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Name of Student: RONALYN L.

AGUSTIN Course and Year: BEED 1-B





Direction: Read and understand the given ideas about the subject including its topic,
answer the following questions. Make it Short, Simple with Substance.

What are your expectations about the subject?

My expectation from this subject is to gain more knowledge about the topics being taught in
these subjects and understand the concepts in this course in a way that I can understand. So
that I can apply this knowledge and achieve my goal.

Activity 1: Identify some facts and possible ideas about the subject Philippine Popular Culture,
using a concept map.

Filipinos love to

Filipinos are very Pop Filipinos love art
respectful Culture and architecture

Filipinos value
traditions and




Western Eastern Latin Middle eastern African

They influence and African Tradition is

shared set of expressed through
Filipinos culture The population in Many people traditions, belief many different art
has been greatly Eastern influence because systems, and forms, such as
influenced bycountries is more of their food is
the west: our behaviors, is music, dance, art,
traditional than varied, tasty, and shaped by history, sculpture and
music, show people in the colorful, with religion, ethnic beadwork.
business, West when we delicious identity, language,
lifestyle, fashionconsider their ingredients as and nationality, These traditions
and even on clothing, rituals. diverse as the among other influence our
infrastructures. Food is very culture itself that country to adopt
different, also why many Filipino their culture and we
The effect of
western culture music and people are good in The family is an learn their values
is greatly seen traditions. cooking. Also important part of as hospitality, truth,
in our customs, famous of their culture in the Middle respect for old age,
tradition, social dancing, and of East, as is evident covenant keeping,
and moral their music that we in the Arabic hard work and good
behavior, our adopt to them to honorific names that character. That’s
love and respect
learn more about are often used in why many people
for others.
music. Also their preference to given say that Filipino
language that we names. Also in people are
learn to them. Philippines the hardworking
family is the basic respectful and have
and most a good character

important aspect of
Filipino culture.

Activity 1: Write your own opinion about Culture. Differentiate the following views
of culture, following the guided format below.

Culture defines people's values, beliefs , and personal interests. Culture is important because it
allows people to maintain a unique identity. Culture is defined us the ways of living built by a
human group and transmitted to a succeeding generations.
Activity 2:

Answer the Following questions briefly and concisely.

1.Based from the written overview and discussion above, how can you view culture as an
individual human being?

Culture is made up of traditions, beliefs, way of life, from the most spiritual to the most material.
It gives us meaning, a way of leading our lives. Human beings are creators of culture and, at the
same time, culture is what makes us human. They remind us that we are part of a history that
defines our past, shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become.

2.What is the best/most important thing your culture has contributed to the world?

The best and most important thing Filipino culture contribute to the other word is food because
many foreign people who visit and taste the different food of the Philippines. Promoting the
other culture of the country where we can recognize and respect their culture then when we go
to other countries we know how to respect them.

Filipino purpose is serve for the benefit of humanity. Filipino use their talent and skills to touch
and change lives.


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALE if it is wrong.

FALSE 1. Every society has different culture.

FALSE 2. Culture involves man’s capabilities and habits acquired though its

FALSE 3. Culture is permanent.

FALSE 4. Every society has the same practice of culture.

FALSE 5. Culture cannot be acquired among the different society.

TRUE 6. Culture can be transferred from one generation to the next generation.

FALSE 7. Culture changed through language adaptation.

TRUE 8. Culture is a product of how people think about things as their way of life.

FALSE 9. The people’s way of behaving can change culture accordingly.

FALSE 10. Culture cannot be taught and it cannot be changed.




ACTIVITIES Activity 1:

From the given different characteristics of culture, provide a

given general example of culture that can be learned and
shared and able to cumulate and diverse. It could be your
own observations and experiences or others experiences.

Culture that can be learn:

Base on my observation and experience culture can be learn through asking question and
listening. There are cultural things I can learn through the sounds that I hear, through listening
to people talk, and hearing the contents of their interaction. Like foreign people culture and other
places to our country where I experience their culture that entertain me to learn it.

Culture is shared

Based on my observation on how culture is shared almost all living in the Philippines share their
Filipino language like bisaya who teach the Ilocano of some language of them. Also in dancing
where some foreign want to learn to dance the culture dance so we can share to them on what
culture we have. We celebrating also our many same holidays.

Culture is cumulative

Base on my observation the culture able to cumulative is the jeepneys and tricycles in the
Philippines. Their invention involved the use of materials which where invented In different
places of the world.

Culture is diverse

Base on my observation the culture of Korean people compared to the culture of Filipino people.
Korean people wear a " Hanbok" It's a traditional outfit of Korean that combines straight lines
and soft curves. While Filipino people used Baro't Saya (literally "Shirt and Skirt") is the style of
women's clothing. Traditionally, it is composed of a blouse and a long skirt with a "panuelo". It
evolved many variants, some are regional. The upper-class women wore more elaborate baro't
saya sewn with beads and has colorful designs.
Activity 2:

Interpret and describe your own ideas, understanding, or perspectives about the following
multiple cultural worlds, in terms of individual differences.

Class In my own ideas, understanding, or perspectives about class are in

every people in society and every group of people in our society they
have different class like in our country the languages is class like
Ilocano, Tagalog ,Kapangpangan also in tribes like indigenous tribes
in Philippines example Bukidnon, Mandaya , Manobo etc.

Race Race is defined as a grouping of human beings determined by distinct

physical characteristics that are genetically transmitted. Race does not
related to mental characteristics such as intelligence. Race is a term
applied to people purely because of the way they look.

Ethnic Group/ Ethnic group is a group defined by similar physical and cultural
Indigenous People characteristics. This include color, race and nationality. It can also
include language, religion , customs etc.

Direction: Determine which of the following ideas pertains about, through the given choices;
wrtie CL- Culture is learned, CS-Culture is shared, CC-Culture is cumulative,
CDy-culture is dynamic or CDi-Culture is Diverse


CDi 1.Every member of the society and every environment practice different ways and culture

CC 2. Culture has the tendency to grow and expand according to its application individual’s

CS 3. It can be learned through the process of socialization.

CDy 4. Diffusion is also one of the sources of change in culture.

CDi 5. Culture varies or different from one another depends in their way of living.

CS 6. Pertains to a person wherein he or she cannot adopt each culture without interaction or
CL 7. It can be verbal or non-verbal, through gesture or signs, and through
orally or writing from generation to another.

CDy 8. Through the patterns of individual’s behavior, culture was able to

change, as man’s changes his behavior culture also change within or

CDi 9. Culture varies from one another, depends on the way of life of people.

CC 10. The idea or the inventions of machines, these are product or output of
man’s knowledge and skills which can improve and expand one’s




Activity 1: Give specific example on how do culture shared and adopt through the following
elements of culture. It could be your own observations and experiences or others experiences.
Elements Specific example

Language Base on my observation and experience on how they share and

adopt the language example when you have a Korean friend and he
want to go in Philippines for a 1 month tour with you but he is not
fluent in Tagalog and English speaking so as a friend you need to
teach a language of Philippines and your Korean friend also teach
you to speak a Korean language as long as they sharing language
together they slowly respect, adopt and accept as a part of their

Beliefs Base on my observation on how they share and adopt the belief
example our old belief that we adopt to our ancestor like the belief of
death when someone death my parent said. When you see a chick
on the casket, it means the departed is a victim of a crime. Usually,
the relatives will also put some grains on it so that the chick will peck
on them. The sound the pecking makes is believed to be like
knocking on the perpetrator’s conscience. This belief we adopt to our
ancestor and we believe for what they believe so that it pass to
generation and next generation.

Values Base on my observation and experience on how they share and

adopt the values example Filipinos, belong to different religious
groups, we all have God(Supreme being) in our center. Filipino
families sometimes go to church or pray together with their family.
This example where Filipinos adopt to our ancestor who is their God
and they accept to their heart. That why in this generation we know
what we praying for and we know that we have a different church
and belief.

Norms Base on my observation and experience on how they share and

adopt the norms example We do the “mano po” all the time, it is a
Filipino tradition in which kids or people who are younger take the
hand of the elderly then put it in their forehead as a sign of respect.
Traditionally, we tend to the gesture to our grandmas, grandpas,
moms, dads, uncles, aunties. Generally, everyone that is older than
you. However, some people prefer not to do it because it makes
them feel old. Also in this generation. We can see that some of us
are rarely to used this tradition and we don not care about it.
Activity 2:

Answer the Following question, with 3 S (Short, Simple, with Substance).

How does culture affect your everyday habits? Does it give you good effect or bad effect?

Culture affect my everyday habit to recognize and respect the culture of others. Culture
has been part of my life since the day I was born. Because of culture we can also to
describe our way of life and the values, belief, and attitudes that we use in everyday life.
Its give me a good effect in my life without culture we cannot recognize each other us a
one society and we cannot call our self a human without culture.

How do cultures differ from each other, based from the different elements of culture?

Culture was defined as the early as the language , and values, that the part of any society.
Cultural differences are the various beliefs, behavior, languages, practices and expression
considered unique to members of a specific ethnicity race or national origin



 Material Culture is the  Non material culture is

physical object that people the tangible and
create and use in one’s
abstract object like
daily life example tools,
traditions, habits,
Activity 1:
buildings, cars,research ormanners
a short and simple
, attitude,
interview on a cultural beliefs
and practices of other group or societies in the world which could
clothing etc. belief , language
bring about culture shock or culture lag. It could be your own
 The used of material
group, or others group.
literature, art, law ,
Base on research and interview on a cultural beliefs and practices
culture perceived varied
of other societies in the world which could be bring about culture
shock. This is my research
understanding culture.
 Non material culture
Moving beyond culture shock and continuing to live and learn
overseas puts you on the path to becoming interculturally fluent.
was able to influence
Becoming more deeply engaged with the local culture increases
your level of intercultural adaptation and your ability to reach your
goals. It also makes cultural learning more enjoyable, if not always
people behavior.
easier.This learning process is complex and almost inevitably
results in reports from returning students that, “I learned more
about myself and my culture than about the culture I was living in.”
The learning process can be a bit painful, take longer than
expected, and can lead to the onset of symptoms associated with
culture shock. The good news is that this indicates that learning is
occurring and that you are getting better and better at
ACTIVITIES understanding the culture.

Being aware of this cycle of cultural adjustment will allow you to

better understand your reactions during your time abroad. In
addition, this cycle of cultural adjustment can be linked with levels
of Cultural Awareness.
Activity 2: Answer the following questions with 3 S (Short, Simple, with Substance).

In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone?

To whom is it OK and to whom is it not OK? Site specific Example.

Its ok to be straight for our culture and direct when we talk to someone. We need to remained
always that think and re-think before we open our mouth. Because realizing later that we
were wrong will not bring back the words we spit out. example , its ok to the person who can
understand your personality of being straightforward and no one can hurt the feelings both of
you. Its not ok to the person who have a sensitive feeling and not comfortable in
straightforward and direct when he/ she talk because it is negative feedback to them.



Based from the given ideas and information, differentiate the following, with 3 S (Short,
Simple, with Substance).

Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism

Ethnocentrism it refers to the tendency to see the behaviors, beliefs, values, and norms of
one's own group as the only right way of living and to judge other by those standards.

Xenocentrism it refers to the idea that what is foreign is best and that one's lifestyle,
products or ideas are inferior to those others.

Culture shock and Culture Lag

Culture shock it refers to the feelings of disbelief, disorganization and frustration one
experiences when he encounters culture patterns or practices which are different from his.

Culture lag it refers to gap between the material and non- material culture.

Subculture and Counter culture

Subculture this refers to smaller group which develop norms, values, beliefs, and special
languages which make the distinct from the broader society.

Counter culture it refers subgroup whose standards come in conflict with the oppose the
conventional standards of the dominant culture.

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