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RESEARCH TOPIC: Impacts of CCTV Camera Installation in the Municipality of Calatagan Implication on the Crime Prevention Campaign of PNP


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1ST REFERENCE (Vicente, et. Al. 2014). Unemployment is a significant causes of crime. Due to reason that many people does not have a stable
Cite your job in order to suffice their need like food, house rent, clothes and other expenses this situation may lead them to commit a crime in
reference here:

order to survive. The second cause is migration from one area to another, believing that they can have a better life when they migrate
IJARMSS/ from rural area to urban areas. People who does not have knowledge or skill to adopt in their new place can get easily tricked by others
2758.pdf in which cases it resulted to unlawful actions due to reason that they are desperate to survive.

There’s no doubt that modern cities is a dangerous place for a person who grew up from the country side. Although pollution and

traffic exist in the world, people believe that crime is the most serious problem in the urban areas. Almost all of the television and news

article are about the increasing rate of crime in the cities.

Unemployment is not the only reason why people commit a crime. In some cases people who are born in a corrupt environment

tend to resolve in committing crime as a way of earning or sustaining their needs. Crime rate in large areas like cities and other similar

place has a high crime rate due to aforementioned reason.

2nd REFERENCE (Oxford Handbooks, 2018). Crime prevention is a way of reducing crime rate and suppress crime and criminals. It compromises
Cite your strategies and measures that seek to reduce the risk of crime occurring and their potential harmful effect on the society and people.
reference here:

Usually it is applied through governments’ efforts to reduce crimes, maintain criminal justice and enforce the law in its jurisdiction.
3 REFERENCE (Patalinghug, 2017). On his implemented crime prevention strategies of PNP in Salug Valley, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines,
Cite your Crime prevention adopted by the PNP was much effective in reducing the crime rate in the area, Police integrated Patrol System,
reference here:

Barangay Peace Keeping Operation, Anti -Criminality Operations, Bantay Turista and School Safety Project. Due to these strategies the
assets/ crime rate in Salug Valley is reduce in their four municipality. The aforementioned strategies are useful and effective, and they can aid
IJISRT20DEC065 the community's drive for peace and order. The partnership between the police officer and the individuals living in the community is the
best way to solve criminality

Community helps in preventing crime by intervining in attempted offenses, taking precautions to prevent theft in someones

property. Data indicates that cooperation of the individual living in a community produce reduction of some crimes like burglary, robbery
and theft. When community unites for a goal that peace must be maintain it will likely happen.

Police works with the citizens which is why crime can be prevented. Citizens of the said community serves as an eye for the

police and a witness when a crime happen in their vicinity that’s why gaining trust of other people is a must have skill of a police. This

skill is something that can help the PNP in their future programs of crime prevention.

(Laru-an et al. 2015) Patrol operation is rated as the most effective way of reducing crime in community. Check points is one of the

practices conducted by the police officers authorized to do this duty, it serves as a barrier to avoid violent crime in the community, police

visibility is the first line of defense against crime. Police operations like check point have something to do with being visible to

4th REFERENCE community’s people, which give them a feeling of safety and security inside their community and other places.
Cite your
reference here: Police patrol boost public confidence in rural or urban area. Cities around the world adopted many ways of patrolling in order to
https:// make their community more safe and secured due to the police presence. Police presence is essential in preventing crime due to the
fact that it can make possible offender to think twice before doing something unlawful.
.pdf Patrol officer is the most important member of the police organization, police patrol is also known as the backbone of police

operation. Patrol officers interact with the people inside the town which give comfort to the individuals residing in the community. Patrol

operation is just one of the way of preventing crime in the area of responsibility.

5th REFERENCE (Andresen and Malleson, 2014). Foot patrols also known as beat patrol is another way of patrol operation. Police officers moving
Cite your on foot within their designated beat in order to prevent crime, maintain order and enforce ordinances or laws. It also increased the
reference here:

police presence and help in reducing crime in the community and make individuals more safe due to reason that they are going around
checking everything in their vicinity.

Buddy system is implemented in foot patrols, it means that two police officers patrol the area together to check if there is
www.researchg something suspicious happening in their designated beat. This type of patrol can look for the alleys and check if something suspicious
is happening. This patrol is much better in some ways than police patrol due to aforementioned reason, although police patrol is known
ness_of_interve as the most effective way of patrolling there are some instances in which beat patrol is better.
_region_Eviden Foot patrol is a form of service in which it directly attempt to eliminate the desire of someone to commit misconduct. Just like
data police patrol, foot patrol give high police visibility and it makes people feel more comfortable moving around in their town or place. It is

another way of preventing crime and possible criminal offender to commit unlawful actions.

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