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Research Individual Assignment


ZELALEM JEMBERU---------------------------------------------------------------------------PGMGB/4424/21

SUBMITTED TO: - SUBMITTED TO Dr. Tnsue Gebrekidan (Ph.D.)

Title: - Assessment of market segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
practice in the case of Henken Brewery Ethiopia
Author: - Zekarias Moges

Institution Where The Paper Submitted: - St Mary’s University

Publication 2017-06

Part One Introduction

This critique is primarily concerned with the evaluation of market segmentation, targeting, and
positioning practices in the case of Heineken Brewery Ethiopia. The first point in the introductio n
raised in the study's background the researcher highlights significant segmentation characteristics
such as geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation in a concise

In the case of the problem statement, the researcher stated that numerous studies have been
conducted in the aspect of significant importance and benefits of market segmentation in various
industries such as banks, tourism sectors, and others, so the researcher doing the research in this
brewery industry is very advantageous.

The researcher created four WH questions, four of which are quite clear and may be readily
understood. The researcher's objectives are divided into two categories. the general objective is to
assess Heineken Brewery's market segmentation, targeting, and positioning practice because the
General objective must address the title, the researcher develops a clear objective, and in the case
of the specific objective, the researcher attempts to address with the research question As the
researcher states, Brewers will be able to build more effective market segmentation, positioning,
and targeting strategies as a result of the study's findings. The research will assist the manageme nt
team in fine-tuning the company's present market segmentation strategy to function efficiently in
the market, be profitable, or acquire a competitive edge over its competitors.

This research will also benefit those who want to discover how a beer company segments,
positions, and targets its market, as well as how the researchers can solve problems that the
company's present segmentation approach has caused. It can also be utilized by other scholars who

are interested in the present issue as a resource. But mentioning it, in general, general, will be
incorrect because targeting and segmentation do not work even for similar industries.

It is better to say the research will be significant for Heineken breweries and beverage-based
companies with similar policies or close ties to Heineken brewery, and it will be an eye-opening
opportunity for other brewers.

The study's scope is in Heineken brewery's since many research papers focus on Bank Hotel and
Tourism sectors the researcher's choice is advantageous because it is untouched and because the
brewery business is rapidly expanding in Ethiopia undertaking research in this field is wonderful.
The target populations are restricted only to the headquarter marketing and sales department if the
researcher tries to observe 1 or 2 production places the outcome will be great.

In terms of limitation of the study the researcher mainly indicates that since they focus on the head
office the managers are not much willing to give information but the researcher by trying to be
friendly, he gets some important points in the introduction the last case is defining different main
terms used in the research like market targeting, market Positioning and market segmentation.

In the case of conceptual Framework, because it is used to describe the essential idea or variables
and the interaction between them that need to be examined, the researcher explains the primary
factors and the relationship he arranges the factors and the relationship arranged the factures as
follows: Demographic categorization psychological categorization Because the explanation is the
most common approach used, the researcher did not explain the points adequately; if he did, it
would be extremely beneficial to arrange the Idea.

This section includes parts of the research design as well as the methodologies used. The research
strategy is descriptive since the researcher wants to characterize the existing market segmentatio n.
Using descriptive research is a solid choice because it answers all of the WH questions. Because
he conducts personal interviews with Heineken executives, the researcher uses both primary and
secondary data. Using primary data is advantageous because it may lead to the discovery of more
data and information throughout the gathering process.

The researcher did not just rely on primary data, but also on secondary data, which has the benefit
that data quality is not the investigator's responsibility, therefore using both resources is highly

The researcher gave a clear justification for selecting this approach, as well as explaining in detail
the significance of the instrument used, such as interviews with Marketing staff and sales
departments, as well as the methodology and setting, which were discussed.

The researcher primarily used structured closed-ended questionaries' to achieve more

comprehensive information about the subject matter.

The method was well outlined. The location of the research is only one beer firm, which was a
restriction of the researcher. The researcher did not explain much on the reason for picking only
one case study, although claiming that this may produce reliable information that may be conveyed
and utilized in other studies.

The method was well outlined the location of the research is only one beer firm, which would have
been a restriction of the researcher. The researcher did not explain much on the rationale for
picking only one case study, although claiming that this may produce reliable information that may
be conveyed and utilized in plenty of other studies. According to the report, Heineken Breweries
S.C divides its market by taking into account market accessibility, customer attitude, competitive
intensity, market action, market and consumer behavior such as loyalty, attitude, and demographic
parameters such as age and income.

Part two: - The research paper criticisms
Since the title of the thesis is brief and missionary, and because the brewery industry is thriving in
Ethiopia, conducting this research at this time is very advantageous not only for Heineken but also
for those involved in the industry. The title is also very interesting, short, and clear, as the purpose
of the title is to attract busy researchers in a specific target audience.

Background of the study:- In aspects of the background study, the researcher provides a
theoretical explanation for the main issue and attempts to compare the past trend with the current
trend by in the past, companies that produce consumer products used mass marketing, mass
production, mass distribution, and mass promotion strategies However, owing to intense
competition and dynamic changes in customer preferences, companies are being pushed to
compete by segmenting and targeting, thus the researcher will review the historical profile, which
will benefit the reader by comparing

Statement of the problem: - the main point the researcher wants to address is that all businesses
are devoted to market segmentation and marketing mix plans by generating idea tools and
mechanisms to address its customers with products and services by clearly understanding and
customizing their office that appeals to cash market segment by adapting various market
segmentation positioning and targeting stated The researcher put the current practice by facing a
huge challenge to apply the right market segmentation positioning and target market strategy to
operate and allocate its resources effectively, so by the reason stated by the researcher in the first
paragraph, all firms are now forced to give more focus and attention to market strategy and
marketing mix. The researcher mentions that numerous studies have been conducted in other
business sectors, but in the case of the brewery study, there are not enough studies conducted in
Ethiopia. The researcher did not mention any evidence that this is the first time the researcher is
conducted or not. Overall, the research is not supported by evidence.

Research Questions: - The researcher devised four major research questions. The questions are
very simple to understand because they are written in simple words, and the content is very specific
and has a high linkage with the theory in the research. From the theory, I can understand that the
researcher developed those out of curiosity that the brewery industry is overlooked by researchers.

The General Objective and the Specific Objective:- The General Objective Address the
researcher's subject by incorporating primary points released in the title and also because the
specific objective address the research question the researcher attempted to Address but did not
include them inside the sequence step that much in research Question.

The scope Even though there are many breweries in Ethiopia, the researcher only focused on
Heineken Brewery. There is unit delamination because he only focused on one department piece
of staff and sales permanent employee. This calls into question the data's veracity not only for the
department but also for the territorial delamination. The study focused just on the headquarters and
did not seek the manufacturing location. The research chose Heineken because of its strong
experience and having more than 170 workplaces in various regions. This section present include
Clements of research design what methods pre implements the research approach was descriptive
since the researcher wants to describe the current marred segmentation applying descriptive
research is a good choice since it chows Wh questions the researcher uses both primary and
seconded data using primary data is advantages it may lead to the discovery of additional data and
information doing the collection since use personal interview with Henken brewery Managers the
researcher did not only base in the primary data he adopts secondary data this have an advantage
of quality of data is not the responsibility of the investigator so adopting both resources is very
fruitful The researcher gave a clear justificatio n for choosing this approach and explain in detail
the significance of the instrument used such as interviewing marketing staff and sales department
the methodology and it is set was clearly discussed researcher primarily used structured close-
ended questionaries’ in order to obtain more detailed information about the subject matter. The
procedure was adequately described the setting of research is only one brewery company which
was a limitation of research the researcher did not elaborate much on the reason for choosing only
one case study even though he claimed that this might provide accurate information that can be
communicated and applied in other studies

Conclusion:- the researcher concludes it is research as Heineken Segment it is market-based on

clear product differentiation of it is brand characteristics and segmentation strategy of the company
has made the firm meet its customer need gain higher market share increase sales volume & the
firm position its product by considering psychographics factor To meet it is a customer need and
desire the company differentiate its product and service by also optimizing its marketing resources
and get the most impact-full of it is an investment and lastly the researcher states that market
segment customers size purchasing power and characteristics are measurable

Part Three: - Justification about Conclusion

According to the report, Heineken Breweries S.C. divides its market based on obvious product
differentiation of its brands' attributes and product benefits. The company's segmentation approach
has enabled it to fulfill the demands of its customers, earn a larger market share, and improve sales
volume. Since conclusion validity is the degree to which we get a conclusion regarding the link,
this section is extremely important. The primary issue is whether the research question and
conclusion match or not, and here is my comparison.

1. How the firm segments its market?

2. What strategy does the firm use to target segmented markets?

3. Which strategy is used by the firm to position itself in the market in it operates?

4. What challenges were influencing the company's segmentation and targeting practices?

The first question, "How does the business segment its market?" is well addressed in the conclusio n

by noting that segments it’s market-based on obvious product differentiation of its brand's qualities

and product benefits. The second question is not addressed, and the third question has been

addressed. Heineken Breweries S.C. positions its products by taking into account psychographic

factors such as market responsiveness, action, ability, and accessibility, and uses promotiona l

materials such as logos, symbols, display signs, audiovisual presentations, and different packs, as

well as participating in social corporate responsibility, to ensure good visibility and position its

products in the minds of customers. And, in the case of the fourth question, it is not entirely

answered, or, to put it another way, it is completely ignored.


 market-segmentation%2C-


 Proposal preparation outline submitted by the teacher

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