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AT 449/80 Paper presented at the 32rd Annuel Meeting in Deerhorn, Iiehigan, April 1078 and roprinted by kind permission of the American Society of Lubrication Engineers. Geometry Effects in Tilting - Pad Journal Bearings G.u.dones and F.A.Martin ‘THE GLACIER METAL COMPANY LIMITED. Alperton Wmbley Middesox HAO 1HD England Geometry Effects in Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings 6. JONES and A, MARTIN “The Gini Meal Company Lite "Wembley, Mileex, Baglind A et sty hat en eta sta Be afte of nari pty th Hatta od yams ae of ‘ing ral rings The mtr aa ed ee nt second a iat a rl ee te fl td od na Th roc henge come cee hep cee Me kag ctr he prt the nie of ds and thr rnin of he aig th roped oe a (rn The major rating arcs oth ae br td ar fi cies a emp pre os nd a Hits on dempng "The fora ering ai hich cgi grey oe npr corals pre as tear {401 The sing hence in be ri sao 1 mad 10m Cpr tk serie a ae Jor raring bsg ti of 180 a 30 iwrnopueTION ighaperd machinery partly appt eee ‘Bane bearings ihe presery prem: with sl Te paper denies the cae effects of vanes seomeite faces on endatne and dye ohio of ‘Metlnd ot bearing Dato his bhava pecan incon form sot in cxaing tend leet bering ere temperatures id dn diferent on cic THEORETICAL MODEL The tet perormance characteristics presets hereon compte ig al byagareating the values thee chatacters or the esl pa comping the besrng tg oped Bg ew rion of enema ppl 8, Semper et pd te Gy Selec ampere el ln $77 Sing Kenton acon feel appa od on The pad characteris ae ct in dimensionless ser trom ine deren aon of Reo ey ‘hn The form of equine ean eto ct he tlc of urulemce Det th qunon togeetth nad ar ee pen Fic Son ren Append ‘Aktugh he craters nil pre cake Se alo fr ere temperate on ac pt sincere ere ln operate archer it prance (1). Am inva Deat Balance peor on cme JOURNAL orarion| ig. 2am pone rcs 4+ vey’ CO-ORDINATE + vex" COORDINATE DRECTION OF EXTERNALLY APPLIED LOAD ey ee 1 fective cenit. Ahough not a full therm Idrdyamicsltion, asin where vara fc iy wih the pd are aon ntsc, he apprnch ned ete ismore eatin suming singlet or the xno bearing fh) Osa ofthe beat blanc are een in Appa The dimersonen ped characteris, bah sense sed dynam ated nthe node hve been conned th ier theoreti subs 6, By wing an iran ae ‘ces fo abe ves dno the dfeng meld of ‘ink, Inia prions of the adel for power kas and maximum pal temperate were checked again exper ‘errs from’ 60mm dancer being! grometrie ‘etn of thi bearing ae given Table (Some of tee esl fran unputed expire cai The atthe company are stews Fy experiment data (7 ors 0 dimer easing 3a shown in fg, theres daemon for per sa "helomina regime sed lo when theo fi becomes vr ‘ket The pedco of maimum ped temperature Pi for thse of bearing compre te well conederng ‘hot he empl eatonship ted vd fom Value fhe dynam character ic fing pl sal bearings have een dctermined exponen 2). ‘CLEARANCES One eto imprtan vss goeming the imance ota hyo journal bean the dearace In pli journal benngs he leranee andthe jou scenic together dln the im shape which ome the hydrodymanic prture genertinn iin he hem ing loa tigi jal bearing he sat oe Sovple as there are tw lesrances One ere tered ‘he pi leaned a the ete ithe rads of eursacure ofthe pod profile and journal ras "pot ee sctie ctatice tana (EF Aves 6/¢ ‘Sona row dame Spada hp sete cman ont aes gag gk ene casa DOE MIE 4 ip. +e ra pao Spd ming ab ed ds and cen hl hind es may’ be unable ad [End w pa fuer” Therefore, a dealer eve alte pad beating ded Te conten fr all paso nade is prey fe ‘ion af the to enone in the being and the oor Pon Dat ate ven Fig for determing ether Taveondiion nautated Foray race pret tre Theale sr aeperdent on oad edn Tso err w nite hat. when ba Detoen pad tne mani onal placement cn exced te ea ‘Sarasa ral can lean” 0 pd [Xp hearing co atin an ccm rata of ey ‘Operating Cearance ‘Occ dt droits ing owe eating nonngste seal reflec) sae ofthe Wo “dexances under teal operating onions There ate al rcs forint a hich te lene on ‘eran of the tanta lrances om he vain tearing spent Any, he bering pd ing une Sse. wil dir, berate of ad adres of he tl grads wate pa a ler he effete pod Saran. The beating deaance wl algo be afeed by ‘erent expan the jour nd the eating ee ‘Sly unde cad strep condos whee eating of the Jroa and prise opi han ha of the hosing. The Rao cenance nay beso seer that the bering ze “TRENDS IN STEADY LOAD PERFORMANCE he cr of genie ne fnperaner jural mercy, aed ani Ce over lom aimportr ain og dig, pr sey ache romp ad main cernperaure may be a Akg faci on performance) depending the properties the bea Inger, Ste jouma eccentric na of rect ingortance the peaion of hc bearing kc But tay Beso for exert ‘aso eg the pose ring of eat ce glands or oe “hc minima Hy sichnen ay be + Eig fr cope a ow spt. An aoa ium ve rt The ream for comeing both cceniciy and snitch 9 hig por ‘ening they doo fave cre relation ann plain Sil tang) The eles of the emo dearest Beating 08 Figte shower ora 100 mun damnterbeaeiganed the ‘ther fora 40 rm bearing fe lous Increasing the ps letonce ca produce igh inccme i power hw ender high oto sped “An ieree in being chante alas tem rece axiom terpenes a nceae in pd ce Fora gh operating comatose journal cenrcy in amt dcly rope to the ening eaance ‘herent nt epee of pad derance ‘Minimo fin thickness tent iowotice to “hang in citer dare the lfc bog func the mt als of ad and apc et of Load and Speed ip bearing Due thermal les th acta ales of jeoteeesy eae sie lean both ‘auenaom poser orn spect hereas a hae Ireremetinb od al wpe rake teach pad Tncreang the kad ends wo increase sey Fig Whudhereat aang the spd tends week General. Ase hangs have the apne fet ots ls ‘Mekves except unde ow hadi speed condons. ‘Arian cach of the mun graph ge a 10 et ale graphe shoving the sme charac bt Sangean of the Beri parameter The fl of a ye Tere TE Beat Mer toweneun ete lunging the various bearing parameters can Be sen by impinge poston of the hadlpeed glo each of ‘hese mal gap nit pon othe main graph a shown deed on ech sal rep Generally hing journal ewig ode ym smeiraly ie. cer oni apa pou betwee 0 th the Kirn ing the me sommes ica beso fom Fig tha changing the diction from "on ps” 10 aan pas” tee to reduce the ond bat ave ile fect on pero. This change ‘sbreialy so under high lado speed condos, but sho tai ge shan aig radi rom berm ol pan che net “be {ween pa pon This gop eadonee tbe rule in Fg nd 0 el sesh a heres gaa cage In weadyaate chorceraio 1 the ba een ‘hanged bewecn symmetric poi Bearing Lenth “There ia ince in poner hi wth ncesing enh (fig. matly nthe elo the change eager face area The ui pad perature rece "Sage earings edcedesemiy (10 der igh ad onions, Number of Pas cs jing the umber of pas ile mina p> pointy the same tal pal ae a en fe aia fd emperatue Fy). hich has er vale The umber fps does noe siesta (Sets bh End cnet nee pea cer Signy reduced ith Fever past his rnd old be revered ifthe barn were ae between pi the jour] woud then “i Trter bercen moe wily brant menp ong the pire ‘Gpeciatings fle hi paper ate gen ‘TRENDS IN DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS “The tail fr sing ing jwral baring = sften superar espa pyres el ly wh A ‘ed dpa cotcens forthe bearing 7 For ng {ed paral ang cea me aly foe tite, ndarng that th ering i ine able Jer usars ompktte drank sui of pce! Tein unceof barn cnanee and pad eran o Aymara sho Fg IB Cor 10 om roe eked ey repre the sb In vB ‘omc chasers ae of ra cet ‘Who omiering the yaa rnc, the esters sie td tha ae mst ees ‘ice he rnp ert aie ade fees eat of Kb to ne of agate, An ‘kperdamom the being earnest wat the same sgn ce one te ek Ta ost cc ie rpg ‘tenet smn Aloe net ht beg, [ects of Load end Spd gas 18. 1 sh the fers of ain beating pi races othe dy cote Se geal bse Sith cn be wae th fet of ed spo bilo ae damping, For tiie, an ante tha ae Fs 1-etet anna ne scan beng rete a 318 (7 uM i pow Fh ‘] E a ee BY EES} sehere tet ly igh fect oa The min effec ‘nes with spel at ne Bal buts at higher hades or damping both Ined nd sped sly lft Bon vic intense vt ad amd desea witha. Si trend ppt gt uc Fer dete Referring Fig, 8 spy hanging fom oe yam ‘ial hac cb, Leta tthe ere. ps ec pt ne eo ee “Thee the damping ere ig 1 ate en si ican be ser ath Fe and 14 ha he oral sfc charging fro ang tap ese pls Sao ring the aes fee dyn erst ethers iret by theres gy aa 1s eh alr he efecto ig x ny con Tora le hace enon Tn Fig. tbe croneinpt iin ae damping ern. rear shrn, For the til bing dren, he {alec ofthese eigen compre with che dies “erm: Hoeser when the pds ena symmetrical at the ol dvcstnn, the cecil term tain ite Inge alu hesgnsof which doped on wither hc hd rev ai wage How omen Sen td that hee te aes samp te ‘Beerng Lengtn tng pS) i oc hel of ee The be reste By high ont Ia he ale te tenne el Ry der Bo nd condi. Ung rer beng rece ei of the can fing tem Ba 1). The tle me ale Bu 19 Foerene hight spl comionsaw ese ao hag pes Number of Pas Figure 1 lows hat inteting the numer of pad she tering fren ret sch tens icra the aha ‘ft det iin crns at High but dee thee Kya igh son bol ond Rede ine ity on he be ren he ing sever ps nto ive ho iff om the amp terms (Fg 1), Redding the ym af pas From Tew thee, however resale a ch fon ae 1 Bz at hig woe sped candi lh Be ‘hangs a low adigh sped. Change the number pa side fot By "The expat forthe aed tect on thee ‘hanging tm ire dee ps tye ae, cet pthc Trem ibe ep pt rey racing threonine te ae eodwed, Heer th feo wre pds ther ‘ese ps ih, Bann the to he beng natin rte the ees with cesng Ba a these erm hve igh es, Latreant sing te vc iia ie tet on the aes of Ry a Br a he peed condition ‘conctusions ang learance more sign shan pa cearance to bah atarpat ad dy arena, Pal tee he se elton maim pel epee, Leming between pas receipe ture aed ieee it Ge iin Wale cel funsymmeical diectio lading ci produce igri acing he Desig ng ee nbc pace i inn en teri et "The men gic fie a mmr i prs i om suai po emgerenre tic i rei ith fee? re cea ot hgh lod, A Spd beng hae a oer eles if ie ers gh tha Tiare ellis eg «ti okie ps anlar Th ahs wah ohne the Garner tothe dvslopmt of thet the aac of Ange Saunders sd Rags the rcemathen of data (0) Bc and Fi As of ee lr eg” ote ch Eth seme Seng fan ae jot gn net ig SCI oi, Se i tea 0) a nd Uni 6. ter a To ‘ity ok i te 0 Nah oy Cpu J, “Ting ad sing Ainin cf Opin te iy Cit Weal wr A no od MT Sly, nee au coe ApPENOOK For determining the enc pl characte used in the Sheol ede for + sega jotmal bering, he Fig fre of Regret en ed 2¢2)268)#8 “This fon of cation wan derived by Nand Pa 12) sing incre ube theory. The cect Oy nd Gy ar rcs of Reyes numer under tablet ‘Sons, Fo amine condona heir ales U1, has Piling the more familar frm of Reyok equation Tha equation ised numerical hy feat ierence 1. cha there says Fl it he ang ee of the pa 2 athe pres, ize onthe pes ofthe pad 8. aautinnprep= 0, 1 uptred region tcf melo beak up into sarerern, thus edn the weed ae, caleing the over fa he tin torial ton within ch 9 ein reduced by he rt of the hes athe ‘Seam rupture brandy tthe ln hikes that Son ts sland hat se hee I mo presre enerate in dhe mpegs, sey do nx contribute {othe sftws and camping a the pa or any eh nl pon, the os ade pa ie soci he ee ad ada sgh the pad pt. Hows ‘er Tor a ule pd, Lea pd whic hat resent ‘Shaped ican im when i pio again hewn [bvsvied chat ib ect in copy opted hence an pretre ie gener ac therefore, the ed ahem conto othe ffs and damping oF he ‘omplete bearing For purposes of culating power ls on an unloaded puis anu chat he pt oes not tla the Journ. appenow 2 ving determined the performance charac of edindinensinles terme the vue efecve a Eye neded in oer tole te etal chances “This econ dependane om the ffi fod tempera ‘are Capt determined by peering heat bane “The temperate rc ith pd function theshear Jem a the bien hw hog the pad oh Has Toman Oy % m ore te proporion of fe otal est peated ha {Famed say bythe aba (ume to be 088) ae eer Fig 18, en be sec that al the le Mos fore the angele ofthe pal. Qa cols tearing eres only pate ofthe le fw frie oc se ha sl hn essing the a toward ing age "es aay very Me he ol hea gored. ThereTce the sumption fem ie he ite ong om Oana toe 41 “Theat lane hat be ave erate oath ‘he poner ky, Hy athe Fas ae 3 fenct he ‘Mine ee ence Oy This heat ance met be “The flowing spproinacon bse dermine the estima temperate om each pd Our = O04 9g “Ta rerio semper nc ing ght. she del pad ae. In detecmining the appeopeate ine empentre, out Ono, ‘rane an tren pe a foreach pa acouns taken oho i” eid ner om the pectin pad This dows by meng propor thn ere ow fom te press do sea ‘he temperatire ap sae 1 fe he et he ‘es pa i ow nu fl hep nt, Oe theese pink Row hme bo a Fest the ering amiga te ‘he rang edge of oe pa save ser the next ft that thewateup nko temperate all may cen ing ink dc temperate) j1scussion JOHN C. NICHOLAS (ember, ABLE) University of vagina ‘Cherotebvite, Virginia 22501 “Te ici wold tke congener for lice conrbuton wpe bearing eng The rene concraing the fe f vate ering parameters Cite fis al damping repr net Fr highapee, bighpeformance”trbomarhiney bearing aiff nan pra comierton. For exam ‘pul ating hat are may er er tha he mines fimdamecta sult er may aot pore ‘rmgt tering damping ol teenie

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