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SASO -155-16-03-03





These Regulations were adopted at the Board of Directors Meeting No. (162) held on 20/02/1439
Hijri corresponding to 09/11/2017 Gregorian

Published in the Official Gazette on

18/04/1439 H. (05/01/2018)

SASO -155-16-03-03

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Article (1) Terms and Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 4
Article (2): Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Article (3): Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Article (4): Supplier Obligations ....................................................................................................................... 6
Article (5): Explanatory Database..................................................................................................................... 7
Article (6): Procedures for conformity assessment ......................................................................................... 8
Article (7): Authorization to use the environmental performance efficiency card for paints and lacquers . 9
Article (8): Responsibilities of the Supervisory authorities (outlets - factories) .......................................... 10
Article (9): Responsibilities of Market Survey Authorities ............................................................................ 10
Article (10): Violations and penalties ............................................................................................................. 11
Article (11): General Provisions ...................................................................................................................... 12
Article (12): Transitional provisions ............................................................................................................... 12
Article (13): Publication .................................................................................................................................. 12
APPENDIX No. (1) Requirements for Classification of Environmental Performance Efficiency for Paints and
Lacquers........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix No. (2): List of Standard Specifications for Paints & Lacquers ........................................................ 14
Appendix No. (3): Conformity Assessment Form (Type 3) ISO/IEC 17067 ...................................................... 16
Appendix No. (4): (Supplier Declaration of Conformity) ................................................................................. 20
Appendix No. (5): Financial Costs .................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix No. (6): Design of the Environmental Performance Efficiency Card and Fixing it on the Product
Packaging ......................................................................................................................................................... 22

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In line with the accession of Saudi Arabia to the World Trade Organization and in accordance with
the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 244 of 21/09/1426 H. on the approval of the Kingdom's
accession documents to the World Trade Organization(W T O) and the Kingdom's commitment to
harmonize its relevant regulations in line with the principles of the Organization Conventions,
Particularly the Technical Aprons to Trade (TBT) agreement, which states that no unnecessary
technical requirements shall be placed in front of the flow of goods between the Member States,
and that indiscrimination shall be made between products of different origin in terms of the
technical requirements, conformity assessment methods and conformity assessment methods,
Through the issuance of technical regulations that include the basic legitimate requirements and
standardization of the work procedures.
In accordance with article 3 (paragraph - 1) of the Saudi Organization for Standardization,
Metrology and Quality issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 216 and dated 17/6/1431
H. corresponding to 31/5/2010 G., the Authority shall be responsible for
" issuance of the Saudi standards and Quality Systems, Evidences and Conformity assessment
that comply with the international standards and international evidences fulfil the requirements
of WTO, conforming to the Islamic Shari'a and fulfilling the interests of the Kingdom ".
Based on Article 4 (paragraph - 2) of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and
Quality issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 216 dated 17/6/1431 H. corresponding
to 31/5/2010 G., the Authority shall be responsible for " issuance the regulations for conformity
assessment procedures for goods, Products and services according to the adopted standard
specifications ".
According to Article 4 (paragraph - 14) of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology
and Quality issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 216 dated 17/6/1431 H
corresponding to 31/5/2010 G., the Authority shall review the Systems and governor regulations
related to areas of the authority work, developing and to propose the necessary amendments to
them, to keep pace with the requirements of quality and safety, to transmit them to the
competent authorities for study and issuance according to the regular methods.
According to Article 6 (paragraph – 1) of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology
and Quality issued by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 216 dated 17/6/1431 H
corresponding to 31/5/2010 G., that the Authority shall "take into account the provisions of
Article 4 of this Organization. The Authority is the reference authority in the Kingdom in terms
of standard specifications, conformity assessment procedures, offering the quality mark,
measurement and calibration certificates, and all government and nongovernmental sectors
shall comply with the Saudi standards in all purchases.
As the standard specifications for the products covered by a regulation are considered as a guide
to the fulfillment of these products to the basic requirements of the specified regulation, the
Authority has prepared these technical regulations.
Note: This preface and all appendices to this list are considered an integral part thereof.
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Article (1) Terms and Definitions

1/1 The following nomenclature and phrases shall apply - in the application of the provisions of
this Regulation - the conations and meanings presented to them, unless otherwise required by the
context of the text:

Kingdom: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Board: Organization's Board of Directors.

Organization: Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality.

Technical Regulation: A document approved by the Board of Directors that sets forth the
characteristics of the products and their associated processes and the methods of their
production, including the applicable administrative provisions to be complied with, and may
include or consider specifically the terms, definitions and packaging, or requirements of placing
signs or marks on products, services, processes or methods of production.

Standard Specification: A document approved by the Board of Directors for the normal and
frequent use of the rules, instructions or characteristics of the products, processes and related
production methods, the application of which is optional and may include, or specifically consider,
the terms, definitions, packaging and requirements for placing signs or marks applicable on
products, services, processes or production methods.

Basic requirements: Requirements related to products, which may affect safety, health and the
environment, must be adhered to.

Market Survey: The activities and measures taken by the market survey authorities to verify that
the products meet the requirements of the relevant technical regulations and that they do not
constitute a hazard to health, safety, environment or any other aspect related to the protection of
the public interest.

Market survey authorities: The government authority (ies) responsible for conducting market
survey processes.

Supervisory Authorities: The governmental authority (ies) with supervisory functions according to
their competence, which is responsible for implementing or following up the implementation of
the technical regulations, whether at customs outlets, markets or factories.

Hazard (s): is a potential source of damage.

Risk (s): Potential risk of damage, linked to the degree of damage severity.

Supplier: means the following:

- the manufacturer of the product, in the case of his residence in the Kingdom, or any person who
identifies himself as the manufacturer of the product, by calling the producer in his name or any
related commercial description, as well as any person who offers the renewal of the product.
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- The agent of the manufacturer in the Kingdom, in the case of the establishment of the
manufacturer outside the Kingdom or the Importer in case of absence of the agent of the
manufacturer in the kingdom.
- Every person in the supply chain whose activity has an impact on the characteristics of the
Conformity Assessment Procedures: A document approved by the Board of Directors clarifying
the procedure used directly or indirectly for the conformity assessment.
Approved bodies: are appropriate assessment bodies acceptable to the organization in
accordance with the regulation of acceptance of the conformity assessment bodies.
Certificate of Conformity: A certificate issued by the Authority or one of the accepted authorities
confirming that the product or any of its products conform to the requirements of the relevant
Supplier's acknowledgment of the conformity: A declaration by the supplier itself that its product
complies with the requirements of the applicable legislation, without any third-party compulsory
intervention - neither at the design stage nor in the production stage of the manufacturing
process. The acknowledgment shall depend on product testing in accordance with the relevant
Products: Paints and lacquers used in residential and commercial buildings and public utilities
indicated in the scope of these regulations.
The label: The label of the efficiency of the environmental – performance for paints, which owned
by the organization and shall include the data specified by the Authority, and shall show the level
of environmental - performance of the products, as they are installed or affixed to the products
intended for import, manufacture or use within the Kingdom in case they meet the requirements
of these regulations.
Saudi Quality Mark: A mark adopted by the Authority indicating that the establishment has an
effective management system that ensures the production of a commodity conforming to the
regulations, procedures of granting and the relevant Saudi standards.
Market Situation: Insert the product for the first time in the Kingdom market, and the responsible
person shall be either the manufacturer or the importer.
Supply in the market: means any supply of the product for the purpose of distribution,
consumption or use in the Kingdom in the context of a commercial activity, whether in exchange
for material amounts or free of charge.
Withdrawal: Any action aimed at preventing products from being displayed on the market and in
the supply chain.
Callback: Any action intended to retrieve products that have been offered to the end user.
Paints (Pigments): A mixture of insoluble materials suspended in a liquid medium consisting of a
group of organic or inorganic substances. When exposed to air and through polymerization,
oxidation or dehydration reaction, it offers a cohesive layer that has a strong adhesion to the
coated surface.
Lacquer (Varnish): Transparent chemical compounds that do not contain pigments, consisting of a
mixture of oils, solvents and polymers, give protection and gloss properties to the surfaces that
are coated with.

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Emulsifying paints: A coating consisting of resinous and colloidal material, combined with a
hydrophilic polymer or a group of electrodes or emulsifiers, and the links may be organic or
inorganic emulsions.
Surface coatings: Exterior layer coatings, designed to be used as a single layer or several primer
layers, in order to give gloss and durability.
Water-based paints: Paints containing water solvents using the colloidal bond.
Oil paints: Paints containing petroleum or non-petroleum solvents with resin bonds.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Hydrocarbon compounds with a boiling point of less than
250 ° C and under standard atmospheric pressure.
VOC content: The mass of organic compounds measured in g/L in the ready-to-use product, and
does not enter the mass content of the chemical reacting during drying to form the coating and
lacquer layer.
1/2 The other words and phrases in this Regulation shall have the meanings mentioned in the
Systems, regulations and decisions in force in the Kingdom.

Article (2): Scope

This Regulation shall apply to paints and lacquers (varnishes) used in residential, commercial and
public buildings, as set forth in Appendix (1) of this Regulation, at any stage of the supply chain
within the Kingdom.

In accordance with the definitions and related terms mentioned in Article (1) and the relevant
specifications mentioned in Appendix (2).

Article (3): Objectives

The purpose of this regulation is to determine the basic requirements for the paints and lacquers
mentioned above, and covered by the field of this regulation, and to determine conformity
assessment procedures that must be complied with by the suppliers in order to ensure conformity
of this product, and to preserve the environment, health and safety of the consumer.

Article (4): Supplier Obligations

The supplier must comply with the following requirements:

4/1 Technical Requirements

A) - Paints and lacquers have met the requirements mentioned in the standard specifications set
out in Appendix (2) of these Regulations.

B) - Meet the technical requirements for paints and lacquers (varnishes) in accordance with the
environmental performance classification, set forth in Appendix (1).

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C) - An effective environmental management system is provided at the manufacturer's - source of

production -(the manufacturer that have certificate of the environmental performance system in
accordance with ISO 14001 shall comply with the requirements of this section).

4/2 Packaging related requirements.

A) - Ensure that the packaging and the covering materials of paints and lacquers shall be void of
lead or any of the heavy metals.

B) - Ensure that packaging and the covering materials of paints and lacquers carry the symbol of
recycling in the case of use of plastic containers.

C) - Fill the paints and lacquers in sealed containers and prevent leakage that do not affect the
product and are not affected by it, while complying with the packaging requirements according to
the product specification.

4/3 Metrological requirements

A)- The quantity of packages shall be measured in units of the international system (SI Units), their
multiples or parts.

- The packaging of paints and lacquers of all kinds shall comply with the requirements of Standard
(GSO OIML R 87).

Article (5): Explanatory Database

5/1 The explanatory database for the paints and lacquers which is prepared to put and display in
the market, shall include the following:

a- The explanatory data on the packaging of the product shall be in accordance with the technical
requirements contained in these regulations and the related standard specifications set out in
Appendix (2) of this Regulation.

b- The demonstration data for paints and lacquers shall comply with the requirements of the
standard SASO GSO 1810 "The data card for the chemical products specified in Appendix (2) of
these Regulations.

C- All information used in the data is correct and validated.

5/2 The special data for paints and lacquers shall include the following information and data:

A- Supplier's name and trade record

-B Maximum VOC, and heavy metal ratios in finished product ready for use.

C- Determine the classification of interoperability efficiency, described in Appendix 1 and product

quality with respect to flow (flow) and coverage.

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-D The type of product according to the classifications and definitions contained in this regulation,
and any other necessary information related to its uses and the surfaces that are suitable for its

E- The expiry date of a product or a statement used before "is shown in month and year.

F- Information, statements and warning symbols related to the product, and procedures to be
followed in case of inhalation and contact.

G- The necessary information about the appropriate storage conditions that guarantee the quality
and safety of the product.

H- A special code on each package, showing the production batch for the purpose of tracking the

5/3 The images and phrases used on the product packaging shall not be contrary to the public
order, morals and Islamic values prevailing in the Kingdom.

Article (6): Procedures for conformity assessment

6/1 - The supplier - responsible for the certificate of conformity issued by an acceptable body of
the Authority, according to the conformity assessment model (Type 3) and according to the
specification (ISO/IEC 17067) and as shown in Appendix (3)..
6/2 - The approved body shall implement the corresponding assessment procedures according to
the specified model in a manner that ensures that the requirements of these regulations and the
relevant Saudi Standards, as set forth in Appendix (2) and the environmental requirements set
forth in Appendix 1 of these Regulations, are met.
6/3 - The supplier - responsible for the situation in the market - must obtain a license to use the
Environmental Performance Efficiency Card from the Authority in accordance with the provisions
of Article (7) of these Regulations.
6/4 - A technical file must be attached with the producer, including the following:
A- Approval of the supplier (manufacturer/importer) by conformity in accordance with the form
attached in Appendix (4)
B- Risk assessment document
C-Country of Origin
-6/5 The supplier should cooperate with the regulatory authorities and the market survey
authorities, for example, providing technical documents, certificates of conformity and any other
documented information proving the conformity of the product to the requirements of these
regulations, upon request.

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Article (7): Authorization to use the environmental performance

efficiency card for paints and lacquers
7/1 - License requirements for using the card (Label)
The Authority shall grant a license to use the environmental performance card for the paints and
lacquers of the supplier, upon the following conditions:
a- The producer must have a certificate of conformity from an acceptable body according to what
is stated in Article (6)
-b Provide the Commission with a separate application for each type of products to be licensed to
use the card.
c- Fill out required forms and provide the Authority with any additional documents upon request.
d- To abide by the conditions of installing the card on the products in the correct manner specified
in these regulations and related standards.
e- The supplier shall pay the Authority the costs resulting from the process of licensing the use of
the card.
7/2 Grant a license to use the card

a- The Authority shall verify that the producer obtains the certificate of conformity and the
authenticity of all documents and information provided by the supplier.

b- The Authority shall determine the costs of using the license to use the card in a preferential
manner, whereby the license to use the card is free for the best product model at the
environmental performance level, and the cost increases with the low environmental performance
of the product concerned.

C - After the supplier has met the license requirements, the Authority shall grant the Supplier a
license to use the Card.

D - The validity period for the license to use the card is renewable, provided that the supplier
submits the license renewal application at least one month before the expiry date.

7/3 Conditions for card installation

a- The card must be validated on the licensed products only, and must be proven in a clear
location and in a manner that is difficult to remove in accordance with the requirements specified
in the requirements of these regulations and related standards.

b- Made of material that ensures the survival of the card on the product or its packaging, from the
stage of manufacturing until it reaches the consumer, unless it is intentionally destroyed or

c- Be in full compliance with the design set out in Appendix (5) to this Regulation.

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d- To prove to each product in a clear place during filling or packaging, as set forth in Appendix
(5)attached to these Regulations.

e- The card must be marked on the product/packaging as specified by the Authority in terms of
type and grade, in accordance with Appendix (1) of these Regulations.

f- The card installed on the product shall be identical to the card approved by the Authority and
shall be proved in the manner prescribed in accordance with these Regulations.

g- Allows the supplier to declare the license to use the card in his business transactions to prove
that the products are licensed and subject to follow-up by the Authority.

h- The license and the card must be used only for licensed products, and the supplier is prohibited
from using the card in a misleading or wrong way or in any other way that the Authority and the
regulators consider misleading.

i- Ensure that the packaging and packaging materials products bear the card.

7/4 Financial costs for license using the card

The costs of licensing the use of the mark shall be determined in accordance with the schedule set
forth in Appendix (5) to the financial costs of these Regulations.

Article (8): Responsibilities of the Supervisory authorities

(outlets - factories)
As part of its scope of competence and validity, the supervisory authorities shall do the following:

8/1 The supervisory authorities shall verify the products compliance with the specific conformity
assessment procedures and the technical documents attached with the consignments.
8/2 Ensure the procedures for installing the label on the products subject to these regulations and
verifying the validity of the data.
8/3 The control bodies - randomly – shall withdraw samples from the product, and refer them to
the competent laboratories to ascertain the extent of their conformity with the requirements
contained in these regulations.
8/4 The control bodies shall pay suppliers for the costs of testing and related matters.
8/5 When adjusting the case of non-conformity of the product, the control body shall withdraw
the concerned products from the warehouses and take the necessary procedures in their right.

Article (9): Responsibilities of Market Survey Authorities

The market survey authorities, as part of their area of competence and competence, shall do the
9/1 Application of market survey procedures on products offered on the market, as well as
products stored in warehouses of traders and manufacturers, to verify the safety of the products

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and the extent to meet the basic requirements set out in these regulations and to the relevant
9/2 The withdrawal of samples of the product –in case of need- whether from the market or
warehouses of the suppliers (manufacturers and importers) to conduct the necessary tests and
ensure the extent of compliance with the requirements provided for in these regulations.
9/3 In determining the case of non -conformity of the product – the displayed and stored- with the
requirements of this regulation, the market survey authorities shall take all administrative
procedures from withdrawal and recall of the product in question and apply the procedures and
penalties referred to in Article (10) after taking the necessary measures.

Article (10): Violations and penalties

10/1 The manufacture, import, development and display of the products that do not conform to
the provisions of this regulation, or even announce them, shall be prohibited.
10/2 Failure to meet the elevators or one of its components to the requirements of these
regulations is sufficient reason for the authorities of the market survey and the supervisory
authorities to rule that this product is not identical, which may pose a danger to the health and
safety of consumers and the environment, in the following cases:
A) Improper installation or non-installation of conformance badges or Saudi Quality Mark or
equivalent thereof.
B) Failure to issue the conformity certificate or the supplier's confirmation of the conformity or
incorrect issuance of them.
C) Lack of availability or lack of completion of the technical documentation or contain incomplete
information or improper information.
D) Lack of or unavailability of explanatory database or safety and use guidelines.
10/3 When any violation of the provisions of this Regulation, the market survey authorities - as the
case - take all necessary measures to remove the violation and its effects from the market and
have in order to:

(a) Assigning the infringing authority responsible for placing or offering the product of the
infringing elevators - to withdraw them from the warehouses or the market in order to correct the
violation whenever possible or re-export or destroy it (depending on the nature of the product),
Within the time limit set by the market survey authorities.

(b) The withdrawal, seizure or destruction of products, or taking any other action to be called from
the market, and the market survey authorities - as the case may be - the announcement of the
recall of the product from the market, with the offending party bearing all the costs involved.

10/4 When the violation of the paints or lacquers is determined, the Authority shall take the
necessary procedures to cancel the relevant certificate of conformity and take the necessary
measures with the approved body issuing the certificate.

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10/5 Without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided for in the applicable regulations, any
person who contravenes the provisions of these regulations shall be subject to the penalties
provided for in the applicable Commercial Fraud Control Law or any other system to be replaced
or to consumer protection legislation.

Article (11): General Provisions

11/1 The Appendixes attached to this Regulation, including the terms and definitions set out in the
Standards, shall be deemed to be an integral part thereof. The Authority shall have the right to
amend any of these Appendixes as required.

11/2 This Regulation shall not prevent the Supplier from complying with all other
systems/regulations in force in the Kingdom relating to the circulation, transfer and storage of the
product, as well as systems/regulations related to the environment, security and safety.

11/3 All suppliers of paints and lacquers subjected to the provisions of these Regulations shall
submit to the inspectors of the governor authorities, and the market survey authorities all the
facilities and information they require to carry out the tasks entrusted to them.

11/4 If any situation arises that cannot be dealt with under the provisions of these Regulations, or
any dispute arises in their application, the matter shall be referred to the competent committee of
the Commission for the issuance of the appropriate decision on this case or dispute, in the interest
of the public.

Article (12): Transitional provisions

12/1 Supplier shall correct his situation in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations,
within a period not exceeding (six months) from the date of publication.

12/2 Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, products that do not meet the
requirements of these Regulations shall be allowed for a period not exceeding one year from the
date of their publication.

12/3 The application of environmental performance efficiency classification requirements shall be

excluded for a period of two years from the date of adoption of these Regulations.

12/4 These regulations shall be repealed, after adoption, of all the previous regulations in the
field of these Regulations.

Article (13): Publication

These Regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette.

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APPENDIX No. (1) Requirements for Classification of Environmental

Performance Efficiency for Paints and Lacquers
Classification of the efficiency of the Specification standards
environmental performance
The product Maximum Limits
(Gram/Liter or %)
(a) (b)
1)Emulsifying paints Volatile Organic SASO GSO ISO 11890-1
A) De-lustered (matte) interior Compounds SASO GSO ISO 11890-2
30 50
paints and roofing pigments. (V O Cs)
B) Surface layer coatings designed
for use as a single layer or several 150 150
primer layers.
C) Other types of water paints.
100 150
2) Oil paints and lacquers 380 500
1) Emulsifying Paints Mercury Product free- of SASO GSO ISO 3856 -7

number of heavy metals

shall not exceed 0.01 %
Lead shall not exceed
2) Oil Paints and Lacquers Lead heavy metals SASO GSO ISO 3856-1

wherein the total

Cadmium SASO GSO ISO 3856-4

0.009 %,
chromium SASO GSO ISO 2590
Arsenic SASO GSO ISO 3856-3
Tri-vinyl tin
Tri-butyl tin
1) A)De-lustered 0.1 % ASTM D 3257
Emulsifying (matte) interior
The product is free of aromatic
Aromatic hydrocarbons

Paints paints and roofing

B) Surface layer 1.0 %

coatings designed
for use as a single
layer or several
primer layers.
C) Other types of
water paints.

2) Oil Paints and Lacquers 5.0 %

1) Emulsifying Paints Halo- Product is free 250 ppm ASTM D 4457

2) Oil Paints and Lacquer Hydrocarbons of halo-

1) Emulsifying Paints Formaldehyde Product is free Product is free of Test reports according to
2) Oil Paints and Lacquers of formaldehyde Standard:
formaldehyde ASTM D 6191

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Appendix No. (2): List of Standard Specifications for Paints & Lacquers
SN Product Name/Address of the standard No. of the Standard
1 Paints and lacquers - Determination of volatile organic SASO GSO ISO 11890
compound content - Part 1: Method of discrimination. -1
2 Paints and lacquers: Determination of volatile organic SASO GSO ISO 11890
compound content - Part 2: Gas chromatography method. -2
3 Paints and lacquers - Determination of dissolved metal SASO GSO ISO 3856
materials - Part 1: Determination of lead content and –1
spectroscopy of atomic absorption of flame and spectroscopy
4 Paints and lacquers - Determination of soluble mineral content SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
- Part 2: Estimation of antimony content - Method of 2
measurement of atomic absorption spectra in flame and
method of spectrometry by Rodamine B.

5 Types of Paints and lacquers - Determination of soluble mineral SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
content - Part 3: Determination of barium content - Atomic 3
flame absorption spectrometry.
6 Paints and lacquers - Determination of dissolved metal SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
materials - Part 4: Determination of cadmium content - Method 4
of measurement of atomic absorption spectroscopy in flame.

7 Paints and lacquers - Determination of soluble metal materials - SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
Part 5: Determination of hexavalent chromium content in 5
pigment, which is considered part of the liquid paint - Powder
form paint - Spectrophotometric method of di-phenyl

8 Paints and lacquers - Determination of soluble metal content - SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
Part 6: Determination of total chromium content - Liquid part of 6
paint - Method of measurement of atomic absorption spectra in

9 Paints and lacquers - Determination of soluble metal materials - SASO GSO ISO 3856 -
Part 7: Determination of mercury content in pigment which is 7
part of liquid paint or water used in paint extension - Method of
measurement with flameless atomic spectrometry.

10 Standard method for testing aromatic compounds in mineral ASTM D 3257

alcohol solutions by gas chromatography method.

12 Standard Method for Determination of di-chloroethane and ASTM D 4457

Compound 1, 1, 1 - Chloroethane in Paint and coating by
Directly Injection of Gas Chromatography
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13 The general method for estimating arsenic - Method of SASO GSO ISO 2590
measuring optical intensity using silver ethyl di-thio carbamate.
14 Data card - Data card for chemical products. SASO GSO 1810
15 Paints and lacquers – Sampling. SASO 473
16 Paints and lacquers - Emulsified paints. 32071000 SASO 470
17 Paints and lacquers – Delustered alkyd (oily) paints. 32062000 SASO 471
18 Paints and lacquers – Luster & semi-luster Oily alkyd paints. 32062000 SASO 472
19 Paints and lacquers - Emulsified primer paints. 32071000 SASO 2060
20 Dryers for liquid paints. 32073000 SASO 2397
21 Paints and lacquers – Water texture -based paints. 32062000 SASO 2626
22 Paints and lacquers - Red iron oxide mineral paints. 32064900 SASO 2628
23 Paints and lacquers - Anti-alkali primer paints based on solvent. 32073000 SASO 2629
24 Paints and lacquers - Roof coatings (water based). 32071000 SASO 2627
25 Paints and lacquers - Solvent based acrylic paints 32082090 SASO 2705
26 Paints and lacquers - Nitrocellulose coatings - Transparent 32073000 SASO 2702
27 Paints and lacquers - nitrocellulose - colored basis 32073000 SASO 2703
28 Paints and lacquers - Nitrocellulose coatings (fire) - Final 32091090 SASO 2704
colored coating.
29 Nitrocellulose paste 32089090 SASO 2701
30 Paints and lacquers - Polyurethane sealer lacquers-transparent 39095000 SASO 2831
sand paper.
31 Paints and lacquers - Surface-based polyurethane lacquers. 32089090 SASO 2832
32 Paints and lacquers – Solvent- based polyurethane coatings. 39095000 SASO 2833
33 Paints and lacquers –Transparent Solvent based polyurethane 39095000 SASO 2834

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Appendix No. (3): Conformity Assessment Form (Type 3) ISO/IEC 17067

(Conformity to the model shown on the quality assurance of the production process)

1 – Conformity of the model shown on the quality assurance of the production process

Is the model of the conformity assessment procedure through which the supplier performs - the
obligations contained in the items set out below, and confirms and assure - under his full
responsibility - that the products in question are in conformity with the model specified in the type
approval certificate, and shall comply with the requirements of the technical regulations related.

2 - Manufacturing

The supplier must operate the product safety certification system, certified to ensure the safety of
the product, including the production line and the final inspection, and the testing of the products
concerned in accordance with item (3), and the system shall be subject to periodic monitoring
(Surveillance) in accordance with item (4).

3 - Product safety management system

3/1 The supplier must submit a request to the acceptable body of his choice, in order to evaluate
the relevant product safety management system.

The application must include:

1) - Name and address of the supplier, name and address of the official representative of the
manufacturer - when submitting the request from the official representative,

2) - The manufacturer must be officially licensed by the relevant authorities in the country of

3) - A written declaration not to submit the same request to any other acceptable body.

4) - All relevant information regarding the product class.

-5)- Documentations for Product Safety Management System.

6) - Technical documents of the approved model, and a copy of the (type approval certificate).

3/2 The product safety management system shall ensure that the manufactured products comply
with the model (type) specified in the type approved certificate and with the requirements of the
relevant technical regulations.

SASO -155-16-03-03

3/3 All components and requirements of the system - approved by the supplier - must be
documented in a systematic and structured manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions, and product safety management system documents should provide a consistent
understanding of safety system, plans, manuals and records. - in particular - to adequately
describe the following:

a- Quality objectives, organizational structure, responsibilities and powers of management in

relation to the safety of the product.

b- Manufacturing techniques and procedures for monitoring the quality and safety of the product
and the processes and procedures followed.

c- Examinations and tests carried out, before, during and after manufacturing and replication.

d- Records such as inspection report, testing, calibration and qualification documents for the
concerned staff........ etc.

e- Means to control the achievement of the safety required in the product and the effective
operation of the product safety management system.

3/4 The approved body must approve the product safety management system. Evaluate the
system to determine whether it satisfies the requirements referred to in item 3/3 during the
validity period of the approval of the system for a period of three years.

3/5 The product must be presumed to conform to the requirements of the technical regulations -
with respect to elements of the product safety management system - whenever it conforms to the
standard specifications.

3/6 The audit team should have experience in the safety of the product concerned and the team
should have at least one member with experience in evaluating the field and techniques of the
product industry and familiarity with the technical requirements contained in the relevant
technical regulations.

3/7 The manufacturer shall be notified of the decision after the end of the assessment, provided
that the notice includes the results of the auditing and the evaluation decision with the reasons for

3/8 The manufacturer undertakes to fulfill the obligations of the product safety management
system as approved, and to maintain it so as to remain relevant and effective.

3/9 The manufacturer shall notify the conformity assessment authority - which has approved the
product safety management system - of any proposed amendment to the product safety
management system.

SASO -155-16-03-03

3/10 - The approved body must evaluate any proposed amendments, and then decide whether
the modified product safety management system continues to comply with the item referred to in
item 3/3 or needs to be re-evaluated. The approved body must notify the manufacturer of its
decision, Examination, examination and evaluation decision with the reasons for this.
4 – Periodic monitoring under the responsibility of the accepted body
4/1 - The purpose of periodic monitoring is to verify the extent to which the supplier meets the
obligations of the approved product safety management system.
4/2 - During the validation period, the supplier must allow the approved body to enter the
manufacturing, inspection, testing and storage sites, and provide all necessary information for the
assessment, especially the safety management system documentation, safety records such as
inspection, testing and calibration reports, Staff involved....etc.
4/3 - The acceptable body should conduct periodic inspection visits to ensure that the
manufacturer applies the product safety management system and maintains it to submit to the
approved body the supplier's evaluation report.
4/4 - The accepted authority may make sudden visits to the plant for testing the product - if
necessary - or to delegate it to another party to ensure that the product safety management
system is functioning properly, provided that the approved supplier provides the supplier's
assessment report, and test reports – in case of carrying out tests.
5 - Certificate of conformity and acknowledgment of conformity

5/1 - The accepted authority shall issue a certificate of conformity of the product if the supplier
has a valid and valid product safety management system, whenever the supplier submits a request
for this, during the validity period of the approval.

5/2 - The competent authority should specify the product data in each application, and clarify it in
the conformity certificate issued and recorded in the electronic portal of the conformity (in the

5/3 -The supplier shall issue a written declaration of compliance with each approved model of the
product (model approval) and shall make it available to the regulatory authorities and market
survey authorities for a period of not less than ten (10) years after placing the product in the
market, Of the product in the Supplier's compliance with the conformity. A copy of the certificate
of conformity and acknowledgment of compliance with the regulatory bodies and market survey
authorities shall be provided upon request.

5/4 - The supplier must make the documents below available to regulators and market survey
authorities for at least ten (10) years after placing the product on the market.
1) - The documents referred to in item 3/3.
2) - The amendments referred to in the item 3/9 as approved.
3)- Resolutions and reports of the accepted body referred to in the item 3/7.

SASO -155-16-03-03

5/5 - Each acceptable body shall inform the regulatory authorities and the market survey
authorities of the product safety management systems it has ratified or withdrawn and shall
establish lists of product safety management systems that it has ratified, rejected, suspended,
restricted or withdrawn by any means, Either on a regular basis or upon request, and each
Acceptable Entity shall notify the other Accepted Entities of the Product Safety Management
Approvals that they have rejected, suspended, withdrawn or restricted, and shall notify such
authorities, upon request, of the ratifications of the Regulations issued by them.

SASO -155-16-03-03

Appendix No. (4): (Supplier Declaration of Conformity)

This form is filled on company's official letterhead
1) Supplier information
-Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
Contact person:
E-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..
Telephone number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………
Fax number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2) Product Details:
Product trademark (Brand): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Model: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
-Product Description: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………
-Grade: …………………………………………………….. Category: ……………………………………………………………………
- Reference Standards/Technical Specifications: ……………………………………………………….…………………….

We acknowledge that the product mentioned in this approval is a product that conforms to the
Saudi Technical Regulations ( ) and the accompanying Saudi Standards.

Responsible person: ………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………

Company Name: ………………………………………………………………………….…….……………………………………………
Signature: …………………………….………………… Date: …….../………/…………..…

SASO -155-16-03-03

Appendix No. (5): Financial Costs

(All costs are calculated in Saudi riyals)

S.N. Item Costs

Costs of Application 500
Costs of studying 500
technical documents
The cost per card and per model of the product is calculated.
1. The cost of issuing the card for the most environmentally-
friendly model (a) of the product concerned shall be free of
Licensing costs using
3 charge.
the card
2. The cost of issuing the card for each model shall be lower in
the environmental performance of the product concerned.
500 SAR

SASO -155-16-03-03

Appendix No. (6): Design of the Environmental Performance Efficiency

Card and Fixing it on the Product Packaging


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