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Nama : Rania Sungkar

NIM : P17120223046
Kelas : 1B

Comprehension Question
1. Why is Wim Hof nicknamed the Ice Man?
 Because his ability to withstand extreme cold from the world’s longest
ice bath - 1 hour and 52 minutes and 42 seconds.

2. What is his nationality ?

 He is from Netherlands.

3. Do you agree with the writer the Wim Hoff ability is a “super human” ability?
 Yes. Because before, I was thought theres no way that somebody could
stay in ice bath with extreme cold degrees even just for a minute, but
Wim Hof proof that i was wrong about that. And theres more challenging
activities that he done succesfully that i've been thought it was
impossible for a human to done those things. He proved that he had very
strong immunity.

4. Please explain as clear as possible this excerpt: "both the autonomic nervous
system and innate immune system were regarded as systems that cannot be
voluntarily influenced."
 The autonomic nervous system and innate immune system are beyond
human control. Both system work continuosly for human survival and
forn the body’s defense against harmful subtances. These two system
work together with other system that are also beyond human control

5. Please explain as clear as possible what is meant by “homeostasis.”

 Homeostasis is the automatic process and mechanism carried out by
adaptation and living out to maintain constant conditions so that the body
can work normally, despite changes in the environment inside or outside
the body.

6. What process is going on in our body when we do controlled form of

hyperventilation in one of The Hoff Technique?
 Oxygen comes in. The body becomes oxygenated. PH levels goes up. At
a certain point we’re so fully charged, we able to change the chemistry in
our body.
7. Explain in tour own words about white fat and brown fat and their difference
 Brown fat cells is known as “good fat” because these cells could bust the
rich-sugar food with generating heat in our body to increase the body
temperature. White fat cells is the opposite of the brown fat cells known
as “ bad fat” that we usually go to gym to make it gone.

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