (29) Baal was no light deity. He is mentioned about 500 times in the Canaanite Ras Shama teblets: (30) The early post- exilic Ieraelite conquerors regarded himjas a false god. But his influence upon Israelis seen in the Scriptures greatly, (and incidently, there are thirteen references to the Antichrist, in Revelation) just as there are thirteen different’ Bsals, in the old TEStenent! The Egyptians remembered a shepherd god they called Set. In fact, the Hyksos, (Foreign Rulers), were Shepherd Kings who ruled Egypt in the 2nd millennium BC ,that highly esteemed Set. (31) Set was a strong Bod, who hunted animals, and shot arrows of heat! A god of war, he is depicted upon the monuments of Karnak instructing a Pharoah, in the art of archery. (32) The Near Eastern gods Ninurts, Nimrod, Baal, Merodak ,and(all) their Breshears Earth's End Figure is also called by the Feyptians;by the title of Sirius, and two of ite starsjare called Sukudu,(arrow), and Canis Major, (bow)! (33) The Zodise on the walls of the temple of Denderah, in Fgyptyalso depicts Sagittarius, with the heiroglyphic word"knem, which means, "He conquers!" (34) This Egyptian fragnent memory, refers to the role the Savior will play, es @ conqueror in the future! In the Revelation vision,1t ie Jesus;[Savior],that descends from Heaven on a white horse to conquer the wicked terrestiel realm of the Adversary, tn lis capacity as!Prince of Peace! ‘The Sagittarius notif was an arcane messianic one, as seen in that its early Akkadian name;vas Nun-ki, or “prince of the Earth! (35) To the ancients the ruler of the future 1 paradise would be @ son of @ god, as @ princeyis to a king. Though Christ, [Anointed]}is the Prince of Peace, He will return to Earth,as the King of Kings;unlike the imposter foretold to come)by the prophet Daniel: " the prince of the people, that will come:" (36) It is this prince who will be the 1401 shepherd, who wilt ‘pase off 14ee a6 prophecies! (37) Far in the east the Sagittarius paralleliem is found in the historic Indian books of the Hinduthat tell of the tenth Avatar, (Descender],that will ride fron Heaven to earth on a white horse, overthrowing evil, and rooting out his people's enemies! (38) To the Hindu,and other eastern cultures of antiquity, the constellations of the cirouit of Heaven, the Zodiec, told this story. To them, all that would pass on earth,was already written in the stere! In later times further west, this theology was embedded within a myriad i of myths! The Grecian god of shepherds , was Apollo, the Archer, son of t the great god Zeus. (39) He was a hunter renowned for the use of his bow 10. Breshears Farth's End and arrow. (40) The Celtic Apollo was Cernunnos, the Horned One, lord of the animals! He was hunter, ang”shepherd god. (41) These Apolo beliefs are intriguing since in the Revelation a great demonic entity naned Apoltyonyis foretold to rise out of the Abyss; during the trumpet otherworta! (42) The 01d Welsh King of the Bottomless PLace, was saw This god is said to one dey arisejon a large pale horse. He is the, Huntenan that the Hunter was called Guyn) [the White One]! (44) Seeing no end to the continental fear of the,Hunter of the Woods,known to the peasantry, the Roman Catholic Papacy Christienized this deity, into St. Hubert, patron saint of hunters! (45) In thie way the commonfolk entered the papel fold, It is not without coincidence that the Romen Papacy had popes that blessed their subjects ,with the two-finger bowman's sign, (the signal of the Huntaman! ) ‘The Biblical writers knew well the role of the Messiahjas a Deliverer, much Like the ancient shepherds of Sumer. Tn the apocalyptic writing of Eera,we find imagery that likens the Messiah, toe mighty archer whose sharp arroxs do not miss eny part of the earth! (4) The arrow imagery was significant, (its eviftness and accuracy was greatly feared, and epitomized, one's control) over their enemies. The Nessienic association to the box, a hunter's weapon, 1s traced back to Genesis 49:23-24)where we learn that the Shepherd comes fron Cod,who strengthens the bow! Psalm 11 contains an apocalyptic reference with motifs found in the 1 Revelation as well. Herein we read, "For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, i. Breshears Earth's End they make ready their arrow upon their string, that they may privily shoot, at the upright at heart." (47) In summary, the ancients reaching as far back as Sumer believed that, 1 @8 a flock, humanity was in need of a Savior, or Shepherd. This Savior AND (he WOLD would cone and receive a crown, be enthrowed,, arrive wepnig white horse, and subdue their enemies as a shepherd thet hunted dangerous animal: Ussher in a time of peace! A coiden Age! They aleo knew of another that would come, not a holy and humble Shepherd, but a mighty hunter, who would appear to assume the role of the promised”seed' of Goa! Tt is with the beginning of the Revelation that these two millennia-old sterotypes, collide! tm the beginning of Earth's apocalyptic era, John wetched and wrote: ». "and I saw, & behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he (48) There are four elements in this single prophetic fragment jthat Link went forth conquering, and to conquer! Sogether the necessary components of all the world's most ancient beliefs, in a Savior, and one that would come to'mimic His decesy Acer on a white voces, vob evomaelfhe act ot'cagussag! tie teue Sevice washers tn 1 @ Golden Age of peace, (not}an apocetypses Wnite 48 the absence of color, [ fend symbolizes peace, nobility and purity: Like a white flag of surrender, or maletogion. tices tx eupewel Se caxeey un snteseniedig premee, But this 1s fo! what John sees! The fact that this is the firet seal, “ * (0 a judgement, mavses th this horseman is a deceptive facade of some- 1 thing far nore sinister than an ordinary ruler! He is the one foretold 12, Breshears Earth's End by the prophet Daniel, who will toy’ peace? destroy many." (49) Despite the end and eternal result, which is peace, Jesus said that He came not to bring peace, but s'suord! (50) His testinony shocked the Teraelites and promoted intense division! Many rejected Him because they awaited @ mighty conqueror, One who would (destroy) Israel's enemies and establish a (worldwide kingdos))with Jerusalem as His capitol! The people did not understand that Jesus was to come, and conquer, only/after)He first laid down His 1ife,for His sheep: Since the white horseman weilds @ bow, and not @ sword) he ie evidently an imposter: The New Testanent writers 10," or “against,” Christ, (end by connotation it certainly doed, the literal rendering 1s" in stead of christ’! (51) The prophet Amos identifies the white horsenen (as) the Antichrist! anos wrote, "Neither shall he stand that handleth the bows and he that is swift of foot, shall not deliver himself, and he that is courageous among the } mighty shall flee away nakedyin that day, saith the Lord." (52) The time “in thet day, refers to the Day of the Lord's lirath when the true Messich on a white horse will descend to earth, to vanquish this false neseiant ‘This first seal symbolism conveys that the rider is @ perpetrator, who seeks to cause people to believe that he ie the long awaited Son of God, returned to earth! He will largely be successful in His miniery of the Messien! He was foreshadowed in the person of Nimrod, the mighty hunter and idolator, who was originally a righteous protector until he received a"cromm to rulej(over all of Babylonia and Sumer) when he became thoroughly evit! (53) One of Nimrod's early Akkadian throne epithets,was Sargon, [he takes avay protection] (54) According to the earliest Hebraic 13. Breshears Earth's End writings Nimrod did fot) become wicked, until he was enthroned/and was in control of (all) the earth,(which exactly parallels the biblical prophetic caceedof the Antonie! ris false cevior will intttalty declare pesce,but wilt turn evi! As the Messiah was,and is, the absolute summation of e11 the righteous types, and shadows, in the O1¢ Testanent books (and As seen in the persons of various priests, prophets, judges and kingd} so will the Antichrist be the summation of all those formerly indwelt,with the spirit of anti- 1 « aw christ! He will be as powerful as Lucifer of prehistoric heaven, sn as the Adversary became, “unrepentant"’and aggressive a Nimrod, “disitiu- ® sioned)ee King Saul in his pride,"insolent, atroussas King Kebuchacnézzer of Babylon, (fodless' as the Syrian ruler ‘as the giant Goliath, “idol- : nee Antiochus Epiphanes, “strategic as Alexander the Great of Greece, populer , as any of the Ronen Caesars)in their snperiel worship, “rutbless'ps the Christian-hater Nero,*mercilous as Adolf Hitler, hateful’ es Saddam Hussein and as treacherous, Thus far the first of the seven seals, (which coincides with the first of the four horsenen)junveiis the situation of the energence of « else god! The first fragment provides us but a(minute)piece of understanding concerning this figure's intention! The arrival of the white horseman begins the prophetic countdown jto Armageddon when the true Mesoieh will but make no mistake, it 4s merely @ broken seal closer, to the contents of a scroll, that will unleash atrocities upon our world,never before that we must explore,ae we begin to sce a (clearer) picture of the future 14, Breshears Earth's End of earth. Fragment Two Telamic Kings Conquered ste agenda of the white horsenan is in accordance with nis(i11uston), of being the expected savior of ree He will live up to their expect- ations, end go forth conquering a11 those who Keep Israel, from the Lends promised then through Abraham! At present (2002 AD), the land inhabited by Teraetyis merely a(onatl portiosof the Promise Land they are to tonavit! Im order to invoke the faith of the Israelites, this false messiah must, by military exploite,establish the kingdom of Tsreel, from the Euphrates river in Iraq,to the brook of Egypt,and the Sinai penin- svla to Syriajand Lebanon, in the north! Today these ere(Yustin) occupied countries that prevent the expansionism of the Teraeli state! (Iney are horseman is perceived as the emergence of a mighty religiousand poli- tical leader,over Israel, then the second seal of the Red Horsemen, evid- ently reveals the initiation of a holy war, (or sinaa!) The common denominator between Traq, Canctent Babylonia & Assyria), syeia (Aran), Lebanon and Feypt ie(ieled av well ae with the presentiy indigenous Palestinians, and the Dome of the Rock, upon the Temple Yount! Israel's contentions with these cultures antedates Islam by almost 2,000 years, to the 16th century BC,when the ancestors of the Arab nations,,batled then the Anorite), ruled Babylonia, and over the Canaan- ites, whom Terael faught against for dominion, over the tend) In fact, the longest standing territorial dleputejbetueen any peopte|ie that of Israel Gnd their Arabic neighbord, a strife extending 3,600 years into 15, Breshears Earth's End (tne poed)to the days of Jacodjand his sonspand their esrly conflicts with the AMorites! The Ancrites were Semitic invaders of Bebylonte,who established a dynasty there,and in Mitanni, early in the 2nd millennium sc,(ruting Sumer, Akkad, Aran, Canaen,and the Kingdoms of Argol), Amon and vown! smorite sole ended with the conquest of Canaan by Tnesel, abd the invasion of Babylonia,by the Hittites! over 2,000 years later Arabia ascended to pover,as a mighty confed= eration of countries,end kingdons under one religion,in the 7th century ap! (Under Tetas] the terror of the sword was visited wen every comunity, city or nation that refused to convert to the worship of Allah! With unprecedented fanaticion Muslim armies subdued the entire Near East, capturing Jeruselen)in 637 AD! Northern Africa was quickly subdued, Faypt felling)and then Syria, and a11 the peoples from the Hedi terrancan 300 years the Muslim empire, formed a geographical Fertile Crescent com- prised of all the ancient classical civilizations, of Babylonia, Persia, Assyria, Anatolia, Aram, Arabia, Egypt and Israel) This was the second true Arebic empire, the First being that of the Anorites/over 2,000 years cartier! Te weon't untit about the tenth century, that this enpire began to recede! ‘Toush Tersel as nation in Palestine, had cessed to be centuries ee ee ee Fighty-eight years later, the Muslims agein,captured Jeruesien in 1187, but by diplonacy, King Frederick 11, regained the old city in 1228! Again the Muslim hordes took over Jerusalem,24 years leter,and occu- 16. Breshears Earth's End pied it for 673 years,until General Allenby of Britain in Dec. 6th 1917, took the city,and initiated the Belfour Decleration, on Palestine, (under the Leegue of Nations!) The Muslim enpire wes contemporary with the Buropean Derk, and Middle Ages, @ dismel spiritual epoch,when a false and oppressive religion, that offers(no)hope and (little) opportunity, was violently forced upon countless millions of people! Historian Frank . 4 Blackmar wrote in his, History of Human Society (1926), that the whole history of their [Arab & conquest) shows @ continual strife to propagate their religious doctrine." (1) The evidence of the success of these 7th through 10th century AD invaders, end the vast extent of the Muslim world's influence in Europe, and Asia)is found in Arabic-styled architecture, edifices, fortifications and mosques left behind from their cceuvet tens) MPAicar place names and etymological relics, in many Languages conteining thousands of Arabic words,and roots, (ethnic populations retaining the darker genetic traits of Arabic influence in predominantly European nations)and especi- ally evident, in that (Islam)as 2 cultural religion and*vay of life (never) ated ove! Even now it ie experiencing @ global revival that is waxing stronger mew than ever! one of the greatest examples of Muslim arch- itecture in the world,is found in one of the least likely places.. in Moscot), capitol of the former Soviet empire! This building 1s know eee eee Since the first Muslim invaders, over 600 years after Christ's resu- rrection/took Jerusalem, their agenda has been established clearly! They will have Jerusalen! So hostile has their presence been that even today the Hebrews are forced against their will, to tolerate the Muslim temple 17. Breshears Earth's End l at the Holiest site in Jerusalem. Islam has proven to be an unyeilding sword ,against Israel, in the ancient past,(and even in more contemporary I tines!) This ie largely in part, due to the Telemic ideology that holds that the world exists within tio zones: the territory of Allah, (dar~aly, Telam), where he is obeyed and known, and the rest of the world, (dar-al Hard Islam), which Muslims can take by force, and violence, in order to t ake the people submit before Altan! (2) 1m 1946 AD Faypt, Lebanon, Syria and tragyattacked Tereel, and in six onthe the tiny reborn nation, became victorious in uhat has becone known as the “Independence wer! This amazing victory was accomplished by a poorly trained, end{equipped arsy tn 1967 Te1am advanced again! Egypt, Traq, Jordan, Seudt ArebSe, Kuwait, Algerie,and Lebenon invaded Tsraely and to the eotontehnent of the wore, Terael defeated s11/sevea) tut in nattono,and even took back these ages-ole frontserss sinass“@Sfen Heights, fe * WDE, Sarr, in the annals of history,as the Six Day War-4(3) six years etter tne 'six Day wel'on October sth, 1973 another var broke out for six daysllpigain Eeypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait jand wh mh TUS Jordanffveded eraci{vith a nassive exay of over 600,000 soreterge melee St We é t attacked on the Holiest day,of the Judaic year: Yom Kippurs And again, there Se no (cational) explanationpprovided to explain(now)Israel won thighs Ry ep i & war! uiiitary historians and strategists are still beffied! (4) Unabi 37, to conventionally conquer Israel, Muslim extremists /now)commit terror- ei « as i istic acts in a method of undeclered “unconventional warfare. There can be little doubt that Israel's reestablishment in Palestine; 4 ! Tce } Rava ‘1, Ws 7 Repeeany Sor | > EU Fi ae ay E 2, . eee YL %, of et. YS Ate teens 18. Breshears Earth's End has begun a prophetic ‘countdowl Ghat no Muslim hatredor force, can deter!) te1an aid not exist when the Bible was composed, though the Arabic and other Near Fastern cultures did. But,despite this absence fron Scripture, we find a curious prophetic analogy, in the beginning of the Revelation vision, spoken by the Lord,Wimseit! The Lord declared that in the latter era, there would be those who hold to the "doctrine of the Nicoleitans, which thing I hater" (5) Being the epitome of Holiness we know the Lord xould 6nly) hate something tnnory! (he Nico- laitans believed in control of religionyand its unconditional power, over * ite adnerente!) wicso) [subjectict and toasg[the people ],make up the roots for this doctrine,which mirrors the fanatical ideologyyend pract- ices of the Muslims (in their conquests, the subjection of people, into a religion,not originally theird, nor one particulerty desires! tter- ctingiyy Tiint UitwcwTiy mean ‘gegeelecige! Te de with tile Smetoarttag bistory in mind, that we behold the breaking of the second seal: "and there went out another horse that was red: end power was given to him that sat thereon,to teke peace from the earth, and that they should Kill one another: and there was given unto him,a great sword!” (6) The white horseman was the cause, the red one the effect! The bow of the first, designates him as a divine hunter personage who probably tuite Ma etic ecovnttnty tv send to she soc Ae of conventionat warfare!) Since the false messish must reestablish the prophesied Israeli kingdom,from the Euphrates in Iraq,to the edges of Foypt, in the Sinai;we can aseume that the red horsemen 1s an/(rab-Telanic reststence)jfron at (feast) the countries of Treq,and\Beypt: 19. Breshears Earth's End . " The’ great suord, and ite power, ie en intriguing archaic otis! Many cultures, including Middle Eastern ones, long ago were involved in ancestral worship) when swords were believed to contain the spirits, and fe heirlooms often worshipped,Mgiven eo Geen Powers invoked,in tines of battle: Many of them were ceremoniously decorated, and dedicated to the service of « god! The presence of thie great svord in Revelation, and the power given to it/could well atgnify the presence of an ancient aninosity rekindled, Gf a false deity, given power to oppose to an exten), the presence of another) false deity! tn thie case, the Telamte gods Allah's forces, are (given) leave, to assail the Antichrist's! The apocalyptic prophet Daniel evidently envisioned just such an occurrence! With Babylonia as the age-old enemy of the north and Feypt in the south, Daniel sam: wand at that time of the end shell the King of the south push at bil and the king of the north shall cone against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, end with many ships: and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over! (7) ‘The appearance of a figure interpreted to be the Messiahyin Israel, will immediately result in the destruction of the'Dome of the Rock and the exile and denise of a11 Islemic peoples|within the borders of terael's(original) border Tines! An Islamic Jihad would be effected as toon as At beconee apparent, that it was Tersel‘s intention fo recetabiien, their kingdom from Iraq,to the Sinai. Already Traq and Feypt have 20. Breshears Earth's End spearheaded invasions inthe Independence Net! in 1948, and the"Six Dey vss of 1967, with Beypt Ceoshatclogteat/ king of the south) ateo part icipating in the 1973 Yom Kippur war! Such an invasion is what Daniel prophecy of Daniel concerns (the Jihad) of the ved horsemen,ageinst Israel's | the fatse nossisn of Tarse1! A coatieion dM! unten Treg end Rarpt,are strangely’ mad ‘The false messiah will live up to his messianic pretense as conqueror, by utterly humbling those nations of the red horsemen that invade Israel by defeating their forces)and then “entering into those countries," thet tavaded,and “overflow and pass over” then! Isn't this language peculiarly detailed for a prophecy? Actually it (perfectly) describes the messianic expectation Tarael has today, of their ideai and prophesied Savior! The Antichrist will not only destfoy these invasion forces, (but he will conqoer ‘het countries, and return thelr heoclands to Terse)+ fron the river uphrates, to the brook of Feypt in Sinail The Kings of the north ana southotne 1246 and Happ) 4¢ 16 they vho WIL Snvade, be svbeved, and even have part of their own countries teken from themjby the Antichrist, ana given unto their Tereeli enemies! Their Snvasion is one of extreme netred, an ANSE Snimosity brought to a head! The color of the red horse- man perfectly exemplifies, the Muslim-Arabic hatred of Israel fend their ragdjat the appearance of the white horseman! 0 This acquisition of land is also alluded|in the end-time prophecies of 8 ams 2. Breshears Earth's End ‘Thie is not surprising since half of Babylonia, [Iraq], all of Syria and ! some of Baypt, belong prophetically to the Promise Land: eypet Heures prominently in these end-tine affeire! Modern Israel wae established in 1948,end Feypt became an independant republic, in 1953! (9) tn 1979, after three defeats by Teraet, the'Canp David Accords, ended the thirty year war, between Feypt end Israel, (being the very first Arab-Israeli peace treaty). The agreement mandated that the Sinai Penin~ sule,be returned to Egypt! (10) ‘There can be room for Little doubt, that Egypt will attack again! The prophet Daniel not only foretold of this invasion, of Arabic armies from the north and south, but specifically wrote that "..«Feypt and shall not escape..-he shall have power over the treasures of gold over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethio~ pians, shell be at nie [Antichrist's] steps!" (11) This is supported by the prophet Teaish who wrote, that God has provided Heypt for Tereel's ransom, and given Ethiopia,and Sheba also! (12) Ethiopia's part to play in all of this)is no doubt due to their modern militant Muslim mindset, (ete sortptural desigostion also eeferriag to)Algeria, Feara, Chad, Somolia, Sudan, Nigeria, Libya, Meli,and Nigerfaii) Isianic! ‘The destruction of Feypt will be totei! Ezra wrote that Feypt will ! fall in a war of blight, hail, and terrible storms: (13) Ezekiel foretold that the country would become so desolete tha sno foot of man shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years... 1 and her cities that are laid waste, shall be desolate forty years+" (14) Ezekiel wrote that after forty years, God will gather the Egyptians beck into their lend! Tt 4s probebly a safe assumption thet Feypt's incindiery 22. Broshears Earth's End destruction te by(muctesr) fallout, for not even animals will be able to visit, within the allotted time! Jeremiah wrote that Cairg (city of epht38 Sere, "abal2 be neseyand cacoLeteystshove an thabicant!" (1) Found among the Dead Sea Scrolle was a formerly unknown prophecy, of Ezekiel's: "Behold, the destruction of the Gentiles is coming... And there shall be anguish in Put, [Libya],and @ sword in Egypt, Cush, [Ethiopie]; shall fall) and the mighty "1 1 1 ones of Arabia..+A sword shall scatter them among the cities of Egypt and they shell perish!” (16) In the north of Iskaet, the false messiah will destroy Syria and Lebanon! Isaiah foretold that Damascus will be «ruinous heap’ (17), which has (rever)in history occurred for Damascus is probably the oldest occupied city in the worta! (foday it is nome to a Muslin population!) Lebaoon has participated in the’ Independence Wer, and the'Six Day War! against Tereel, but in the letter days LEbanon will be’ hewn down [Heb. ‘withered awa}, and the people shall be as the burnings of lime: as thorns cut up shell they be burned in the fire!” (18) The "hewing down" of Lebanon, ie a reference to the great pride this culture has maintained,from the most remote times,of its presence,(of the world famous lumber had therd, cited often in the Old Testament,as the “cedars of Lebanon! Prophets often used the phrase,"cedars of Lebanon", figuretively to describe (ongelic and lent figures) prominent in the older Biblical writings!) These cedars are mentioned in countless Sumerian, Akkadian, Feyptian, and \ Canaanite texts,and¥epic writings! Though the Antichrist initially attemgts to teke the entire geograph- 23. Breshears Barth's End foal axees of the Promise Land, he will not entirely fulti2i his obii- gation! (mere wit1 be complications with Iraq!) Daniel wrote that efter Egypt's destruction, " stidings out of the east, and out of the narthy shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth,with great fury to destroy, + and utterly to make away with many-" (19) This is exactly what Ezra wrote: "Then in the east you will suddenly see e fearsome sights Arab 1 armies with many chariots will advance..:" (20) (What "troubles" the Antichrist is revealed in the Old Testament a the mysterious Gog/Nagog forces);that will be the final Islemic-styled Armageddon described later in this voor! The defeat of Syria, Lebanon, Arabie, Feypt,end,the other African Islamic nations)is merely precipatory to the massive invasion of the | armies of Gogin the final Jihad. The red horseman is given power to Facade 80 Judaic Sevior,will not only shock the Muslim world, but all of earth! There will also be a rifty in the Christian world, as the identity of this person 1s examined! churches will fall, disperse, divide and new sects and denominations will evolve, as the entire planet; either believes he 4s the returned son of Goa, oMhiGre! Fera wrote that after Feypt's destruction, “nations will em them selvesyend fight against other nations! There will be ereat political turmoil, with one eroup txying to overpower another fend goin contro}, while ignoring the legitimate government! There will no longer be free access to the cities, because the struggle for power,will bring dest- ruction, terror,and tote1 confusioruherever people live!" (21) The fall of Feypt, Fthiopia,and Libya jis described by Daniel in 2b, Breshears Earth's End Babylonian symbolism, (which can be understood because the prophet was in exile in Babylon), e11 his life! He wrote that the Antichrist would arise, and defeat three“horns' that would be "plucked up by the roots! (22) This phraseology reaches back to Sumer, and Babylonia 4,000 years ago, when kings were associated to"holy trees, the source of their extend ed longevity! (23) Horns are emblematic of rulers, and do not have roots" The term "plucked up by the roots," indicates that these three rulers oppose the presence of the Antichrist)and paid for it with their lives! sme ney to underctending UBiélice sn thetjin Dontet's tine « simtter occurrence involved King Nebuchadnezzar, In a vision the king saw that he was represented as great tree hewn down, but/not)uprooted: The text specifically reads that the roots were to remain, so that the king could by the false messiah are @ pert of a ten-King confederacy, of Istente) ate ations sho a8 seen in the Roveletin wetingr/Ben these tineton the Antichrist until they too,are destroyed! The seven remaining horns (ations) WAM be dealt withyat the invaston;and destruction of Gos detailed laters. The Islamic nations are the single most threstening enemy, that Isreel has today! This tiny courftry is a proverbial;"drop in the bucket’; com- pered to the conbingg gigas of she Muotin worleysho have so eugreseively and incessantiy}eeitated, Terael! It is hot) surprising that Israel should seek Noosich,amidet such potentisily devastating odds! Though Teen and ell its adherents will wage war against the Antichrist;in a Jinad of unprecedented magnitude, (rivatling the onslavghts of their Asorite and Mohanmedian predece: Erne eet atmemeo tries erat) fe toact 25. Breshears Earth's End spiritual conspiracy, against Tere), « trap well spoken of, in the Revelation to be inescapable! Unfortunately, Islam too will fall,by Spiritual powers, they've chosen to invest their faith in} As the Roman Church incorporated Herne the Hunter, into Catholic Seinthood,to lure ## the people into their fold, soge@p did Islam edopt a pre-Islamic deity, named Huba! pinto Muslim teonography, (« fatse godjanctentiy worshipped in Canaan, and Arabia!) Even today @ stetue of Hubal,stands in Mecca, near the Ka'ba,(a divinity famous of old) for ite (orzo) oracte! (25) Fragment Three Strategic Famine The red horseman sax to the complete destruction of Feypty end desth of the people of northern Feypt by fire, so it is(ne)coincidence that the next horseman of the Revelation comes right out of the pagessof ancient Feyptian afterlife theoleat “and I beheld, and 10, @ black horse; end he that sat on him had a pair of balences in his hand..!" (1) In the Feyptian Book of the Dead,we learn that when one dies he desc- Ee ener ene eee eetee cecal that holds @ great scele by which to measure one's ite! Tf the soul of a man As Snpupeyne ie sent to the Embrecer of Fire, "Deller of the Pity (Abyss), orplord of the Horns, a11 three being designations of the Ruler : of He1l) and his various capacities! (2) Though the scale,and black horse- man imagery,allude to the death of the Feyptian enemies of Iereel, (ene prophetic message is also aimed at the Living, stii1 on earth!) This 26. Breshears Earth's End imagery is also significant to(Muslimd, and is found in the writings of the Quran, surah 23:3-5: "They whose balances shall be heavy, shall be the blest! But they whose balances shall be light,-these are they who shall lose their sovle, abiding in nell forever!” Interesting how the Revelation Imagery Links both the scales of the Eayptiany Book of the Dead) and the balances (scales),in the Quran of Muslin petier! The Revelation passage continues with, "And T heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a pennys and three measures of barley for a penny} and see thou hurt not the ofl,end the wine!" (3) The four beasts here ere the four cherubic guardian angels;before the tuzone of God, thet ennounce the four horsenen to John! Described here I is a calculeted global famine,caused by war and inflation: Such a food shortage 4s the mechanism by which the Antichrist will cone to absciute power! 011 and wineyare traditionally only available to the rich, during times of famine! This te unveiled in that he will have poweryover the treasures of Feypt)and of, gold and silvet ! (4) The African allied Islamic nations; subdued by the Antichrist) will probably suffer the woret of the food erteis,as the rest of the world struggles to survivesunder his tight grip of the global economy! As famine, the black horsemanyand his scales are emblematic of the impartiality of justice,ageinst the Muslim world, (cor their trespasses against the people of God!) tough this judgenent te carried out by the false christ it is still the(will of God)because of the disobedience of mankind! Ezra describes the end-time femine, as being particularly dreadful because of the tines preceding 1 when,"food will be 80 chospy that people will think a time of peace)and plenty has arrived! But then disasters will 27. Breshears Eerth's End spring up everyuhere-wars, famine,and a great confusion!" (5) The Antichrist's regime and i11usion of an Teraeli kingdon,amidet hostile Muslim armies will require immense quantities of finances. No doubt severely, high inflation, trade eanctions, and taxes,uill be imple~ mented because of the wars! This scarcity of food will be"orchestrated’ a prenediteted scheme) for the purpose of bringing #11 peoples into the fold of the false shepherd! Because today's economy is globsl, a breach or collapse, especially if planned, would greatly upset the “belences;" of commerce! Because of the swift militery exploits of the Antichristyand the parallelion of his deeds, and words, with Messianic prophecies, and expect ations, the Teraelites will be lured into entering @ seven-year peace agreenent, of hie design! (this deceptive pact was foretoid by Denier!) 6) Evidence of the Antichrist's intent to starve the world) into submission is traced back to the west Semitic deity Resheph, @ god of (hunger), pest- ilence, and heat, (7) who shot arrons of (starvetiod! such an analogy is made by Ezekiel, who wrote that the pain of an arrow wound jis like that ofa famine! (8) Ezra wrote that this famine will drive people to assault their neighbors,and mereSlously plunder their possessions! (9) Before relocating to Jerusalem jthe Antichrist will reside in his ancient spiritual pover bese: Babylon! (this 4s why Traqyie not completely destroyed with Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon! This may also be related to the seven-year agreement, initiated by this perpetrator! Babylon will be the economic focal point jof the entire worldjas seen in Rivelation 18! (Cecnartanin a vieton,witneosed two women wlth stork's wings, cerzy an 28. Breshears Earth's End ephah into the afz, and fly avay into the horizon!) Winged feneles are prominent in Babylonian (demonology) and art, called shedim and intial, The stork identifies these women as demons, for in the Old Testament, these 4 birds are listed in the Law as ‘unclea’ y ‘An ephah is the largest Hebrew dry measure and is representative of conmerce! As the denons departed Ccarrying*wealtt) the prophet asked an angel where they were going, and he replied, “To build 4t)en house in the lend of Shinar: end St shall be established, and set there upon her own basel” (10) The building of @ house for the ephahyis symbolic for the establishment of an economic center)in Babylon! Babylon wes the royel city of (Nimrod, the first Shepherd King, @ and murderer of the people of God! Babylon ruled over Shinarwith its domain, extended into Syria (Aram), Assyria, and Canaan, (Israel), in the days of this wicked king, about 300 years,after the Flood! This vision reveals that the Antichrist's economic poxer base{vili} be Babylon! Further eschatological evidence is seen in that the very next verse ea” in the vision of Zechariahreeds$ " the first chariot were horses, and the second chariot*black horses; and the third chariot’ white” horses, and in the fourth chariot*grisledand'bey“horses!" (11) Chapters vieton hae(fourJnorsedrawn chariots, however, there are (five) different colored horses: red, black, white, grisled and bey! Revelation on the other hand only depicts (four) colors, but there are actually (five) horse men: white, red, black, pale and (Hel, 29. Breshears Earth's End begins with the Antichrist, (white horseman) yet Zechariah's begins with the red chariot, (war), which corresponds to the red horsenanj‘after) the energence of the false messiah! The absence of @ white charioty before the red one in Zechariah's vision,exhitits that the felse christ is already in Babylon, when the economic center is esteblished! ‘The Babylon referred to here is(not) the state of Iraq, which will brood in silent wrath,at the Antichrist's presence, but @ new city that will be built, (one that has actually been there for 4,000 years, buried in silent sands, for almost half its rite! Yore on the renovation of the ancient city of Babylonywill be detailed later in this bookerisy Fragment Four Preneditated Chaos The signature of the presence of the infamous Horned Huntemany and Shepherd King,continued through the red and bleck horsemen, and is nim! And power was given unto them over a fourth part with death, and with beasts of the earth! qa) This fourth horseman is the fourth seal judgement, of the seven and lave noreenan receivingleront), ene death of the evordy (fe horsenan), and nunger,fSiack horseman)! The fourth element 4s sonesbat mysterious : 30. Breshears Earth's End four ie the number of the fesrti}. (2) The fourth seal, (horeenan), contains * ’ four judgements that directly affect e fourth part of earth+ ‘The fourth part of the earth hereywill most likely be the Middle I Fastern, African and south Asian enemies ,of the Israeli state. Today retan vonate of being a falthjof one-fifth of the entixe norte! The geographical part of earth affected will be Littered with carnace, and demolished armament, buildings,and crop lands, as war, famine,and violence apreate! It ie under the retgn of Death thet many wil perich in these ways! To the pre-Tslenic; of eariy Conaonite nin, Death would have and a been identified as the god"geted, (lord over pestilence and plagu god found (four) times),in the O1¢ Testament! Qeted connotes {destruction (3) The god Resheph, {mentioned earlier), was also a deity of pestitence! In the Canaanite texts of Ugarit, he is depicted as shooting (errows) of fever! (4) To ki11 with"death' 4s phrasoology that implies that many will die by unconventional means like desease, perhaps by biological, chemical, or even(nuctear) means! The word death is used because the Biblical records often use neutral terminology when describing things that when composed were alien, or lacking literary parallels, such as the word fnructead, a word and phenomenon unknown , in times of antiquity! Already it is apparent that nuclear holocaust (wii) ocour in Egypt, and possibly Lebanon! Wax) and the resultant mass deaths of people, causes airborne meladies yand fetlout poisons the earthy and people afar, with radioactive contamination! Plagues have for millennia‘been regarded as the weapons, (arrows & swords) of gods that used then egainst mankind, for violations of social, end moral, 31. Breshears Earth's End i codes! (5) Of note 4s what the scientist, and athiest Carl Sagan, had to say about possible nuclear fallout! Mr. Sagen wrote that if @ nuclear explosion occurred,on or near a large of] refinery,field or resevoir, (soot woulé then £111 the atmospherchcausing # drop of thirty, to seventy degrees! A nuclear winter! Sagan claims such an occurrence would sterve a (fourth) of the world's population! (6) The pale horseman with all its associations to the earth) is not = coincidence! The Revelation was written in Greek! Though in English the translators have used the word "pale," the actual Greek word, refers to a light shade of ‘grectilchiorie]! The Grecian myths tell that long ago a woman becane 60 fearful that she turned pele,and was since then Y named Chloris: (7) This being a judgement upon the earth) (which was personified as a‘ woman) anciently), it is (no) surprise to learn that Chloris was also a goddess, of (vegetation!) of further eSgnificance 1ink- ing this fourth part of the earthto the Muslim countrieg,is that green 1s the traditional color of Islan! (8) This fourth, and pale horsemen,does not slay 2 quater of earth, but earth) will endanger men, a judgement foretold by Moses: "I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and meke you few in number." (9) These animals can be all kinds: wolves, rabid vermin, domesticated dogs, bovine, hanks or vultures, mountain lions and panthers, bears, snakes, insect plagues) 32. Breshears Earth's End that in the lest days the,".-.wild animals will leave the fields,and forest!" (10) Sone very old Hebrew weitnings tell that prior to the Great Flood, the "beasts of the earth devoured many people!" (11) Lastly of note is that the fourthhorseman is(not)one rider, but two! he rider(iell) actually follows efter Deathyand the passage reads that ! “power wes given unto then../" This is also mirrored in the vision of Zechariah,who saw that the fourth chariot iseued from Babylon was not pulled by a team of eimilarly colored horses,as were the grevious three chariots, but by (both) grisied and bay horses! (or Death, ana Heit!) To the early Egyptians the red horseman signified their doom, which incidently was the (i) horseman in Zechariah's vision! In keeping with their theology, we eee that the black horsenan,with the scales was the underworld weigher of sours! The pale horse represents their eternal damnation, as oppressors of God's people, for(iel1) follows the Death, they suffered that was initiated/by the red horseman! As a felse savior, the white horseman, is the"Lord of the Hornd'in the Book of the Dead these people Feared 20 muon! As the personification of Death and Hell)the Antichrist will protect Tereelyfrom their (Tetanic) enentes, an act of expected shepherdship, which will turn drastically for the noree! Daniel foresaw this, as well as Teaieh, vho wrote, "s+.we have mode @ covenant witb"Deatt), and with *yent! we ore in agreenent...for we have mede Lies our refuge!” (12) This motif is not only traced back to the mid-firet millennium BC prophetic writings of the Bible, but through Babylonian and Akkadian texte, that vere based and copied frou older Sumerian stories and pettete! Before Babel and Babylon, Wimrod’s youthful epithetywas Cilgames, [archeicly 33. Breshears Earth's End Bilgames]! In Sumer he was the ruler of Uruk) the Sheepfold, of which t ae : he was © Shepherd King: (13) Uruk was, Biblical {Erect}, built by Nimrod, according to Genesis 10:10-11! Giigamesh's friend, and follower, was con~ denned by the gods for his participation in unlawful activities, that Gilgamesh 1ed him into performing! Because he was part divinity, Gilgamesh kas not punished! This unlucky friend was Enkidu, who in the seventh tapietyof the" pple of ttzssest este, “The heavens cried out and the earth replied, ond I was standing between them, There appeared a man of dark visage-hie face resembied the Anzu, (1ion-headed eagle), his hands were the paws of a lion, his nails the talons of an eagle! «sHe seized me by the hair, and over- powered mes.sled me down to the house of darkness..." (14) ‘The Sumerian (Anzu) being) appears to be the same as the lion, bull, caste, ond{fbinan-facea cherubic guardian, who shows John the vision of the four horsemenjof the Seven Seals! The act of standing between Reaven and eorthjis reminescent of the beginning of the Revelation/{ihere John looks up and sees @ window above,that he is invited to ented), which shows him the apocatypse,below on earth! Though this story is over 4,000 years old, its lesson is clear: following the(wrong) Shepherd King, will lead to your own death, when a “man of dark visage" will lead you downto the Where, ae this Sumerian text reads, "...those who s * house of darkness, enter, do not come out, 34. Breshears Earth's End Chapter 2. x ¥ihe Beginning of Sorrows Fragment Five Spiritual Dark Age Begun The sudden appearance of @ mighty, religious-political figure, who exercises powertYraa, keeps the Muslim hordes from inveding Israel, and with unrelentless finalityleys waste to the countries of Africa, Syria and Lsbano) 2 couse @ rift in the goct tes of earthyes believers in hin contend with those who still hold fast to their own faiths! The first seal thet John witnessed is = result of the white horsenan's presenceyendt¥ctions on earth, just es is the fifi): “And when he hed opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar, the souls of them that were elain for the test- imony which they held; and they eried with a loud voice, saying, How long, 0 Lord, Holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood)on them that dwell on the eerth?” (1) Horses are terrestial enimels, and their usage in the first four seals was used to exhibit events, that unfold on esrthl This fifth seal seth weal is not part of the worldly reaction to the presence) and activities of the Antichrist, but the(offecd! As the past 20 centuries have unfolded 35. Breshears Earth's End christianity has overspread the entire world, influencing governments, religious movements, the way we view the universe, science, Holidays, and culture, as we know it! With the appearance of a seemingly divine deliverer; end miracle worker sho cubdues the enenies of Tereet,against ail odds, the Christian world will be rent spact@s some churches branch away, incorporating this Antifin stead of JOnrist into their worship)and othese,sho told true to thetr faithyin the Neseishsnip of the true christ! To the millions who already disdain Christianity,and other facets of organized religion\(which is what the Church has become), the false shepherd's ministry,will be reason enough to now ridicule believers dn the true Hessiahy because they will be viewed,a8 herettco! Relietous conflict at this time,will result in so many wrongful deaths, that the Revelation vision makes careful mention of them here)in the fifth seat. Meo conveyed here is the intriguing fact ;that there is @ set number of re ete ee cone aacey tea were given unto every one of thems and it was said unto them, that ye should restyet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killedyas they were, should be fulfitted! (2) White robes are germents of purity! Ezra recorded this Heavenly event about 500 years before John received the Revelation, writing, "Stand up and see the number of those who have received the Lord's markyand who share in Wis banquet! They have left the darkness of this age) and have received shining white robes,from the Lora!" (3) Despite the Antichrist's claims in a modern revival, (perpetuating the lie of nis Divinity),this era will be the beginning of the Great Apostecy 36. Breshears Earth's End foretold by the New Testanent writers, « spiritual dark age! Millions of people will be enthralled by the Antichrist;in his campaign to mimic ‘the works of Christ(hile others will undergo @ spiritual revival; because they recognize the false Messiah for what he is, thus further strength- ening their resolve and faith)that the end-times are truly upon then! Ae many are led away to their deaths, many more will receive the Spirit by theistestinony, and martyrdom! While wars, Holy and{untloty)ravege the earth, governments and ethnic groups, will take sides) and violence and lawlessnesswil1 become the norm! The mess murdering of Christians (and others of 111 fortune), will be more easily concealed;6r,overtooked!) Since @ god and savior, has been found in the person of the Antichrict, public tolerance of nonconformist Christians,will be minima1! The persecution, imprisonnent,and secret executions of His people; during this technological dark age,is not © result of His callousness jor indiff- erence, (eather, the Creator is more concernedwith the eternal espects of our existence with Himjthan with our presently perishable bodies.) Our physical bodies are less important; than our spiritual ones, which will one day be housed in bodies, that (cannot) be destroyed! The souls under the altar, cry out for the blood of vengence! This is in accordance with Mosiae law,and is traced back to the early preflood World: "And shall not God avenge Wis own elect, which ory day, and night; unto him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily, nevertheless, when the son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the esrth?” (4) The ‘souls under the altar’ is also found,in the apocalyptic writings of Enoch; concerning the lest days, end the act of blood crying up from the ground,is what brought judgement upon Cain, 37. Breshears Earth's End a after he secreée Killed his brother Abel, et the dawn of antedituvien history! The Antichrist's situation with opposing religious fronts; is similer to the Isreeli's early relationship, with the Phareohs of Egypt. The Beyptian ideology held that the Pharaoh was a"god-king, en earthly { intercessor between his people,and the deities of heavens As such, Phareoh found that the Hebrews were enemies; to his sovereignty, being Worshippers of one Godjand not respecters of the native pantheon, of deities he represented! The Antichrist will be @ Phareoh-like king, ho will perseoute the cnorging tribulation Church for the exact same reason as his historic counterpartpelievers will expose him for actually beingjthe false shepherd! They will spread the truth in the end days, as they explain to others what is Wjfalling upon the world! When these Christians ere detained, Ee ridiculed, beaten and tortured, {many even killed, their feiths will is serve as convincing testimonies) to others, of their trust in Jesus as Savior, aya in (Hig) promise of the Resurrection! The first century churches were tentted in thie way! The believers who refused to deny God,were tormented until Killed/but their exemples sparked conversions everywhere jas people watched their courege jad unfaltering persistance, in choosing to die for their belieis, rather than dénying the Lord, who had seved theni Tt was often that the executioner becene the (executed) because of their refusel to sley the convicted! Aimost 2,000 years ago believers were beheaded, boiled, flayed alive, hnung by noose, or upon crosses, disembowled, or even cast into public arenas,of awaiting soldiers,or wild animais,as Romen citizens watched 28. Breshears Perth's End ten dig(at social outings) deatgned to entertein! All of this was because they accepted the deity of Christ, and/refused) to bow downto a Ronan emperor, who claimed to be the physical manifestation of @ goa! Fragment Six Signs in the Sun and Noon Just as the fifth seal ddscribed occurrences in the Heavens, so too does the sixth seal: “And T beheld, when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was’ an earthquakejand the sun became black, as sackcloth of hair, end the moon became es blood, end the stars of Heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty windby (1) The interpretation of this passage is critical for understanding the unfolding of the apocalypse,and the premeditated intent of the fa’ shepherd! wnat ie described here)is an astronmical occurrence, end a0 such, there is Little possibility that it was fiot known already By nin! The Antichrist's agenda is the deceiving of earth's populetion into accepting him as the true Messiahsand having the people of earthy believe nat the eributetionyand Armegeddon, are (fulfsiedjunder Ms reten, over Jerusaien! In truth the fourth horsemen merely initiate the "beginning of sorrows" fas foretold by the sesus!] The sixth seal involves astro~ nomicel, (therefore (predictable) events, that the Antichrist will capit- =plize fron! Jewish gpocelyptic literature ;is widely known throughout the world,and it 48 te intent of the Antienrtst 0 synchtonize he military exploits, tfominton andppearance with apocalyptic(astropomical) 39. Breshears Earth's End of the Old Testament: J'hnd T will show wonders in the Heavens, and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pitiare of snokel The sun shell be turned into darkness, and the noon into blood, “before the greet and terrible day of the Lord,conethi" (2) the Antichrist's achene Snvolves this very judgement! Knowing (before bend}that this ts to occur) the fates shepherd will synchronize Ms ABFA Leproits,witn this celestial phenomenon because st 8 the nost nticipated astronomical event, in Jewish eschatology! The prophet For, Joel's writings have been studied eaves four centuries,before the aopeacance of heist, (prophetic wettings that reves) shat the cartentng of the evn and moon,wii1 inaugurete the return of the Lord;to establish tte kingéod)end ait wpon the enrone of David! The elsth seet snietetes the(bexinaing) of the Tribulation, but the Rebrews,and many others;wil1 think it marks the end)of thie epoch in Bible prophecy because of the shrewd designs of the false shepherd King! Eera's own penetrating writings exhibit the interpretive value of such prophetic texts and their expected fulfillments, and significance, writin the desinntng yi ond of everytning thet happens,in this world, are clear! The sane is true in the orld above: wonders end miracles show the(beginning) of events, and aignty steney show when they end! (3) the Antichrist will vee eis event to validate hie slleged dfvintty by possibly(prophesying) of its occurrence, knowing that the sun and moon are cocrousjto the Hobreve because they are recorded even in Genesis to ve for signs!" (4) ‘The four horeenen merely outline the terrestrial 40. Breshears Earth's End factors that will align prior to the great tribulation which will actually begin with the seven trumpets: The seven seals are on a "scroll, a writing that unveils the future,and how to ascertain just how it wi31 wntoldem trumpets initiate werejend steno! the(bextnntng! and (ending pF tmportent evento! The sixth seal describes changes in our solar system;that directly affect earth, (elterations that will nost Likely be mentionedsby the felse messiahyin his campaign to convince the masses}in his facade of nessiehship! Both the ‘visions of Joel and Jonn revesl that # vast ast@Aid field will appear in orbit around the sun between it and the eortn! such a field of rock and ice debris in apsce, will allow for only minimal light to pass through to earth, making the sun much darker, but sti11 vietbie! (the moon does not produce Light of its own and will not reflect near ae much solar light to earth,because of this innense tieta!) these darkening effects are preceded by @ trenendous earthquake, As this approaches Earth's own magnetosphere, the electromagnetic tension will result in intense internal core radicactivity{which releases trenendovs energs);throvgh the viclence of earthquakes! Astroids fields do not regularly maintain powerful magnetic fields, unless accompanied r by a colony, orfsingle large celestial body like a plenetoid,"Ecnesace OTK a 1 soonjorfbtuntte scold The interpretation 1s made more profound) in thet the final effect of this phenomenon is the descent of the’stars of heave that fall upon the earth! these are astroige pulled into earth's atmosphere, that turn into meteors of burning rockyuntil they exe incinerated from the heat; end a. Breshears Earth's End friction of their extreme velocities. That is, unless they are of @ Se i eeetes le e eeeselcoee (Such impacts release tremetidous shock waves into the earthywhich coulé further trigger more seismic activity,and voleanism;to the extent of , releasing massive concentrations of subsurface radioactive particles), into the air! John wrote that these stars fall like "untimely figs," which alludes auite clearly that thie te pot) the greet day of the Lord's wrath, nor te 4 the end of the Tribulation...tut the(beginntng! These stare are untimely because the time for judgement is(not) ripe, being nowhere near as destructiveyas if these stars had been" rips! The prophecy of Joel adds a detail very consistent with the imagery, writing that there will bey"pillars of smoke"; on earth! This is what is to be expected of sonnets tnt wetvon testy eseonjand evn poesia premise wastelands] The Revelation vision continues with, "And the heaven departed as a scroll,when it is rolled together; and every mountain and i i island were moved out of their places." (5) Mountains and islands represent the (highest) areas of 1endyand sea,end their movenents are i a resulted from techtonic shifting, and crustal stippage,Sxtensive vole~ NCH : 9 Peep) ! anian and ‘ever’ possibly a shift in the earth's tilt. Further textual evidence here of the appearance of an astroid field filtering out the sun's light)is seen in that;"the heaven departed as @ scroll, when it Ss rolled together, "(which to an ancient writed, is an excellent description of a perfectly scientific, (if not unusual), view of the ot ton fom entth's nrfasnas the oun and acon Uteraity dinines! Jonn 1s describing the sane thing as the oun becoming, "black ae ‘sackototh! 42. Breshears Farth's End Sackcloth has tiny holes that can be seen through, though with difficulty. This exhibits that the sun is still visible in the sky, (but darkened considerebly}as if covered by sackcloth! The disappearance of the eters tn the skye becouse of this same vast sstroid field)that obscures the sun. As the earth rotates, our movenent will cause the S1lusion of thousands of stars literally vanishing,in sone parts of the sky, or rolled up like a scroll! While sone stars vanish, others will be seen in broad (daylight) because of the reduction of sunlight, and reflected Light off the moon's darkened surface,and the lessened solar refracted Light off the atmosphere/(that normally causes the skies);to appear blue! Without this normal light the sters will be visible,during the deytime hours, but only in the areas of the sky where the astroid field does not "roll up the heavens..." According to ancient Christian records, (ionety the report of Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Cecser in Rom), this Pilate wrote, "Now when he,(Christ],was crucified, darkness came over all the wore fhe sun was altogether hidden, and the sky appeared dark Pele ee (oe eeers)eeee (omeasfect sete eestor ne ets ree erate alae cee thet) 0 all the worldjthey lighted their lamps, from the sixth hour [noon], (into evenin}!” and the moon, which was 1ike blood, d4é not shine all lamentation over the seus!" (6) This letter was written to explain the great carknese that fe11 upon earthy ae aleo recorded in the Gospels concerning cneiet'® oructstzton! With the Tribuletion about to begin it appears that this darkening, 43. Bresheers Earth's End of the sun and noon; will not lest long, for there ere judgements in the apocalypse;that necessitate the appearance of a normal sun,and aoe Once the astroid field moves on, (for another future rendevous with earth), end the skies return to normal, the Antichrist will steb- ilize the global society! Wars will cease for the time being, and the attendant geological disturbances of strange electromagnetic storms, earthquakes and volcanoes; will be restored to their average rates of occurrence. {as a seething intolerance for the (erue)Chrietian world puitas!) mere will no longer be eny room on earth;for (unbelievers) who fai1 to acknowledge the messiahship, of the new Shepherd King! Although this is but a deceptive facade of peace and security, under ‘the dominion of the false christ, this astroid field will journey on its pathythrough the solar eystem,and around the sun to return again! Tt wi11 then bring with it something that will strike the eerthya blow so sovere;that e(third)of the world will be instantly destroyed! Tn essence, the sixth seats © uerning tofettwho will take heed in the 1est dave! The advance notice is clear: shortly after the darkening of the sun, and noon a third of the world will die! ‘The Tribulation begins, and ends,with the darkening of the sun, and noon! Jesus told Wis disciplies that: : : tmmediateryCefter) the tribulation of those days shall the oun be darkened, and the moon not give her 2ight, and the stare shel fall from heaven, and the powers of the of the sun of man, in Reaven../" (7) Though the sixth seal is a prophetic warning, to al1 those who are aveiting oh. bresnears Earth's End ne return of chris}, this astronomical phenomenon S11 be used,by the Antichrist to éonvince Terael that the Tribuletion is énding)and that soon the "eign of the son of many will appear in the sky! Ancientty this sign wes looked for,end found,by the magi of the east;before they travelled to see the Christ child,with their own eyes! The(sigi) expected by the Hebrens is @ star of unique britlisnce; that will appear, and seemingly validate the divinity of the Antichriet, Ghoneved, it will keep approaching, until it arrives;and in a moment ennhilates one third of the planet! Fragnent Seven The Seventh Seal Broken the seventh seal is the prime key to those who try to unlock the secrets of prophetic chronology! Many of the educated, and learneds re guilty of claiming that the Revelation scars Mrunpets, anf Viats are figurative for predictions, end synboiten fot in proper ordel), sone even going as far as to say that they ere fulfilled in various sequences yet aii climaxing together, into the end! This is far from the truth! The ignorance of men who do not understand the design of God's instructions tn viewing the pastfpropneticsl4" and the future as"past";mave confounded the interpretation of the Revelation! The seals are chronologically announcedyand end with the announcement of the seven trumpets! Like~ wise, none of the vial judgements )are portrayed, until the trumpets are exhausted! "and when he had opened the seventh seak, there was silence in Heaven the space of about half en hour: And I saw the angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven 45. Breshears Earth's End trumpetel” (1) The seven seals represent actions that must occur, before the scroll (containing the tribulation judgements of God) can be opened,and read! Fach event was shown to John, each broken seal drawing the prophet closer ie absolutely frothing) 1 that unfold on earth. The four horsemen unveil terrestriel circumstances) upernatural about the events of the seven seals, concerning the Antichrist's rise, and dominion, the fifth seal deals with the subsequent persecution of those Who refuse to abandongheir faithyin the Messiah, the sixth depicts astronomical disturbances) and their’ effect on earth and the SVsrth is @ silence in Heaven/that elludes to @ period of inactivity, on earth! Seals are marks that ensure that information is revealed only when the proper time is cone! These ‘seals are God's way of preparing to set the world stage; for the empowerment of the Antichrist, (who will clean up this international mess, restore peace, and like Pharaoh of old, save any from feming}and natural didasters! His goal te order enongst chaos, of his own design. The seven seals begin the, "time of the end" foretold to Daniel; the prophet by an angel: “But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the endi,many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (2) The greatest proofs that the four horsemen merely set the stage, for the tribulation to unfold,is found in the very words of Jesus! The Lord's famous end-time sermon, ist chronologically synchronized;aith the breaking of the seals. In private, the Lord's apostles asked Him, "...what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" And His 46. Breshears Earth's End ! answer in relation to the seven seals/is astonishing He seid, "Take heed," “that no man deceive you, for many shall come in ny nane, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many! (White Horseman:1st Seal) “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must come to pass,"but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom and kingdom...(Red Horse mani 2nd Seal) “.ssand there shall be famines; and pestilence, and earthquakes in divers places! A11 #11 these are the “poginning of sorrows!” (Black Horsemen:3rd Seal & Fale Horsemen:4th Seal) "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: end ye shall be hated;of all nations, 1 for my name's sake..+" (5th Seal) These prophecies are recorded in this exact order, in Matthew 24 oof In the text we read that nation shall rise against nation, (a statement of contemporsry significance}when taking into account that the Greek ie transtation is nore acuretely rendered asfrace!/snalt rise ageinst ! and country against country: The striking similarities between the Words of Jesus, and the envisioned events, witnessed by John; Teveal that the four horsemenyand rest of the seven seals,are truly antecedent to 1s what we rafer to as the'end’ 6r as Jesus said, these are merely the 1 "beginning of sorrows." In fect, it ie (not) until the false shepherd ar. breshears Earth's End invades Jerusalem jand erects an idol in the temple, that Christ says, "or thet! shall be/great tribuletion, such as was not since the begin ning of the world, to this time, no, nor ever shall bet" (3) Fragnent Eight The Seven Trumpete With the seals 811 broken) and the silence in heaven ended, the first trumpet shatters this peace, and initiates the beginning of the “Great Teibuletion! "The first angel sounded, and there followed hail, and fire, mingled with blood: and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all the green grase wae burnt up (2) (tis is no doubt @ result of earth's contact with the same astroid sixtn seat! Earlier, perhaps es many a6{tno to five yeard, this astroid field was between esrth and the sun! The expanse of time between these events, (6th Seal to 1st Truspet) could be many years because the heavily predicted seven-year period; (the seventieth Shp (2) does not begin until the Apocelypse does. Not with the seals, which(ninder) the advent of the Great Teibuletion, but with the beginning of the trumpets, Unlike earth's first contact with this ruinous field of rockjand ice in space, more than meteorites will impact)the planet's. surface this tine! ‘and the second angel sounded and as it vere @ great mountain burning with fire,was cast into the sea, and & third part of the sea,became blood 1 and a third part of the ships,were destroyed." (3) As the earth orbits the sun,(20 miles per second); it will encounter this large,and densely packed group of astroids, and our atmosphere will be penetrated by an enormous meteorite, that will result in the extinction of a third 48. Ereshears Earth's End of all life, on the planet The trumpets are in successive order, and as such, are each entirely independant judgements. Many ere the scholers;and teechers,who have erronously assumedyand taught, that the two separate judgements of the there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon a third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the nane of the ster,is called Wormvood, and a third part of the rivers became wormwood, end many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter!" (4) The firet impact involved ‘mounteiny that landed in the sea, the second is a “ster that lands in several fresh water places etmuitencousty! tre" star'nere 1s symbolic for the descent of an‘angelic beinjynamed vormwood, an epithet bestowed upon him that describes his apocelyptic duty} Wormwood is a root in the earth, (elso symbolic for an underworld being), end he is commissioned to spoil the world's fresh water supplies(es 2 result)of the astroid impact of the 2nd trumpet! This 3rd trumpet poisoning of the world's naturel fresh water sources;is not seen visually, just as"Wormwood’ will not be seen. Just as Abaddon and Michael have their prophetic roles to pley in accordance with the will of the Crestor, so too must Wormoed obey! This beings mission is to oversee the spreading of radioactive contam- ination initiated by the impact energy released from the "mountainy ! that lends in the sea! The approach of this object will have heightened at core radioactivity, and volcanic venting and,its impact would have produced sufficient ehockwaves(end destruction to cause subsurface radiation to spew from thousands of volcanic ovtiet® that would then conteminate 49. Breshears Earth's End underground fresh water resevoire, springs and rivers with radioactive partictes! pitterness! The astroid field and impact object ere probably held together in apsoeyby the powerful magnetosphere of en even greater celestio! body Snead nn en emrac ecient is cere could very we1t be a(sopet) too! A conet woutd nave an inmense erava- tational pullzend its tell, being composed of millions of bitorand plecegg | of rock, ixon ore,end icejvould perfectly suffice for the darkening of 000,000 mites tong!) Te 4s only 92,000,000 mites to the eun, from earth! 1é earth entered the teil of comet, then the astroid debris in the tail of the comet would release reddish particles and dust, effectively Tf the comet's atnosphere is composed of methane then earth's atmosphere would be poisoned! Hydrogen in the comet's tailjwould ignite by oxygen 4n our atmosphere, causing hurricanes, and tornadoes of (fire: (5) The passage of a comet with a powerful gravatational pull on earth, would explain the fourth trumpet judgement: not for a third part of it, and the night Likewise!” (6) a third) requires simply the impact of en object sufficient enough to 50. Bresheers Earth's End execute such @ means. But to reduce the sun, moonjand,sters by @ third ts not poseibie 1iteralty: put(yssuatiy)thte 16 eastty accomplished 4£ one takes into consideration that the extremely heightened internal core redicactivity(caused by the presence of the comet's powerful mag- netic friction and gravitational puld,could in effect cause the planet ve etn mu Eesiae pon te ane To reduce th gun, acon and #34 by a third would mean to (increase) Herth’s spin momentum by e third, making our 24 hour daysyonly 16 hours long: Since the comet will not stay The fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets, outline the release of 200 million demonic beings, released from the Abyss,that will (capower) an army of 200 million soldiers ,that invade 1ike “locusts:" The hidden Jewish eschatological meaning of"Locusts,will prove to be stunning, later in this dock! With these armies will be released four dark angel lords; (or princes), and “Abaddon, known to the Greeks, as Apollyon,and to Daniel as the "prince of Grecia that would arise in the lest days, to aid the anticnrist! tike'Wormvood, these dark angelic beings ere released from their abyesal confines,to bring to closure the Heavenly rebellion they a ee his minions are released from the Abyss/by the impact of what astronomers call an"Apollo Cless object, © virtual Fartn-Kitler astroia! Though the writings of the Catholic seer, and ayatic' Nostradamus, are greatly criticized, it cannot be ignored that he (foresan) the end-time impact of a gigantic celestial body,or ite presence in the sty! In quatrain 75 (22 2.41, 23 2.43, 24 2.18 & 2.47) he wrote: or seven days the great star shall be seen, es if two Sle Breshears Earth's End Suns in the sky should appear...during the time the hairy ster appears...struck from hesven, shacky peace, shaking domnpour, sudden, impetuous, un- pected, shall hinder to armies! Stone, heaven, fire shall fall over the sea...stones are reining, hidden under the netz}" (7) ‘This vision is remarkably consistent with our modern astronomical knowledge of conets, (information that over 300 years ago was (not) available to Nostradamus!) He mentions that stones are, "hidden under the hair) which, the hair anciently referred to the comet's tail,as that Nostradamus could (ot) have known that hydrogen when combusted in I the atmosphere could result in "fire falling over the sea: Lastly, * ) the seer mentions two armies, that ere hindered. Though as Christians we are leery of this man's visions, and writings, careful scrutiny of the unfolding of prophetic events,in the next two chapters jill exhibit beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nostradamus truly envisioned, the "Eutur i One must be reminded that not @11) prophets are Holy, but this does not always indicate that their prophecies are wrongeass1 The appesrance of the "Locusts," (four angel lords,and the Prince of Grecte colted Appotyor} beeingthe Anfernel conspiracy egainst the Arab world-.sand ultimately against Teracl! At this time(at114e going ace- ording to the Antichrist's plan)in orchestrating an all-out Islamic Armageddon; that will not only vindicate his claims of godhood, but also seal Israel's fate: Though the Creator is systematically judging the 52 Breshears End of Earth world, the Antichrist is utilizing these catastrophies;to his own adventege! Even the fateful and horrific judgement of Anericaywill be to bie advantage, ao vith the seventh trumpets the Basurnectiog Tats diabolicel leader will die/before many,and seemingly resurrect in sterk mimicry of the true Messiah! Everything on earth remsiningsfter the impact;wil1 be under hie control! And et this time, (every) single thing the Creator made in Genesis lj will be affectedjby @ third: trees, grass, sea, rivers, fountains, sun, moon, stars, day, nighty ana (zannin Thus, 1002 of God's terrestrial creation;will be handed over to the . Anticheict (efter) it Se reduced by atthind’ or exactly, 66.69 fe(enrt 53. Breshears Earth's End Chapter 3. a judgement of Americ: Fragnent Nine The Eagle's End America is an empire, and as with all the other empires that heve fe setinsts, The birth, Life andénd jof the United States of America,was foretold over 2,500 years ago! But in order to fully see into these prophetic nysteries;it would be wise to first outline the predecessor empires that were prophesieg(to com), how they axose, and elso ended, in Fi1fi11- ment to ancient prophecies! Over 500 years before Christ, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream of a statue (image), that was interpreted by the prophet Daniel,to 1 be a prophetic countdown of, ‘empired. (1) Its composition was of various netels, that decreased in valueto miry, (airty,cley! These were: Head of “god (Babylon 605-539 BC) Breast/arms of ‘silver (Persia 539-331 BC) left arm (Media) right arm (Peroia), Belly/thighs of brass’ (Greece 331-168 BC) Legs of iron" (Rome 168-476 AD) left Teg (eastern Greek empire) right leg (western imperial empire) Feet of/"4 iD s/iron mixed with miry clay 5a. Breshears Farth's End ‘This vision represents a prophetic countdown,to the firet coming of tne Mesolan! King Nebuchadnezzar himself wae told that he) was this wnead of gore! All four of these empires,have oppressed Israel ;in sone vey. (oy Snvesion, deportations end occupations.) When this prophecy ues uttered the Babylonten empire was in power! It may have been possible for the aged prophet, to have foreseen the reenergence of the Persiane,@fter the Babylonian declind, but onty¢Godhcould have known that the Aegeen cultures were soon to consolidate, and give rise to the enous Greek empire or thet the then 1itele tnow(onans)woulé foltew beyond the First Advent, and into the distent future: These legs end) in feet composed of both}tzon and dirty cley, which sfgnifies the unton of an unclean religious,or spiritual movenent jor body with that of @ harsh ailitery; or political systems ‘This 4s an excellent description of whet years, after the resurrection of Christ: the Papecy! An interesting parallel to the image of different metels)is also found in Greek mythology (me early Greek philosophers end writers held that there were anciently four ages of history, represented by gold, * » stiver, brass and iron!) "The Golden Age) was a time of ecological perfect~ ton, no lew, war, fortifications, crime and evil) rt wes perpetual spring, and prosperity. "The Silver Age, began the division of yeers, and save decatesand sentuetes and 12t0 sencons,(souses became necesstey £0F winter wammti)end farming became necesaary! In/the Brass Age began war burst “in 14ke @ flood," (same\fhraseotogy used in Dantet 91261), and 59. Brosheare Ferth's End environmental devastation caused earth to be divided,into possesstons.! Ten, after the passage of these four Ages the God of heaven ylestroyed the world ,with a riooa! (2) tthe preservation of this idesjby the Greeks/4s indicative of either one of two things: that the early Greeks of the 3rd-5th centuries BC) had access to Daniel's writings from Babylonid, oF the Greeks had pre- served truly archate nodel, of antediiuvisn history, involving ages Greceding the Delugd)just a8 the netel empires of Nebuchacnezear's vistonprecede the apocatypse detelied in Revelation! The king's érean covld be a fragnent from the ancient erchives,of Heaven that was bestoved to vs/through Daniel's writings, (end the menory of 44, though somewhat csetorted, wae etii1 extent in the oldest Grecian writings! The image in the dream actually foreshadows (tnd) sets of empires, to Christ's first coming,and there are four more empirefjto His (second ) savent! Te Adentities of these eapires are discovered through the angelic interpretation of the second vision{by Daniel)involving four hat shall arise enpires;thet coincide with the metels of the image, “Liof with eagle's wings #Bear*with three ribs in mouth *Leopard*“with four heads & four wits "Diverse beast Historically the Bebylontan griffon, (r/aate guardiail, was @ Lion with eagle's wings! In the vision these winge, are “plucked,"(@ reference to Nebuchadnessas's ineentty,and toss of kingship for seven years) net his restoretion/as kingywhen the Lion stends upright;end 4s given the 56. Breshears Earth's End t who took over in 539 BC,after killing Nebuchadnezzer's son. ‘The bear with three ribs in its mouth, (defeated nations),stands on its side! This coincides with the vision of the two-horned ramjof vedo-Perste; nd the one-horned geet of Grecia One horn wae higher than the other, because the Persians had supremacy, over the Medes, ee eee eee ee es vision/was destroyed by the "Little horn’) of the goat, which was the The four-headed leopard with four sets of wings, is Greece (after), Mexander's death! His four generals divided the empire, into four regions,and this led to @ femous power struggle; known as the Ptolemaic ending with the suprenacy of the dreaded Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes: The division between these four generals, into two sid@sjis exemplified in that the four-headed leopard, had(two) sets of wings! In 168 BC/the Romans come to power, as the dominant force in the world, with military might unmatched in all the classical civilizations, ! of antiquity! Rone assimilated other cultures, and became « multi- ethnic culture! Rone was the fourth beast, dreadfulyand terrible with conponents from a11 the former empires, in the visions it absorbed! the"izon tect!’ of the beast, links it the"iron 1egdjof the Sage! These to visions, both recorded by Daniel, actually compliment each other: Head of go1s” , Babylon Lion Breast/arms of silvet Persia bear Belly/thighs of”brass“ Greece leopard Legs of iron" Rome dreadful beast Rome's "nails of brass") as recorded by the prophet, reveal that Rome's

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