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Subject: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Grade: 11 Quarter: 3 Week: 1

MELC: Explain the meaning, functions, types, and theories of COMPETENCY CODE: ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-1
Name: ______________________________________________ Section: __________ Date: ________
School: ____________________________________________ District: _______________________
In every organization whether it is small or big, public or private, local or international and profit or non-profit
oriented needs to have a good management system in order to achieve their set organizational goals and this can be
possibly realized if there will be coordination, efficiency and effectiveness among the people together with the
various resources within the organization.
Management plays a vital role in every company, whether it is a simple sari-sari store or a big corporation, for
it can define where will it be in the future and whether it will become successful or not. It is quite clear that its success
relies on how effective and efficient the manager will perform all the management functions as well as the type of
approach to be implemented.

Management is the process of coordinating and overseeing the work performance of individuals
working together in organizations, so that they could efficiently accomplish their chosen aims or
It is also defined the process of designing and maintain an environment for efficiently accomplishing
selected aims (Heinz, Welhrich, and Koontz, 2009)

Management pertains on how to get things done through the proper utilization of all the organizational resources
specially the people in order to achieve predetermined plans and goals, like in dealing with your own personal life
you actually apply management on it and perform the various functions in order to maximize your time, talents and
resources by means of studying and working hard so that you can reach and attain your various life goals and certainly
you are not just doing it for yourself but also for your loved ones and the people around you that is why the concept
and functions of management plays a big part in every person success. However, if you fail to perform it properly and
apply the various functions efficiently and effectively you will have a hard time reaching your goals in life.


Planning - it is the primary functions of management that involves the setting of organizational goals, establishing
useful strategies, identifying the tasks to be performed and when it should be done in order to achieve both the short-
term and long-term goals of the company.

Organizing - it is the act of transforming all the plans into realization and it involves the assigning and coordination
of specific task and resources to the various groups that will enables them to contribute for the immediate attainment
of the company objectives.

Staffing - involves the manning of various job position in the organization structure through the process of proper
and fair recruitment, selection, appraisal and development of the personnel that will support the organization’s
success in achieving their goals.
Leading or Directing - deals with providing clear instructions and guiding the employees regarding the tasks that
they are required to do and encourage a positive attitude towards work that will motivates them to perform well
towards the realization of the company’s aims.

Controlling - is the task wherein setting of standards of performance are made and comparing it with the actual
performance of the individual or groups, to ensure that the jobs are done in accordance to the plans and if not,
necessary corrections must have to be made.


After performing the various functions of management, it is also important to take into consideration how
management have evolved throughout the years and have changed from simple to more complex and diverse,
depending on the needs of the people and suitability on the organizations nowadays. It is necessary for us to know
and understand how the various theories of management influence and bring huge impacts on how present
management practices are being done also which among those are no longer use or needs to be improved in order
to adapt with the fast-changing times. Here are the following management theories:


 introduced by Frederick W. Taylor, who is also known as “The Father of Scientific Management”
 apply scientific approach in doing a task
- It follows a step-by-step procedure in performing a specialized task in order to expedite the process that will
increase worker’s productivity and establish the “best way” of doing the task.
 introduce the concept of a “Fair Day’s Pay for Fair Day’s Work”
- this means that workers must be paid according to the amount produced. Taylor wants to encourage improved
productivity through monetary compensation. (piece rate system)
 introduce the Principles of Scientific Management

1. “Time and Motion” study- it is a systematic approach performed in order to determine how jobs are being
done and identify which way will only take a little time and a little motion to finish a task. This replace the rule
of thumb method (Hit or miss approach).
2. Scientifically select and then train, teach and develop the workers. - workers are being chosen and train
based on their abilities and skills to perform a specialized task that will eventually makes them to become
experts of the job.
3. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with principles
of science that has been developed.- the managers work closely with the workers to supervise their
performance and to ensure increase in productivity by following the required process.
4. Divide work and responsibility almost equally between the management and the workers- this only
means that both manager and the workers shares equal amount of responsibility wherein the managers
handles the planning functions as the workers will be performing the tasks.


 developed by Henri Fayol, who is known as “The Father of Modern Management”

 focus on the efficient implementation of organizational management practices
- It emphasizes on how managers perform his managerial functions that will both benefit the organization
and the employees
 promotes top-down approach.
- This means that the command will come from the top management downwards to the last level of the
organizational structure.
 Develops the 14 principles of management:
1. Division of labor 8. Centralization
2. Authority and Responsibility 9. Scalar Chain of Authority
3. Discipline 10. Maintenance of Order
4. Unity of Command 11. Equity/fairness
5. Unity of Direction 12. Stability/Security of Tenure
6. Subordination of Individual Interest 13. Employee Initiative
to General Interest 14. Promotion of team spirit or
7. Remuneration Esprit de Corps


 introduced by Max Weber

 management is defined by clear set of rules
- this theory believes that good performance can be derived when there are detailed rules that govern all
employees how they should behave and be treated.
 division of labor
- It means that tasks are being divided among employees and the organization and take accountable for
their individual or group performance.
 promotes formal and impersonal relations
- In this way everyone is treated fairly and in accordance with the defined rules, this will also to avoid
 develops a clear hierarchical structure of authority
- It means that each level in the hierarchy have authority that comes with the position and not with the
person, for example a subordinate cannot give orders to the manager even if he/she is the son of the
owner of the company because the position of the subordinates does not hold such authority.
 follows a legal- rational approach
- This means that managers make objective decisions in accordance with the defined rules and regulations
and without bias. For example: the manager will have to promote an employee, he/she will perform the
process based on the qualifications, expertise and performance of the personnel and not because of
personal reasons.


 proposed by quality experts, W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran

 focus on customer satisfaction both external and internal
- This theory give emphasis on how to meet the needs and demands of the external customers in terms of
providing quality products and services and at the same time the internal which are the employees
through providing continuous development and rewards system.
 promotes the continuous improvement in the quality of both the products and services as well as the
- This means that constant improvement of the products through continuous market research are being
considered to be able to meet the increasing demand of the customers and for the employees, by
providing them with various seminars and trainings that will further develop their skills and abilities as well
their performance that will contribute to the company’s competitive edge in terms of its profitability and


 supported by Robert Owen, Mary Parker Follett, Hugo Munsterberg and Chester Barnard
 focus on analyzing and understanding the behavior of people within their groups and at work
- This is a very important task for the managers to consider in order to create an organizational culture that
encourage continuous growth and development among their people and influences and shapes their
behaviors in a manner that will contribute in the realization of the organizational objectives.
 recognize the psycho-social aspects of every employees
- This theory also give emphasis on the various needs of every individual and how their behavior affects
their way in dealing with other people so that manager can initiate actions and make crucial decisions
that will help satisfying those needs and enables them to perform well on their jobs and be more
productive to support the company’s goals.
 promotes human relations that helps people to learn how to get along well with others
- If every individual understand each other it will be easy for them to cooperate and to work harmoniously
with one another towards the attainment of organizational goals. Also, if the employee feels the sense of
belongingness and importance within the group as well as with the organization they worked in, it boosts
their morale, and they are likely to become more productive.

Exercise 1 - Fill in the Box. Identify the correct term for each given statement. Fill each box with the correct letter to
find the correct answer.
1. Putting the right people on the right job.

2. Monitoring and Evaluating individual performance.

3. Establishing effective strategies to realize the goals.

4. Guiding the employees with the activities that they must need to perform.
5. Focus on the study and understanding of the employees conduct within the organization.

6. Adapts the time and motion studies in performing a specialized task.

7. The process of assigning tasks and resources to various individuals.

8. Management follows a detailed rules and regulations.

9. It emphasize on meeting the customer satisfactions.

10. The act of supervising the performance of all the resources of the organization through effective execution of
the different functions to attain specific goals.

Exercise 2 - CONCEPT IN A BOX. Give the Five Functions of Management and give a brief description for

Exercise 3 - Complete the table with the various features of each Management Theories. Select your
answer from the box and write it on the appropriate table.

Continuous product improvement Organizational management

Rules and regulation Human relations
Time and motion study


1. Scientific Management
2. Administrative Management
3. Bureaucratic
4. Total Quality Management
5. Organizational Behavior

True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is false.
_________1. Henri Fayol believes that implementing an efficient and effective managerial practices will help the
organization to achieve its desired goals.
_________2. Formal and impersonal relations in the Bureaucratic theory encourage fairness and avoid favoritism.
_________3. Scientific theory of Management practice and follows the rule of thumb approach.
_________4. Coordination of activities and resources are being done in the planning stage.
_________5. Performing a continuous market research will enable the company to provide quality and latest products
and services that will satisfy their customers never ending wants and needs.
_________6. Understanding the behavior of every individual working in the organization will assists the manager to
make decisions and policies, like providing a healthy working environment, and help boost employee’s performance
_________7. In the Scientific Management theory, Taylor introduce the “fair day pay for a fair day work” in order to
increase the workers’ productivity.
_________8. Staffing involves recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel based on physical and personal
_________9. In every human undertakings proper planning is very important and must be done first to ensure its
_________10. Each level of position in the hierarchical structure entails a clearly defined authority that will guide the
managers to carry out their functions.

3. Roberto G. Medina Business Organization and Management REX Book Store
Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Teacher 2 Master Teacher 1
Compostela National High School (Day Class) Compostela National High School (Day Class)

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