004 Special Rules

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This section of the book details the forced used by the Chaos Space Marines of Slaanesh their weapons, their units and some infamous 'special characters' to lend your force. Each entry describes the unit and gives the specific rules you will need to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000. The army list given at the end of this book refers to the page numbers of these entries. Read on, but be wary, for the pleasures you partake in may be your souls undoing.

Favoured Number
It is unknown as to why the Chaos gods all have a favoured number many theories circulate that it Chaos god recognise numbers, some say that the god cannot see numbers but shapes and geometric alignments, whatever it is it is believed that favoured numbers work and the god blesses a unit numbered favourably. Slaanesh favours multiples of six. So a unit of six, twelve, eighteen and so on are blessed. Favoured Number applies to those squads in your army list before the game starts, when units take casualties the Favoured Number rule still applies. So if a unit numbers 12 models and is reduced, all the bonuses still apply. Summoning When summoning Daemons from icons if the Daemon unit is summoned from a unit that is favoured the reserve roll may be lowered by 1, so for example on the second turn the reserve roll would be 3+ rather than 4+ if you choose so. The blessing of favoured numbers for the summoned Daemons is that if you do not wish your Daemons to appear that turn you may re-roll the reserves roll result. Daemons may re-roll their reserves roll. Summoning units may reduce the reserves roll As well as a benefit to summoning Favoured Number imporves your units. If you are to look at the army list entries you will notice with most Chaos Marine units one of the models is already an Aspiring Champion. If the unit numbers twelve or eighteen you may upgrade a further Chaos Marine into free Aspiring Champion for each multiple. What the free Aspiring Champion represents is the gods mildly watchful eye and a bit of favour, perhaps the god has plans for that marines future? Favoured number bonuses do not apply when combining allies with this codex.

Slaanesh for 6s.

The Icon and Mark of Slaanesh Infantry

Icon of Slaanesh When a unit entry refers to the Icon of Slaanesh it means a battle standard, banner or other icon depicting the Slaanesh symbol. Models that are part of that unit are permanently given bonuses over normal Chaos marines even if the icon bearer is removed. These bonuses are the wargear options described in their unit entry and +1 to their initiative statistic which is included in their profile. Models with the icon are best described as relatively new to the worship of Slaanesh or on the way to fully embraced it. Perhaps the unit is made of several different renegades from different legions or fallen imperial chapters or perhaps the marines were once cultists and have shown enough skill to be invested into elevating the cultist into a Chaos marine? +1 initiative (Already included in profile) Special Wargear Mark of Slaanesh Unlike the Icon of Slaanesh Marked marines do not carry icons; rather they carry their icons within them. They also have access to Sonic weaponry, unique combat stimulants and other wargear that sets them apart from other Astartes. If the unit has taken the more devoted option which is the Mark of Slaanesh it means the Chaos marines have a very close relationship with their god, perhaps going back to the days of the Hours heresy where the Emperors Children fell from the Imperium to Chaos. The Veteran Slaaneshi marines are best represented by the Mark of Slaanesh. When fully devoting oneself to Chaos not only does the body change to best represent their god but so does their mind. A Marked Marine will never worship another god while their brain is intact. After years of devotion and witnessing the perverse life of the Warp the Chaos marine mind begins to change, self preservation becames obsolete when training to become a marine and sanity became a weakness when trying to understand the reasoning of Chaos, thus the truly devoted to Slaanesh are Fearless, they have suffered and embellished all and have grown tired of anything but the most violent extremes, nothing on the battlefield they witness could even make the truly devoted flinch in fear.

Sometimes the dice gods watch you roll your dice, thank

The Mark of Slaanesh grants the unit access to special wargear and Veteran skills that are available in the unit options, +1 to their initiative statistic which is already included in their profile and the Fearless and Warp Scream special ability. +1 initiative (Already included in profile) Fearless One free Veteran Skill Special Wargear Warp Scream

Summoning Minor Daemons Daemons must be summoned from an Icon. An icon is one of the following; The Rapturous Standard, Unit Icon, Personal Icon and a Keeper of Secrets. At the beginning of the Chaos player turn a reserve rolls must be made for each unit of Minor Daemons kept in reserve. Point to each unit of Daemons and which Icon they are coming from as you make the roll as not to confuse the opponent. On a roll of 4+ on the second turn, 3+ on the third turn, 2+ for every subsequent turn the reserve roll is successful. If successful place the Large blast template in contact with the Icon bearers base, it is fine if it overlaps friendly models and terrain but not be less than 1 inch from enemy models. Roll 2D6 and the scatter dice. Move the template the distance on the 2D6 if the result is an arrow on the scatter dice, if it is a hit then leave the template where you originally placed it in contact with the Icon bearer. Now once this is resolved place the Daemons that were summoned anywhere on the template. The models bases must be more than half way over the template. If the template scatters so that the central hole is off the table or within 1 inch of enemy models or inside impassable terrain then all the daemons have failed to manifest and victory points awarded to the opposing player. Only one unit of Daemons my be summoned from an Icon per turn, if more reserve rolls have succeeded in that turn than Icons available then the Chaos player may choose which of those units to hold back a further turn in reserve. Daemons must be rolled for each turn if they are available; they are fickle creatures and come when they choose. Summoning a Greater Daemon A Keeper of Secrets must possess a host model and cannot start on the table. Models that may be host for a Keeper of Secrets are characters that have access to the armoury such as an Aspiring champion or Chaos lord for example. The only exception is that Daemon Princes and Possessed Chaos Space Marines may not be hosts to a Keeper of Secrets. Much like Minor Daemons the reserve roll is exactly they same however should the Keeper of Secrets become available the Chaos player may resist the manifestation on a 5+ roll of a D6 and may br re-rolled if the unit is of a 'Favoured Number'. If the manifestation is successful replace the hosts body with the Keeper of Secrets. If the Keeper of Secrets base is too large for the area then simply move the keeper away from the obstacle and/or models in contact with him 1 away unless the host was already in base to base contact with enemy models. Enemy models in base to base contact must make an immediate leadership check at -2 to see if they remain in contact with the manifesting Daemon as they try to disengage with the Keeper of Secrets, these models cannot be slain as if fleeing from combat. If the host has been slain replace the host immediately with the Keeper of Secrets model but reduce the Keeper of Secrets by 2 Wounds.

Vehicles in this codex all the the Mark of Slaanesh this grants them access to the options located in this Emperors Children and Slaanesh codex only. They may not take equipment from other Codex's, Chaos or otherwise.

Warp Scream
Toward the end of the Emperors great Crusade the Emperors Children took a planet that belonged to the Laer, a serpentine Alien race, the Laeran warriors were all genetically designed for different battlefield rolls, some possessed wings and were lighter some had multiple sexual organs, some however were warriors, these warriors had lightning fast reflexes, four strong arms and carried pulse weapons able to destroy power armour of the Emperors Children. When the Emperors Children fought the Laer they were impressed and disgusted by their alien efficiency even though the Laer were utterly crushed by the mighty Emperors Children. The Laeran warriors possessed a scream that disorientated the marines in combat which Apothecary Fabius Bile later found during autopsies as a gland, extracted and made into a new stronger Gene Seed for the Emperors Children sanctioned by Fulgrim. The new scream was far stronger than the Laerans thanks to Fabius enhancement and many of the Emperors Children companies captains made the implant mandatory for their soldiers. Warp scream is a passive ability that is always active on those models that have it. Any model trying to pass a psychic test including friendly models take it as normal but add +2 to their total dice roll even for Eldar runes of warding and witnessing. So for example if a Librarian rolls a total of 2 on 2D6 he wouldnt suffer a perils of the warp attack, a roll of 9 on 2D6 he would in fact have rolled 11 and the psychic power would have failed. If he had of rolled 10 or more on 2D6 adding +2 because of Warp Scream his total would have been 12, this would mean he would suffer a Perils of the Warp attack. To any non vehicle models models wishing to assault units with Warp Scream must roll a difficult terrain test in order to assault, if the roll is short that unit cannot assault that turn.

Daemon Eternal Warrior Fearless Independent Character

Fleet Psyker Rending Attacks

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