Run On Sentence

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Run-on sentences

A run-on sentences occur when two independent clauses (also known as complete
sentences) are being incorrectly joined together without the use of a coordinating
conjunction or an appropriate punctuation mark like a full sop (.) or a semicolon (;).

Independent clause contains a subject and a verb, expresses a complete thought, and
can stand alone as a sentence.
• Run-on sentence The children played in the sprinkler the dog joined them.
a) First independent clause that is a complete thought: The children played in
the sprinkler.
b) Second independent clause that is a complete thought: The dog joined them.
There are 3 types of run-on sentences: a fused sentence, a comma spice, and a

1. Fused sentence: In this type of run-on sentence, two independent clauses are
joined together (fused) without proper punctuation; consequently, the reader
doesn’t know where one thought ends and another begins.
(Пунктуационная ошибка в английском языке, когда в сложном
предложении соединены без знака препинания или союза два
составных предложения)
Incorrect: The children played in the sprinkler the dog joined them.
Correct: The children played in the sprinkler. The dog joined them

2. Comma splices: occur when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined with a
comma. In other words, the words on each side of the comma could form their own
Ошибка под названием comma splice – это когда вы «слепляете» в одном
предложении, по сути, два не связанных друг с другом более мелких
предложения. Если вы читаете такую длинную конструкцию, и ясно, что
сделать это было бы легче будь там союз – это comma splice.
Incorrect: The children played in the sprinkler,(mistake) the dog joined them.
Correct: The children played in the sprinkler and the dog joined them.
Correct: The children played in the sprinkler. The dog joined them.
3. Polysyndeton (köpbaglaýjylylyk) : This type of run-on sentence uses multiple
conjunctions in the sentence, usually without proper punctuation.
Polysyndeton is a less common type of run-on that happens when too many
conjunctions are used to keep a sentence going.
Ex: And I do not see that it brings into the islands
meat or bread or beer or wine or timber or cabbages or books or instruments of
music or horses or armour or anything else worth having.
(от греч. polysyndeton — многосоюзие) — фигуры слова, входящие в группу фигур
прибавления. М. — это преднамеренное, избыточное увеличение количества союзов,
создающее впечатление возвышенности стиля.

"Я или зарыдаю, или закричу, или в обморок упаду" (А. Чехов).

How to spot a Run-on sentence (and how to correct them)

1. Check if there is more than one idea in a statement.

2. Do not only check a run-on in long statements as they can also be found in short
statements. (hem gysga hem uzyn sözlemlerde bolup bilýär)

3. See if there are comma splices. Comma splices are two independent clauses that
are connected using a comma.

Here are some ways on how to correct a run-on sentence

1. Use a semi-colon to separate two or more independent clauses. Independent
clauses can stand on its own. But since you are trying to connect two or more
related independent clauses, you can still show its relation with the use of a semi -

Incorrect: The children played in the sprinkler the dog joined them.
Correct: The children played in the sprinkler; the dog joined them.

2. You can also add conjunctive adverbs after a semi-colon. The conjunctive
adverbs are: therefore, nevertheless, however, as a result, in any
case, consequently, and thus. (joins unequal clauses)

Incorrect: John studied hard for the math exam, he got an A+.
Correct: John studied hard for the math exam. Therefore, he got an A+.
Correct: John studied hard for the math exam; therefore, he got an A+.
3. Separate two independent clauses by using a comma, and one of the coordinating
conjunctions. Keep in mind the mnemonics of the coordinating
conjunction, FANBOYS which stands for the seven coordinating conjunctions
namely for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. These coordinating conjunctions are also
useful in creating a compound sentence. (coordinating conjunctions -ulanmak
arkaly sözlemleri birleşdirmeli)

Fused sentence: The children played in the sprinkler the dog joined them.
Comma splice: The children played in the sprinkler, the dog joined them.
Corrected sentence: The children played in the sprinkler, and the dog joined them.

4. Break two independent clauses to form two sentences by ending the first
independent clause with a period. (nokat bilen sözlemleri bölmeli)

Fused sentence: The children played in the sprinkler the dog joined them.
Comma splice: The children played in the sprinkler,(comma) the dog joined them.
Corrected sentence: The children played in the sprinkler.(period) The dog joined

5. You can add a comma and a joining word to connect two sentences. (2-nd and
third rule)

Polysyndeton example sentence

The children played in the sprinkler and the dog joined them but the cat sat on the
sidewalk. ( we need commas)
Run-on sentences relationships

1. Friends = subordinate clause + (comma) ,

Example: Since Michael’s new house is awesome, I have already been there for 3 times.
2. Dating= … (comma) + (Fanboys)
Swans are beautiful birds, and they mate for life.
3. Engaged= ; (semicolon) + (optional + transitional words) + ,
Semicolon + optional transition word + comma
I love the sound of drums; therefore, bhangra is one of my favourite styles.
4. Married = dependent word

Ex: Because I enjoy the mellow sounds of acoustic guitar music, I listen to it in my
Ex: I listen to acoustic guitar music in my car because I enjoy its mellow sounds.
5. Divorce . ! ? (period, exclamation point or question mark)
Ex: World music offers a lot of variety. I listen to it in my car.

Interesting questions
1. What is a run-on sentence?
a) A sentence that has legs and is escaping the page.
b) A sentence that contains two or more clauses but lacks proper punctuation to
break it up.
c) A sentence that has too many punctuation marks.
d) A sentence that can only be fixed by adding a comma.
2. Which of these is a run-on sentence?
a) Dylan got arrested for being disordery - if only he calmed down this wouldn't
have happened.
b) The turkey chased him all down the street, it was a sight to behold.
c) Bob burned the pizza again he forgot to take the cardboard out from
d) Unfortunately, there are no more single men in this town; you should try
3. What is a comma-splice?
a) When a comma is not used in a sentence to join two independent clauses.
b) When two or more commas are used in a sentence, breaking it up for no
c) A love triangle between two sentences and a dastardly comma.
d) A sentence that has two independent clauses joined together by a comma.
4. Which of the following will fix a comma-splice.
a) Another comma.
b) Semicolon and conjunctive adverb.
c) Scrapping the sentence - there is nothing you can do to save it.
d) Putting a gerund in the sentence.
5. Which of these is an example of a comma-splice?
a) I went the library to study, but I got nothing done.
b) It is too late, we will never escape!
c) In my day, shoes were a luxury!
d) Marty, you're on fire again.
6. Which of these is NOT a correct way to fix this sentence:

I've been to Mars, I never want to go back!

a) I've been to Mars, and I never want to go back!
b) I've been to Mars. I never want to go back!
c) I've been to Mars - therefore I never want to go back!
d) I've been to Mars, never want to go back!
7. Which of the following is the correct way to fix this run-on?

Godzilla is attacking the city thank goodness Batman is on the case!

a) Godzilla is attacking the city! Thank goodness Batman is on the case!
b) Godzilla is attacking the city, but thank goodness Batman is on the case!
c) Godzilla is attacking the city; however, Batman is on the case! We need not
d) Godzilla is attacking the city, so Baman will take the case!
e) All of the above.

8. What is polysyndeon in literary definition?

a) Polysyndeton is a writing style where conjunctions are omitted in a series of
words, phrases or clauses
b) Polysyndeton is a rhetorical device in which articles and conjunctions are
frequently used in a sentence or phrase.TRY
c) Polysyndeton is a list or series of words, phrases, or clauses that is connected
with the repeated use of the same conjunction. The most common conjunctions
used with polysyndeton are and & or.
9. What is the main purpose of using polysyndeton?
a) To use conjunctions correctly in literature
b) It acts also as a stylistic device that brings rhythm to the text with the
repetition of conjunctions in quick succession
c) To fasten the pace of a sentence
10. What category of schemes is polysyndeton under?
a) Schemes of Construction
b) Schemes of Omission
c) Schemes of Repetition
d) Schemes of unusual or inverted word order
11. How would you remember the definition of
a) Poly + syndeton = Lots of commas
b) Poly + syndeton = Lots of conjuctions
c) Poly + syndeton = Lots of phrases with articles
d) Poly + syndeton = Lots of nonsense

Again about fused sentences

Fused sentence: Independent clause independent clause.
At first I wanted to be a doctor now I don't.
Some easy ways to correct a fused sentence are as follows:
1. Add a period after the first independent clause and capitalize the next word. (IC. IC)
At first I wanted to be a doctor. Now I don't.
2. Add a semicolon after the first independent clause. (IC; IC)
At first I wanted to be a doctor; now I don't.
3. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction after the first independent clause. (IC,
At first I wanted to be a doctor, but now I don't.
Directions: For each sentence below, write FS if it is a fused sentence or C if it is correct.

____ 1. Many young athletes want to play for professional leagues few actually succeed.

____ 2. I lost my train of thought did you find it?

____ 3. Laura was exhausted from hours of study however she made it to class on time.

____ 4. Dolphins have killed sharks they never attack humans.

____ 5. The shrimp was served with its head still on as a result, Mary lost her appetite.

____ 6. Mary's sister, however, ate the shrimp anyway.

____ 7. In later years, Mary developed a shrimp allergy, but her sister still enjoys shrimp.

____ 8. The roads were covered with ice therefore school was cancelled.

____ 9. The typewriter hummed loudly; consequently, I turned it off.

____10. If you understand what a fused sentence is, you will be able to proofread for them in your
papers then you will be less likely to make such a mistake.
Fused or Run-on Sentences: Practice 1 Answer Key
Directions: For each sentence below, write FS if it is a fused sentence or C if it is

_FS_ 1. Many young athletes want to play for professional leagues, but few actually

FS__ 2. I lost my train of thought. Did you find it?

_FS_ 3. Laura was exhausted from hours of study; however, she made it to class on

_FS_ 4. Dolphins have killed sharks; however, they never attack humans.

_FS_ 5. The shrimp was served with its head still on; as a result, Mary lost her appetite.

_C__ 6. Mary's sister, however, ate the shrimp anyway.

_C__ 7. In later years, Mary developed a shrimp allergy, but her sister still enjoys

_FS_ 8. The roads were covered with ice; therefore, school was cancelled.

_C__ 9. The typewriter hummed loudly; consequently, I turned it off.

_FS_10. If you understand what a fused sentence is, you will be able to proofread for
them in your papers; then, you will be less likely to make such a mistake.

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