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CEPC 102 Km. 2, Surigao City



Name of Student Score
Instructor Noel M. Nasayao, CE, RMP Permit No.

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the best answer (1 point each)

1. A type of survey which is of wide extent and takes into account the spheroidal shape of the earth is known
a. geodetic surveying c. plane surveying
b. spheroidal surveying d. geoid surveying

2. If for a particular measurement the probable error of the is 0.09 m and the most probable value of the
measurement is 362.70 m, the relative precision would be expressed as
a. 1/4030 c. 1:0.09
b. 0.000248 d. 1/363

3. A photogrammetric survey makes use of photographs taken with specially designed cameras either from
a. a ship or an elevated ground station c. a map or a scaled drawing
b. the ground surface or underwater d. airplanes or ground stations

4. An error is defined as the difference between the

a. true value and the approximate value of a quantity
b. true value and the measured value of a quantity
c. estimated value and the most probable value of a quantity.
d. most probable value and the true value

5. A pace is defined as the length of a step in walking. It may be measured from

a. heel to toe c. heel to heel
b. toe to heel d. mid-heel to mid-toe

6. Five separate measurements were made of a line and their degrees of precision computed as follows: 1 st
trial, 1/5000; 2nd trial, 1/2500; 3rd trial, 1/6500; 4th trial, 1/7000; 5th trial, 1/10000. The measurement which is
of a higher degree of precision was the one done in the
a. 1st trial c. 4th trial
b. 2 trial d. 5th trial

7. A surveyor counted 50, 52, 53, 51, 53, and 51 paces in walking along a 45-m course laid out on a
concrete pavement. He then took 768, 771, 772, 770, 769, and 770 paces in walking an unknown
distance XY. His pace factor should be equal to
a. 1.148 m/pace c. 0.871 m/pace
b. 0.810 m/pace d. 14.904 m/pace

8. In questions no. 7, the length of XY based on the pace factor of the surveyor is equal to
a. 670.76 m c. 600.5 m
b. 623.7 m d. 685.56 m

9. The most probable value of several measurement of a line 546.75 m. If +0.15 represents the probable
error of the mean value, the chances are even that the true value
a. is equal to 546.60 m
b. lies between 546.60 m and 546.75 m
c. lies between 546.60 m and 456.90, as it is also probable that the true value lies outside of these
limiting values
d. lies between 546.75 m and 456.90, as it is also probable that the true value lies outside of these
limiting values

10. A rectangular building 250.00 m by 130.00 m is to be laid out with a 30-m long steel tape. If during
standardization the tape is found to be 30.03 m., the correct length and width to be laid out should be
a. 249.75 m by 129.87 m c. 249.87 m by 129.75 m
b. 250.25 m by 130.13 m d. 249.97 m by 129.97 m

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TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following sources of errors as instrumental, natural or personal
errors. Write on the space provided before each number. (1 point each)

_________________1. Measuring with a steel tape of incorrect length.

_________________2. The effect of temperature variation on the length of a steel

_________________3. Error in determining a reading on a rod which is out of plumb during sightings.

_________________4. Making an erroneous estimate of the required pull to be applied on a steel tape

during measurement.

_________________5. Using a leveling rod with painted graduations not perfectly spaced.

_________________6. Sightings on a rod which is warped.

_________________7. Deflection of the line of sight due to the effect of the earth’s curvature and

atmospheric refraction.

_________________8. Error in the measurement of a horizontal distance due to slope or uneven ground

_________________9. Improper adjustment of the plate bubbles of a transit or level

_________________10. Error in the readings of the magnetic needle due to variations in magnetic


TEST III. PROBLEM SOLVING. Solve the following problems.

1. The following values were determined in a series of rod readings made under identical conditions:
3.312, 3.307, 3.304, 3.036, 3.309, 3.301, 3.311, 3.308, 3.312, 3.306, and 3.313 meters. Determine
the following:
a. most probable value of the observed rod readings (2,5 points)
b. probable error of a single measurement (2.5 points)
c. probable error of the mean (2.5 points)
d. relative precision of a single measurement (2.5 points)
e. relative precision of the mean (2.5 points)

2. A student paces a 50-m length five times with the following results: 75.00, 56.75, 56.50, 58.00, and
56.25 paces. Determine how many paces must he step off in order to establish a distance of 500
meters and 600 meters on level ground. (5 points)

“Prove yourself to yourself not others”


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