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NRCMAP Perspective Plan

VISION - 2025


VISION - 2025

National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Boriavi, Anand 387 310 (Gujarat) Tel. : 91-268-2578602 Fax: 91-268-2578601 Email: Website:


National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Boriavi, Anand 387 310 (Gujarat) Tel. No. : 91-268-2578602 Fax : 91-268-2578601 Email : Website :

Published by

Dr. Satyabrata Maiti Director

Assisted by

Dr. Manish Das Dr. Kunal Mandal Dr. P. Manivel

Correct Citation

NRCMAP - Perspective Plan Vision 2025 Boriavi, Anand (Gujarat)

National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

July 2007

Printed at:

Anand Press Gamdi-Anand 388 001 Email:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Preamble Mandate Growth Salient Research Achievements Impact Assessment SWOT Analysis Perspectives Issues and Strategies Programmes and Projects Linkage and Co-ordination Critical Inputs Risk Analysis Project Review, Reporting and Evaluation Arrangements Resource Generation Outputs Outcome 1 2 4 8 17 21 21 24 25 28 29 29 29 30 30 30

Indian agriculture must continuously evolve to remain ever responsive to manage the change and to meet the growing and diversified needs of different stakeholders in the entire production to consumption chain. In order to capitalize on the opportunities and to convert weaknesses into opportunities, we at the ICAR attempted to visualize an alternate agricultural scenario from present to twenty years hence. In this endeavour, an in-depth analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) was undertaken to place our research and technology development efforts in perspective so that we succeed in our pursuit of doing better than the best. Accordingly, the researchable issues are identified, strategies drawn and programmes indicated to have commensurate projects and relevant activities coinciding with the launch of the 11th Five Year Plan. India is known for its various traditional systems of medicine that have been developed and practiced from time immemorial. A large number of traditional healing systems such as Ayrveda, Sidda, Tribal medicine, folk medicine, etc. are widely practiced in India for treatment of diseases. During the last two decades, there is a growing interest and expanding market demand for plant based materials in the drugs, cosmetics and flavouring materials. About 80 Medicinal and Aromatic plants are grown in India. Besides, a number of forests based raw materials used in food, drugs and perfumery industry. With a view to intensify such essential research efforts further, the ICAR has established the National Research Centre for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (NRC for MAP) during the VIII Five Year Plan with the mandate to collect, identify and evaluate germplasm and improvement of medicinal and aromatic plants that are therapeutically important. The Institute through All India Coordinated Research Project has developed 27 varieties in medicinal plants and 7 varieties in aromatic plants, besides developing cultivation technologies specific to various agro-climatic conditions. It is expectted that realizing the Vision embodied in the document would further ensure that the NRC for MAP, Anand (Gujarat) continues to fulfill its mandate to make Indian agriculture locally, regionally and globally competitive. The efforts and valuable inputs provided by my colleagues at the ICAR Headquarters and by the Directorr and his team at the Institute level for overan year to develop Vision 2025 deserve appreciation.

Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research & Education and Director General, Indial Council of Agricultural Research Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 001, India March 2007


The use of plants for preparations of medicines and in health care is by and large the largest use of plants in terms of the number of species specifically targeted. Plants provide the predominant ingredients of medicines used in most traditional systems of healing and also have been the source of inspiration for several major pharmaceutical drugs development. India is known for its various traditional system of medicines that have been developed and practised from time immemorial. A large number of traditional healing systems such as Ayurveda, Sidda, tribal medicines, folk medicines, etc are widely practised for treatments of very complex and complicated diseases like cancers to simple requirement of primary health care. As per the WHO estimate about 80 percent of the world population are depending greatly on these Traditional health care systems for their primary health care needs. Modern medicines are yet to be accessible to mass for various obvious reasons. The scale of trade in MAPs ranges from local to international. However, decision makers usually have little awareness of the significance of trade and consumption of medicinal plants, or of the problems of un-sustainability and sometimes harmful impacts on natural habitats of wild collection. Hence, much of the trade is unrecorded or poorly documented in official statistics. India being a front runner in use of medicinal and aromatic plants over centuries because of its strong traditions of Indian System of Medicines (ISM) for health care and also large number of ISM, folklore and tribal medicine practitioners, should come out with a benchmark standards for sustainable use of biological diversity from the nature. That would save species from over exploitation and extinction and conservation. Therefore, cultivation using Good Agricultural Practices is going to be order of the future. Indian Council of agricultural Research rightly recognized the growth potential of this newly emerging herbal sector because of revitalization of our traditional knowledge and created a National Research Center for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants at Anand, Gujarat in 1992. In addition, the All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (renamed as All India Networking Research Project on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) is also contributing as outreach programme of the NRC in State Agricultural Universities. Preparation of a perspective plan, Vision 2025 is a difficult task in this fast changing environment of modern science when developments are happening in an exponential rate. However, we have tried our best to put the concerns related to MAP in the perspective of Indian agriculture in this document. I wish that it would serve the purpose for which this vision has been prepared and to fulfil the goal, required support will come forth from the future policy makers. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Mangala Rai, Director General, ICAR and Secretary, DARE for his keen interest, support and guidance in drawing this vision document. I am also thankful to Dr. Gautam Kalloo, Formerly Deputy Director General (Horticulture), Dr. H. P. Singh, Deputy Director General (Horticulture) and Dr. K. V. Ramana, Assistant Director General (Hort. II) for their guidance and critical input. My thanks are also due to Dr. Manish Das, Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology), Dr. Kunal Mandal,Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology) and Dr. P. Manivel, Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) for their help in preparation and printing of this document. Jai Hind! Satyabrata Maiti

Activities of this NRC will include collection, maintenance and evaluation of germplasm, carrying out basic research on the selected crops that will be useful to develop good agricultural practices (GAP) and to co-ordinate research activities of AINP on M&AP and AINP on Betelvine. In India, about 70% people are depending on medicinal plants either directly or indirectly for their primary health care. According to the estimate of WHO about 80% of the worlds population will continue to rely on plant-based medicines for their health care. Selection of plant species for immediate research attention has been prioritized and mandate crops are selected on the basis of their therapeutic importance as well as internal and export demand in the country and their potential for export. During last two decades there is a growing interest and expanding market demand for plant based drug raw materials, used in drugs, pharmaceuticals and perfumery, cosmetics and for flavouring. According to a recent estimate, the demand for plant based products is around and products in food, flavour & cosmetics is around at global level. This enormous demand needs a very large amount of diverse raw materials which has necessarily to come from farm sector so as to protect and conserve the wild growing population of these valuable plant species. In India, we grow about 80 M&AP as crops in the farm sector. These need further quality and yield improvement to maintain them as competitive and remunerative. Similarly, a large number of plants from different countries have been identified to produce high value dry and perfumery products. These need to be introduced in farm sector so as to produce raw material and intermediary chemicals to continue to have large share in the developing plant based product market in the world. With these objective in view, the NACMAP propose short term research programmes of important medicinal and aromatic crops and also identified a number of potential crops for introduction into commercial agriculture. In the following pages details on different programmes, preamble, mandates, mandate crops, additional crops, works proposed, growth, budget, salient research achievements, impact assessment, SWOT analysis, future thrust areas, perspective, issues and strategies, time frame of different programmes, funds and linkages, project review and resource generation have been proposed. Different Programmes are as follows: (i) (ii) Assembling of germplasm Crop improvement

(iii) Development of GAP as crop production technology (iv) Development of quick and efficient method for analysis of major chemical constituents. Standardization of analytical procedure for pesticide residue and heavy metals in the produce. (v) Development of post harvest technology to retain and improve quality of the raw material and processing.

(vi) In the long run, it is also proposed to work on value addition of the produce and effective utilization of by-products to improve upon overall profitability. (vii) Seed production procedures have to be developed and standardized. (viii) The NRC will work to develop closer linkages with user industries within country and outside, research institutions in the Government and corporate sectors and initiate training of scientific personnel at Institutes of excellence wherever available in the subject.

1.1 Mission

The National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (NRCMAP), Boriavi, Anand, established in 992 has been working for sustainable production and utilization of major agriculturally important medicinal and aromatic plants through research and development to meet the present day demands and to address future national and international challenges. 1.2 Vision

Basic health care in most of the developing countries is unfortunately either absent or not sufficient at the most elementary level. According to the estimate of World Health Organization (WHO), more than half of the worlds population does not have access to enough health care serives and innovative alternate approaches that are needed to tackle the growing problem. Medicinal plants provide an opportunity to millions to have access to low cost primary health care that is needed. Many traditionally known plants are having astonishing medicinal value and these can be successfully used to prevent and cure several human illness. Recently, renewed interest has been created for remedies of many devastating diseases such as cancer, AIDS, etc. from traditional plant based medicinal plants. There is a new surge of demand for medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) as raw drug which is steadily and constantly increasing world wide. Commercial cultivation of MAPs is slowly but steadily expanding and gradually becoming popular among farmers. Supply of MAP from natural forest is also gradually restricted. Consumers of traditional drugs are increasingly becoming quality conscious. Under these conditions cultivation is left as only solution of MAPs for steady and quality raw drug supply. This fact is slowly realized by the industries and phenomenon of contract growing is surfacing in the national scenario. In 2025 population of India is predicted to cross 50 crores when the main challenge before the country would be not only food and nutritional security. Hence, the programmes of agriculture sector in general needs a clear vision to meet the challenges ahead, while addressing the present day demand. The present situation on future challenges call for a systematic and continued accelerative efforts in research of medicinal and aromatic plants directed towards sustainable quality production for maintaining the socio-economic and ecological balance. In this endeavor, NRCMAP and its outreach programme, All India Networking Project on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (AINRPMAP) are marching towards targeted goal. The major areas in which the institute proposed to concentrate are Management of genetic resources Development of improved cultivars Development of good agricultural practices (GAPs) including organic farming Biotechnology Water and soil management Secondary metabolites

Post harvest technology and value addition Production of quality planting material Transfer of technology

The institute aims at achieving the future demand by working out innovative technologies with the following commitments Health security to face the challenges of population growth Soil health and biosphere management for increased productivity Cope up with emerging challenges resultant of globalization

Develop appropriate production, protection and processing technologies for important medicinal and aromatic plants through basic, strategic and applied research. Germplasm enhancement of various medicinal and aromatic plants. Production of parental lines and breeders stock. Act as a National Repository for the genetic resources of some important medicinal and aromatic plants. Coordinate research under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine. Act as an Information Data Bank on medicinal and aromatic plants. Transfer of technologies developed by the NRCMAP to the farmers through cooperation with the developmental agencies.

To begin with, following mandate crops will be addressed in due course of time. Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk.) Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) Aswagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) * Guggal (Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari) Aloe (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau &Fernandes.) Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus Nees ex. Steud Wats.) Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii Stapf. Var. motia)

* Instead of this crop Gilo (Tinospora cordifolia) will be taken up from XI plan onwards

. 2. . . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.  Isabgol Senna Aswagandha Gilo Guggal Aloe Safed musli Lemongrass Palmarosa

A. National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (NRCMAP) National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to conduct research on various aspects of agriculturally important medicinal plants. NRCMAP was established on November 2, 992 in a 20.2 hectare irrigated land at Boriavi in Anand district of Gujarat. A sum of Rs. 2.5 crores was sanctioned for VIII Plan period. A total of 15 scientific personnel in addition to the Director was created to boost research on improvement and cultivation of various medicinal and aromatic plants. In IX plan Rs. 5.97 crores and in X plan 0.95 crores were spent by this centre for undertaking research and development activities. At present 2 scientists (including Director) as against the 25 sanctioned posts of different disciplines are undertaking a systematic multidisciplinary research approach to solve the problems in the nine mandatory MAPs. Besides, the headquarters of two outreach programmes viz., All India Networking Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (AINRPMAP) and on Betelvine (AINRPB) are also housed in the NRCMAP and the Director of NRCMAP is the Project Coordinator of both the projects. Presently there are ten centres in SAUs under AINRPMAP and nine centres in SAUs under AINRPB excluding IIHR centre for betelvine breeding. Now in XI plan both these two out reach programmes have been merged together. B. Outreach Programmes All India Networking Research Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (AINRPMAP): The ICAR sanctioned a small scheme to work on over two dozen important medicinal and aromatic plants during Fourth Five Year Plan period. Two centers, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore were identified for this purpose. A small base on medicinal plants was created through a cess fund scheme at division of Plant Introduction IARI and a Ford Foundation supported scheme on Dioscorea spp. at IIHR, which was later moved to its present location at NRC for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Boriavi, Anand (Gujarat) during March 1995. In the begining the project had five co-ordinating centers located in Delhi and one each in the states of Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. During the subsequent plan periods of Fifth, Sixth and Seventh four new centers were started one each in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. However, during the Eighth Plan period, two new centers were started one each in the states of Haryana (Hisar) and Maharashtra (Akola) making to eleven coordinating centers. In X Plan Indore centre of JNKVV has been dropped for poor performance and two new centers one at Uttaranchal and one at North Bengal have been approved and started functioning. All India Networking Research Project on Betelvine (AINRPB): The All India Coordinated Research Project on Betelvine was started in the year 98 initially with 6 Centers i.e., Dharwad (UAS), Bhubaneshwar (OUAT), Chinthalapudi (APAU), Vellore (TNAU, Coimbatore), Jabalpur (JNKVV, Jabalpur) and Rahuri (MPKVV, Rahuri). The project was initially funded from cess funds of ICAR with a total allocation of Rs.26.25 lakhs spread over three years. Subsequently, three more centers, Kalyani (BCKV, Kalyani), Jorhat (AAU, Jorhat) and Hessarghatta (IIHR, Bangalore) were added in the year 98 with an additional grant of Rs. 0.25 lakhs. In subsequent years Rahuri Centre has been shifted to Sangli and Vellore to Sirugamani and UAS Dharwad center has been closed. During VII Plan a new center at Pusa under RAU has been sanctioned with effect from April, 988. Later a Cooperating center at NBRI, Lucknow have been sanctioned with an out-lay of Rs. 2.0 lakhs during 989-90 and it is continuing in subsequent years. IX Plan expenditure was 

Rs. 75.05 lakhs. In X Plan NBRI centre has been closed and two new centers one at Islampur under RAU and IIHR have been approved and functioned with a total expenditure of Rs. 345 lakhs. 3.1 3.1.1 Infrastructure Land

The NRCMAP at Boriavi has 20.2 ha irrigated land. It also has an another farm of 9.8 ha at Lambhvel, which is about 3 km away from the main institute and is used as field gene bank and a part for residential complex. 3.1.2 Buildings

Over a period of time spanning more than 10 years the institute has created excellent facilities of laboratory buildings, farm, stuctures, equipments, library and other technical facilities for the smooth progress in research activities. The laboratory phase of main building was inaugurated in April, 2005. The research infrastructures and equipments were installed in this wing to cater the medicinal and aromatic plant research. The Institute has also established well-equipped Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology laboratories besides other infrastructures like central instrument facility, ARIS cell, a library, conference room, auditorium, herbal garden, arboretum, etc. A total of nine laboratories for different disciplines are currently undertaking various basic, strategic and applied research on MAPs. The area under buildings is .8 ha in Boriavi main farm and 5.8 ha in Lambhvel farm. 3.1.3 Equipments

The institute has strengthened research activities with several sophisticated equipments for various laboratories to contemporary research needs of various research programmes. Sophisticated instrumentation is in place for extractioin and analysis of MAPs including genetics, pathological, and biochemical research. Polyhouses and net houses have been installed for propagation of planting material and other experiments. 3.1.4 Labour and Irrigation

Labour and irrigation facilities are ensured for both farms of the institute. Main farm at Boriavi and additional farm at Lambhvel are having strong wall fencing and each one has a 15 HP submersible bore well which supplies sufficient water to the entire experimental plots. The main farm has pond size of 0.6 ha (5 x 68 m) for harvesting and storing of rain water. 3.2 Budget

A total of Rs. 7.99 crores has been utilized in Medicinal and Aromatic plant research at NRCMAP, Anand from VIII Plan period to the end of X plane period. The year wise budget utilization is given below (Rs. crores) Non Plan Plan Total Plan period NRCMAP NRCMAP AINRPMAP AINRPB VIII plan IX Plan X Plan 0.0 .9 .22 0.5 5.97 0.95 2.70 .9 7.8 * .75 .5 .26 .75 22.98

* Note: AINRPB was attached with NRCMAP from IX plan 5

Expenditure during IX Plan Year NRCMAP-Non-Plan NRCMAP-Plan AINRPMAP-Plan AINRPB-Plan Total 1997-98 .86 6.87 57.60 5. 163.77 1998-99 9.28 50.00 79.0 6.96 210.27 1999-2000 2.5 57.00 80.00 79.2 348.36 2000-2001 6.57 29.97 2.00 99. 388.98 2001-2002 5.99 22.6 00.00 80.00 439.60

(Rs. in lakh) Total 8.85 597.5 9.6 75.05 1550.88 (Rs. in lakh) 2006-07 6.2 6.20 6.2 7.80 78.6 .6 230.45 Total 5.8 26.70 87.0 500.8 9.8 6.6 1095.45 (Rs. in lakh) Total 0.97 6.5 8.9 2.57 26.2 422.30 (Rs. in lakh) Total 678.80 0.8 7.29 6.87 780.80 20.62 . 8.0 0.9 143.00

Expenditure during X Plan under NRCMAP (Plan) Budget Head Pay & Allowances T.A. Recurring Contingencies Equipment Works Library Total 2002-03 0.00 .00 20.0 87.5 82. 0.76 195.00 2003-04 2.07 5.00 20.96 6.85 8.60 .52 175.00 2004-05 2.77 5.50 29.59 89.56 5.2 . 185.00 2005-06 .78 6.00 52.8 87. 52.87 6.08 310.00

Expenditure during X Plan under NRCMAP (Non-Plan) Budget Head Pay & Allowances T.A. Recurring Contingencies Equipment Works Total 2002-03 5. 0.85 .05 0.60 0.00 63.83 2003-04 5.20 .0 .50 .05 .2 74.09 2004-05 6.5 .20 6.90 0.0 .00 83.65 2005-06 68.5 .50 20.72 0.8 .8 102.75 2006-07 65.5 .50 20.02 0.0 .00 97.98

Expenditure during X Plan under AINRPMAP (Plan) Budget Head Pay & Allowances T.A. Recurring Contingencies Equipment Total 2002-03 56.28 .2 8.0 0.00 165.80 2003-04 6.28 .87 .85 5.00 148.00 6 2004-05 .20 2.2 .66 0.9 159.00 2005-06 .2 2.50 8.08 0.00 165.00 2006-07

Expenditure during X Plan under AINRPB (Plan) Budget Head Pay & Allowances T.A. Recurring Contingencies Equipment Total 2002-03 5.7 0.8 .70 0.00 51.00 2003-04 .5 .08 8.08 . 62.00 2004-05 60.98 .7 8.65 0.00 71.00 2005-06 79.88 .62 .50 0.00 95.00 2006-07 50.2 .80 .28 0.60 66.00

(Rs. in lakh) Total 278.6 6.70 8.2 .9 345.00

Headwise allocation and Expenditure during 2007-08 (Rs. in lakh) Head/Sub-Head NRCMAP Plan Pay & Allowances T.A. H.R.D. Recurring Contingencies Equipments Works Library Furniture & Fixture Other NRCMAP Non-Plan Pay & Allowances T.A. O.T.A. Contigencies Works AINRPs AINRPMAP AINRPB 3.3 Manpower NRCMAP has been sanctioned with sufficient full time resource personnel, technical, administrative and supporting staff during various plan periods. The cadre strength is presented in the table below. 110.00 90.00 75.00 .50 0.0 2.0 2.00 8.00 8.00 .00 92.00 5.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 .00 Allocation for 2007-08

A. NRCMAP Sr.No.  2   5 Category Scientific Technical Administrative Supporting Auxiliary Total Cadre strength approved by X Plan SFC for Institute 25 20   -89 No.of posts filled as on .7.2007  2 08  42

B. AINRPMAP/AINRPB Sr. No. Category AINRPMAP No. of posts sanctioned in X Plan   07 27 111 No. of posts filled as on .7.07   07 27 111 AINRPB No. of posts sanctioned in X Plan 27 0 08 27 65 No. of posts filled as on .7.07 25 0 08 27 63


Scientific Technical Administrative Supporting Total


4.1 4.1.1 Improvement of Medicinal and Aromatic plants Genetic resources

Following MAPs germplasm have been collected from various region of the country, conserved over a period 7 years, evaluation and characterization has been undertaken according to the mandates of the Institute. A. Germplasm status of NRCMAP field gene bank Sl. No. . 2. . . 5. 6. 7. 8. Plant Aloe spp. Andrographis paniculata Asparagus spp. Cassia angustifolia Chlorophytum borivilianum Commiphora spp. Cymbopogon flexuosus Datura spp Total 5 59 6 5 5 67  2 8 Sl. No. 9. 0. . 2. . . 5. Plant Evolvulus alsinoides Phyllanthus spp. Tinospora cordifolia Tribulus terrestris Urgenia indica Withania somnifera Plantago spp. Total   8 7 6  8 386


B. Elite germplasm developed and registered with NBPGR, New Delhi

Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum): INGR No.04113. Fleshy roots are long (>0 cm) with blunt end and dark colour, individual fleshy roots are arranged compactly in the bunch (converged type).

Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum): INGR No.04114. Fleshy roots are short (<0 cm) with blunt end and light colour, individual fleshy roots are arranged in wide angles from the axis (diverged type) and with excellent storage quality.

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis): INGR 06023. Superior gel rich clone (29.8 g/ plant).

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis): INGR 06024. Superior aloin-A rich clone (26.%).

Gilo (Tinospora cordifolia): INGR 06025 - High starch containing clone (.2%).

Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata): INGR 070 -Compact plant type with high andrographolide content

C. Germplasm maintained at different centres of AINRPMAP Crop Aswagandha Isabgol Guggal Asparagus Patchouli Vetiver Guduchi Ocimum Long pepper Kacholam Mucuna Gentiana Jasmine Indigofera Aloe Centre Mandsaur Udaipur Anand Hisar Anand Udaipur Anand Bangalore Udaipur Trichur Trichur Hisar Trichur Trichur Solan Solan Bangalore Trichur Anand Trichur Udaipur Improved varieties NRCMAP facilitated for releasing following varieties in the AINRP on MAP Sl No  2. . Variety Crop Developed by Year of release No. of Accessions   7 8  6 9   7 2 2 67 2 7  0 2 2 6 5 Crop Geranium Liquorice Safed musli Kalmegh Valeriana Heracleum Mentha Henbane Lemon grass Silibum Khasi kateri Periwinkle Coleus Matricaria Opium poppy Centre Bangalore Udaipur Hisar Anand Anand Mandsaur Trichur Solan Solan Solan Solan Trichur Anand Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Solan Faizabad Mandsaur Udaipur No. of Accessions  6 5 5 20 2 6 0 0 9  20 0 7 8   58 90 80


Medicinal plants Anand Late Selection Prabhat Jawahar Safed musli 05 Cassia angustifolia Vahl. (Senna) Catharanthus roseus (Periwinkle) Chlorophytum borivilianum (Safed musli) AICRP on MAP, Gujarat Agricultural 989 University, Anand AINRPMAP, Hisar AINRPMAP, Mandsaur 2002 200


Sl No . 5. 6

Variety FB(C)- Arka Upakar D 76

Crop Diascoria floribunda Mart. & Gal. (Yam)

Developed by Indian Institute Bangalore of

Year of release Horticulture 97

Indian Institute of Horticulture, 980 Bangalore Digitalis lanata Ehrh. (Foxglove) Glaucium flavum (Yellow Horned Poppy) Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Liquorice) Hyoscyamus muticus L. (Egyptian Henbane) Lepidium sativum L. (Cress) Rauvolfia serpentine Benth. Ex Kurz. (Sarpagandha) Papaver somniferum L. (Opium Poppy) AICRP on MAP, Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan AICRP on MAP, Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan AICRP on MAP, CCS Hariyana Agricultural University, Hisar AICRP on MAP, Agriculture, Indore College 99

H 47-3


8 9 0 

Haryana Mulhatti- HMI-80-1 GA  RI-


of -

AICRP MAP, Gujarat Agricultural 998 University, Anand AICRP on MAP, Agriculture, Indore College of -


Jawahar Aphim 6 Kirtiman

AICRP on MAP, College Agriculture, Mandsaur


98 990

AICRP on MAP, ND University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad AICRP on MAP, College Agriculture, Mandsaur AICRP on MAP, College Agriculture, Mandsaur AICRP on MAP, Agricultural University, Udaipur NBPGR, New Delhi Piper longum L. (Long Pepper) Plantago ovata Forsk. (Isabgol) AICRP on MAP, Horticulture, Trichur College of of of

 5 6

Jawahar Opium 59 Jawahar Opium 50 Chetak Aphim

997 998

Rajasthan 99

7 8 9 20

Trishna Viswam Gujarat Isabgol-  Gujarat Isabgol-2

996 976 98

AICRP on MAP, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand AICRP on MAP, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand

Sl No 2 22 2

Variety Haryana Isabgol5 Jawahar Isabgol- NH 88-12

Crop Plantago ovata Forsk. (Isabgol) Solanum laciniatum Act. Solanum viarum Dunal Syn. S. khasianum Clarke. (Khasi Kateri) Withania somnifera Dunal (Ashwagandha)

Developed by AICRP on MAP, CCS Hariyana Agricultural University, Hisar AICRP on M&AP, Mandsaur AICRP on MAP, Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan

Year of release 989 996 99

2 25 26 27

Arka Sanjeevani Arka Mahima Jawahar Asgand20 Jawahar Asgand NLG-8

Indian Institute of Horticultural 989 Research, Bangalore Indian Institute of Horticultural 992 Research, Bangalore AICRP on MAP, Mandsaur AICRP on MAP, Mandsaur 989 998

Aromatic Plants  Cymbopogon flexuosus Nees ex. Steud Wats. (Lemon Grass) C. martinii Stapf.Var. motia (Palmarosa) Jasminum grandiflorum L. (Jasmine) Mentha spicata L. (Spearmint) Valeriana jatamansi DC. (Mushakbala) Vetiveria zizanioides (L) Nash. (Vetiver) AICRP on MAP, ND University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad 99


Rosha Grass-9 CI-80-68 Arka Surabhi

AICRP on MAP, CCS Haryana 989 Agricultural University, Hisar AICRP on MAP, Indore Indian Institute of Horticultural 99 Research, Bangalore AICRP on MAP, Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan AICRP on MAP, Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan NBPGR, New Delhi 99

Punjab Spearmint- Dalhousi Clone


7 4.1.3


Other achievements in crop improvement by NRCMAP and AINRPMAP Medicinal Germplasm has been explored under NATP on plant biodiversity. A field Gene bank of endangered medicinal plants of tropical and subtropical region was established at NRCMAP which has now a total of 86 germplasm conserved consisting of 5 species. 2

In safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a wide spectrum of variability was observed in terms of fasciculated root. A clone was identified with multiplication ratio of 1:14. Morphological and biochemical characterization have been done in two species of Safed musli viz. Chlorophytum borivilianum, and Chlorophytum tuberosum. Chlorophytum borivilianum contains higher amount of saponin (%) and sapogenin (0.8%) as compared to Chlorophytum tuberosum (.6% and 0.05%, respectively). In Chlorophytum borivilianum, somatic ploidy level differences have been observed, however, plant morphology of the species is the same as originally described. In Chlorophytum borivilianum a new chromosome number, 2n= x=28 was reported. In Aloe barbadensis, complete analysis of reproductive biology and pollination have been done and it has been established that it is the bird known as Sun bird (Nectarinia asiatica var. asiatica) which is commonly responsible for cross pollination. In Commiphora wightii (Guggal), two different species have been identified viz. C. wightii and C. stocksiana and their distinguishing characters have been recorded. In Sacred lotus, the national flower of India (Nelumbo nucifera), 2 accessions from different districts of Kerela and Tamil Nadu have been collected showing wide variability in flower colour, petal number, presence of transitional whorls, carpels in the torus. Reproductive biology of Convolvulus microphyllus has been done which would be helpful for crop improvement. In Opium poppy, Faizabad centre of AINRPMAP has shown about 104% latex yield increase in hybrid opium poppy developed by crossing inbred lines (ND-20 x NOP-4) suggesting that the current yield barrier could be removed and making available hybrid varieties for cultivation. Reproductive biology of Indian Gentian (Gentiana kurroo) in detail has been worked out. Higher fruit set has been observed in open pollination (80.57%) compared to the controlled selfing (7.25%). A total number of 267 germplasm of Betelvine have been collected at different centres of All India Networking Research Project on Betelvine out of which 259 germplasm have been maintained and 20 numbers have been catalogued. Few hybrids have been developed in Betelvine under the AINRP on Betelvine and they have been tested for their performances at different centres (Hybrid Production). Biotechnological approaches for improvement of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants From our well established biotechnology laboratory the following findings were made.


In Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a tissue culture method has been developed for its large-scale multiplication and conservation.

In Aloe barbadensis, a tissue culture protocol has been developed for its large scale multiplication. An efficient protocol for production of synthetic seeds in Aloe has been developed. Chemical finger printing of Guggal for major sterols has been standardized. In vitro multiplication of Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) has been developed by Hisar Centre of AINRPMAP for the micro-propagation and conservation of this valuable threatened plant species. Management of Medicinal and Aromatic plants Production and protection technologies Improved cultivation practices have been worked out in the following crops: Isabgol, Senna, Steroidal yam, Periwinkle, Aswagandha, Henbane, Rauvlofia, Safed musli, Kalmegh, Mints, Lemongrass, Palmorosa, Java citronella, Rosegeranium, Vetiver, Jasmine, Celery, Anise and Opium poppy. Use of bio-fertilizers has been demonstrated to cut down chemical N dependence in Opium poppy, Palmarosa, Vetiver and Henbane crops. Cropping system research has been initiated in Vetiver, Palmarosa, Safed musli, Opium poppy, Isabgol, Kalmegh, Senna, Rauvolifia, etc. Intercropping in Vetiver, Palmarosa, Rauvolifia and Periwinkle and growing of Patchouli in partial shade under coconut plantations have been demonstrated. Studies on post harvest processing and shelf life has been carried out to monitor and check the losses in quality of produce. Studies revealed that in Gymnema sylvestre (Madhunashini), semi hard wood laterals characterized by 50% browning of the stem, was excellent for vegetative propagation. Riboflavin, a cheap vitamine source was found to be effective in increasing rooting in cuttings of Gymnema. In Chlorophytum borivilianum, in a study it has been established that removal of inflorescence increased the number of fleshy root and as a result 41% increase in yield has been recorded compared to non-topped plants. In Chlorophytum borivilianum, chemical finger printing has been done to characterize qualitative comparison of the saponin profiles by HPTLC. It was found that two saponin fractions were prominent in two species of Chlorophytum. In safed musli, it was established that harvesting should be done according to the usage of the fleshy root. And for drug purposes, early harvesting should be practised to avoid loss in active principle. Whereas, fleshy roots meant for propagation should be harvested later to avoid loss due to drying. In Aloe barbadensis, the methanolic solution of dried exudates has been analysed with a reverse phase HPLC. The method developed allowed easy quantification of aloin from the crude drug sample by measuring the peak area.

4.2 4.2.1

A new leaf rot disease of Aloe has been recorded for the first time in India by NRCMAP. The causal organism has been isolated and found to be a soft rot bacterium (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi). Screening method for resistance against soft rot of Aloe has been established by doing artificial inoculation technique. In Commiphora wightii (Guggal), a very easy and effective air layering technique has been developed and demonstrated. Also, a simple hard wood cutting technique has been developed through which the rooting and new flashes of leaves were observed after 7-10 days of planting. In Gentiana kurroo (Indian Gentian), commonly known as karu or kutiki, Solan centre of AINRPMAP has successfully domesticated and standardized propagation techniques for large scale cultivation. Cultivation of Muskdana (Abelmoschus moschatus) proved to be a better option as rainfed crop in the shallow black soils of Malwa plateau of Madhya Pradesh. Cultivation of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) has been successfully grown as rainfed crop in medium black soil of Indore region. Cultivation of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) has also been recommended during kharif as profitable crop which has yielded highest biomass (4017 kg/ha) of good quality (1.95% andrographoloid) at Anand condition. In Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), it has been established that application of castor cake to provide 0 kg /ha Nitrogen could produce the highest herbage yield (70 kg/ha) and 96.8 kg/ha of Andrographoloid yield. In Glory lily (Gloriosa superba), controlled selfing between different flowers of the same plant increases fruit setting percentage. This method has also increased seed yield and colchicine content (0.80%). In Arjuna (Terminilia arjuna), an important medicinal tree, a successful air layering technique has been developed by application of IBA (6000 ppm) which has increased number of primary and secondary roots per layer as well as mean length of longest root. In Opium poppy, a study to determine the dynamics of morphine content in the flower petals of the variety Chetak revealed that petals contained lowest morphine (0.26%) at bud opening stage. In Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), it has been established that inorganic fertilizers affect alkaloid content suggesting that to what extent application of inorganic fertilisers affect quality of the produce which is very important in medicinal plants. In Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), an introduced medicinal plant in India, it has been established that thin (0.-0.5 cm dia) roots of two year old crop contained more than 9% glycyrrhizic acid compared to 5%, in such roots of one year old crop. In Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), it was further revealed that the thinner roots contained more glycyrrhizic acid compared to the thick roots of same age of crop.


Floral diversity of Sankhpushpi (Convolvulus microphyllus) has been studied which revealed that natural population included plants of different flower types and a range of colour shades starting from white, light pink to deep pink could be observed. Forecasting system for downy mildew of Isabgol has been developed. Extraction and estimation of podophyllotoxin (active principle of Podophyllum) has been done. It was separated from the mixture of lignans extracted by soxhelating the rootstock (roots and rhizomes) in methanol followed by acidification and TLC. In Valeriana jatamansi, the phenomenon of gynodioecium i.e. occurrence of hermaphrodite and female flowers on different plants have been observed. Integrated crop management of Betelvine for various centres have been studied in relation to optimum plant population, irrigation requirements, application of bio control agents and fertilizers for various agro-climatic regions. Management of phytophthora foot rot of Betelvine through integrated disease management has been studied and package developed for different agri-ecological regions. The Betelvine germplasm has been screened for various pests resistance and field resistant has been catalogued. Achievement in information management NRCMAP was the first in launching independent website (URL: in the middle of the year 2000. The site contains information on mandate crops, objectives, outreach programmes, services, research projects, research achievements on crop improvement, crop production and crop protection, varieties/germplasm, publications, market intelligence, farmers gallery, members, organization structure etc. Expenditure is posted in the website everyday. Developed a software package entitled Medicinal and Aromatic Plants References Information System to keep track of references data on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. The system facilitates the storage, maintenance and retrieval of references information on medicinal and aromatic crops in an electronic format. Developed a software package entitled Traders information system in medicinal & aromatic plants for storing a traders database in the electronic format. With the help of this userfriendly software package, they can retrieve the available market information as per their requirements. Developed a web based software package entitled Digital Photo Library of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants to create a digital photo library of medicinal plant species in a systematic manner so as to remove confusion and ambiguity in identification by common man. A number of high-resolution photographs of medicinal and aromatic plant species were collected from all over the country and stored in the database. Developed a software package entitled Institute Inward Outward Letter Monitoring System for monitoring of letters received by the institute and marked to different employees for taking action. In most of the cases, it is very difficult to keep track of such letters once it is marked, unless the person to whom it was marked report back. To over come this situation we have 6


developed the software by using it we can easily keep track on letters and know which letter is laying with whom, who has not reported back about the action. Developing a software package entitled Digital Herbarium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India. It depicts the plants with vivid colour photographs and technical information such as common name (in English, Hindi and Sanskrit), plant distribution, habit, plant part used and different medicinal uses thereof, etc.. Developed a first version of compact disk entitled Institute Inward Outward Letter Monitoring System (IIOLMS) for monitoring of letters received by the institute and marked to different employees for taking action. The copies of the CD were distributed to ICAR institutions and resources were generated through this distribution. The first Digital Herbarium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India has been developed: Now-a-days digitalized information plays a major role in database management. The Digital Herbarium is an eco-friendly method of maintaining the records of medicinal and aromatic plants. NRCMAP has developed and launched a web based software package entitled Digital Herbarium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India. This Digital Herbarium is an authenticated collection of high resolution images of medicinal and aromatic plant specimens with their associated taxonomic data, which is easily accessible to the public. Trainings conducted Two training programmes were conducted at NRCMAP on Digital photo library during first quarter of 200. An introduction to photography, problems in photography, introduction to digital photography, an insight of digital photography and practical on understanding of digital camera and photography, concept and structure of Digital Photo Library and practical session of software development were trained. Publications Published annual reports of 999-2000, 2000-0, 200-02, 2002-0, 200-0, 200-05 and 2005-06. Newsletters : Published newsletters till 2006 end at halfyearly interval. Technical Bulletins: Published eight technical bulletins/extension bulletins on different medicinal and aromatic crops. Research Papers: 80 Annual Reports :


4.5 a. b. c. d.

5.1 Growth Growth potential of medicinal plants cultivation in the country is tremendous, provided appropriate linkages are developed between various Government institutions, NGOs and industries interested in cultivating and utilizing medicinal plants. This is feasible, considering the fact that research on medicinal plants has come a long way during last 0 years with creation of All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and with establishment of NRC for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Because of the vast network of R & D institutions of ICAR, SAUs and Ministry of Agriculture in the country, NRCMAP is uniquely placed and can play a vital role to cater the needs of individuals and organizations interested in cultivating and utilizing this group of plants. 7

However, it must be realised that contribution of NRCMAP cannot be measured on the basis of hectarage under which this group of crops are/will be cultivated. Because they deal with the health care and growth will be as per requirements of the industries. 5.1.1 Therapeutic impact

It is time, we begin to realise that there is enough evidence to show that herbal medicines are safe, are of low cost, can contribute greatly to health and will help lower our health care expenditure. Increasing numbers of enlighten persons, both from industrially advanced countries and from developing countries are drawn to natural unpatentable medicines derived from plant parts, minerals and fungi. There is strong consumer interest in nonprescription pills, powders, tonics, topical oils and creams. Plant based aromachemicals have more demand than synthetics now-a-days. 5.1.2 Impact on availability of quality raw material

Raw materials of many medicinal plants are in short supply with the result that spurious plant drugs are often used as substitute. Availability of clean, good-quality material harvested at appropriate physiological maturity is envisaged. 5.1.3 Impact on conservation of endangered species

Many therapeutically important medicinal plants are endangered and requires systematic conservation efforts. Cultivation efforts will bring the endangered species in ex situ conservation. 5.1.4 Impact on market

Market of medicinal plants is highly secretive, selective and erratic. This can be regularised only when availability of good quality raw material can be ensured through development of agrotechnology using Good Agricultural Practices. 5.1.5 Impact on import/export

It will be possible to decrease import (e.g. Liquorice, Hing, Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Davana, Patchouli, Pipermint, Spearmint, Guggal, Ginseng) and increase export of medicinal plant extracts (e.g. Liquorice, Senna, Periwinkle) and raw material (e.g. Isabgol, Senna, Opium poppy, Periwinkle, Mentha, Lemon grass, Cinchona, Ipecac, Palmarosa, Celery seed, Basil, Jasmine). 5.2 Input/output assessment:

Many of the medicinal plants which need attention of agricultural scientists are either at plant introduction stage or are yet to get attention of agricultural scientists. 5.3. Gap and short comings 5.3.1 The apparent advantage of allopathy over traditional systems of medicine (which use more plant products) often result only from the disproportionate research attention it has been given. Many indigenous medicinal plants possess considerable merit but were disregarded during the colonial era and still continues to remain in the same position. Furthermore as some of the indigenous scientists are trained in the institutions of temperate zone countries and many scientists have similar training in institutions of our own country, often indigenous demand for traditional food as well as medicinal crops have declined. Because of these factors, the potential of most of the indigenous medicinal plants have never been fully explored. 8


The great surge of public interest in the use of plants as medicines has been based on the assumption that the plants will be available on a continuing basis. However, no concerted effort has been made to ensure this, in the face of the threats of increasing demand, a vastly increasing human population and extensive destruction of plant-rich habitats such as the tropical forests. Today many medicinal plants face extinction or severe genetic loss, but detailed information is lacking. For most of the endangered medicinal plants species no conservation action has been taken. For example, there is very little material of them in genebanks. Also, too much emphasis has been put on the potential for discovering new wonder drugs, and too little on the many problems involved in the use of traditional medicines by local populations.


There is not even a complete inventory of medicinal plants. Much of the knowledge on their use is held by traditional societies, whose very existence is now under threat since these societies are being integrated with non-traditional societies. Little of this information has been recorded in a systematic manner. Besides, the identification and selection of medicinal plants for use in health services, there is the potential that plants hold as an inexhaustible reservoir for the identification and isolation of useful chemical compounds for syndromes such as AIDS, for which there is yet no known cure. Ayurveda, the ancient system of herbal medicine, of our country is growing in popularity not only in India but also abroad. It is gratifying to note that there is a lot of research work being done on various aspects of ISM. But it is doubtful whether we have got our priorities right. Most such work revolve round pharmacological and clinical aspects. The need for standardization of Ayurvedic medicines has attracted some attention in the recent times, but most people seem to forget that without availability of genuine material in adequate quantity (which Agricultural Scientists can help ensure) and without standards in plant resources of drugs, we cannot evolve standards in Ayurvedic formulations. As at present, there is widespread concern for nonavailability of genuine raw material and the concern that market is being flooded with spurious drugs. Research infrastructure: The drugs, pharmaceutical, perfumery, cosmetics and flavour industries use a large number of medicinal and aromatic plants and new items are continuously added to the list of commercial source of industrial raw materials every year. Of these, only a limited number of species have come under cultivation. The medicinal and aromatic plants at raw material stage are dealt by several Research and Development Organisations in Government of India. In the Ministry of Agriculture, the Deptt. of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) is responsible for research work on these crops under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) which has a network of National Research Institutes and State Agricultural Universities. Its developmental part is taken care of under Division of Horticulture in the Ministry itself. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has a similar chain of Research Institutes under aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and few of these institutes carry out research work on these plants. Broadly speaking all aspects of Agricultural research fall in the domain of ICAR and technological aspects related to processing, purification, and developing upstream more potent phytochemicals come in purview of the CSIR. However, this division is not always strictly followed resulting in several areas of research where both



have contributed significantly resulting in development of new varieties & improved cultivation practices. Similarly, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare operate through the Central Council of Research in Ayurved and Siddha (CCRAS) and Ministry of Environment & Forests through its constituent Research set up viz. the Indian Council of Forestry Research (ICFR); it has on roll one of the oldest research institutes working on Forest species namely, the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun which is also working in this sector. There are several organisations in the state Govts. and corporate sector in the country which conducts research on some of these crops. If taken together, the research infrastructure is fairly large but because of large and diverse number of species involved and poor intra-institutional linkages on one hand and the nature of priorities assigned in mandate of these organisations on the other, has made its impact occasionally diffused at operational level. 5.4 Lessons learnt, suggestions, options for the future 5.4.1 Lessons learnt Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM) includes Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. The current compartmentalized management of these systems-utilization of raw material by practitioners of ISM, procurement from forest by businessmen and forest department and other Government agencies and relatively low priority by those engaged in research and development of agriculture, none of which hardly talk to each other or care to understand each others problems and requirement has resulted into deterioration of ISM by way of non-availability of material and/or material of good quality. 5.2.2 Suggestions and options for the future Functional integration of botanical, agricultural, chemical, pharmacological and therapeutic aspects of plants, plant drugs and their application is the only way to decrease distortion of the scientific priorities, to decrease dependencies for the needed know how on those countries which often control the markets and regulate the trade. Research on medicinal plants suffers for lack of mechanism for systematically, routinely introducing and investigating plants which are little known to agriculturists but are therapeutically useful medicinal plants. Considering the research gaps, problems and national priorities, following researchable issues emerged for future planning: Medicinal and Aromatic plants genetic resources. Emphasis on plant introduction and selection must be given considering the huge number of plants requiring attention of agricultural scientists. Developing Good agricultural practices for the medicinal plants in the line of world standard. The recent development of highly specific and sensitive analytical techniques such as the Radio Immuno Assay (RIA) or the Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) are quick and reliable methods for breeding and identifying cultivars with a high content of a


specific compound and/or the desired spectrum of secondary metabolites. Post harvest processing of raw material.

6.1 Strength Ecological niche for almost any medicinal plant can be identified in the country. Therapeutic aspects of plants useful in ISM are better understood than for plants useful in Traditional Systems of Medicine of other countries. Many NGOs are interested in developing medicinal plants gardens. They will collaborate and will be source of strength in collecting germplasm. 6.2 Weaknesses

The number of plants that are urgently required to be studied are extremely high, causing serious problems of prioritization. Research support needs strengthening in Agriculture sector. 6.3 Opportunities

Growth potential of medicinal plants and its impact on the health of the Nation is tremendous. However, it is emphasized: (1) that this is a new style development project, requiring collaboration and linkages with institutions and individuals interested in promoting health and (2) that marketing of medicinal plant products is not organized. In attempting to quantify the economic importance of medicinal plants and discussing opportunity they provide, it is important to distinguish between the market value of a commodity and its economic value. The market value is just that: the value the market place attributes to a given commodity of its derivate product(s), as represented in the market price and the quantity of the commodity that is sold. Obviously, the economic value is much larger in magnitude but also much more difficult to quantify. It is possible that we can expand our export, can serve better our domestic demand and can go for patenting. 6.4 Threats

The availability of Medicinal Plants from the wild are fast dwindling while their production through cultivation has been organized only for few of them. The situation is more complicated than for food and fibre crops since marketing of medicinal plants is not organized. International organisations and patenting rights may disrupt our planning. Preliminary data shows a high correlation between species exported and those facing extinction.

7.1 Present scenario of medicinal and aromatic plant research From the beginning, few institutes/SAUs/Colleges/botanical gardens are being involved in some research. But no systematic and regular research was conducted. Under CSIR Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow is involving mainly basic research of some medicinal plants in India. A Medicinal Plant Board has been created by government of India to coordinate


activities of all facets of medicinal plant research and development, production, processing and marketing in a befitting manner to augment production and availability of quality raw material and also export. There is huge task to be carried out at every level to make Indian System of Medicine a viable, sustainable and most modern and this task, an urgency is generated which can only be established through regular and systematic scientific research and investigation from collection, conservation and evaluation to preparation of model GAP to compete in the world marker. It would be difficult task but this task of realizing the essentialities of experimentation has been felt by NRCMAP. National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants has already unfurled its wings on functioning mode and has taken several steps towards a vibrant research along with its our reach programme on AINRPMAP and AINRPB. In this effort, All India Network Project on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants is also sharing its infrastructure and manpower towards the same goal. 7.2 Perspective

Over the last two decades, there has been a tremendous growing interest in all traditional systems of medicines mainly because of inadequacy in treatment of some of the deadly and painful diseases such as cancer, HIV, AIDS, rheumatic arthritis, etc., by modern medicine. Despite number of innovations in modern medical sciences, availability of modern medical treatment to vast population of poor world wide remain a dream. It is estimated that world wide about 80% of the population depend upon traditional system of medicine for their primary health care need. All known civilization in the past such as Egyptian, Babylonian, Jewish, Greek, Chinese, Indus-Valley, Tibetian etc., were having their traditional system of medicines and health care system. Sales figures of herbal medicines in global and national market are rapidly swelling. According to the report of Secretariats of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) there was US$60,000 million sales in world herbal medicines market in 2002. India has a rich heritage and long history of using medicinal and aromatic plants in improving the quality of life. India is also fortunate to have one of the richest sources of plant biodiversity in the world and perhaps the richest reservoir of traditional herbal medicinal plants and prescriptions. The Indian system of medicines comprise of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani are having their long root in our society and they predominantly use medicinal plants for their preparation and formulations. Modern phramacopia also listed at least 25% of drugs derived from plants and vast majority although synthetic analogues built on prototype compounds isolated from plants. Medicinal plants have been incorporated in seamless fabric of diet in our traditional food habit and medicines which often connected through a comprehensive traditional theory of disease control. Currently commercialization of this concept has started in the form of developing a new line of products called functional food which contains medicinal plant as ingredients added to health foods. In recent years four groups of functional food to improve gut health, heart health, immune function and bone health are in demand in the global market. The functional food market is projected to be about US$ 57 billion in 200. A large number of medicinal plants grown in our subcontinent posses high quantity of antioxidants, protein, vitamins and immuno-modulating substances. India therefore, can make its presence felt in the global market by participating in this burgeoning market. New paradigm of Agro-biotechnology may be of importance to increase the biosynthetic ability of nutraceuticals of crops itself and to produce the commercially viable material such a biopharmaceuticals, functional proteins and edible vaccines in plant body. Efforts should be made to identify and isolate useful bioactive substances from bio-resources. Research must be diverted 22

to identify the genes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites useful for treatments of diseases. The regulation mechanism of the biosynthetic pathways could be elucidated by metabolic control through genetic manipulation and genetically modified plants. Harnessing of the strength of herbal sector needs a sizable investment in addition to participation of various stakeholders. The ICAR alone can not achieve the goal, if other stake holders fail to imbibe enthusiasm. The need of the hour is to prepare a National Medicinal Plant Products Blueprint for the country in block by block concept wherein upstream activities on development of herbal Food and Beverages, Traditional Medicines, Phytochemicals, Neutraceuticals, Healthcare, Bioprospecting, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrance, Health enhancing and Dietary Supplement Products and downstream activities such as Health Retreats, Health Services, Incubation Center, Herbal Standard Institute, Herbal Gardens, College and HRD, Packaging, Aroma Therapy, Herbal Research Center and Human Resource Training are to be orchestrated in synthesizing a new symphony for the benefit of poor and rich to achieve our ancient dream, health for all. With the present mandate of NRCMAP research with basic objectives of bringing in visibility and accountability in the research programmes with greater emphasis on developing technologies which are farmer and market driven. NRCMAP would conduct basic, strategic and applied research and location specific research with its NIARPMAP component in important medicinal aromatic plant species in the following identified areas. 7.2.1 7.2.2 Crop Improvement Introduction of germplasm. Germplasm enhancement. Identification of high quality genotypes. Study of floral biology. Search for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. G x E interaction to identify best location for best performance. Genetic finger printing of selected species. Conservation of medicinal plants in field gene bank. Crop Production To develop basic aspects for developing good agricultural practices (GAP) for medicinal and aromatic plants taking into account individual location and species. Crop production technology. Integrated crop management which also includes integrated nutrient and pest management. Physiology of secondary metabolites production. Water management and water requirement study. Standardisation of different organic farming system.


7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6

Quality Management Monitoring of pesticide and heavy metal contamination in the market produce/sources. Monitoring quality of raw material available in the market. Fixing of standard of raw material. Developing chemical finger printing for individual species to avoid adulteration. Developing a referral laboratory. Crop Protection Standardisation and developing integrated pest management (both disease and pest). Developing forecasting models. Post Harvest Management Development of efficient drying system. Development of storage technology for reducing post harvest loses. Biotechnology Micropropagation of species which have multiplication problem. Developing different molecular techniques for developing genetic finger printing.


The number of medicinal and aromatic plants that need our attention is exorbitant. Therefore, we have to be very cautious in deciding whether we should spend our resources in generating agrotechnology of a particular plant. 8.1 Issues

Some of the most dramatic developments experienced during last decades in biotechnologies will restructure our production of pure natural products. The entire 650 million US$ medicinal plant export market (largely from third world countries) is exposed to substitution by synthetics or tissue culture factories. Experiences with the new biotechnologies have all led to or are leading to the displacement of natural products of third world countries by cultured products or alternative plants in the developed countries. It must be realised that single cell culture will mean that tropical countries will no longer be the source of many medicinal, spice, dye and industrial plants where identified pure chemical products are the desired constituents. 8.2 Strategies

The future of research on medicinal plants in agricultural institutions/departments lies in identifying and developing those medicinal plants whose products, in crude form, are used either in traditional systems of medicine or (in general, though to a lesser extent) in allopathy.


We need to broaden our horizon considerably in deciding whether it is desirable to develop agro-technology of a medicinal plant considering issues & strategies stated above. This is so because, agricultural research takes long time and after years of work, if the crop produce is not to be exploited for medicinal purposes, all our efforts will be wasted. It will be futile, self defeating and socially irrelevant, if we use current export potential as a sole or a major criteria to decide whether we should conduct research on a plant. The number of species will be still substantial, if only those are considered for germplasm collection whose therapeutically useful products are primarily used in crude form. Therefore in setting up priorities for conserving and researching medicinal plants, wild plants with small populations should have greater priority over plants that are already in cultivation. Among wild plants greater priority should be given to perennials over annuals. Furthermore, plants that are extracted for their roots and barks should receive special attention. Meanwhile the future of medicinal plants that are harvested for their leaves, flowers and fruits is to a certain extent relatively safe and they become endangered if they are sensitive to habitat disturbances and grow only in forests that may be clear cut indiscriminately at any time.


9.1 Guiding principles of the programme identification Numbers of medicinal and aromatic plants which are therapeutically useful are large. Therefore, following guiding principles will be used judiciously in choosing plants to develop their agrotechnologies (irrespective of whether their marketing has been organized) with ultimate aim: . 2. . It is threatened with extinction. Over the years price of its economic products, consistently and rapidly, is rising. It is used in crude form and is used since hundreds of years (In crude form, due to the presence of co-effectors, the therapeutic effect is often more favourable in comparison with pure substances. Moreover, if a slow release and prolonged effect is desirable, medicines of plant origin are preferred in modern medicines). Little or no information is available on the crop. The work is labour intensive. Input and management costs are low. Efficacy of its products has proved of considerable therapeutic importance (for saponin diuretics, expectorants and bitter principles, preparation of pure substances are technically complicated and/or not economical). Its active constituent is not likely to be manufactured synthetically or in the tissue culture factory Its development has long term impact on providing genuine quality raw material for Traditional Systems of Medicine and/or for Western medicine (Allopathy).

. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

0. Its development is related to the actual needs of rural populations. 11. Its development is justified by the long term social benefits. 25

9.2 No. .

Time frame Objectives To study floral biology Goals To understand mode of pollination before appreciable germplasm is collected (for seed propagated plants) To develop protocol for vegetative multiplication To develop protocol for mass multiplication through tissue culture (where conventional multiplication procedure is inadequate) To enrich and maintain MAP gene pool To assemble the germplasm and setting up of the gene bank -doTo select therapeutically superior germplasm, preferably resistant to diseases, pests and high yielding Time Scale 2007-205


To study the method of vegetative multiplication (for vegetatively propagated plants)

2007-2025 2007-2025

 (a) (b) (c)

Collection, conservation and evaluation of MAP germplasm To survey and collect germplasm from the country To survey and collect germplasm from other countries Evaluation of germplasm

2007-2025 2007-200 2007-205 2007-2025

. (a) (b) (c) (d)

Crop Improvement Plant Introduction (for many plants) To Introduce therapeutically useful plants Plant selection (for some plants) Plant hybridisation and mutation breeding Developing different molecular techniques for chemical finger printing To identify compatible medicinal plants based cropping systems To select superior lines To create genetic variability

2007-2025 205-2025 2007-2025 2007-2025

To explore different molecular techniques 200-2025 for different medicinal plants To understand the canopy structure, light penetration, root spread of various component crops and input requirements in the farming system To find out the optimum nutritional requirements for obtaining high yield and good quality medicinal plant products To design and develop the best irrigation system for MAPs To develop plant ideotype for higher productivity (for very few crops) 2007-2020



To determine the optimum nutritional input for medicinal plants based cropping systems To develop an ideal irrigation system and water requirement for MAPs To find out different physiological parameters for maximum productivity







No. 9.

Objectives To develop highly specific and sensitive analytical techniques such as the radioimmuno assay (RIA) or the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the chosen medicinal plants To help in establishing chain of medicinal plants gardens (at least one per district) in the country. To develop organic gardening practices

Goals To screen and select genotypes with a high content of a specific compound and/or the desired spectrum of secondary metabolites so that identifiction and development of superior lines will take less time than before To make available locally preferred medicinal plant products-especially fresh herb-in a decentralised manner To ensure adequate soil status as far as micronutrients are concerned (atleast some of the medicinal plant products are very high in micronutrients) To ensure that harmful product are not present in the raw material The goal is to develop an integrated pest management technique involving biocontrol measures and use of synthetic pheromones To have a realistic estimate of cost of production for making recommendations regarding incentives to be given to farmers and price support mechanism for stabilising price of commodities.

Time Scale 2007-2025





2. .

To estimate pesticide residue in medicinal plants To find out an effective early detective method coupled with biocontrol measures for pests and disease To estimate cost of production

200-205 200-2020




To mechanise the operations such Identifying/developing labour saving as harvesting inter-culture and post- farm machineries to reduce the cost of harvest processing. production To determine seed technology and production standards (seed biology, seed health, seed certification standards, seed production technology including machineries, seed storage, processing and packaging) Technology Transfer and HRD To develop standards for planting material





-Developing and utilizing communication 2007-2025 methodology -To study impact -To involve NGOs -Training and education 2007-2025


Development of post-harvest- To develop suitable postharvest storage technology for reducing technologies for MAPs post harvest loses.




Most of the funds are expected from the regular budgetary allocations under plan and nonplan for the Institute in coming years. In the X plan the total expenditure was 22.98 crores and it may increase by about 20-25% in every coming plans. In addition, whenever possible the scientists will be encouraged to submit ad-hoc schemes to ICAR and other agencies/organizations such as Dept. of Biotechnology, United States Agency for International Development, International Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, and collaborative programme with pharmaceutical Industries will be encouraged. Additional funds are required for training and exposing agricultural scientists to better appreciate the principles and practices of Traditional Systems of Medicine.


10.1 Linkages I. At National Level (a) With ICAR Organisations/Ministry of Agriculture . 2. 3. . (b) NBPGR CIAE, Bhopal Ministry of Agriculture, GOI National Medicinal Plant Board

With other Govt. Organisations . 2. . . 6. 7. 8. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha Indian System of Medicine, Govt. of India Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar National Chemical Laboratory, Pune Dept. of Biotechnology, New Delhi CIMAP (Lucknow), RRL (Jammu), RRL (Jorhat), RRL (Bhubneshwar) Indian Council of Forestry Research, Dehra Dun


With NGOs . 2. 3. 4. Centre of Science for Villages, Magan Sangrahalaya, Vardha 2 00 Research Officer, Herbal Garden, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal - 676 503 Jan Seva Mandal, Kont Road, Nandurbar, Maharashtra-425412 Foundation of Revitalisation of local Health Tradition, Bangalore


At International level . Biodiversity International, Rome (formerly IPGRI) 28

The most critical input entails infrastructural support to take up the programme. The NRC will attach highest priority to strategic research, while the Coordinated Network will be charged with applied regional research. 11.1 Funds

The funding of the programme is envisaged out of plan and non-plan budget of the ICAR. However, efforts will be made for arrangement of external funding sources through collaborative research programmes. 11.2 Manpower

The present sanctioned cadre strength of scientists is 25. However, only thirteen scientists are in position.

Vast reservoir of novel uses of plants and their compounds is threatened by deforestation and uncontrolled grazing. The traditional medicinal plants based industry, barely cognizant of the need to protect botanical sources, hardly makes any move towards sustainable cultivation. In cataloguing threatened plant species, scientists have discovered that many plants of medicinal values are being rapidly depleted. As business scramble to meet growing consumer demand and forest dwellers and landless labourers take advantage of the easy and immediate source of income provided by plant collection, a free-for-all situation is taking place. Cultivation of medicinal plants in a way that will genuinely benefit local people is hampered by the lack of guaranteed markets and price stability for farmers and traders. At present, not even embryonic efforts are under way to develop sound environmental and economic activities to the current system of medicinal plants exploitations. Output and expected situation Demand for plant based medicines is increasing rapidly and if the medicinal plants will be made available in abundance, the rise in prices can be contained. The project also envisages availability of quality raw material.


The progress of the research projects will be reviewed in the Staff Research Council (SRC) meetings which will be held twice a year, once research work will be initiated at NRC. In addition, the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) will also review the research progress and suggest future lines of work. The Director will monitor the progress of work from time to time by conducting mid term review meetings and periodical visits to the different centres. As per the ICAR guidelines the progress of work will be reported through quarterly and annual reports. As is the convention, the ICAR may appoint a quinquennial review team to evaluate the performance of the Institute. Moreover, Newsletters Bulletins (research and farm) etc. will be published on the basis of work carried out in NRC/Coordinated Project.


Allocation from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research under the plan and non-plan will continue to be the major source of funding for the Institute. Attempts will also be made to generate resources from external agencies. In addition, all possible efforts will be made to maximize internal resource generation through revolving funds and consultancy services.

Output of the this research programme would be generation of various technologies leading to development of Good Agricultural Practices of a large number of MAP species to assure supply of quality raw drug to the industries for preparations of highly stable medicines in terms of quality from batch to batch. Development of high yielding and high quality genotypes/ cultivars would also make the extraction industries more efficient and cost effective due to handling of less quantity of raw material for higher quantity of extraction. Farmers will also be benefited from such activities and will get premium price for their produce free from residual and heavy metal toxicity as well as gain from high productivity. This would also lead to a number of high quality publications as well as few patents in the field of product and process development.

Overall impacts of the entire research activities will lead to a paradigm shift in the mind set of the pharmaceutical and Indian System of Medicine industries from present day quantity consciousness to quality consciousness. This shift will improve the quality of health care in the society, thus wellbeing of fellow citizens will be protected. It will also add substantially to the GDP of the country through increase in export of quality raw drug as well as quality finished products. Farming community will ultimate gain from their freedom of choice to select the crops depending upon the economics of cultivation. A basket of options will be available to them which will add to their confidence in farming.


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