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politics of economic, infrastructure, communication, transportation, the culture, the religion, the

language, the geography, history, food, drink, family life

This is informal meeting.

Yes, they do.

He needs some fish.

Yes, It is.
They know each other quite well.

send an email

send some flowers for his wife.

something to read

the cap
i hope you can like this city / well, i hope you like it

great / that good

oh, what's a pity, there's such a lot to see

yes, i hope so / of couse, i'll come back if i'll have a chance

that's very kind. thank you.

i'm sorry to hear that what happened/ what was wrong ?

i hope you didn't feel to bad.

i think you should try Hue noodle i really like .. well, i have some cup of tea
would you like to eat beef soup i take this one and that one
i recommed the fish fry i think i'll try.. could i see the menu, please
Sall we have (...) i'll have what do you recommend?
you should try ... i like... do U have any recommendations?
i think i'd prefer.. for the starter, i'll have...
for the main course, i'd like the...

my treat
may i have the bill, pl
the bill, please can i get this
could i have the bill, pl i'll get this
can i get the check, pl can we pay separately
the check, pl i'll get this
we'd like to separate tthebill. pl

do you want to... thanks for the meal

let's me pay Are you free for dinner ? i am so excited
it's my turn Do you wanna come to... ? i really appreciate this
let's share the bill Come to a concert with me
let's split it Why don't we ...? i enjoy it very much,
let me pay this time how about we... ? thank you for the dinner tonight.
this is my treat
no,no certainly not, this would you like to join with us
one's mine i'd like to invite you to..
to talk to someone who can solve the problem
discribe the probleme and

introduce the product

arrange an appointment
i'll call back



call balk later

marry jo jua/ mical hogen

sent her an email

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