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dictionary using "data files\r77s331v1L04.


_column(1) cc %3f "Centre code"
_column(4) fsu %5f "FSU Serial No."
_column(9) rnd %2f "Round"
_column(11) sch %3f "Schedule"
_column(14) spl %1f "Sample"
_column(15) sec %1f "Sector"
_column(16) nreg %3f "NSS-Region"
_column(19) dis %2f "District"
_column(21) str %2f "Stratum"
_column(23) sstr %2f "Sub-Stratum"
_column(25) srnd %1f "Sub-Round"
_column(26) sreg %4f "FOD Sub-Region"
_column(30) sssn %1f "Second-stage-stratum no."
_column(31) shn %2f "Sample hhld. No."
_column(33) vno %1f "Visit Number"
_column(34) lvl %2f "Level"
_column(36) flr %3f "Filler"
_column(39) srn %2f "Srl No."
_column(41) aol %6f "Area of Land(0.00 acre)"
_column(47) agr %1f "whether used for any agricultural production during July-
December 2018"
_column(48) jhm %6f "land used for shifting/ jhum cultivation"
_column(54) ojhm %6f "land other than the land used for shifting /jhum cultivation"
_column(60) forh %6f "only for farming of animals"
_column(66) both %6f "both for growing of crop and farming of animals"
_column(72) oau %6f "other agricultural uses."
_column(78) oap %6f "other land not used for agriculture purpose"
_column(84) mtc %2f "major type of crop grown/ animal farming undertaken (code)"
_column(86) lwi %1f "whether any part of the land was irrigated"
_column(87) ali %6f "area of land irrigated (0.00 acre)"
_column(93) soi %1f "source of irrigation: major source"
_column(94) soim %2f "source of irrigation: 2nd major source"
_column(96) tlm %1f "tenure of lease for major part of the land (code)"
_column(97) atlm %6f "area of land by terms of lease: for fixed money"
_column(103) atlp %6f "area of land by terms of lease: for fixed produce"
_column(109) atls %6f "area of land by terms of lease: for share of produce"
_column(115) atlr %6f "area of land by terms of lease: under no specified terms
from relatives / to relatives"
_column(121) atlt %6f "area of land by terms of lease: under other terms"

_column(127) nsc %3f "NSC"

_column(130) mlt %10f "Multiplier"

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