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Chapter III: Relativity

1. The Principle of Galilean Relativity

The laws of mechanics must be the same in all

inertial frames of reference.

Chapter III: Relativity

1. The Principle of Galilean Relativity

Chapter III: Relativity

1. The Principle of Galilean Relativity

EX1: Which observer in Figure sees the ball’s correct path?

(a) the observer in the truck
(b) the observer on the ground
(c) both observers.

Chapter III: Relativity

2. Galilean transformation equations

Chapter III: Relativity

2. Galilean transformation equations

EX2. A baseball pitcher with a 90-mi/h fastball throws a ball

while standing on a railroad flatcar moving at 110 mi/h. The
ball is thrown in the same direction as that of the velocity of the
train. If you apply the Galilean velocity transformation equation
to this situation, is the speed of the ball relative to the Earth (a)
90 mi/h, (b) 110 mi/h, (c) 20 mi/h, (d) 200 mi/h, or (e)
impossible to determine?

Chapter III: Relativity

3. Einstein’s Principle of Relativity

+ The principle of relativity: The laws of physics must be the

same in all inertial reference frames.

+ The constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in

vacuum has the same value, c = 3.00 ×108 m/s, in all inertial
frames, regardless of the velocity of the observer or the velocity
of the source emitting the light.

Chapter III: Relativity

4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity

• Time Dilation

∆t measured by an observer moving with respect to a clock is

longer than the time interval ∆tp measured by an observer at rest
with respect to the clock. This effect is known as time dilation.

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
The Twin Paradox

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
The Twin Paradox

- Named: Speedo and Goslo are 20 years old

- Speedo: journey from the Earth to Planet X, located 20 light-years
away. speed of 0.95c relative to the inertial frame of his twin brother
back home on the Earth.
- Speedo is shocked to discover that Goslo has aged 42 years and is
now 62 years old.

- Speedo, on the other hand, has aged only 13 years.

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
The Twin Paradox

EX3: Suppose astronauts are paid according to the amount of time

they spend traveling in space. After a long voyage traveling at a
speed approaching c, would a crew rather be paid according to (a)
an Earth-based clock, (b) their spacecraft’s clock, or (c) either

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
 Length Contraction

The proper length Lp of an object is the length measured by

an observer at rest relative to the object

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
 Length Contraction

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity
 Length Contraction

EX4: You are packing for a trip to another star. During the
journey, you will be traveling at 0.99c. You are trying to decide
whether you should buy smaller sizes of your clothing because
you will be thinner on your trip due to length contraction. You
also plan to save money by reserving a smaller cabin to sleep in
because you will be shorter when you lie down. Should you (a)
buy smaller sizes of clothing, (b) reserve a smaller cabin, (c) do
neither of these things, or (d) do both of these things?

Chapter III: Relativity
4. Consequences of the Special Theory of Relativity

EX5: You are observing a spacecraft moving away from you.

You measure it to be shorter than when it was at rest on the
ground next to you. You also see a clock through the spacecraft
window, and you observe that the passage of time on the clock
is measured to be slower than that of the watch on your wrist.
Compared with when the spacecraft was on the ground, what do
you measure if the spacecraft turns around and comes toward
you at the same speed? (a) The spacecraft is measured to be
longer, and the clock runs faster. (b) The spacecraft is measured
to be longer, and the clock runs slower. (c) The spacecraft is
measured to be shorter, and the clock runs faster. (d) The
spacecraft is measured to be shorter, and the clock runs slower.

Chapter III: Relativity
5. Relativistic Linear Momentum

Definition of relativistic linear momentum

Chapter III: Relativity
5. Relativistic Linear Momentum

EX5. An electron, which has a mass of 9.11×10-31 kg,

moves with a speed of 0.750c. Find the magnitude of its
relativistic momentum and compare this value with the
momentum calculated from the classical expression.

Chapter III: Relativity
6. Relativistic Energy

Chapter III: Relativity
6. Relativistic Energy

Chapter III: Relativity
6. Relativistic Energy

Relativistic kinetic energy

the rest energy

Chapter III: Relativity
6. Relativistic Energy

Total energy of a relativistic particle

Energy–momentum relationship for

a relativistic particle

Chapter III: Relativity
6. Relativistic Energy

EX6. (A) Find the rest energy of a proton in units of electron

volts. (B) If the total energy of a proton is three times its rest
energy, what is the speed of the proton? (C) Determine the
kinetic energy of the proton in units of electron volts. (D) What
is the proton’s momentum?

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics

1. Blackbody Radiation

A black body is an ideal system

that absorbs all radiation incident
on it. The electromagnetic
radiation emitted by the black
body is called blackbody

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics

2. Laws of Blackbody

a) Ste-fan’s law: The total power of the emitted radiation

increases with temperature

σ = 5.67 × 10-8 W/m2 is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, A is the

surface area of the object in square meters, e is the emissivity of the
surface, and T is the surface temperature in Kelvins. For a black
body, the emissivity is e = 1 exactly.

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics

2. Laws of Blackbody
b) Wien’s displacement law:
The peak of the wavelength
distribution shifts to shorter
wavelengths as the temperature

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics

EX1. Figure shows two stars in

the constellation Orion.
Betelgeuse appears to glow
red, whereas Rigel looks blue
in color. Which star has a
higher surface temperature? (a)
Betelgeuse (b) Rigel (c) both
the same (d) impossible to

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics

EX2. Find the peak wavelength of the blackbody radiation emitted

by the human body when the skin temperature is 35°C.

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
3. The Wave Properties of Particles

According to de Broglie, electrons, just like light, have a

dual particle–wave nature.

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
3. The Wave Properties of Particles

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
3. The Wave Properties of Particles

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
4. The de Broglie postulated

Every object of mass m and momentum p has wave

properties, with a de Broglie wavelength given by

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
4. The de Broglie postulated

EX15: An electron and a proton both moving at nonrelativistic

speeds have the same de Broglie wavelength. Which of the
following quantities are also the same for the two particles? (a)
speed (b) kinetic energy (c) momentum (d) frequency

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
5. The Uncertainty Principle

If a measurement of the position of a particle is made with

uncertainty ∆x and a simultaneous measurement of its x
component of momentum is made with uncertainty ∆px, the
product of the two uncertainties can never be smaller than h/4π:

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
5. The Uncertainty Principle
EX 18: A particle’s location is measured and specified as
being exactly at x = 0, with zero uncertainty in the x
direction. How does that location affect the uncertainty of its
velocity component in the y direction? (a) It does not affect it.
(b) It makes it infinite. (c) It makes it zero.

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
5. The Uncertainty Principle
EX 19: An electron and a 0.020 0-kg bullet each have a
velocity of magnitude 500 m/s, accurate to within 0.010 0%.
Within what lower limit could we determine the position of
each object along the direction of the velocity?

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
5. The Uncertainty Principle
EX 20: A 0.500-kg block rests on the frictionless, icy surface
of a frozen pond. If the location of the block is measured to a
precision of 0.150 cm and its mass is known exactly, what is
the minimum uncertainty in the block’s speed?

Chapter IV: Introduction to Quantum Physics
5. The Uncertainty Principle
EX 21: The average lifetime of a muon is about 2µs. Estimate
the minimum uncertainty in the rest energy of a muon.

Chapter V

Chapter V: Quantum Mechanics
What is quantum mechanics?

Describe the wacky behavior of photons, electrons

and the other particles that make up the universe.
Chapter V: Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

The wave function for such a free particle moving along the x
axis can be written as:

where A is a constant amplitude;

k is the wave number.

probability density

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

If dV is a small volume element surrounding some point, the

probability of finding the particle in that volume element is

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

The probability of finding the particle in the arbitrary

interval a ≤ x ≤ b is

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function
Normalization condition

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

Once the wave function for a particle is known, it is possible to

calculate the average position at which you would expect to find
the particle after many measurements. This average position is
called the expectation value of x and is defined by the equation

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

Expectation value for a function f (x)

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
1. The Wave function

EX1. Consider a particle whose wave function is graphed in

Figure and is given by

a) What is the value of A if this

wave function is normalized?
b) What is the expectation value of
x for this particle?

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
2. Analysis Model: Quantum Particle Under Boundary

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
2. Analysis Model:
Quantum Particle Under Boundary Conditions

The lowest allowed energy corresponds to the ground state;

The excited states corresponding to n =2, 3, 4,…..

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
3. The time-independent Schrödinger Equation

The Schrödinger equation as it applies to a particle of

mass m confined to moving along the x axis and
interacting with its environment through a potential
energy function U(x) is

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
3.1. A particle in an infinite square well potential.

Chapter V : Quantum Mechanics
3.2. Tunneling Through a Potential Energy Barrier

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
1. Atomic Spectra of Gases

+ Continuous spectroscopy
+ Emission spectroscopy
+ Absorption spectroscopy

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
1. Atomic Spectra of Gases

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
1. Atomic Spectra of Gases

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
1. Atomic Spectra of Gases

RH = 1,0973732 ×107 m-1 Rydberg constant

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
1. Atomic Spectra of Gases

EX1. (A) The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition

from the n = 2 energy level to the ground level (n = 1). Find the
wavelength and frequency of the emitted photon.
(B) In interstellar space, highly excited hydrogen atoms called
Rydberg atoms have been observed. Find the wavelength to which
radio astronomers must tune to detect signals from electrons
dropping from the n = 273 level to the n = 272 level.

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
2. Early Models of the Atom

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
2. Early Models of the Atom

Chapter VI Atomic Physics
3. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
3. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
3. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX2. A hydrogen atom is in its ground state. Incident on the

atom is a photon having an energy of 10.5 eV. What is the
result? (a) The atom is excited to a higher allowed state. (b) The
atom is ionized. (c) The photon passes by the atom without

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
3. Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX3. A hydrogen atom makes a transition from the n = 3 level

to the n = 2 level. It then makes a transition from the n = 2 level
to the n = 1 level. Which transition results in emission of the
longer wavelength photon? (a) the first transition (b) the second
transition (c) the wave-lengths are the same for both

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

- n is called the principal quantum number, the values of n are

integers that can range from 1 to ∞
- l is the orbital quantum number, the values of l, are integers
that can range from 0 to n -1.
- ml the orbital magnetic quantum number, the values of ml , are
integers that can range from -l to +l

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Chapter VI: Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX2. How many possible subshells are there for the n = 4 level
of hydrogen? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 (e) 1

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX3.When the principal quantum number is n = 5, how many

different values of (a) l , and (b) ml , are possible?

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX4. For a hydrogen atom, determine the allowed states

corresponding to the principal quantum number n = 2 and
calculate the energies of these states

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX5. List the possible sets of quantum numbers for the

hydrogen atom associated with (a) the 3d subshell and (b) the 3p

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX6. A hydrogen atom is in its second excited state,

corresponding to n = 3. Find (a) the radius of the electron’s Bohr
orbit and (b) the de Broglie wavelength of the electron in this

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
4. The Quantum Model of the Hydrogen Atom

EX7. A hydrogen atom is in its first excited state (n = 2).

Calculate (a) the radius of the orbit, (b) the linear momentum of
the electron, (b) the kinetic energy of the electron, (c) the
potential energy of the system, and (d) the total energy of the

Chapter VI: Atomic Physics
5. The alkali metal Atom

13.6 Z 2
En , l =− ∈ n, l
( n + ∆l ) 2

The selection rules for the allowed transitions are

∆l = ±1

Chapter VI: Atomic Physics

n l State of Atomic nx Energy level nX Shell

1 0 1s 1S K
2 0 2s 2S L
1 2p 2P
3 0 3s 3S M
1 3p 3P
2 3d 3D
4 0 4s 4S N
1 4p 4P
2 4d 4D
3 4f 4F

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
6. The orbital angular momentum: L

According to quantum mechanics, an atom in a state whose

principal quantum number is n can take on the following discrete
values of the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum:

l the Orbital Quantum Number

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
7. The projection of the orbital angular momentum along the
z axis

ml the Orbital Magnetic Quantum Number

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
7. The projection of the orbital angular momentum along the
z axis

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
EX6. Find all possible values of (a) L, (b) Lz, and (c) for a
hydrogen atom in a 3d state.

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
EX7. Calculate the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum
for a hydrogen atom in (a) the 4d state and (b) the 6f state.

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
EX8. Consider the hydrogen atom in the , l = 3 state. Calculate
the magnitude of L, the allowed values of Lz, and the
corresponding angles θ that Lz makes with the z axis.

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
8. The magnetic moment
µ e
r =−
L 2m
The projection of the magnetic moment along the z axis

µz e eh
=−  µ z = − ml = − ml µ B
Lz 2me 2me

µB = = 10 −23 Am 2 Manheton Bo

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
9. Zeeman effect

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
10. The spin and spin magnetic quantum number s, ms

S = s ( s + 1) h here s = 1/ 2 spin number

S z = ms h = ± h (ms = ±1/ 2)

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
11. The total angular momentum

r r r
J = L+S

J= j ( j + 1) h ; j = l ± 1/ 2

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics
n l j State of Atomic Energy level n2
nxj Xj
1 0 1/2 1s 12S1/2
2 0 1/2 2s1/2 22S1/2

1 1/2 2p1/2 22P1/2

3/2 2p3/2 22P3/2
3 0 1/2 3s1/2 32S1/2

1 1/2 3p1/2 32P1/2

3/2 3p3/2 32P3/2

2 3/2 3d3/2 32D3/2

5/2 3d5/2 32D5/2

Chapter VI : Atomic Physics


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