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Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Student Name: Geovanni Tanzil

Student ID: A00067088
PRL201: Content Creation for Social
Assessment 1: Social Media Strategy
Learning Facilitator: Shane Murphy
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022

SWOT Analysis
Target Market
Background Defining Health
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Plan
Social media platforms
Content development
Implementation schedule
Evaluation and analytical tools

Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Defining Health is a pioneering clinical nutritionist practice
founded by Renee Bailey in Brisbane that focuses on women’s
well-being (Defining Health., n.d.). It provides an online or in-
person consultation to identify and treat the underlying root
causes of a client’s health problems (Defining Health., n.d.).
Defining Health has an apparent digital presence of a user-
generated website and social media platforms of Facebook
and Instagram, where non-promotional content is
conventionally used to educate users.

thesis statement?
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Used different content types Inconsistent branding
for Instagram and across social media
Facebook platforms
Made use of more non- Low engagement from the
promotional than audience
promotional content to Not maximising Instagram
educate users tools of story and reels
High-quality pictures for
Instagram content

The rise of specific content When compared to the
targeted to meet consumer previous year, the
needs during post- perceived efficacy of
pandemic (Hubspot., 2022) Facebook and Instagram
The rise of social customer declines significantly in
care to increase brand 2022 (Hootsuite Inc., 2022)
value and increase new
purchases (Hootsuite Inc.,
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022



Demographic Tech-savvy individuals
Millennials, more who tend to research Brand Mission /vision?
particularly women and purchase services To treat people and
aged 30 to 45 years online, looking for the guide them to be the
old (Digital natives) who benefits of convenience best version of
belongs to the middle and beneficial. With a themselves
to upper class high level of brand

Brand Voice/tone
Favourite social
Geographics Trustworthy
Australia Efficient
Facebook, Instagram,
International (online) Revolutionary
and YouTube

Brand Aesthetics
Clean and minimal

Psychographics How Defining Health Content themes &

strong values in can help? formats
regards to healthy Lifestyle nutritionist will Education
living, interest in guide patients to Inspiration
becoming the healthiest become the healthiest Social causes,
version of themselves version of themselves Environment
despite their busy and avoid any future Lifestyle
schedule sickness Video, Stories,

blogs, Visual
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022



To create brand awareness among 50% of

the target audience through online activities
on Instagram and Facebook
Increased social media followers by 100 per
12 months
Increased social media engagement by 80%
for the next 3 months
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022



Defining Health could use Facebook to increase brand awareness and generate
online visits to its website. Facebook continues to dominate the Australian market
with a total downloaded amount of over 28 million (Statista., 2022). With over 500
million users worldwide, it consists of mostly Millennials and Generation X with an
industry impact of B2C that is best for brand awareness and advertising (Baker,
2022). Defining Health could evolve its platforms by utilising its tools of Facebook
live, stories, and posts, long and short-form content, limiting links to increase
engagement, and paid strategy by boosting content.

Content types: Educational, customer stories, infographic

Best time and post: Post 1-2 content daily on Weekday (1:00 -3:00 pm AEST) and
Weekend (12:00 - 1:00 pm AEST)
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022



Defining Health could use Instagram to increase brand awareness, reputation,
conversion to sales, and communication with potential consumers. With over one
billion monthly active users worldwide, Instagram has become the second most used
social media platform after Facebook in Australia (Hubspot., 2022; Statista., 2022).
Instagram is best for targeting an audience of mostly females aged 25-35 years old
and is best used for aesthetic visual media and user-generated content (Hubspot.,
2022). To maximise its presence on Instagram, Defining Health could post
aesthetically pleasing content and only link to Facebook when necessary. It should
also use its tools such as IGTV, stories, and lives, which are currently not integrated
(Hubspot., 2022).

Content types: Non-promotional content (lifestyle, inspirational, interactive,

connecting content) as well as promotional content (consultation fee, discount,
stages of service)

Best time and when: Every Tuesday (between 8 am AEST -12:00 pm AEST and 5:00
pm AEST – 8:00 pm AEST) as well as every Sunday (8:00 am AEST – 9:00 am AEST)
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022



The one-month challenge's goal is to become the healthiest version of yourself
by breaking bad habits and making better life choices. Participants must
document their daily routines and email them to
so that it can be analysed and given recommendations. Throughout the
challenge, participants must post daily on social media about their
experiences with choosing better choices, using the hashtag
#1monthDefiningmyHealth. Following completion of the challenge, participants
should complete a questionnaire about post-challenge conditions, which will
then be compared to pre-challenge conditions. Two winners would be chosen
and would be given a free consultation and recommendation in regards to
their issues.
Throughout the challenge, participants are getting a free sample of the basic
service whilst getting educated on the importance of lifestyle choices. Content
during the 1-month challenge will revolve around educational and inspirational
content featuring blogs about substitutes, infographics and inspirational
visuals, and short-video about educational content. Visual content will be used
on Instagram, the blog will be posted on the Website, and Facebook will be
used for written and visual content.
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


The campaign will be carried out on Facebook and Instagram. The two social
platforms of Instagram and Facebook are best suited to run Defining Health’s
campaign. According to Hubspot (2022), Australians’ most used social media
platforms are Instagram and Facebook (Statistia., 2022). Aside from its budget-
friendly attribute, utilising content marketing on the selected platforms,
Defining Health could maximise its brand awareness and engagement among
consumers, building a sense of trust and connection (Baker, 2017).

According to McLachlan (2022), Facebook and Instagram utilise a similar

algorithm to determine which content to display based on relationship,
interest, timeliness, frequency of use, following, and session time. Defining
Health should be consistent in the days of the week and the times of the post.
According to Warren (2022), a consistent post will help Facebook and
Instagram’s algorithm and your followers could predict your next post. In
Australia, the best time to post content is between 11:00 am to 2:00 pm (Patel,

Defining Health could post 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday)

from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on Instagram and post daily from 1:00 pm to 3:00
pm on weekdays and 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm on weekends throughout the 30
days campaign. Defining Health could write a blog on its website and then
curate it as a mini-blog for Facebook and visual-pleasing content on Instagram.
The suggested topics for both Instagram and Facebook should circle around
non-promotional content. According to FightMediocrity (2015), Jab, Jab, Jab,
Right hook by Gary Vaynerchuk non-promotional content that is beneficial to
consumers gets the hook.

The suggested topics for Instagram (refer to social media planner)

-Healthy substitute of food to comply with the challenge
-Infographic on the benefit and harms of certain foods and lifestyle
-Interactive story on healthy lifestyle
-1-minute reels about daily healthy habits (a day in my life/ recipe/ BTS)

The suggested topics for Facebook (refer to social media planner)

-2 minutes recipe video
-Mini blog about healthy substitutes and healthy lifestyle
-Data visualisation about the benefits and harm of certain lifestyle
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Facebook plan evaluation

In order for Defining Health to track its progress, it should make use of the
Facebook insight that shows its:
Discovery: reach, engagement, and new page likes
Interaction: reaction, comment, shares, photo views, link clicks
Discovery could translate into building audience and awareness while
interaction could translate into retaining and nurturing the audience (Baker,

Instagram plan evaluation

Defining Health could use the Instagram insight that shows its:
Reach audiences: followers/non-followers, reach through which type of
content (reels/ post/ story).
Engagement: dms, likes, comments, save, share

Reach audiences could translate into building an audience and awareness

while engagement could translate into building trust, retaining, and nurturing
followers (Baker, 2022)
Social Media Strategy Proposal Trimester 1 HE 2022


Baker, K. (2022, June 28). Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide. Hubspot.

Defining Health. (n.d.). Qualified Clinical Nutritionist | Womens Health | Defining Health.

FightMediocrity. (2015, May 6). Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk [Video]. YouTube.

Gjorgievska, L. (2022, February 2). The Best Time to Post on Social Media in 2022. Take a Tumble.

McLachlan, S. (2022, March 4). The 2022 Instagram Algorithm Explained. Social Media Marketing &
Management Dashboard.

Patel, M. (2022, March 1). When Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2022? Clickmatix.

Statista. (2022, April 2). Leading social media apps downloaded in Australia 2022.

Warren, J. (2022, April 20). 15 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers in 2022. Later Blog.

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