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 Systems Professionals- individuals who build the system (systems analysts, systems
engineers, and programmers)
 End Users- for whom the system is built (These include managers, operations personnel,
accountants, and internal auditors)
 Stakeholders- individuals either within or outside the organization who have an interest
in the system but are not end users
 Accountants/Auditors- The SDLC process is of interest to accountants and auditors for
two reasons. First, the creation of an information system involve significant financial
transactions. Accountants are as concerned with the integrity of this process as they are
with any manufacturing process that has financial resource implications. The second
reason is that the accountant’s responsibility is to ensure that the systems employ proper
accounting conventions and rules, and possess adequate controls.


 Firms design and build their own information systems, customized
 Firms purchase from software vendors
 Turnkey systems. Completely finished systems and ready for installation, limited
ability for customization
 General Accounting Systems. Serves a wide variety of user needs, standardized
systems typically sold in separate modules (e.g., accounts payable, accounts
receivable, inventory control, etc.)
 Special Purpose Systems. Standardized systems that deal with industry-specific
procedures. (e.g., accounting systems for the medical field, banking industry)
 Office Automation Systems. Improve the productivity of office workers (dbms,
spreadsheet programs)
 Backbone Systems. provide a basic system structure on which to build.
 Vendor Supported Systems. Hybrid custom and commercial systems, software
vendor develops and maintains custom systems for clients.
 Immediate implementation than custom systems
 Cost is reduced
 Reliability. commercial software is less likely to have errors than an equivalent
in-house system.
 Independence. Firms are dependent on vendors for maintenance, greatest
 Commercial software are not customized according to the needs of the firm
 Commercial software may be difficult to change or modify


 Link individual system projects or applications to the strategic objectives of the
 Basis is the organization’s business plan.
 Where the firm wants to go and how to get there
1. Strategic Systems Planning. Allocation of systems resources at the macro level.
Process is similar to budgeting resources for strategic activities. Technically not a
part of the SDLC.
2. Project Planning. Basic purpose is to allocate scarce resources to specific projects.
The product of this phase consists of two formal documents: the project proposal and
the project schedule.
Project Proposal. basis for deciding whether to proceed with the project
(1. Recommend new or modified system. 2. shows that the proposed new system
complements the strategic direction of the firm)
Project Schedule. a budget of the time and costs for all the phases of the SDLC

 Foundation for the rest of the SDLC
 Systems analysis report is the end result of the systems analysis phase. It presents
the survey findings, the problems identified with the current system, the user’s
needs, and the requirements of the new system.
 Systems analysis involves 2 steps:
1. System Survey. Analyst gathers and analyzes relevant facts and use these to assess
the current system.
Fact-gathering techniques:
 Observation
 Task participation
 Personal interviews
 Reviewing key documents
2. Analysis Step. Systems analysis is an intellectual process that is commingled with
fact gathering. The analyst is simultaneously analyzing as he or she gathers facts. It is
therefore difficult to identify where the survey ends and the analysis begins.


 Produce several alternatives that satisfy system requirements
1. Structured Design. Designing systems from top-down. Usually documented
by data flow and structured diagrams.
2. Object oriented approach. Build information systems from reusable
standard components or objects.


 optimization process that seeks to identify the best system from the alternatives or
choices presented in phase 3
 The deliverable product of the systems selection process is the systems selection
 involves 2 steps:

1. Perform a detailed feasibility study

T- technical feasibility. whether the system can be developed under existing technology
or if new technology is needed
E- economic feasibility. Availability of funds
L- legal feasibility. The decision maker must be certain the proposed system falls inside
all legal boundaries.
O-operational feasibility. degree of compatibility between the firm’s existing procedures
and personnel skills and the operational requirements of the new system
S- schedule feasibility- firm’s ability to implement the project within an acceptable time

2. Perform a cost-benefit analysis

 produce a detailed description of the proposed system that both satisfies the
system requirements identified during systems analysis and is in accordance with
the conceptual design
 after the detailed design, perform system design walkthrough to ensure that the
design is free from conceptual errors that could become programmed into the final
 select a programming language from among the various languages available that
is suitable to the application
 A procedural language requires the programmer to specify the precise order in
which the program logic is executed. Procedural languages are often called
third-generation languages
 Event-driven languages are no longer procedural. Under this model, the
program’s code is not executed in a predefined sequence. Instead, external
actions or “events” that are initiated by the user dictate the control flow of the
 Object-Oriented Languages. Central to achieving the benefits of the object
oriented approach is developing software in an object-oriented programming
(OOP) language.
 Programming the System. Regardless of the programming language used,
modern programs should follow a modular approach. This technique produces
small programs that perform narrowly defined tasks
 Database structures are populated with data, New system is installed, system is
 The system’s documentation provides the auditor with essential information
about how the system works:
 Designer and Programmer Documentation. Systems designers and
programmers need documentation to debug errors and perform
maintenance on the system
 Operator Documentation. Computer operators use documentation called
a run manual, which describes how to run the system.
 User Documentation. documentation describing how to use the system
(user handbook).
 Cutover. process of converting from the old system to the new. It will usually
follow one of three approaches: cold turkey, phased, or parallel operation.
 Cold Turkey Cutover. Under the cold turkey cutover approach (also
called the “Big Bang” approach), the firm switches to the new system and
simultaneously terminates the old system.
 Phased Cutover. Sometimes an entire system cannot, or need not, be cut
over at once.
 Parallel operation cutover involves running the old system and the new
system simultaneously for a period of time


 Systems maintenance is a formal process by which application programs undergo

changes to accommodate changes in user needs.
CHAPTER 6 disburses paychecks to the employees.
Conceptually,payroll is a special-case purchases and
REPORTING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW d. Fixed asset system. A firm’s fixed asset system
processes transactions pertaining tothe acquisition,
maintenance, and disposal of its fixed assets.
TPS applications process financial transactions. A
2. )The Conversion Cycle
financial transaction is defined as an economic event that
affects the assets and equities of the firm, is reflected in The conversion cycle is composed of two major
itsaccounts, and is measured in monetary terms. subsystems:
Transaction Cycles a. production system involves the planning,
scheduling,and control of the physical product through
Three transaction cycles process most of the firm’s economic
the manufacturing process.
b. cost accounting systemmonitors the flow of cost
1.) The Expenditure Cycle information related to production.

Business activities begin with the acquisition of materials, 3.) The Revenue Cycle
property, and labor in exchangefor cash—the expenditure
Firms sell their finished goods to customers through the
revenue cycle, which involvesprocessing cash sales, credit
Thus, transaction has two parts: aphysical component (the sales, and the receipt of cash following a credit sale.
acquisition of the goods) and a financial component (the
The primary subsystems of the revenue cycle are
cashdisbursement to the supplier).
a. Sales order processing. The majority of business sales
The major subsystems of the expenditure cycle are:
are made on credit andinvolve tasks such as preparing
a. Purchases/accounts payable system. This system sales orders, granting credit, shipping products
recognizes the need to acquirephysical inventory and (orrendering of a service) to the customer, billing
places an order with the vendor. customers, and recording the transactionin the
b. Cashdisbursements system. When the obligation accounts (accounts receivable [AR], inventory,
created in the purchases systemis due, the cash expenses, and sales).
disbursements system authorizes the payment, b. Cash receipts. For credit sales, some period of time
disburses the fundsto the vendor, and records the (days or weeks) passes betweenthe point of sale and
transaction by reducing the cash and accounts the receipt of cash. Cash receipts processing
payableaccounts. includescollecting cash, depositing cash in the bank,
c. Payroll system. The payroll system collects labor usage and recording these events in the accounts(AR and
data for each employee,computes the payroll, and cash).
ACCOUNTING RECORDS 2. General Journals. Firms use the general journal to
record nonrecurring, infrequent,and dissimilar
Manual Systems transactions. For example, we usually record periodic
A. Documents depreciation andclosing entries in the general journal.
Figure 6.7 shows one page from a general journal.
A document provides evidence of an economic event and
may be used to initiate transactionprocessing. Some A journal voucher is actually a special source document
thatcontains a single journal entry specifying the general
documents are a result of transaction processing.
ledger accounts that are affected.Journal vouchers are used
to record summaries of routine transactions,
1. Source Documentsare used to capture and formalize
nonroutinetransactions, adjusting entries, and closing
transaction data that the transaction cycleneeds for entries.
processing. C. Ledgers
2. Product Documentsare the result of transaction
processingrather than the triggering mechanism for A ledger is a book of accounts that reflects the financial
the process. For example, a payroll check toan effects of the firm’s transactionsafter they are posted from
employee is a product document of the payroll system. the various journals.
3. Turnaround Documentsare product documents of
onesystem that become source documents for another There are two basic types of ledgers:
1. General Ledgers summarizes the activity for each of
B. Journals
the organization’saccounts. The general ledger
A journal is a record of a chronological entry. The journal department updates these records from
holds acomplete record of transactions and thus provides a journalvouchers prepared from special journals and
means for posting to accounts. other sources located throughout the organization.
2. Subsidiary Ledgers contain the details of the
There are two primary types of journals: individual accounts that constitute a particular control
1. Special Journals. Special journals are used to record
specific classes of transactionsthat occur in high The Audit Trail
a. sales journal The accounting records described previously provide an
b. cash receipts journal audit trail for tracing transactions from source documents
c. cash disbursements journal to the financial statements. Of the many purposes of the
d. purchases journal audit trail, most important to accountants is the year-end
e. payroll journal.
Registeris often used to denote certain types of special
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Audit trails in computer-based systems are less observable
than in traditional manual systems, but they still exist.

Four different types of magnetic files:

1. Master Filegenerally contains account data. The general

ledger and subsidiary ledgers are examples of master files.
Data values in master files are updated from transactions.

2. Transaction Fileis a temporary file of transaction records

used to change or update data in a master file. Sales orders,
inventory receipts, and cash receipts are examples of
transaction files.

3. Reference File stores data that are used as standards

for processing transactions. For example, the payroll program
may refer to a tax table to calculate the proper amount of
withholding taxes for payroll transactions.

4. Archive Filecontains records of past transactions that are

retained for future reference. These transactions form an
important part of the audit trail.
FFIGURE 6.11 Accounting Records in a Computer-
The Digital Audit Trail Based System
Figure 6.11 2


Five basic documentation techniques are:

1. Data flow diagram (DFD) uses symbols to represent the

entities, processes, data flows, and data stores that pertain
to a system. DFDs are used to represent systems at different
levels of detail from very general to highly detailed.

2. Entity relationship (ER) diagram is a documentation
technique used to represent the relationship between
entities. Entities are physical resources, events, and agents
about which the organization wishes to capture data.

cardinality degree of the relationship and numerical

mapping between entity instances
data model is the blueprint for what ultimately will become
the physical database.

Relationship Between ER Diagrams and Data Flow


DFDs and ER diagrams depict different aspects of the same

system, but they are related and can be reconciled. A DFD is
a model of system processes, and the ER diagram models the
data used in or affected by the system. The two diagrams are department. The clerk signs Copy 1 to signify approval and
related through data; each data store in the DFD represents a returns it to the sales clerk.
corresponding data entity in the ER diagram.
4. When the sales clerk receives credit approval, he or she
Figure 6.14 files Copy 1 and the customerorder in the department. The
clerk sends Copy 2 to the warehouse and Copies3 and 4 to
the shipping department.

5. The warehouse clerk picks the products from the shelves,

records the transfer in the hard-copy stock records, and
sends the products and Copy 2 to the shipping department.

6. The shipping department receives Copy 2 and the goods

from the warehouse, attaches Copy 2 as a packing slip, and
ships the goods to the customer. Finally, the clerk files Copies
3 and 4 in the shipping department.

3. System Flowcharts is the graphical representation of the The primary objective should be to provide an unambiguous
physical relationships amongkey elements of a system. description of the system. With this in mind, certain rules and
These elements may include organizational departments, conventions need to be observed:
manualactivities, computer programs, hard-copy accounting
1. The flowchart should be labeled to clearly identify the
records, and digital records. System flowcharts also describe
system that it represents.
the type of computer media being employedin the system,
such as magnetic tape, magnetic disks, and terminals. 2. The correct symbols should be used to represent the
various entities in the system.
Flowcharting Manual Activities
3. All symbols on the flowchart should be labeled.
1. A clerk in the sales department receives a hard-copy
customer order by mail and manually prepares four hard 4. Lines should have arrowheads to clearly show the process
copies of a sales order. flow and sequence of events.

2. The clerk sends Copy 1 of the sales order the credit 5. If complex processes need additional explanation for
department for approval. The other three copies and the clarity, a text description should be included on the flowchart
original customer order are filed temporarily, pending credit or in an attached document referenced by the flowchart.
Steps in preparing Flowchart
3. The credit department clerk validates the customer’s
order against hard-copy credit records kept in the credit a. Lay out the Physical Areas of Activity.
b. Transcribe the Written Facts into Visual Format.

Figure 6.17FISymbol Set for Representing Manual


Figure 6. 20

To signify the filing system used, the file symbol will usually
contain an “N” for numeric (invoice number), “C” for
chronological (date), or “A” for alphabetical order (customer

Typically, a system flowchart shows only the flow of

documents, not physical assets. Finally, for visual clarity,
system flowcharts show the processing of a single
transaction only. You should keep in mind, however, that
transactions usually pass through manual procedures in Batch Processing
batches (groups).
Batch processing permits the efficient management of a
large volume of transactions. A batch is a group of similar
transactions that are accumulated over time and then
processed together. Batch processing offers two general
1. Organizations improve operational efficiency by grouping 3. The sales order transaction file is then processed by an
together large numbers of transactions into batches and update program that posts the transactions to corresponding
processing them as a unit of work rather than processing records in AR and inventory files.
each event separately.
4. Finally, the update program produces three hard copies of
2. Batch processing provides control over the transaction the sales order. Copy 1 is sent to the warehouse, and Copies
process. The accuracy of the process is established by 2 and 3 are sent to the shipping department.
periodically reconciling the batch against the control figure.
5. On receipt of Copy 1, the warehouse clerk picks the
Both of these advantages have implications for designing products from the shelves. Using Copy 1 and the warehouse
batch systems. personal computer (PC), the clerk records the inventory
transfer in the digital stock records that are kept on the PC.
A.First implication isthat economies are derived by Next, the clerk sends the physical inventory and Copy 1 to
making transaction batches as large as possible. the shipping department.
B. The second implication is that finding an error in a 6. The shipping department receives Copy 1 and the goods
very large batch may prove difficult. When a batch is small, from the warehouse. The clerk reconciles the goods with
error identification is much easier. Copies 1, 2, and 3 and attaches Copy 1 as a packing slip.
Flowcharting Computer Processes Next, the clerk ships the goods (with Copy 1 attached) to the
customer. Finally, the clerk records the shipment in the hard-
We now examine flowcharting techniques to represent a copy shipping log and files Copies 2 and 3 in the shipping
system that employs both manual and computer processes. department.
GURE 6.21
Steps in preparing Flowchart
1. A clerk in the sales department receives a customer order
by mail and enters the information into a computer terminal a. Lay out the Physical Areas of Activity.
b. Transcribe the Written Facts into Visual Format.
that is networked to a centralized computer program in the
computer operations department. The original customer
order is filed in the sales department. Facts 2, 3, and 4 relate
to activities that occur in the computer

2. A computer program edits the transactions, checks the

customer’s credit by referencing a credit history file, and
produces a transaction file of sales orders.
Program Flowcharts

The system flowchart shows the relationship between

computer programs, the files they use, and the outputs they
produce. This high level of documentation, however, does not
provide the operational details that are sometimes needed.
For example, an auditor wishing to assess the correctness of
the edit program’s logic cannot do so from the system
flowchart. This requires a program flowchart.

Figure 6.23 Figure 6.24

Program performs the following logical steps in the order


1. The program retrieves a single record from the unedited

transaction file and stores it in memory.
2. The first logical test is to see if the program has reached
the end-of-file (EOF) condition for the transaction file. Most
file structures use a special record or marker to indicate an
EOF condition. When EOF is reached, the edit program will
terminate and the next program in the system (in this case,
the update program) will be executed. As long as there is a
record in the unedited transaction file, the result of the EOF
test will be “no” and process control is passed to the next
logical step in the edit program.

3. Processing involves a series of tests to identify certain

clerical and logical errors. Each test, represented by a
decision symbol, evaluates the presence or absence of a

4. Error-free records are sent to the edited transaction file.

5. Records containing errors are sent to the error file.

6. The program loops back to Step 1, and the process is 5. Record layout diagrams are used to reveal the internal
repeated until the EOFcondition is reached. structure of the records that constitute a file or database
table. The layout diagram usually shows the name, data
Figure 6.25 type, and length of each attribute (or field) in the record.
Detailed data structure information is needed for such tasks
as identifying certain types of system failures, analyzing error
reports, and designing tests of computer logic for debugging
and auditing purposes.

Figure6. 27


Two broad classes:
 Batch Systems In selecting a data processing mode, the designer must
 Real time systems consider the trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness.
When immediate access to current information is critical to
the user’s needs, real-time processing is the logical choice.
When time lags in information have no detrimental effects on
the user’s performance and operational efficiencies can be
achieved by processing data in batches, batch processing is
probably the superior choice.

Alternative Data Processing Approaches

Information Time Frame 1. Legacy Systems

 Batch systems assemble transactions into groups for  they are mainframe-based applications
processing. Under this approach, there is always a  they tend to be batch oriented
time lag between the point at which an economic  uses flat files for data storage
event occurs and the point at which it is reflected in 2. Modern Systems
the firm’s accounts.  Tend to be client-server-based and process
 Real time systems process transactions individually at transactions in real time but many modern
the moment event occurs. Because records are not systems are mainframe-based and use batch
grouped into batches, there are no time lags between processing
occurrence and recording.  Stores transactions and master files in relational
database tables
 Batch systems are generally simpler than their real-
time counterparts, they tend to have shorter
development periods and are easier for programmers Updating Master Files from Transactions
to maintain.
 Real time systems must be friendly, forgiving, and
easy to work with. Pop-up menus, online tutorials, and
special help features require additional programming
and add greatly to the cost of the system.
Operational Efficiency
 Real-time processing in systems that handle large
volumes of transactions each day can create
operational inefficiencies.
 Batch processing of noncritical accounts, however,
improves operational efficiency by eliminating
unnecessary activities at critical points in the process.
Data Backup Procedures

Destructive Update Approach

 Leaves no backup copy of the original master file.

Only the current value is available to the user.

Real Time Processing

 Real time system process the entire transaction as it
 Benefits: improved productivity, reduced inventory,
increased inventory turnover, decreased lags in
Stages of reconstruction:
customer billings, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
1. A special recovery program uses the backup file to  Well suited to systems that process lower transaction
create a pre-update version of the master file. volumes and those that do not share common records.
2. The file update process is repeated using the previous
batch of transactions to restore the master to its Data Coding Schemes
current condition.
Data Coding involves creating simple numerical or
Batch Processing using Real-Time Data Collection alphabetical codes to represent complex economic
phenomena that facilitate efficient data processing.
System without codes 1. Sequential Codes- represents items in some sequential
order (ascending or descending).
2. Block Codes- is a variation on sequential coding that
partly remedies its disadvantages. This approach can
be used to represent whole classes of items by
restricting each class to a specific range within the
This uncoded entry takes a great deal of recording space, is
coding scheme. (e.g. chart of accounts)
time-consuming to record, and is obviously prone to many 3. Group Codes- are used to represent complex items or
types of errors. The negative effects of this approach may be events involving two or more pieces of related data.
seen in many parts of the organization: The code consists of zones or fields that process
1. Sales staf. Properly identifying the items sold requires the specific meaning.
transcription of large amounts of detail onto source 4. Alphabetic Codes- are used for many of the same
documents. Apart from the time and effort involved, this purposes as numeric codes. Alphabetic characters may
tends to promote clerical errors and incorrect shipments. be assigned sequentially or may be used in block and
2. Warehouse personnel. Locating and picking goods for group coding techniques.
shipment are impeded and shipping errors will likely result. 5. Mnemonic Codes- are alphabetical characters in the
3. Accounting personnel. Postings to ledger accounts will form of acronyms and other combination that convey
require searching through the subsidiary files using lengthy meaning.
descriptions as the key. This will be painfully slow, and
postings to the wrong accounts will be common. The General Ledger System

System with Codes

Other uses of data coding in AIS are to:

1. Concisely represent large amounts of complex information
that would otherwise be unmanageable.
2. Provide a means of accountability over the completeness
of the transactions processed.
3. Identify unique transactions and accounts within a file.
4. Support the audit function by providing an effective audit

Numeric and Alphabetic Coding Schemes Journal Voucher

 The source of input to the general ledger these data for input in the preparation of responsibility
 Used to represent summaries of similar transactions or reports for management.
a single unique transaction, identifies the financial Budget master file -contains budgeted amounts for
amounts and affected general ledger accounts. revenues, expenditures, and other resources for
responsibility centers. These data, in conjunction with the
responsibility center file, are the basis for responsibility




Because the community is vast and their individual

information needs may vary, financial statements are
targeted at a general audience. They are prepared on the
proposition that the audience comprises sophisticated users
with relatively homogeneous information needs.
The GLS Database
General ledger master file- is the principle file in the GLS
database. This file is based on the organization’s published Financial reporting is the final step in the overall
chart of accounts process that begins in the transaction cycles.
General ledger history file- has the same format as the GL
The process begins with a clean slate at the star of a
master. Its primary purpose is to provide historical financial
new fiscal year. Only the balance sheet (permanent)
data for comparative financial reports.
accounts are carried forward from the previous year. From
Journal voucher file- is the total collection of the journal
this point, the following steps occur.
vouchers processed in the current period. This file provides a
record of all general ledger transactions and replaces the 1. Capture the transaction.
traditional general journal. 2. Record in special journal.
Journal voucher history file -contains journal vouchers for 3. Post to subsidiary ledger.
past periods. This historical information supports 4. Post to general ledger.
5. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance.
management’s stewardship responsibility to account for
6. Make adjusting entries.
resource utilization. 7. Journalize and post adjusting entries.
Responsibility center file -contains the revenues, 8. Prepare the adjusted trial balance.
expenditures, and other resource utilization data for each 9. Prepare the financial statements.
responsibility center in the organization. The MRS draws upon 10.Journalize and post the closing entries.
11.Prepare the post-closing trial balance.

eXtensible business reporting language (XBRL) – is the  October 2005, U.S banking regulators have required
Internet standard specifically designed for business reporting quarterly “call reports” to be filed in XBRL.
and information exchange.  April 2005, the SEC began a voluntary financial reporting
- Is a derivative of another Internet standard called XML program.
(eXtensible markup language) .  September 2006, the SEC announced its new electronic
reporting system to receive XBRL filings.
XML (eXtensible markup language) – is a metalanguage  May 2008, the SEC issued rules requiring large publicly
for describing markup languages. held companies to adopt XBRL.
 Since early 2003, the Tokyo Stock Exchange has accepted
The term extensible means that any markup language
XBRL information
capable of storing data in relational form in which tags (or
 In 2007, the Canadian Marketplace gain practical
formatting commands) are mapped to data values.
knowledge in preparing, filing and using XBRL.
eXtensible business reporting language (XBRL)
- is an XML-based language that was designed to
SOX legislation requires that management design and
provide the financial community with a standardized method
implement controls over the financial reporting process.
for preparing, publishing, and automatically exchanging
financial information, including financial statements of The potential risks to the FRS include:
publicly held companies.
1. A defective audit trail
- Is typically used for reporting aggregated financial 2. Unauthorized access to the general ledger.
data, but can also be applied to communicating information 3. GL accounts that are out of balance with subsidiary
pertaining to individual transactions. accounts.
4. Incorrect GL account balances because of unauthorized
STEPS IN XBRL REPORTING PROCESS or incorrect journal vouchers.


2. Cross-reference each account
3. Mapping process or Data mapping This discussion of FRS physical controls will follow the
COSO framework for control activities.
XBRL instance documents – the actual financia reports.
- Can be readily import if the XBRL reporting process is
finished. The journal voucher is the document that authorizes
- Can now be published and made available to users. an entry to the general ledger. Journal vouchers have
numerous sources, such as the cash receipts processing , 5. Provide a means for preventing, detecting, and correcting
sales order processing, and financial reporting group. errors.


The general ledger provides verification control for the The general ledger function serves as an independent
accounting process. Therefore, individuals with access verification step within the accounting information system.
authority to GL accounts should not:
1. Have record-keeping responsibility for special journals or
subsidiary ledgers. 1. Journal Voucher Listing - provides relevant details
2. Prepare journal vouchers. about each journal voucher listing and the GL change
3. Have custody of physical issues. report.
2. General Ledger Report –presents the effects of journal
ACCESS CONTROLS voucher postings to the GL accounts.

Unauthorized access to the GL accounts can result in INTERNAL CONTROL IMPLICATION OF XBRL
errors, fraud and misrepresentation in financial statements.
TAXONOMY CREATION – Taxonomy may be generated
incorrectly, which results in an incorrect mapping between
data and taxonomy elements that could result in material
ACCOUNTING RECORDS misrepresentation of financial data.

An audit trail facilitates error preventionand correction TAXONOMY MAPPING ERROR – the process of mapping
when the data files are conveniently and logically organized. the internal database accounts to the taxonomy tags needs
Also, the general ledger and other files that constitute the to be controlled.
audit trail should be detailed and rich enough to:
1. Provide the ability to answer inquiries. mapping is complete and tags have been stored in the
2. Be able to reconstruct files if they are completely or
internal database, XBRL instance documents (reports) can
partially destroyed.
be generated.
3. Provide historical data required by auditors
4. Fulfill government regulations; and

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