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an integrated model for early childhood growth

and development

The most effective time to improve

children?s growth and development,
and to prevent inequalities are the
first years of life. The parenting
interventions, focused on early
childhood interaction and cognitive
stimulation, breastfeeding, especially
among the most vulnerable children,
reduce the negative effect of risk
factors and promote child
Globally, there are more than 500
million children under 5 in
developing countries, of whom 156
million are stunted and 126 million
live in absolute poverty. In total,
around 250 million children in
developing countries fail to reach
their developmental potential due to
poverty and stunting, and are
considered disadvantaged.2
Child development starts from
conception and it is the most rapid
during the first years of life. By age
three, a baby?s brain reaches 80 per
cent of adult size.3
This period is considered to be the
'power equalizer' in human
development, an open window
during which a child?s experiences
either facilitate or inhibit attainment
of their full potential in life and
ability to positively contribute to

1 Lancet Series on Child Development 2011

2 Grantham-McGregor, Sally, et al.,
?Developmental Potential in the First 5 Years for
Children in Developing Countries?, Lancet, vol.
369, no. 9555, 6 January 2007.
4 WHO, 2007
The Go Baby Go (GBG) healthcare providers?capacity
model is an innovative and in quality ECD counselling,
effective behaviour change screening for early
communication (BCC) model identification of delays/
for improving the growth and deviations, all in conjunction
development outcomes of with health promotion.
children under three (CU3). Funded by the Bill & Melinda
The GBG aims to build Gates Foundation - Grand
caregivers?confidence and Challenge Award, in 2014
competence, with the view to November, World Vision
maximising their potential for Armenia (WVA) conducted a
their role during the first research project, called 'Go
1,000+ days of a baby?s life. It Baby Go! ? the Equalizer'. The
equips primary caregivers to research intended to pilot test
become baby?s first teachers, the effectiveness of an
The healthy early childhood first caregivers and first
development (ECD) has huge integrated ECD and maternal,
protectors. The GBG newborn and childhood health
impact on child well-being, integrated model facilitates
and is critical in shaping (MNCH) interventions,
health and social outcomes. parents/caregivers' holistic comparing it against the WVA
The risk factors such as understanding of the traditional MNCH program.
malnutrition, inadequate interrelatedness of health,
nutrition, protection and Go Baby Go intervention
learning and social interaction package includes the following:
opportunities, family violence development as well as risk
and poverty can damage and resiliency-promoting - WV developed and
healthy brain development factors. These then help them adapted resources,
with lifelong negative impact to promote young children?s - established and
on health, behaviour, learning development and growth in a capacitated delivery
and productivity.5 healthy, positive environment. platforms, such as GBG
The model also builds primary facilitators (examples
In Armenia many children do healthcare providers?skills and
not reach their full include community
equips them with the active, educated women,
development potential resources for appropriate
because of poor parenting social workers and
ECD screening, counselling, nurses) and the primary
behaviour and insufficient early detection and referrals.
brain stimulation.6 Simple healthcare cadres,
family interactions like playing, According to the GBG - behaviour change
singing and reading with model?s theory of change, communication (group
young children are not better child growth and sessions) among CU3
perceived as important for development (e.g., prevented parents and family
child care in a typical or reduced stunting; improved members on integrated
Armenian culture.7 The neurocognitive development) ECD, health, nutrition
healthcare service providers will result by improving and child protection, and
(HCP) mostly focus on the knowledge and skills in - appropriate ECD
physical needs of children. promotion among CU3?s counselling, screening and
They often do not, or parents and families, early referrals in case of
inappropriately screen for strengthening primary ECD delays, deviations
early childhood development among CU3.
and rarely counsel/promote
5 Shonkoff, Jack P., et al., From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The science of early
ECD. There are few experts childhood development, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 2000.
and services for referral/
management of ECD delays, 6 World Vision Armenia strategy baseline report. 2015
deviations. This is 7 Formative research on ECD practices among parents of children under three in
exacerbated by high rates of Gegharkhunik Marz, Armenia. World Vision, 2015
stunting (19.5)8 and anemia 8 Armenia Demographic health survey 2010
(44.6%)9 among children 9 American University of Armenia, ?Nutrition survey among the children under
under five. five in Talin communities of Armenia?, 2013
OUTCOME Key hypothesis: Improved neuro-cognitive Reduced stunting
development in CU3

Better early Better child Reduced

learning feeding violent
support practice discipline

Knowledge and skills Knowledge and skills Strengthened family-child

of HCPs of parents relationships


MNCH package Enhanced

- Well Child visits Behaviour change communication for
capacity of HCP
- Maternal schools
- Public education
+ to screen, assess,
mothers, fathers, family members through
group sessions led by GBG facilitators

Prepare CU3 Supportive

psychosocial supervision for Develop Develop ECD
screening, HCP/GBG community BCC tools -
assessment, Facilitators structures GBG toolkit
counselling tools
Training of GBG trainers: Training of GBG facilitators: Training of PHCPs: Training of trainers on
national and local level community active women, in ECD screening and
health and ECD experts social workers and nurses counselling tools, led by screening and assessment
trained by World Vision trained by GBG national/ WV or partners trained tools for WV, Ministry of
GBG master trainers local trainers (WV and trainers Health, ECD experts, trained
partners) by external consultant

1 2 5&6 4 3
Behaviour change communication ECD counselling, screening, assessment,
led by GBG facilitators: referrals led by PHCPs:
- Six GBG sessions for mothers - Per 'Well Child visits' national schedule
- One GBG session for fathers and grandmothers each - Assessment conducted at research
- Public events competitions for mothers baseline and evaluation
- Distribution of public education materials

*PEDS - Parent Evaluation Development Status and BPCIS - Brigance Parent-Child Interaction Scale
WVA conducted a non- The analysis shows that This relationship became even
randomised intervention- children from the intervention stronger after accounting the
control study in Gavar and arm had significantly better effect of possible confounding
Vardenis regions. WVA neurocognitive development factors in multivariate logistic
recruited all the 1,300 children compared to the control regression model, showing that
under 23 months living in 43 group. Using BSID-III10, Bailey children in intervention arm
communities. For 14 months total composite score11 had 83 per cent higher odd of
the intervention communities indicated that 71.4 per cent of total composite score
received integrated GBG and children in intervention arm compared to children in
MCHN interventions, while versus 59.2 per cent in control control arm (aOR 1.83; 95%
the control sites received the arm yielded over 85 in all 3 CI: 1.08-3.09; p=0.025).
traditional MCHN package. composite subscales.

Since the population of Gavar Likewise, the parents from the

and Vardenis regions differed intervention communities CONCLUSIONS
notably by socio-demographic demonstrated better child
characteristics, the analysis care/support for learning The GBG integrated model,
stratified by region helped to practices compared to the which holistically addresses the
assess the effect of control sites (aOR=2.22, key needs of 0-3 age children,
such as ECD, health, nutrition
intervention per geographic 95 per cent CI 1.19-4.16, and protection, has proved to be
variability. For Vardenis, with p=0.012). effective, especially on the most
higher poverty rates, the effect Prevalence of stunting at the vulnerable children.
size was even bigger, indicating two arms were almost equal.
the equalizer effect of the Most importantly, targeting
There was no evidence of parents as the primary
intervention on the total beneficial effect of intervention
composite score, p=0.003. custodians of child growth and
on child nutrition outcomes development, enabled them to
Language and motor (adjusted OR 1.11; 95 per cent
composite scores were practice appropriate parenting
CI: 0.83-1.48; p=0.501). (care, nutrition).
p=0.016 and p=0.013.
The violent discipline practice Building and capacitating of key
For child care and nutrition was comparable across the
practices receiving minimum community delivery platforms,
study arms, indicating no such as community groups,
dietary diversity at the evidence of effectiveness.
intervention site was 55 per social and healthcare system
These can be interpreted by providers, facilitated the
cent higher compared to the the project's short duration,
control, which was statistically need-based behavior change
lack of quality equipment for communication and quality
significant after controlling for anthropometric data collection,
all possible confounding factors service provision.
validity of Multi-cluster
(aOR=1.55, 95 per cent CI Indicator Survey tool in The GBG model will further be
1.10-2.19, p =0.013). Armenia context. validated at scale, and tested in
10 Bailey Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-IIIrd version emergency contexts for
11 Children achieving at least 85 in all three cognitive, language and motor composite effectiveness.

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