GL Recon Jobcard

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Job card for revised GL RECON TOOL – AUGUST 2022

Certain modifications are made in GL RECON TOOL hence this Teams Meeting is called, so that all
the field functionaries can understand the changes and smoothly complete their activity in a time
bound manner

GL Recon Tool Link -

GL Recon Tool can be opened by using your Domain User ID and Password

1. Once opened and Dashboard is clicked, the below screen is opened which displays number
of Foracids of the Branch along with unreconciled and reconciled status

2. Next click Branch Bacid Menu – Below given screen opens up. Branch to select Dept and also
select Bacids and click Get Details:
3. On clicking Get details – the below given screen opens up, it could be observed that Total
amount is given either in + or -. You can observe that in the 1st column ‘0’ is mentioned
against all the Bacids. ‘0’ of Bacids which are waived for uploading of CSV files is bright, in
such Bacids, you have to feed Age wise data manually and not required to upload CSV files.
Whereas in case of the Bacids where ‘0’ is not bright in such case, branch cannot feed
manually the age wise data, and are required to be upload CSV file.

4. For uploading CSV file, CSV file is required to be prepared and following care is to be taken:
a. In the 1st column of CSV file, branch alpha is to be fed, which should be correct, other
wise system will throw error as given below in the screen.
b. 2nd Column is Report Date – the Date should be fed as 30-09-2022, if fed in any other
format or if the date is any other date, then the system will throw error as give in the
screen below:

c. 3rd column is for Account No. this should be in 14 digits, else system will throw error as
given in the screen here below:
d. 4th column is Tran ID, branch should mention correct transaction ID, because, in future,
this ID will be used for tracking this transaction for closure purpose. In the past it is
observed that, branches were keeping this column either blank or feeding ‘0’, which
should be avoided from now on.
e. 5th column is Transaction Date, this should also be in the format ’01-09-2022’, and any
other format will not be accepted by the system. Further, this date is also very
important, because, this too would be used to track and close the transaction in case of
corresponding transaction happens in future.
f. 6th column is Transaction remarks, it should be fed as mentioned in the Finacle system.
g. 7th column is ‘D’ or ‘C’. it should be in capital only, else system will throw error

h. 8th column is of Amount, it should be in figures without comma, else system will throw
error, as per the screen given below:
5. Please take care while preparing CSV file as mentioned above, this will help you to save your
time and also keep these CSV file safely at the branch, because could be used in subsequent
months / quarters.

Once the CSV file is prepared, save in a folder and upload the same through the menu as per
the screen here below:

6. Once the CSV file is uploaded successfully, message pops us as here below:
7. On clicking ‘OK’ in the above screen, the below screen is displayed:

8. Now, you can check that the data of the Bacids, which are uploaded, gets updated in the Age
wise cells as can be seen here below in the screen:
9. Now manually feed the Age wise cells of the Bacids, which are waived from uploading CSV

Once the data feeding is completed, click ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen

10. On clicking ‘Submit’ Button, the below screen is displayed:

Click ‘OK’.
11. Log out, and other user has to log in and from Branch Bacids Menu and click Verify, below
screen will be displayed:

12. On selecting Depts. and Bacids, below screen will be displayed:

13. The verifier has to check whether in the ‘Balance’ column i.e. 4th from the last is having ‘0’ in
all the cells i.e. for all Bacids, if so can click on the ‘Verify’ Button at the bottom of the
screen, the below screen is displayed:

Click ‘OK’ in the above screen.

14. Either the same user or other user can login and from the Branch Bacid Menu click Authorise
Menu, below screen is displayed
15. On clicking ‘OK’ in the above screen, the screen given here below gets displayed:

16. In the above screen the authoriser can feed his / her remarks when he / she either
authorises or rejects, but the remarks should be in the least possible words, since in each
rejection, the remarks gets added and there is a limitation in number of characters that can
be accommodated in the above space given for remarks.

On clicking ‘Submit’ Button, the screen given here below is displayed:

17. The authoriser can click ‘OK’ in the above screen, and with this the job of the branch is over.

Now branch should generate Return No. 23 from the Certificate Menu, on clicking the Menu,
the screen given below gets displayed, user to select the quarter and click on generate –
Return No. 23.

18. The Return gets generated, as per the screen given here below:
19. Now user to press control P on his / her key board, above Return gets saved in PDF format,
which can be printed and signed by the branch.

Branch / Region / Zone can generate several reports from the Report Menu, which as as
given here below:

Several additional Menus are added in the GL Recon Tool, which can be used by the Zone, i.e. we
have decentralised certain job, which were being handled at our end centrally:

1. In case Zone inadvertently verifies and then feels a particular branch should be rejected for
rectification, then the zone can reject the branch, instead of forwarding request to our
office, through the below given menu to be invoked from Adimin@ZO Menu.
2. For shifting a user from one branch to another branch, Zone can use the below given menu:
3. In case any branch is unable to prepare CSV file due to genuine reason, only then the Zone
should waive the branch from uploading CSV file and allow the branch to directly feed
agewise data. This can be done through the below given screen:

In the above screen, feed Sol ID of the branch for which the CSV file uploading is to be waived and
click get details, the branch alpha will be displayed. Now the FORACID which is to be waived should
be fed in the Box given below the Branch Alpha. The Foracid must be entered in the format
‘851400XXXXXXXX’, given in the screen here below:
Now click on account details, the details of the account will be displayed, which after checking
should be verified, then the branch can directly update the age wise data instead of uploading the
CSV file for that particular Foracid.

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