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Describe your perspective on how mission/vision statements should drive healthcare

delivery decisions.

An organization's mission statement reveals its beliefs, aims, and priorities (CFI, 2022). It

highlights the major goals of the healthcare business and ultimately draws new workers or clients

who want to know whatever they are passionate about. A mission statement is a frequently used

strategy instrument that highlights the distinctiveness and identity of a business. Health

businesses must have a mission-driven culture if they are to concentrate on resolving obstacles.

A mission-driven culture must be capable to involve the appropriate individuals in the right

places and carry out the correct actions if it is to achieve in altering the medical environment.

When it comes to being engaged, driven, and focused on where it is headed and prepared to

determine how to get there, a mission statement influences health decisions (Craig, 2022). For

instance, when a company creates networking channels to draw in and improve the morale of its

staff and clients.

Discuss why many mission/vision statements do not drive healthcare decisions and why.

A company with a clear objective will also make it easier for its personnel to

communicate openly with one another. By utilizing motivating strategies like shared purpose,

performance evaluation, and improving a patient-centered approach to communication with their

staff, a mission-driven business will concentrate on common goals. I feel that the vision or

mission of a healthcare institution should not influence healthcare choices when vital treatments

are prohibited due to religious beliefs. For instance, a Catholic organization's mission statement

mentions being devoted to encouraging respect for life (Jryan, 2019). If fully adhered to, these

instructions prevent patients from receiving healthcare treatments such as contraceptives,

abortion, miscarriage therapy, or other therapies that go against Catholic doctrine.


CFI. (2022, May 8). Mission statement. Corporate Finance Institute. Retrieved September 21,

2022, from


Craig, W. (2022, April 14). The importance of having a mission-driven company. Forbes.

Retrieved September 21, 2022, from


Jryan. (2019, February 5). Mission statement. CRS. Retrieved September 21, 2022, from

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