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 Hanlin Unit 4, Book 5  年 班 座號:  姓名:    

一、字彙選擇 (每題 2 分,共 14 分)

1. ( ) It’s a little dark. Why not turn on the     when you’re reading? (A) cellphone (B) 
machine (C) lamp (D) couch
2. ( ) Every night at 7:00, the garbage truck appears(出現)on the streets to     the garbage that
people take out of their houses.〔100.北北基〕 (A) collect (B) drop (C) hide (D) save
3. ( ) Jim: How fast can you    ? Liz: Seventy words a minute. (A) collect (B) type (C) 
fill (D) knock
4. ( ) Mom, there is a strange-looking guy standing     our house. Dad isn’t at home right now.
Should we call the police? (A) outside (B) through (C) far from (D) above
5. ( ) Why are there so many     every day? Can’t our teachers give us a break? (A) screens 
(B) errors (C) lists (D) quizzes
6. ( ) Please knock on the door before you     my bedroom. (A) set (B) shape (C) enter 
(D) collect
7. ( ) Jill, you need to take a break after looking at the     of the computer for two straight hours.
It’s bad for your eyes. (A) screen (B) gate (C) button (D) bridge
二、文法選擇 (每題 2 分,共 16 分)
1. ( ) ROC     the Republic of China. (A) stands for (B) gives up (C) blows up (D) 
knocks on
2. ( ) Let me know    . (A) who are you (B) what do you do (C) what should be done
next (D) how’s the weather
3. ( ) Sometimes we should learn     to say no to others. (A) why (B) what (C) which 
(D) how
4. ( ) Anna: Do you know     our new classmate comes from? Lily: Our favorite country, Japan. 
(A) how (B) where (C) when (D) why
5. ( ) Nancy: Did the teacher tell us     to get to the station? Susan: Yes. She said we should meet
there at ten.〔100.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) how (B) what (C) when (D) where
6. ( ) Lisa is new here, so she doesn’t know     the restroom(洗手間)is.〔97.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) 
that (B) where (C) whether (D) which
7. ( ) Anita: I saw Nora in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know     she was there?
Brian: She cheated on tests.〔99.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) how (B) if (C) when (D) why
8. ( ) Here’s a list of your favorite songs, but I don’t know     to play first. How about “Just for
You”? (A) who (B) how (C) where (D) which song
三、克漏字測驗 (每格 2 分,共 12 分)
  Sandra is a fifteen-year-old junior high school student. She has been unhappy for two weeks since
her best friend, Ruth, stopped talking to her. She doesn’t know  (1) , so she asked Vivian for help.
Vivian told Sandra that she could drop Ruth a note first. Then Ruth would understand  (2) , and maybe
they could work out the problem together. Besides, Vivian also taught Sandra how to make more friends.
Because Sandra is too shy, she should change herself. She should try to open up to others, and she  (3) 
be so lonely  (3) .

( )(1)(A) where to go (B) how to do it (C) what to do (D) when to go

( )(2)(A) how Sandra felt (B) where she went (C) which she chose (D) how much she got
( )(3)(A) does not need; again (B) should; all the time (C) won’t; anymore (D) will;
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 25     Weather:

  This evening before dinner, Mom asked Jack to buy two  (1)  eggs at the supermarket. He put on
my jacket without asking me first. When he was putting his keys into the jacket, he found some cigarettes
and showed them to Dad and Mom.
  Both of them were very surprised and angry. They said smoking was bad for my health. I told them I
just tried it once because I had no idea  (2)  to say no. In fact, I did not like it at all. I told them I
would never smoke again.
  Right now my mouth feels dry, and my hair and clothes are  (3)  with the smell of cigarettes. I
think I need to take a hot bath right away.

( )(1)(A) dozen (B) dozens (C) dozen of (D) dozens of
( )(2)(A) when (B) if (C) how (D) what
( )(3)(A) full (B) set (C) entered (D) filled
四、閱讀測驗 (每格 2 分,共 18 分)
My Good Day makes every day a good day.

A visit to a smart house / Two days

Taipei, Taiwan
NT$2,000~3,500 / person

Stay in the smart house for two days, and you’ll get interesting and surprising experiences.
*During the day time, you may have a road trip with our Mamaya self-driving car.
*Make a call and you can sit at the table and watch Chef Lily, the robot, cook for you.
*At night, clap your hands to see through the large windows and watch the moon shine bright.
*Need some exercise? Exercise anytime in your bedroom. Say “Hi, Ms. Healthy!” You’ll see Ms.
Healthy, your trainer, at the bedroom door.
*Push the buttons in the house, and there are more for you to find out.

*10% off for early birds (1 month before your stay).

*Change your mind after you book your stay? No worries. You can get all your money back a week
before your stay. [You’ll get an e-ticket only.]

Check in: 3 p.m. Check out: 12 p.m.

Choose a date.

Number of people:
Adult (over 12 years old)  NT$3,500 -0+
Children (3~12 years old)  NT$2,000 -0+
Baby (0~3 years old)   NT$0   -0+
 Pay now 

Are there any special needs?

E.g.: 1 baby chair in the dining room.

( )(1) What CAN’T people do at this page? (A) Buy an apartment in Taipei. (B) Know more

about the smart house. (C) Write about their special needs. (D) Book their stay at the
smart house.
( )(2) It’s September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Lee would like to visit the smart house with their one-year-old
child next week. They will stay there for two days and one night. How much do they have to
pay? (A) NT$6,300. (B) NT$7,000. (C) NT$8,100. (D) NT$9,000.
( )(3) Look at the picture. What did the man do in picture three?

(A)   (B)   (C)   (D) 

  Lady Sasa is good at helping people solve their problems. If you need advice about something
troubling in your everyday life, write to her. No matter what your problem is, Lady Sasa will give you
some useful advice.
( )(1) What is the reading about? (A) Asking for and giving advice. (B) Making career plans. 
(C) Choosing a senior high school. (D) Taking a day off each weekend.
( )(2) What does the word fancy mean? (A) Funny. (B) Terrible. (C) Wonderful. (D) 
( )(3) Which is NOT true about the reading? (A) Jacky is going to enter a senior high school next
summer. (B) Jacky has an unusual(不尋常)problem to solve. (C) If Jacky wants to
spend a day relaxing(放鬆), he has to do all his homework first. (D) Jacky is a busy junior
high school student.
  In Taiwan, most junior high school students have to wear uniforms to school. Students want to know
why they should do so and why they can’t wear their own clothes to school.
  Some students don’t want to wear uniforms because they don’t think uniforms are beautiful. They
don’t want to wear the same clothes as others. If they wear their own clothes, they can look special and
more beautiful or handsome. However, they will spend more time on clothes than the schoolwork, or they
will ask their parents to buy more clothes for them.
  Some students think wearing uniforms is great. First, they don’t have to worry about which clothes
they should wear to school. Second, their parents don’t need to buy too many clothes for them. Third,
others will know they are students when they wear uniforms. At school, teachers can know if strangers get
into their school. Fourth, they think that their uniforms look beautiful and special and that they are
different from other school uniforms.
  What’s your opinion? Which do you think students should wear to school, uniforms or casual

( )(1) Why do some students want to wear their own clothes? (A) They want to look more special
and prettier in their own clothes. (B) They can make clothes by themselves. (C) They
don’t need to buy uniforms. (D) Their parents buy too many clothes for them.
( )(2) What does they mean? (A) Teachers. (B) Parents. (C) Students. (D) Uniforms.
( )(3) Which is true if students wear uniforms to school? (A) Teachers can’t know who their
students are. (B) Parents have to prepare more beautiful clothes for their children. (C) 
Students won’t spend too much time choosing the clothes. (D) They can get higher grades on
五、依提示作答 (每題 3 分,共 10 分)
1. (用 Can 開頭合併為一句)
2. (用 I 開頭合併為一句)
3. 依提示合併句子。
Did we download the file from the cloud? / Do you remember? (if)
4. I have no idea / do with / the noise / outside our house / .(利用「wh- 不定詞片語」依字序造句)
5. (用 I don’t know 開頭合併為一句)
六、翻譯 (每格 2 分,共 20 分)
1. 你知道為何螢幕持續顯示「錯誤」嗎?你輸入了正確的代碼,不是嗎?
Do you know why the keeps showing “ERROR”? You the right code, didn’t you?
2. 有任何人知道冰箱怎麼了嗎?
________ anyone know is the refrigerator?
3. 讓我知道咖啡機是否已被打開。
Let me know the coffee machine has or not.

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