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Aug 2 (SpFeeErTA AUGUST 23 __ Tuesday 235-130 / Week 35 2022 ' Wo Define posxatll Computing . + 8). Types of parallelism Data partitioning, Aa 1S types! tS » (5) Architecture _classif/Catton based on Sees ahd (6) Architecture __clasittcehon baced on | __memor -—organization 2 Oe : C9 A $$ 1 @ Metre _used_stoc_measuring 614 pertormane 2G) _capasiniTy cu _Leommpaticg. (ope me] Cor Q ApE Els in CUDA 2 piven api emt APE Ln) Hello world gvogram - : TRICHY ELECTRIC ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING PIPE TRADERS WELFARE ASSOCIATION @) Two Distinct — areas of tay tech. 24_| AUGUST is Tehy Wednesday 2022 236-129/ Week 35 TERED), ely pl\locate F1PU. Memoys . 2 42 2 en 12 ramet (5) petty Gqpu Marnory. 2 UNIFIED . MEMopgy Single Space a wnere. pare Cpu.» apy point 12) EDTA AUGUST 25 7 TEEE 237-128 /Week 35 2022 Thursday iat Maun q) 2 + Paintt Maan “yy — fn S415 TSC 2, baurth : ok : 3 ‘alah Bed 7 = \ Es 2221, 3>> A; for cu ett GPU Rinction — emeg Pe“? CIATION TRICHY ELECTRIC ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING PIPE TRADERS WELFARE ASSO! oo SR Ten, Friday | 2022 238-127 / Week TEED, ae a lon . p—CUDA_Runtion ations ptr hy Je > thread De - ss ra Dey onde eDievsnsie / 22 8 Hyves — 1 C22 a 3 = rarRL ys jo - Sunday 28 —_LocaLtty! "Reuse of date So a4 Reoluan Manor Access Liten cy. amporl eae 4 date ilithuy Ae tall Hi ae durchon. _ dpa al = Reuse 4 date “within At lative ly Close wr Bo eee Locations: 3 a Levels at te ‘computation. | Oe ee et Lewy x DOMAIN LEVEL. Tr Dnt 5 ___¥ Lose LEVEL > a ‘engunat HARDWARE LEVEL °_Lmoppity. dread te xe) —__srandardl _chunctions Ye Cuda funding “pallee Lealloc | cvasMalloc cy Cupa_Capv) menu Cuda. Meme Ne memset cuda Memset C ) TE | daw | cudoFreat_) * msstqy, fash te say eos ert yas a Dye ca a oe ug A Wo se : ae oe oft dotrvoe -t cudoMallec (void *¥devpty, size-E sing) cdot 7 Eron-t cudo.M emepy (void tdd, void # ye, GAS ed, Cadaervo! d CudaMemcpyrind ind.) 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