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Review of Week-4’s Lectures

In week 4 lecture 1, we have continued the chapter “Analyzing Business Goals &
Constraints” and we are discussing about “Security” patch. Security is the key goal and most
important component of enterprise network design. Most companies define security like to
whom they want to give access to the data warehouse, who can edit or delete the data etc. Up to
date security rules and technologies are need to be applied for enhancing security. Most
companies like coca cola have threat to the trade secrets, business operations, and equipment,
which must need to be secure. The first task for achieving security is planning, which involves
identifying network assets that must be secure, analyzing risks, and requirements. In “identifying
the network assets that must be protected”, network assets which need to be highly protected are
hardware, software, application, data, intellectual property, servers, routers, firewalls and all,
which are most attractive for hackers. In security planning we also focus on analyzing potential
threats. We have discussed about “DoS attacks”, which are the major risks which target the
availability of a network, host, or application. DDoS attacks are even worse than DoS attacks
because the attackers attack to multiple hosts, from multiple networks. “Developing Security
Requirements”, describe every network design customer have their own security requirements
which ensure the confidentiality, system and data availability and integrity of data. Other
security requirements can be authentication and authorization of data.
In week 4 lecture 2, we have discussed about “Manageability”. Different management
functions are fault, configuration, accounting, performance and security management which are
need to be maintained. Next topic is “Usability”, which refers to the ease of use. Usability focus
on making jobs easier for users. It may also include mobility for having network access
anywhere. “Adaptability”, which refers about adapting new technologies and changes for
network design. The adaptability of a network affects its availability. A flexible network design
can also adapt change in traffic patterns and QoS requirements. “Affordability” refers to the cost
effectiveness. For achieving affordability, we can use routing protocols, consolidate parallel
leased lines, use technologies which enable over subscription etc.
In week 4 lecture 3, we have started chapter “Characterizing the Existing Internetwork”.
“Characterizing the Network Infrastructure” means developing a set of network maps, it also
includes documenting and identifying standard methods. We have discussed “Developing a
Network Map”, here the goal is to obtain a map of the network. For network drawing, we should
invest in a good network diagramming tool like Microsoft Visio. In “Characterizing Large
Internetworks” we have discussed, the approaches for starting a map are top down and OSI
reference model. We also need information about geography, WAN, LAN connections. We first
develop a logical map, then we develop a map that shows network services. In “Characterizing
the Logical Architecture”, we have discussed about topology which describe methods and
architecture. “Developing a Modular Block Diagram” is helpful to draw a simplified block
diagram that is based on the Cisco Enterprise Composite Network Model. Last topic under
discussion is “Characterizing Network Addressing & Naming” which involves documenting
strategies for network addressing and naming.

© Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

University of Narowal, Narowal 1

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