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A very good morning to All.

I'll will be presenting Penang EHS Achievement and Performance for FY22

First of all let us start with our Indicators

Before I convey some of the Good News

Personally I would like to wish A thousands Thanks to All Penang Team

(Especially to all our Leadership Team Penang for continously to drive the
Safety Mindset to all our team in ensuring everyone goes home safe everyday)

For our Incidnet KPI in FY22- our LTIR has continously drop from 0.09 to 0.05

it is a 44% Decrease compared to FY21

We have completed AIM Level with 100% , if you all remember we were only at 72%
when I presented in last month MOR.

Moving to the site accomplishment ALL our site is certified with ISO14K and ISO45K
and plant8 system certification is scheduled in Dec 2022.

I would like to bring the team attention

Our Lost Time Injury Cases has continously drop almost 4 times From FY19 to FY22
From 34 LTI cases to 8 cases.

and we continue to have a positive mindset to further reduce the incident number
this year FY23 to at
least 50% reduction and in out recent LTP we have commited to deliver EHS Index
score of more than 80%

Moving to next slide

For the month of Aug we dont have any LTI case reported, However we do have 4 First
Aid Incident

3 incident were related to Walking and Working Surface (Slip at production, carpark
area,canteen staircase)
1 incidnet were related to housekeeping activity

The 3rd slide is a high level summary of Penang Accident Prevention Program for

All the program are based on FY22 IncidentAnalysis...

The first program is called safety watch

In order to reduce accident related to unsafe condition and unsafe act
(we will introduce safety watch program using QR Scan Platform a have a dedicated
program for employees to report UA and UC)
(we will give rewards to employees for those have achieve a certain numbers of
(Action shall be taken by relevant parties as ehs will cascade down the finding)
In accident triangle introduce by thye pherson the one of the method to elminate
accidnet is by having UA and UC reporting

Second Program is called Safety DOJO.

safety dojo is a accident simulation room that is purposely design for newly join
It is also an exhibition room for employees to understand basic safety on LOTO,
importance of PPE protecting from accident- fallen object fron different height,
Safety ladder requirement (good and damaged ladder example and consequence)

For the note almost 50% of the accident we had is newly joined employees or
workstation transfer and Employee working experience less than 6 month.
With the experience the employee felt we are targeting to increase the awareness of
employees and reduce accident involving the 3 categories of employees

The 3rd Program is known as contractor safety passport. We are working with NIOSH
Penang in developing Contractor Safety Passport.
The current safety program is not roboust enough to handle new contractors that
work in Jabil as a result of attrition and
additional manpower support. By introducing the contractor safety passport NIOSH- a
goverment link training body will provide training
service and certification to contractors and suppliers on Jabil EHS Requirement.

The 4th program is known as machinery safety statement.

Machinery safety statement is VA kind of program that has a details location of
safety device, LOTO point, PPE Requirement , MAchine Hazard Point.
The purpose of this program is to ensure employee that are assigned to handle
machine understand the basic safety requirement and machinery
hazard in preventing accidents.

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