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Windward or Leeward

Cando, Yumiko Cheska M. 9 - AMOS

What happens to water vapor as it rises over the mountain?

Rainfall forms when water vapor or moist air rises over a mountain and cools.
Because the mountains are in the way, water vapor or moist air will ascend as it
approaches the peak. It gets colder as you climb higher up a mountain. The wet air will
cool down to reach its dew point due to the cooler temperatures higher up the
mountain. The moisture in the air condenses into clouds, which then rains. This is why
the heaviest rain falls on a mountain's windward side.
Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
The lower temperatures are seen on the windward side of the mountain. This is due to
the windward side receiving much more precipitation and having many more cloudy
days, whereas the leeward side is much drier and has many more sunny days.
Which side of the mountain experiences high temperature?
The Leeward Side As the air descends towards sea level, atmospheric pressure rises,
resulting in a rise in temperature. The leeward side is generally warmer and dryer as a
result of all of this (scientifically known as adiabatic warming)
Windward or Leeward
Cando, Yumiko Cheska M. 9 - AMOS

What happens when air becomes warmer and drier as it moves down the leeward side?
Cooler air moves up the windward side of mountains and warmer air moves down the
leeward side, thanks to the orographic effect. Winds known as Chinook or Foehn can be
generated by such rapid warming and drying of the air.
What dry region forms at the back of the mountain?
A rain shadow is an area of significantly reduced rainfall behind a mountainous region,
on the side facing away from prevailing winds, known as its leeward side.
How does topography affect climate?
Elevated terrain often pushes air up in the atmosphere acting as a lifting mechanism,
which aids in creating even more precipitation. Areas that have mountainous terrain or
even just a higher elevation tend to produce more precipitation on a yearly basis

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