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What Happens When You Don’t Get the Vitamins You Need

A Diet Low in This May Produce These Signs of Deficiency


Vitamin A Poor night vision; dry, rough, or cracked skin; dry mucous membranes including the inside
of the eye; slow wound healing; nerve damage; reduced ability to taste, hear, and smell;
inability to perspire; reduced resistance to respiratory infections

Vitamin D In children: rickets (weak muscles, delayed tooth development, and soft bones, all caused
by the inability to absorb minerals without vitamin D)
In adults: osteomalacia (soft, porous bones that fracture easily)

Vitamin E Inability to absorb fat

Vitamin K Blood fails to clot

Vitamin C Scurvy (bleeding gums; tooth loss; nosebleeds; bruising; painful or swollen joints;
shortness of breath; increased susceptibility to infection; slow wound healing; muscle
pains; skin rashes) [Skorbut (perdarahan gusi, gigi, mimisan, memar, nyeri sendi atau
bengkak, sesak napas, peningkatan kerentanan terhadap infeksi, penyembuhan luka
lambat, nyeri otot, ruam kulit)

Thiamin(vitaminB1) Poor appetite; unintended weight loss; upset stomach; gastric upset (nausea, vomiting);
mental depression; an inability to concentrate

Riboflavin(vitaminB2) Inflamed mucous membranes, including cracked lips, sore tongue and mouth, burning
eyes; skin rashes; anemia

Niacin Pellagra (diarrhea; inflamed skin and mucous membranes; mental confusion and/or

Vitamin B6 Anemia; convulsions similar to epileptic seizures; skin rashes; upset stomach; nerve
damage (in infants)

Folate Anemia (immature red blood cells)

VitaminB12 Pernicious anemia (destruction of red blood cells, nerve damage, increased risk of
stomach cancer attributed to damaged stomach tissue, neurological/psychiatric symptoms
attributed to nerve cell damage)

Biotin Loss of appetite; upset stomach; pale, dry, scaly skin; hair loss; emotional depression; skin
rashes (in infants younger than 6 months)
Nutrients are divided into two major parts, namely macronutrients and micronutrients:

1. Macronutrients consisting of protein, fat, carbohydrates and some minerals the body needs
every day in large numbers. Macronutrients have an important role to produce useful energy for
the body's growth and maintenance.
2. Micronutrients are nutrients that the body needs in very small amounts (only in size milligrams
to micrograms). Some vitamins and minerals are included in micronutrients, as well as essential
fatty acids such as, for example, linoleic acid is good for brain development.

The body needs vitamin consisting of two groups, namely :

1. the fat-soluble vitamins Vitamin A, D, E, K) and

2. water-soluble vitamins (vitamin C and 8 kinds of Vitamin B Complex).

In addition to vitamins, the body also needs some essential minerals such as iron, manganese, copper,
selenium, and fluoride yodida. In addition to fluoride, these minerals to function activates an enzyme
that plays a role in metabolism, is required for the compounding fluoride with calcium, helps stabilize
the mineral in bones and teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Some of the minerals needed by the body in large quantities such as calcium, phosphate, sodium,
chloride, magnesium and potassium, which is about (1-2 grams / day). Moderate water is required in the
amount of about 2 liters / day.

There is a food component that is often overlooked. Fiber, which is very good for improving digestive
function, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol changes after meals and helps remove cancer-causing
substances produced by bacteria in the colon.

The energy needs for growth (calories / day):

Jenis kelamin Umur Tambahan energi

anak (Tahun)
Anak laki-laki 10 – 14 2 kalori/kg berat badan
dan perempuan 15 1 kalori/kg berat badan
16 – 18 0,5 kalori/kg berat badan

The nutritional needs of each individual is different, influenced by the following factors:

1. Age.

period of growth of the fetus, baby, toddlers, teens and young adults need sufficient nutrients.
Deficiency of nutrients at that time would affect the growth process. Example: lack of iodine in pregnant
women causes young cretins.

2. Sex.
males generally need a more nutrients than women because of the body surface area as well as the
muscles in men more than women. But the needs of Fe in women tends to be higher because women

3. Activity.

activities or work a day which is more active both physically and mentally need energy / calories more.

4. Environment.

Cold environments need more calories and protein. Similarly, people who are in the environment of
nuclear material should obtain specific supplements (vitamins and minerals) to protect the cells - the
cells in addition to the effects of radiation.

Oral manifestations of nutritional deficiency

Lack of nutritious food intake can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Deficiencies of these nutrients will cause
symptoms in the body when it is chronic and lasts a long time. Symptoms in the body such as can occur
in the oral cavity. Usually that is manifest in the oral cavity is a deficiency of minerals, protein, and

 Mineral deficiency

Mineral deficiency that manifests in the oral cavity is a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
iron, and fluorine.

 Deficiency of calcium

Manifestation of calcium deficiency occurs in the oral cavity is uneven absorption jawbone and
periodontal ligament destruction and loss of tooth strength.

 Phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency manifestations in the oral cavity is the disruption jaw growth and tooth eruption.
Also slow the growth Kondili with malocclusion.

 Deficiency of magnesium

Magnesium deficiency in the long term can occur enamel hypoplasia.

 Iron deficiency

Manifestations of iron deficiency in the oral cavity is the glossitis which is a disease of the tongue, where
the tongue looked red and sore.
 Deficiency flour

Deficiency Manifestations flour in the oral cavity is the most important crack teeth against dental caries.

 Deficiency of protein

Protein abundant in meat, eggs, milk, fish and corn. Manifestations of protein deficiency in the oral
cavity is the tongue appears red because of the loss of papillae, angular cheilitis and fissures occur lips or
chapped lips. Additionally mouth feel dry and appear dirty. Decreased resistance to infection so easily
happen infections in periodontal tissues.

 Deficiency of vitamin A

Deficiency of vitamin A leads to gingivitis, periodontal disease and gingival hyperplasia and enamel
hypoplasia. Vitamin A deficiency also resulted in:

a) Xeropthalmia
b) Darriers disease
c) Dry mouth (xerostomia), gingival hyperplasia, gingivitis and periodontal lesions

 Vitamin D Deficiency

Deficiency of vitamin D leads to enamel hypoplasia involving the permanent incisors and molars are
commonly found in patients rhiketsia. Manifestations of deficiency in the mouth in the formation and
growth after tooth:

a) During tooth formation, namely email hypoplasia, delayed tooth eruption, sometimes
pigmentation of the teeth
b) In the aftermath of that growth affects the structure of the periodontal tissues
 Deficiency of vitamin E

Deficiency of vitamin E causes gingival bleeding, discharge of pus pockets and periodontal disease, and

 Deficiency of vitamin K

Vitamin K deficiency causes spontaneous gingival bleeding or after brushing your teeth.

 Deficiency of vitamin C
Deficiency of vitamin C causes gingival vulnerable to local irritation resulting in gingival hyperplasia, easy
bleeding and ulceration may occur commonly called Scurvy.

a) Acute Scurvy: gingival enlarged, dark red and bleed easily

b) Oral mucosa susceptible to secondary infections
c) Easily dislodged teeth

 Deficiency of vitamin B complex

 Thiamine (B 1)

Thiamine deficiency causes enlargement of the peripheral fungiformis tongue papillae, presence of
cracks on the lips and the teeth and oral mucosa sensitifitaspada increased. Manifestations of vitamin
B1 deficiency in the mouth

a) Dental and oral mucosa sensitive

b) Oral mucosa deep red, shiny sometimes ulcerated
c) Fungiformis many papillae and a bright red tongue, slippery, shiny
d) Gingival dark red, shiny
e) Neuralgia
 Ribofavin (B 2)

Deficiency causes angular cheilitis ribofavin and fungiformis papilla atrophy. Manifestations in the
mouth are the following angular chelitis, glosotis, fungi Formis large papillae, tongue magenta (red light)

 B3

Defisiensi manifestations in the mouth

a) Glossitis marked with bright red color, the tongue is missing papillae, ulceration along the edge
of the tongue
b) Tongue dry and slippery
c) The situation more severe pain and sometimes there are white plaques on the back of the
tongue raised difficult
 Nicotinic acid (B 5)

Nicotinic acid deficiency leads to atrophy of the papilla where the tongue to appear red, chronic
gingivitis and periodontitis.

 Peridoksin (B 6)

Deficiency causes angular cheilitis Peridoksin, glossis, and a bad taste in the mouth.

 Acid Pentotenat
Pentotenat acid deficiency causes angular cheilitis, ulceration, and necrosis of the gingiva. Visible also
oral mucosa and lips shiny red.

 Folic Acid

Defisiensinya manifestation is swelling of the tongue, gingivitis, angular cheilitis and ulcers on the

 Cyanocobalamin (B 12)

Manifestations defisiensinya was pale and easily visible gingival ulceration occurs. Tongue red looks
sleek and more sensitive (glossitis hurteri). Manifestations of B12 deficiency in the mouth are:

a) Glosodynia (pain on the tongue)

b) Glssopyrosis (a burning sensation on the tongue)

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