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Design Specification:

The dish will relate to the problem that I have identified - Cultural Loss and will be
suitable for vegetarians. It will be visually attractive and will have a variety of tastes and

My dish will be burger - like, which will be suitable for my target audience: Young
Generations. The dish will have a smashed potato patty between two soft buns. It will
have a chilli to have nutritional value and will have a variety of chutneys to moisten the
palate and to add crunch too. The Portion size will be suitable for 2.

Design Specification:

Specification Details on how the product must meet the

specification requirement

Who is my target My target audience for this product is young

audience? generations. I chose this audience group because I
want to preserve culture.
What is the function and What is the reason for creating a new product?
purpose of the product To create food to spread and preserve culture based on
my target audience.
How will this product be The dish is burger-like with a potato smash patty along
visually with a chilli and some chutneys for flavour purposes.
appealing/describe the
Taste and texture It is vital that my product be filled with ample amounts
and varieties of taste and texture. For taste, it is
important for this product to be spicy. Spiciness in food
is a major part of indian culture (which is my reason for
making this product) and so spice will be essential here.
It will also have hints of sweet and sour around the way.
The texture of my dish will be a combination of soft and
crunchy. The different chutneys will serve as a
moistening effect.
To ensure the product will appeal to my target
audience, the younger generations, the dish will be
burger-like and will have a texture appealing to the
target audience.
Nutritional values The dish will be low in calories and will be healthy and
have benefits. The calorie count of the product will be 150
- 200 Calories, reducing the calorie count of a regular
burger by 1/3rd. The dish will also have nutritional
benefits, including vegetables like chilis and potatoes as
well as spices like mustard and tamarind.
Size/Proportion Shape This product will be a serving size for one person only.
This in my opinion would be ideal portion size for
people in my community/any teenager or person
looking to try the food for first time.

Designs (Evaluations included beside the Designs for the Product):

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