SOC 220 T2 SocialChangeProcessWorksheet - Revised

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SOC-220: Social Change Process Worksheet
Constructionist Social Problems Theory focuses on the process in which a society’s identified social
condition can result in social movement. This process moves from a social condition, to a social issue,
to a social problem and then to social movement. The social problems process can involve a series of
actions: claims making, media coverage, public reactions, policymaking, implementing policy, and
policy outcomes. A visual of this process is as follows:

Select a social condition to use to walk through this process completing the second page of the

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Selected social condition: Poverty
Social Condition: Make a case, with supporting evidence as to why the condition is a social
condition. Your evidence might answer how there is disequilibrium or how is it wrong or not
as it should be. (a minimum of 200 words)
Poverty is a social condition in which individuals are unable to participate in multiple social

pursuits (Hari M, 2011). Poverty can be considered a societal phenomenon since individuals

were formerly impoverished as a result of enslavement, colonialism, warfare, and invasion.

Many positions in the world require people to have a minimum education requirement. This is

tough for a poor man to attain. The divide separating haves and have-nots is mostly caused by

uneven resource allocation. The unequal distribution of material and financial assets both

globally and within individual countries is what leads to poverty. Sociologists define it as a

socioeconomic state characterized by unbalanced and inequity wealth and income disparity,

the deindustrialization of Western economies, and the predatory effects of global capitalism. It

is the state's duty to handle this. The state should be allowed to supply the bare necessities for

the impoverished so that they can fight for existence with the rest of the population. It is

critical for the impoverished to learn how to engage with others in community and to attempt

to better themselves (Crossman, 2019). Several impoverished folks think that their

impoverishment is the result of their own decisions. They chose the job that kept them

financially disadvantaged over the one that would also have rendered them wealthy. This

indicates that there is a sort of relationship among impoverishment and civilization.

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Social Issue through Clams making: Make a case, with supporting evidence, both

subjectively and objectively. (a minimum of 200 words)

Subjective data:

Poverty as a subjective state is characterized by a lack of tangible goods as well as a low level

of disposable income in society. Poverty can have a variety of economic, social and

political origins and consequences (Crossman, 2019). When assessing disparities in statistics

or economics, there really are two main metrics: abject poverty likens revenue to the quantity

required to satisfy basic personal requirements such as food, garments, and shelter; relative

poverty metrics when a person is unable to meet a minimum levels of living standards in

comparison to other people in the same time and location. The notion of absolute poverty

differs from nation to nation or civilization to civilization.

Objective data:

Poverty is defined as a condition of deprivation or a lack of the customary socially recognized

level of essential necessities or money to satisfy one's daily desires. The United States

government has established a federal poverty line that characterizes deprivation among

youngsters as a lack of vital products and services generally referred to in public

consciousness as a basic (Hari M, 2011). The statutory poverty line for youth is based on

hyperinflation and the consumer prices index. In 2012, the federal government found that 58.5

% of all Americans' youths were impoverished, with all those aged twelve to twenty-five

years suffering the most. Poverty incidence are chronically higher in rural and inner-

city places as contrasted to suburbs.

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Social Problem: Make a case, with supporting evidence, proving that society sees your
identified issue as a problem. Your supporting evidence might include media coverage and/or
proposed policy. (a minimum of 200 words and 2 references)
People in society believe that poverty signifies a lack of fundamental requirements such as

clothes, housing, food, and health care. As a result, they allude to scarce funds and a low level

of living that cannot provide fundamental human requirements (Zeder, 2020). Deprivation is

presently a serious socioeconomic concern in Pakistan, India and other nations throughout the

world. Individuals all over the world believe that poverty is what causes and brings about

bureaucracy, bribery, illnesses, an absence of education, spousal violence, familial troubles,

joblessness, and drug usage. Numerous individuals all over the world have agricultural

traditions, and their social lives are simply tied to their heritage and wealth. The assets at our

disposal and found thus far have not been utilized to this point (Chen, 2022). As it is found in

sophisticated countries that use oil, gas, and water resources for the benefit of humans. The

major causes of the high levels of poverty in the society have been identified by society as

being a low level of education, a high live birth, a maldistribution of the production factors a

conventional farming system, societal corruption, and economic and political instability. As a

sociologist, I believe that governments should implement a social security strategy in which

individuals in societies may benefit from different state advantages such as tax credits, income

assistance, social welfare, or unemployment benefits.

Social Movement: Make a case, with supporting evidence, of a social movement that has
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occurred related to your identified social condition. Your supporting evidence might include
policy and/or policy outcomes. If social movement hasn’t occurred, you may instead identify
an idea you have as a solution to the identified social condition. (a minimum of 200 words and
2 references)
By investigating all feasible solutions to the society's poverty problems. I would rather that the

government enforce the minimum wage bill policy on companies in order to ensure that

employees receive an equivalent compensation (Zeder, 2020). The passage of a minimum

wage law is a policy as well as an idea that has long been championed by trade and labor

movements across the world to help address the issue of poverty in society. All employers are

obligated by minimum wage act to pay their staff a certain, government-determined basic

wage. The goal of minimum wage regulations is to assist the working poor without raising

government expenditure. Organized labor is among the most powerful supporters of minimum

wage laws. They frequently attempt to impose a minimum salary on their employees. Laws

governing the minimum wage, nevertheless, are hotly debated. They eventually harm the

economy more than they benefit, according to critics (Zeder, 2020). The supply and demand

law is the foundation of this reasoning. Employers will not be able to continue to hire the same

number of employees if the minimal pay rises above the market equilibrium. As a result, rising

unemployment. As a consequence, individuals who are still working benefit from a greater

income, making them in fact better off. However, the rise in joblessness will also increase the

number of individuals at danger of living in poverty.

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M, H. (2011, March 17). Why is poverty a social problem? - Wondering Why?
Retrieved September 23, 2022, from

Crossman, A. (2019, July 18). Do you know the definition of poverty or how types differ?
ThoughtCo. Retrieved September 23, 2022, from

Chen, J. (2022, September 20). What's poverty? meaning, causes, and how to measure.
Investopedia. Retrieved September 23, 2022, from

Zeder, R. (2020, October 13). Government policies to reduce poverty. Quickonomics. Retrieved
September 23, 2022, from

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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