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An Emerging Universal Township for Human Unity

LAvenir dAuroville


AUROVILLE An Emerging Universal Township for Human Unity



LAvenir dAuroville Town Hall Auroville - 605 101 Tamil Nadu India Phone: +91 413 2622170 Fax: +91 413 2622055 E-mail: Website: April 2009

Auroville Charter
1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. 2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. 3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations. 4. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.






On Indian soil


Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity.
- The Mother, founder of Auroville

This was the first public message on Auroville sent out to the world in 1965. Three years later, at the foundation ceremony of Auroville on 28th February 1968, youth representing 124 nations and all Indias states placed a handful of earth from their homeland in a lotus-shaped urn in a gesture symbolic of human unity, and a first internationally-endorsed universal township dedicated to peace, human unity and planetary transformation was founded.

Major activities
Since its inception, Auroville has been engaged in a wide range of activities, in many of which it has made impressive achievements. The major activities of Auroville include: Arts & Culture Ecological Agriculture Educational Research Environmental Regeneration Handicrafts &Small-Scale Industries Health Care Innovative Building Technologies Integrated Urban Planning Renewable Energy Rural Development

A unique experiment
Universal township
Envisaged as a universal township for up to 50,000 people from around the world, Auroville today has a population of over 2,000 volunteers from India and some 40+ other countries. Its residents represent an amazing mix of languages and cultures, and come from a wide spectrum of educational and socio-economic backgrounds. Living harmoniously together in a multi-cultural society and working closely together with the local population in a rural environment poses major challenges. At the same time, it provides a unique testing ground for the realisation of an actual human unity that respects and upholds diversity.


Integrated rural & urban development

Located in an impoverished rural area of Tamil Nadu, South India, the Auroville township is surrounded by 13 villages with a population of approximately 40,000 people, of which around 5,000 are employed in Auroville. The urban development of the city, as envisioned in Aurovilles Government of India-approved Master Plan, takes into account the wellbeing of its rural neighbours. As such, Auroville is not only a challenging meeting point between different cultures and nations from the East and West, but is also a singular experiment in integrated development, bringing together the technology and resources of the industrial North and the agrarian South.

Living laboratory for the world

Thanks to its location, character and way of functioning, Auroville is like a microcosm of the world, incorporating all the major problems facing humanity today and needing to be worked on. Population explo-

sion, environmental degradation, economic disparity, water scarcity, air, sound and traffic pollution plus loss of cultural values are just a few examples of the problems, which, combined, have now created a global crisis which threatens the very survival of the human species. In this context, Auroville is a living laboratory where, on many fronts, replicable models and solutions are being worked out for the benefit of the surrounding area, of India and of the whole world.

Voluntary dedication
Aurovilles vision is based on future-oriented ecological, social, economic and spiritual values. Its residents freely join this experiment as voluntary workers, who dedicate their work and life to the ideals Auroville stands for. All immovable assets, such as land, residences, farms, forests, businesses, etc, are not owned by the residents but are held in trust for humanity as a whole. In the words of the late environmentalist David R. Brower: Auroville stands as one of the most courageous and hopegiving models of what is possible when the human will and spirit unite in common action.

International support
Auroville received the unanimous endorsement of the General Assembly of UNESCO in 1966, 1968, 1970 and 1983, and has more recently received a further UNESCO endorsement in late 2007 in recognition of its 40th anniversary. Governmental and non-governmental organizations in India and abroad have funded various programmes. Donations have been given by funding agencies in Europe and the United States, by Auroville International Centres, and by private well-wishers from all over the world. And the Auroville residents themselves have also made major contributions of their financial resources and energy to the project.

Legal status

In 1988, the Government of India passed the Auroville Foundation Act to safeguard the future development of the Auroville International Township according to its Charter. Under this Act, an autonomous institution, the Auroville Foundation, has been established, with a Governing Board, International Advisory Council and Residents Assembly. In his presentation of the Act before Indias Parliament, Mr. P. Shiv Shanker, the then Indian Minister of Human Resource Development, remarked: Auroville is to be looked upon as a vision which has a great potentiality and this can be of tremendous service to our country and the world at large.


Appropriate building technology
Auroville has hands-on experience in researching and applying appropriate and cost-effective building technologies. There are over a dozen different building techniques in use in Auroville that are locally disseminated by resident architects. Auroville has gained considerable expertise and received national recognition, especially in the field of earth construction and ferrocement technology. The Auroville Building Centre, a focal point for compressed earth-block and ferrocement technology, is part of a national network of more than 500 building centres all over India, initiated by the Housing and Urban Development Corporation of India (HUDCO). The centre provides regular training programmes for masons, site supervisors, contractors, engineers, and architects. It also offers consultancy, designs buildings and supervises construction sites using these appropriate, costeffective building technologies, both in India and abroad.

Arts and culture

The diversity of cultures, the physical beauty of the place, and the inspiring social environment draw artists from all over the world to Auroville. There are more than sixty resident artists in Auroville, many of whom offer classes to adults and children. Live performances of western and eastern classical music, as well as of jazz, popular music and blends of Indian and western music occur frequently. Also, an adults choir performs fairly regularly. Music education is given for a variety of western and eastern instruments, and classes are offered in improvisation, modern dance, Indian classical dance, etc. Visual artists and theatre groups also present their work on a regular basis. Kalabhumi (Land of Art) is an artists settlement in Aurovilles Cultural Zone, where it is envisioned that all arts and artists can intermingle. It aims at providing studios and spaces for different art forms, living quarters and a gallery. At present, Kalabhumi offers studios for sculpture, metal work, painting, drawing and music practice, and also has an amphitheatre with seating arrangements for about 150 people. Auroville is also an affiliate member of RES ARTIS, an international network that promotes residential exchange programmes for artists worldwide to strengthen international ties and understanding of the diverse cultural heritages that invigorate human society.


Organic agriculture
The development of an ecologically sound agriculture, which excludes the use of pesticides and detrimental chemicals, is being actively pursued. At present, Auroville has approximately 400 acres under ecological agriculture comprising 15 farms coordinated by the Auroville Farm Group. This group also organizes residential training programmes for students from all over the world, and offers training programmes in ecological agriculture to local farmers. Ancillary activities that support ecological agriculture include conservation of food grain diversity and seed distribution, processing and marketing of organic food, and laboratory facilities for testing soil, water and food samples.

Educational research
There are two crches, two kindergartens, two primary schools and one high school in Auroville. Aurovilles educational research, based on a child-centered approach, endeavours to nurture the childs potential to its highest possible level. Sports and physical education are strongly emphasized for a balanced and healthy growth. Creativity classes that encourage the development of artistic faculties and sense of beauty are an intrinsic part of Aurovilles educational system. Education in Auroville is largely administered under the umbrella of the Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Educational Research (SAIIER), an organization established in 1984 as a nodal point for Aurovilles multi-faceted educational and cultural activities. In response to the high illiteracy level in the neighbouring villages, Auroville offers a wide variety of rural education programmes, ranging from crche to high school level education that reaches out to thousands of local children, alongside cultural activities, sports and vocational training opportunities.

Environmental regeneration
Auroville has gained national and international acclaim for its environmental regeneration work, which includes wasteland reclamation, reforestation, conservation of bio-diversity, propagation of medicinal plants, watershed management and recycling of wastewater. Comprehensive soil and water conservation measures and reforestation have significantly enhanced the life-support potential of the whole area. Over three million forest trees, hedging trees and shrubs, fruit, and fuel wood trees have been planted, thereby transforming more than 2,500 acres of near barren and visibly dying land into a lush green environment. At present, Aurovilles environmental efforts, carried out by six specialized organizations, reach out to over 100 villages in an area of 740 sq.kms. Regular training programmes and workshops in environmental regeneration are offered to villagers, NGO development workers, and government officials.


Handicrafts and small-scale industries

Auroville operates over 140 commercial units under more than 20 Trusts. While the size of the units varies, they can all be classified as small-scale industries. The activities of these industries are remarkably diverse, and include handicrafts (such as ready-made garments for adults and children, candle and incense products, embroidery, crochet, quilts, hand painted silk, beadwork, jewellery, postcards, leather work, pottery, paper lampshades, woodwork, etc.); printing and graphic design; food processing; electronics and engineering; computer hardware and software; windmill manufacture; and construction and architectural services. Aurovilles businesses are marked by a search for beauty, quality and perfection in their products, combined with a sense of social responsibility and a concern for the environment. They are not individually owned, but belong to the Auroville Township. Though relatively small in terms of employment and investment, and simple in their means of production, some Auroville businesses have been successful, earning sizeable revenue through exports. Besides generating funds to assist Auroville in maintaining its service sector and infrastructure, the units provide increasing employment and training opportunities for the local people. At present, some 4-5,000 local villagers directly benefit from Aurovilles small-scale industries.

Health care
The Auroville Township has developed institutes that offer both primary health care and a wide range of natural healing therapies. The Auroville Health Centre and its 6 rural sub-centres provide primary health care to a total population of approximately 35,000 local people in 26 villages The centre also offers a range of preventive health care measures, including training and supervising of some 30 rural women as Village Health Workers able to teach basic health care to the villagers. In addition the main centre, there is also a separate clinic for Auroville residents. The Dental Centre runs two fully equipped dental clinics, one for the local villagers and the other for Auroville residents, together with a prosthesis laboratory and 11 rural sub-centres. The former clinic offers preventive and child-to-child programmes, plus training courses for nearly 20 rural dental hygienists, who educate villagers in dental care and provide minor dental services. The Quiet Healing Centre, which offers over 25 different natural healing therapies, is Aurovilles primary institution for holistic and natural healing therapies. It also organises conferences and retreats and provides guest facilities. An umbrella organization, Auroville Health Services, seeks to offer managerial support to coordinate all Aurovilles diverse activities in health and healing.



Integrated urban planning

The Auroville Township Perspective Master Plan 2000 2025 envisages a universal township of 20 km2 for up to 50,000 people, located on a low-lying plateau adjacent to the Coromandel Coast of India, 160 kms south of Chennai. At the centre of the township, in the Peace Area, stands the Matrimandir, the soul of Auroville, offering a non-denominational space to people of all faiths for silent concentration. The four zones planned for the city the International, Cultural, Residential and Industrial Zone radiate out from the Matrimandir Gardens area. The Green Belt, an area of forest, farmland and planned nature sanctuaries, will eventually surround the entire city. Auroville envisages a city that will economize on land needs by introducing an optimum mix of densities with appealing urban forms and amenities. The city centre, yet to be fully developed, is envisaged as a model for small towns, that incorporates sustainable and eco-friendly ways of living while meeting Aurovilles administrative and service needs. Every part of the centre is within walking distance for Aurovilles residents, making it possible to establish a zone free of polluting traffic. The surrounding Green Belt will be a fertile zone for applied research in the sectors of food production, forestry, soil conservation, watershed management and other priorities, which assist sustainable development. The results of such innovative methods would be available for application in both rural and urban areas in India and elsewhere in the world. There are 13 villages in Aurovilles immediate neighbourhood of 40 km2, and many more in the bioregional area of about 740 km2. The Auroville Master Plan, which has been endorsed by the Government of India, is dedicated to the creation of an environment-friendly, sustainable urban settlement that, at the same time, integrates the neighbouring rural area.


Over the years, Auroville has created around 100 sub-settlements with accommodation for its residents. Municipal services for food production, purchase and distribution, electricity and water supply, waste disposal and recycling, financial transactions, telecommunications and urban planning have also been established. While much of the land still has to be purchased, Auroville presently manages over 80% of the total acreage within the future city area, and about 40% within the Green Belt.

Renewable energy
Auroville is one of the largest sites in India for the use and promotion of renewable energy technologies. Auroville organizations, such as the Auroville Centre for Scientific Research, Aurore, Auroville Energy Products and Aureka have demonstrated the feasibility of renewable energy systems, by successfully installing them in Auroville and other parts of India.


The major sources of renewable energy utilized in Auroville are solar, wind and biomass. At present, more than 1,200 photovoltaic (PV) panels are in use for electricity and water supply. Some 30 windmills of various designs are in operation for pumping water, and specially designed ferrocement biogas systems process animal and vegetable waste to produce methane gas and organic fertilizers. The Auroville Centre for Scientific Research, a research institution approved by the Government of India and a focal point in this field, offers a number of workshops and seminars on renewable energy and sustainable development to a wide variety of participants.

Rural development
Aurovilles development is inextricably linked to the villages in its immediate vicinity and to the larger bioregion. In this context, Auroville has been seeking to reverse the normal trend of urban development, by rejuvenating the life, environment and culture of the neighbouring villages. Unlike most cities, which draw into themselves all the raw materials and energetic people from the rural area, Auroville aims at developing the entire bioregion into a prosperous area. When Auroville began, the neighbouring villages were in a highly impoverished state in terms of material, environmental and human resources. Poverty, illiteracy, alcoholism, oppression of women and low-caste or dalit people were, and still are, major problems. Auroville has been active in various areas, particularly in education, health care, environmental regeneration, cultural rejuvenation, vocational training, womens empowerment and capacity-building to improve the situation. Today, 10 specialized Auroville organizations offer integrated rural development programmes that benefit some 40,000 people living in the surrounding area. Environmental regeneration work, plus commercial and construction undertakings, provide training and employment in crafts, trades, technologies and supervision. Establishment of schools for village children and provision of primary health care have also been ongoing initiatives. Capacity building is now the cornerstone of Aurovilles rural developmental work. Specialized Auroville organisations offer participatory development programmes that empower people to help themselves.



Over the years since its inception in 1968, Auroville has made major contributions by way of specialist input to projects and institutions elsewhere in India and abroad. The following brief summary is not a comprehensive list of all such work and activities, but gives some idea of the variety.

Palani Hills tree planting

Aurovilians Jean Pouyet and David Nagel worked with the local authorities in the Palani Hills area some years ago to reforest extensive areas of the Hills.

Nadukuppam High School

Nadukuppam High School is a Government Secondary School which a few years ago had only three rooms in a bad state of repair, five teachers for over 570 children, a high drop-out rate, only around 10% pass rates in exams, no water, no toilets, and no greenery around it just four unfenced acres of dust and wandering cows with a couple of trees nearby. In 2003 it was adopted by Aurovilles Pitchandikulam Bio-Resource Centre (PBRC) as part of a development project for the region, and since then has been transformed. Today, largely thanks to the input of the Auroville team, supported by financial help from abroad and additional help from the regional education authority, plus the cooperation and encouragement of the local Panchayat and recruitment of more teachers, the school has become a model for other schools in the area.

Now its exam pass rates have risen to well over 60%, and it has drinking water, shade trees, fencing to keep cows & goats out, toilets with baffle reactors for treating the waste, a general wastewater treatment plant using aquatic plants to cleanse waste water prior to nurturing a plant nursery, and many other improvements. It has also become a major source of inspiration for others in the field of education. Today the school grounds not only contain the extra classrooms so badly needed and an Environmental Education Centre, but also a tree nursery for indigenous seedlings, a raised-bed vegetable garden, a medicinal plant garden, a water purification plant with solar pump raising water from two underground storage tanks to nurture a freshly planted area of trees near the school buildings, a vermicomposting unit, and a waste recycling set-up where paper, plastic, metal and glass are separately stored for later resale (the school grounds are kept clean and tidy by the children).


One also finds a spirit of enthusiasm pervading the school, its children and staff, that was unimaginable before the project took off.

Heritage Preservation through Asia Urbs

The proposal of Asia Urbs Programme (AUP) was originally taken up by Italian-born longtime Aurovilian Luigi Zanzi in 1999, and proposed to the (then) Government of Pondicherry. The concept behind the AUP was to introduce some of the best urban management practices of Europe into Asia by partnering Asian cities with two European cities and bringing about a learning process through urban initiatives. With this possibility in mind two Aurovilians visited Urbino in Italy, a UNESCO World Heritage City, in the summer of 2000 to see if Urbinos local government would be interested in being one of the partners for a heritage protection initiative. Although they had a good response at the time, no practical progress was made, but the issue came up again in 2002 through the directive of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. This time the project took off, was sanctioned under the title Achieving Urban Economic Goals through Heritage Preservation Measures, and was successfully concluded in July 2004. The highlights of the programme were restoration of a stretch of Tamil street facades; restoration of some 10 listed buildings in Pondicherry through a matching grant scheme; improvement of the entrances and paving of the Grand Bazaar; the setting up of a battery charging station for electric tempo taxis; the initiation of a solid waste collection scheme in part of the city; and a project for conversion of green waste into vermicompost. Additional heritage restoration work was also carried out in Tranquebar.

Puducherrys Bharathi Park

Indias National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, better known as INTACH, has a local Chapter in Puducherry headed by longtime Aurovilian Ajit Koujalgi. This Chapter, which works closely with the various departments of the Government of Puducherry and local citizens to achieve its objectives, has carried out a number of major projects benefitting the region, the latest of which has been a major 3.5 crores (approx US$ 800,000) project to renovate and beautify Puducherrys 10acre Bharathi Park. This project, which was initiated by the Government of Puducherrys Tourism Department with INTACH as consultant, and the Public Works Department (PWD) as the executing agency, drew in a number of Aurovilians and Auroville units as contributors. Located facing the Governors Palace at the heart of Puducherrys historically important heritage area, the park has had a massive facelift over the past few years under the above mentioned scheme, which has transformed it into a more peaceful, beautiful and enjoyable facility for the many hundreds of people who visit it daily. Gone are the tarmac roads crossing through the heart of the park, which divided the area into 4 mini-parks and allowed vehicular traffic to cross the area or park there. Now the whole perimeter of the park has been fenced with



cast-iron railings to create a visually larger pedestrian-only area with four entrance gates; brighter but more energy-efficient night lighting designed in consultation with French and German engineers has been installed, with special prominence given to the central Aayi Mandapam monument; litter bins, gazebos, granite benches, granite pathways and a granite fountain have been added, with some of the stone items supplied and crafted by the Auroville-based Auryaj unit; most of the 140 trees in the park have been pruned by a professional Auroville tree surgeon and his assistants; hanging wind chimes and singing stones have been installed by Aurovilles Svaram Musical Instruments; and new swathes of more hardy grass have been sown and some minor planting schemes implemented, all with sprinkler irrigation for water economy. Everything has been done to an extremely high standard in a tasteful way in collaboration with the PWD.

East Coast Road toll gates

Following a visit to Aurovilles Pitchandikulam Bio-Resource Centre by the Chief Executive of the East Coast Road (ECR) Development Corporation, Aurovilian Joss Brooks and his team were asked to take up an educational and beautification project intended to increase environmental awareness among users of the ECR. To date the two Toll Gate areas at the north and south ends of the road have been transformed by use of painted cadappa stone slabs depicting the flora & fauna of the area, and a free handout was prepared to give to all users of the ECR who passed through the Toll Gates, telling them where they could go to see areas of the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest and some of the birds, reptiles and other creatures depicted on the panels.

Chennais Adyar Creek project

A master plan is now unfolding for the restoration of the Adyar Creek area of Tamil Nadus state capital Chennai, with much of the environmental work being done by an Auroville team overseen and coordinated by Joss Brooks of Aurovilles Pitchandikulam Bio-Resource Centre. The original area proposed was 58 acres, but this was expanded to cover the creeks entire area of 358 acres, following concerns raised by environmental groups and citizens that an eco-park with relatively small delineation would not be sustainable if the adjoining ecosystem was not also incorporated. The Tamil Nadu State Government announced a Rs.100 crores budget for the project, with the broad aim of creating a model of how Chennai wants to deal with its precious water resources, and how such areas can be cleaned up over the next decade.


Tsunami relief & rehabilitation

Within an hour of the first massive 4-metre high tsunami wave smashing into the Tamil Nadu coastline and killing some 7,000 people in 2004, Auroville was deeply involved in caring for the affected people. A tent settlement with food and water for some 1,500 to 2,000 people was functional within hours of the disaster, and Auroville medical staff were touring the area tending to the victims. Soon after, a financial manage-


ment team was established to handle the funds which began to pour in from India and abroad in a transparent way, and a number of practical work teams were assembled a clean-up team to operate in nine coastal villages, a trauma counseling team, a communication team able to help coordinate the work of various NGOs operating in the area, a sourcing and distribution team to provide victims with their immediate requirements, and an office team. Gradually, over a period of several months, a degree of normality returned to the shattered villages, but meanwhile Auroville was also active in rebuilding programmes, in providing improved drinking water facilities in the villages, in organizing self-help programmes, in providing employment opportunities, etc. For Auroville it was a very demanding experience for everyone involved, but it was also on balance a very positive one, because the tsunami enabled Auroville to forge closer links with its neighbours; to contribute something of value to their lives; and to do a work together with them and the local authorities which at least on an outer level - could be seen as a small step towards Aurovilles ultimate aim, the achievement of an actual human unity in diversity. Truly, wonderful things were achieved, and both the population from the coastal villages and the local Indian authorities were very appreciative.

Coastal development projects

Following the immediate tsunami relief work, Auroville established an Auroville Coastal Development Centre (ACDC), which became active in 37 target villages around Auroville (21 inland, 16 coastal), working as follows: Community Institution Building: helped youth clubs, womens clubs and village planning groups to form and function through a variety of activities, including the formation of federations and associations as well as facilitating micro-projects. Shelter and infrastructure: shelter-prototypes and community centres were constructed, and infrastructure provided in the form of toilets, water sanitation, drainage and roads. Environment: botanical nurseries were established and tropical dry evergreen forest seedlings and other species planted near coastal villages, while at the same time environmental awareness education programmes were conducted. Livelihood projects: WELLPAPER papier mache items and Tsunamika doll manufacturing projects were established, both using waste material, while at the same time assistance was provided with: Enterprise Development and Microfinance. Training for management skills and certain hand skills. A revolving fund for loans to self-help groups. Linkages to banks and government for financial assistance.



Knowledge Centre: set up workshops and seminars to spread Aurovilles knowledge in renewable energy, appropriate technology, etc. Also published and disseminated information and created an information database. NGO Coordination: networked with other NGOs involved in both tsunami relief and general development, and organised thematic districtlevel meetings.

Aureka is a metalworking unit well known for its design and construction of the highly successful AV55 wind pump. Apart from installations in Tamil Nadu, these pumps have also been installed in Karnataka, specially in Tibetan Refugee Settlements there, and small numbers have been installed for various NGOs in Orissa, Chattisgar and Gujarat. A number of pumps have also been sent abroad to Tanzania and Saudi Arabia. To a much larger extent Aureka has also sent Auram Earth Construction equipment all over the world. In Asia this includes to Sri Lanka, Iran, Syria, Israel, Uzbekistan, The Phillipines and China; in Africa to Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Madagascar, South Africa, Gambia, Ghana and Cameroon; in the Americas to Costa Rica, Mexico and the USA; and in Europe to Spain, Germany, England and France. The Auram Earth Construction Equipment was used extensively for reconstruction work after the earthquakes in Gujarat in north India and Bam in Iran, as well as for relief work after the 2004 tsunami.

Auroville Earth Institute

The Auroville Earth Institute (AEI), which was founded with the help of HUDCO, Government of India, in 1989, is researching, developing, promoting and transferring cost- and energy-effective earth-based technologies in India and elsewhere. These technologies are disseminated in many countries around the world through training courses, seminars and workshops, and by distribution of manuals and documents. AEI is part of a world network, and is today the representative and resource centre for Asia of the UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures and Sustainable Development. In this framework, Satprem Mani, the director of the Auroville Earth Institute, has been invited to many countries around the world to transfer his knowledge in the field of earth construction and in the meantime give information on Auroville to a wide variety of people in those countries. Altogether he has worked in 24 countries, including Zaire, Eritrea, Niger, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Colombia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sri Lanka, Tibet and France, and in a dozen states of India. Meanwhile, since 1989 he has conducted training programmes in Auroville for more than 4,750 people, mostly Indian nationals, but also for over 350 people from 50 other nations. A brief summary of the outreach work of AEI over the years since 1989 is as follows:



1990 - Kinshasa, Zaire: Training course and construction of a rural primary school of 50m for UNIDO and CRATerre. 1990-91 - South India: Feasibility studies for various Tibetan settlements. 1993 - Kerala: Technical assistance to Edamon social service society and DESWOS for a project of 700 low cost houses. 1991-94 - Pondicherry: Construction of Shakti Vihara School (2200 m for 700 children) for the NGO Volontariat, working with people from very low income groups. 1996 Istanbul, Turkey: Construction of an earthquake-resistant house of 9m for UNCHS Habitat and CRATerre-EAG during the City Summit Habitat II. 1999: New Delhi: Construction of earthquake resistant house of 23m2 in 66 hours during the India International Trade Fair for HUDCO, as a demonstration. Project granted a gold medal. Near Coimbatore: Construction of the Dhyanalingam Temples 22mwide 570-ton dome in 9 weeks for ISHA Foundation. Eastern Tibet: Evaluation study for ATCA, to help completion of a school. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Evaluation study for French Embassy to launch earth construction in Sri Lanka. 2001: Orissa: Training course and construction with trainees for HUDCO of a disaster resistant house of 23m2 for rehabilitation in Orissa after the 1999 super cyclone. 2001 and 2002 - Gujarat: six months assistance for the reconstruction after the 2001 earthquake to various agencies. This included: Construction of an earthquake resistant house of 23m2 in 62 hours as a demo at Khavda. Training course for HUDCO at Mundra and construction of an earthquake resistant house with trainees. Several training courses and assistance to the Catholic Relief Services to build 2,698 houses. Training course and assistance to Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyan. 2004: Pondicherry: Construction of a showroom for the NGO Volontariat. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Construction of Al Medy Mosque in 7 weeks for Riyadh Development Authority.



Himachal Pradesh: Heritage conservation on a 12th century Buddhist temple. Bam, Iran: Assessment of damage caused by earthquake to local vaulted structures. 2005: Killianur, Tamil Nadu: Construction of a community Centre for a womens self help group. Marakanam, Tamil Nadu: Construction of a school for Intercultural Network for Development and Peace. Anumandhai, Tamil Nadu: Construction of a disaster-resistant house for a womens self help group. Yalavatti, Karnataka: Consultation for Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Karnataka to develop the village. Muthur, Sri Lanka: Consultation for a reconstruction project after the tsunami. 2006: Pudukkuppam, Tamil Nadu: Construction of Sri Karneshwar Nataraja Temple. Annavalli and Bommaiyapalayam, Tamil Nadu: Construction of community centres for UNDP in the framework of the reconstruction after the tsunami. Tel Aviv, Israel: Consultation for AnyWay Solution for doing compressed stabilised earth blocks. 2007: Simunye, South Africa: Training course and construction of a demonstration house for AnyWay Solution. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Training course and technology transfer to the Ethiopian Earth Technology Institute.


Aurore renewable energy systems

Renewable Energy (RE) systems in India tend to be expensive, not widely available, and often unreliable for lack of adequate maintenance. Aurovilles Aurore unit under Indian-born Hemant Lamba decided to try and break this pattern by becoming an Energy Service Provider able to promote and network with locally based RE enterprises. In collaboration with partners which act as the nodes, it has now executed RE projects in a wide variety of Indian states. The projects it has been involved with include the installation of over 1,025 solar PV pumping stations in 11 states with network partners Sahjeevan and SELCO and suppliers like Tata-BP and BHEL; project coordination for distribution of 8,700 solar home systems; the distribution of 6,000 solar lanterns in Ladakh for Tata-BP Solar; and the hiring out of solar-powered lanterns to small trades-people in the Chennai beach area.


A major project where an innovative approach brought the benefit of RE systems to disadvantaged communities was in rural Gujarat. There, people living in scattered communities had to pay up to Rs.150 per month just to obtain drinking water, while the local farmers could barely eke out a living. Working with Sahjeevan, Aurore helped provide technical and management support plus financing to install solar PV street lamps and home lighting kits and pumps, the latter at less than 30% of the annual cost of running diesel pump sets. The result is that the community now has an assured supply of good drinking water, small farming has become viable again, and better lighting has resulted in extended working hours, leading to a richer cultural life and increased income opportunities.

EM technology work of Margarita Correa and Dr. Lucas Dengel

(a) Margarita Correa Margarita Correa is researching fair trade organic and biodynamic farming in the Himalayas around 2,500 ha of land growing certified organic tea, coffee, ginger, cardamom, orange, black pepper, lemon grass, walnut and garlic. The social responsibility programme that she is overseeing for 20,000 people covers reforestation, drinking water needs, rainwater harvesting, housing, toilets, roads, schools, health centres, etc. She is also conducting a programme for 1,000 small-scale farmers. Further to the above, Margarita is doing research on environmental rehabilitation, especially involving hazardous chemicals (like pesticides and industrial waste) and heavy metals for ground and water contamination in collaboration with companies like Philips India, Tanneries Group, ITC and others. She is also the project leader of an organic malaria control programme working with a target population of 25,000 people in selected villages of West Bengal and Assam, and she has a commitment to help with water rehabilitation in the Adyar Eco Park project in Chennai alongside Joss and other members of the Pitchandikulam Bio-Resource Centre (see above).

Last but not least, Margarita - in awareness that India has a shortage of 18% on energy, with more consumption than production - in 2005 gave a lecture to a Business India Summit in Hyderabad organised by Tata and the Confederation of Indian Industries, where she told the industrialists that use of Effective Microorganisms (EM) could help reduce energy consumption through minimization of aeration time in waste water treatment plants. Resulting from that input, today Philips and Dr.Reddy are the two industry leaders in reduction of energy needs, thanks to their putting EM in effluent treatment plants in India. (b) Dr.Lucas Dengel Challenged by the public health issues of deficient wastewater treatment, deficient management of solid wastes, and indiscriminate use of biocidal inputs, leading to impact on the human environment and health, Aurovilles AuroAnnam unit has been experimenting and working with EM technology since 1999. EM technology involves the use of


so-called Effective Microorganisms, which have been successfully used in agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, composting, solid waste management, sewage and effluent treatment, hygiene management, and bioremediation of polluted soils and water bodies. AuroAnnam (and since April 2007, Eco-Pro) has promoted EM technology in all these fields; made use of it in 2005 in the post-tsunami treatment of fouling debris in some 35 coastal villages (see * below); collaborated with governmental and non-governmental agencies in sanitation projects; guided the treatment of landfills; and has implemented EM technology in several sewage and effluent treatment farms, in institutions, hospitals and hotels, and of course in hundreds of farms and plantations. Eco-Pro has become the biggest reseller of the EM based product Maple EM.1 in south India, and operates as the training centre for EM technology in the country. * Three days after the 2004 tsunami, Tamil Nadus State secretary for Rural Development, Mrs S.S.Nair, who already knew about EM technology from previous contact, asked Lucas to rush down to Nagapattinam with her to see what could be done about the awful odours, flies and health risks generated in the aftermath of the tsunami. Following Lucas recommendation to use EM, a total of 27 relief camps and other areas were sprayed with EM liquid, with the result that the odours and flies were rapidly reduced, and then largely eliminated.

Auroville Wind Systems

Auroville Wind Systems (AWS) works with wind-powered electric generators. One of AWSs systems is a 50 kW machine imported from Canada, which has been installed on Indias Sagar Island in a wind-diesel hybrid configuration. AWS also builds its own 5 kW machines, which are offered in two models: a battery charger version for energy storage (like in solar power plants), and a water pumping version.

Over the past few years AWS has completed projects in Sikkim (a 10 kW machine), Ladhakh (3 x 5 kW machines), Gujarat (a 3.3 kW machine) and most recently in Chennai (2 x 5 kW machines). The main project area, however, is West Bengal, where a larger system has been installed for the Government.

The Palmyra Centre of Ecological Landuse, Water Management and Rural Development at Aurobrindavan has as its aim the promotion of ecological concepts of land use as well as Rural Development Programmes. In doing this work Palmyra sees itself participating in an ever-growing movement to support autonomous development processes worldwide, by using local resources and traditional knowledge as well as newly discovered concepts to an optimal degree, at the same time improving the self-esteem and livelihood of the local people.


Actual work in the field has included wasteland development programmes around a number of villages involving the reforestation of thousands of acres of land and the planting of more than 1.5 million trees; the building or renovation of dozens of check-dams for soil and water conservation; the construction of large numbers of village toilet complexes; helping to establish facilities for sports like cricket, football, kabbadi and volleyball in more than 20 villages; arranging free medical camps in several villages; building a community hall in Alankuppam village and a village park in Kuilapalayam village; and carrying out integrated pest management programmes in several villages. Another major work carried out has been the rehabilitation and management of water-holding tanks (reservoirs) in various parts of south India. Under the most recent 5-year Integrated Wastelands Development Programme (IWDP) funded by the Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi, activities carried out have included: Conducting village level introduction meetings in 21 project villages. Putting on street plays on IWDP in 15 villages. Conducting baseline surveys in 21 villages. Erecting signboards and wall paintings about IWDP activities in watershed areas. Obtaining or preparing appropriate village and watershed maps. Appointing Watershed Secretaries and Volunteers for 9 Watershed Associations and Committees, plus registering them under the Society Act and opening appropriate bank accounts for them. Forming self-help groups (SHGs) under the IWDP, and releasing to each group Rs.10,000 as a Revolving Fund.


Conducting 33 training programmes for 1,956 beneficiaries and organizing 9 exposure visits for 285 beneficiaries of the Watershed Development Team, the Watershed Association and Committee, and User Groups and SHGs. Under Community Mobilization component, a commercial nursery has been established by a Self Help Group in Alankuppam Watershed. In total one lakh seedlings were raised in two years and sold for Rs.2 lakhs.

Auroville Water Harvest

Auroville Water Harvest (Harvest) is an Auroville unit which was created in 1996 to combat sea water intrusion in the freshwater aquifers that feed the bio-region, and to promote integrated water management with peoples active participation. With strong support from UNESCOs HELP (Hydrology, Environment, Life and Policy) Basin Program, Har-


vest is pursuing various researches and analyses, and implementing solutions with the cooperation and inclusion of the local population. Although Harvest works at the watershed level, it should be noted that a catchment or watershed approach implies that water must also be managed alongside co-dependent natural resources, namely soil, forests, air and biota. Hence Harvest works with all users of water for all purposes, whether consumption, irrigation or whatever. In this context Harvest has seen that over the last few decades, due to the changes in agricultural practices, the use of deep borewells for irrigation has rapidly led to the depletion of groundwater resources. Hence one of the main focus areas of intervention is to change these destructive practices. Harvests work is not focused on only one aspect, but looks at the interweaving of human activities with water and environment. Hence Harvest has a scientific component, a social component, a health related component, an agricultural component and a physical component. A vast amount of ground and surface water data has been collected and analyzed to provide better understanding of the situation, and is being used in the activities, projects, and remedial efforts in the bioregion. Awareness generation through mass media and interaction is a large part of the work at Water Harvest, consisting of striving for societal behavioural change and evolution. The health-related aspects look mainly at sanitation infrastructure, both at community and household level. Harvest Eco Farms promotes organic farming in the bioregion with local farmers, to influence the utilization of water resources. The tank rehabilitation activities encompass social mobilization work, the rehabilitation of irrigation tanks and village ponds, and engineering support towards designing check dams and other minor dams, artificial recharge structures, and various other activities. Harvest has also participated in and conducts international seminars and conferences furthering the exchange of knowledge in order to pursue the most effective methods for water resource management. Liason and networking is also part of their work, as it enables the work on water to to be more widely understood and supported.


Capability landscaping
Capability is an Auroville unit which over the past 15+ years has undertaken the design and detailed implementation of a wide range of landscaping jobs around India, mostly in cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore.

Sound Consultancy
Aurovilles Sound Wizard unit under Didier & Cecilia is acting as a professional sound consultancy to studios in Mumbai, Chennai and elsewhere. Major contracts completed include:


A.M.Studios, Chennai for music recording & mixing plus film mixing.

Clementine, Chennai conversion of a house into an excellent professional music facility without excessive cost. Mahati, Chennai a high-end studio for music recording & mixing. Ashok Acharya, Puducherry a multipurpose control room for recording, editing & mixing in the same space. Four Frames Studio, Chennai. 7th Channel Studios, Chennai. Acoustriks Music Studios, Mumbai. Bombay Brothers Mixed Stage, Mumbai.

Environmental Consultancy
Paul Blanchflower, who coordinates development of Aurovilles 50-acre Botanical Garden and Environmental Education Centre, has been contracted to act as environmental consultant for a new city project near Pune.

Centre for Scientific Research (CSR)

CSR is an Auroville unit specializing in the design, manufacture and supply of a range of high quality ferrocement products. Their outreach work has included: for more than 15 years, supplying prefabricated ferrocement biogas plants to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. supplying prefabricated ferrocement products to all southern states of India.

supplying prefabricated ferrocement Dewat units (wastewater treatment plants) to nine projects along the Tamil Nadu coast. implementation of total sanitation and effluent treatment for a new residential settlement of 225 houses in Nagapattinam area. CSR have also acted as consultants for implementation of wastewater treatment for: a tabacco factory and housing colony in Nepal. a Knowledge City (new university) in Pune. the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Hunnar Shaala, Bhuj, Kutch (Gujarat). Additionally, CSR have been organising sustainable technology training sessions/workshops for nearly 20 years.


Upasana Design has successfully implemented and continues to maintain the Tsunamika doll project, and most recently a cloth bag project, providing employment opportunities for hundreds of women from the coastal villages affected by the 2004 tsunami.

AurovilleRadio and AurovilleTV

AurovilleRadio is a community service, started in 2005, which aims to establish better communication inside Auroville while also building a bridge between Auroville, its local surroundings and the rest of the world. It aims to provide information on, communicate and archive the various aspects of the collective development efforts in Auroville. It has grown considerably, and now attracts some 300,000 visits a year to the web sites. It records, produces and broadcasts programmes on current affairs, interviews with working groups, projects, VIPS, live events (concerts, discussions, talks) and special magazines besides daily community news and updates. CDs and DVDs of recordings and special programmes are also provided on request. The service is run by some half dozen Aurovillans with the help of another 10-15 volunteers. In 2008 AurovilleTV was also launched successfully, with a live broadcast of the UNESCO event in Paris (followed by a DVD), and hopes to evolve further.




Aurovilles representation at national and international events
A considerable number of Aurovilians representing many different fields of expertise go out to make presentations on Auroville, or to attend conferences, seminars and other events as representatives of Auroville, both within India and abroad. In a similar vein, there have also been a number of important conferences and seminars within Auroville itself, which have provided opportunities for Auroville to share what is happening in the township with people from around the world. What follows is a brief summary of some of these opportunities for interchange that have occurred. 1984: UNESCO sponsored through the Indian Ministry of Education and Culture a week-long seminar in Auroville on International Understanding and Human Unity, attended by some 30 young people from around India plus representatives from Africa, Nepal and Mauritius. 1985: UNESCO sponsored, as part of the International Youth Year celebrations, a seminar in Auroville titled Youth & Human Unity attended by 250 young people from more than 50 countries and many Indian States. 1988: With sponsorship from the US-based Earthstewards Network, Auroville hosted the first Peace Trees Programme bringing together youth from India, USA and Russia in the cold war era. 1990: Auroville representatives mounted an exhibition at the Global Forum on Environment and Development in Moscow. 1992: Auroville representatives mounted an exhibition in the NGO Hall at the Earth Summit in Rio. 1993: UNESCO sponsored the internationally attended Humanity at the Crossroads conference in Auroville, coinciding with Aurovilles 25th year. 1995: Auroville representatives gave a presentation on Aurovilles achievements and challenges in promoting sustainable lifestyles at the international Sustainable Communities Conference in Findhorn, U.K. 1996: The Club of Budapest invited Auroville representatives to speak at a Planetary Forum conference in Budapest, during which Auroville was adopted as Humanitys first universal city, the shared treasure of all nations and people () dedicated to the evolution of human consciousness toward planetary unity.



1996: Under contract with the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, the Auroville Building Centre completed a one-month consultancy and training course at the Habitat-2 Conference in Istanbul. 1997: Building the Future, a citizens participation programme cum seminar/exhibition, was held in Auroville. 1999: Powerpoint presentation made on Auroville at I.N.T.A. World Congress of Cities, Lyon, France. 1999: Speech made on Auroville at the 52nd United Nations DPI/ NGO Conference Challenges of a Globalized World: Finding New Directions, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. 2001: Presentation on Auroville in Kobe (Japan) to APN-Asia Pacific Network, an organisation doing scientific work on climate change. 2001: Presentation on Auroville at the EC-Asia Urbs Cities of tomorrow conference in New Delhi, India. 2001: Executive of Aurovilles Centre for Scientific Research attended Asia Urbs conference sponsored by European Aid in Hanoi, Vietnam, on Cities, Poverty and Environment, where he presented a paper titled Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems, the Auroville experience, and chaired the workshop session on Water Management. A visit was also made to Ho Chi Minh City as guest of an environmental engineering NGO, where a slide show presentation on sustainable technologies in Auroville was given for heads of universities, engineering schools and the citys town planning authorities. 2001: Presentation on Auroville in Bangkok at the Citynet conference involving representatives of Asian & European cities. 2002: Speech given relating to Auroville on City to City Cooperation at UN-Habitat conference in Brussels, Belgium.


2002: Powerpoint presentation made on Auroville at EC-Asia Urbs conference on Sustainable Development, in Malmo, Sweden. 2002: Funded by the European Commission under its Asia Urbs Programme, Auroville set up a city networking resource centre in Auroville to link European and Asian cities. Auroville was also the venue for an international conference City Networking for a Sustainable Future and Human Unity. 2002: Press conference held on Auroville in Treviso on the occasion of inauguration of Asia Urbs exhibition on City Networking, followed by press conference and public presentation to around 100 people in Venice, followed by Paris, on opening of the same exhibition. 2002: Powerpoint presentation on Auroville in symposium devoted to Human Ecology and Capacity Building for Eco-Culture at the 5th International ecocity conference hosted by the Shenzhen Government


in China, attended by some 500 invitees. On return trip, contact was also made with the Senior Planner of Hong Kongs Planning Department, and with the Acting Head Conservation, Urban Redevelopment Authority in Singapore. 2002: Presentation made in Mumbai, India, on the occasion of City Networking exhibition at JJ College of Architecture, titled Indian-European Cities: Best Practices in Urban Management. 2002: Presentation in New Delhi to approx 100 people on the occasion of the World Habitat Day, organised by HUDCO (Housing & Urban Development Corporation) at the Indian Habitat Centre. 2003: Four Aurovilians made presentations on Auroville during a 5-day event at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, marking the 35th anniversary of the Auroville township. A prestigious exhibition Auroville An Emerging Universal Township was part of the overall event, which was inaugurated by Mr. Kochiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO. 2003: Presentation on the City Networking project, involving Auroville, at the Stakeholders meeting in Brussels (organiser of the European Commission-Asia Aid Division). 2003: At invitation of various centres and groups, an Aurovilian made presentations at Brasilia University, UNIPAZ University for Peace in Sao Paolo, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba and Porto Velho (Amazonia); also to many schools and town administrative groups (a total of 24 between May and September, approx one per week). The visit included two appearances on TV programmes, and one on radio for a 20-30 minute discussion / interview. 2003: Representative of Aurovilles Future visited Cairo and Dubai to attend conference on Planning in a more globalised and competitive world. 2003: Two Aurovilians were instrumental in mounting an exhibition on Auroville in Bilbao, Spain, also attended by a representative of Aurovilles Future, who spoke on Auroville: a city of the future before going on to attend the UNESCO World Philosophy Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, and a Govt. of India-sponsored conference in Delhi on Dialogue among Civilizations. 2003: Speech made on Evolution of human consciousness within society: Auroville, an example of cultural diversity at UNESCO in Paris. Speech delivered on Auroville at Information Seminar on European Union in Chennai, India. 2004: Speech on Auroville at Resurgent India seminar organized by SACAR, Pondicherry.



2004 (February): two Aurovilians made a presentation on their experiences in Auroville at an international meeting/conference organised by Women Against War in Bari, Italy. The theme was Making peace with the Earth. 2004: From February, a regular exchange programme of four student-residents has been happening for 6 months of workshops/training between Auroville and Arcosanti in USA. 2004 (April): Executive of Aurovilles Botanical Garden represented the Garden at the World Congress of Botanical Gardens in Barcelona. The work of the Gardens was presented, and a framework was established for future worldwide cooperation in implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, to which Aurovilles Botanical Garden is a signatory. The Garden is also part of the recently established Indian Network of Botanical Gardens, based at the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) in Lucknow, which is supported by Botanical Gardens Conservation International. 2004 (June): 2 Aurovilians set up a stall during a 2-day exhibition at Gandhinidal in Pondicherry, by invitation of the Pondicherry Pollution Control Committee. A month later they attended a seminar on Environmental Ethics at Mailam Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, alongside some 60 others. Both made speeches, mentioning their work in Auroville. 2005: Speech delivered on Auroville at conference at University of Washington, USA. 2005: Paper on Auroville accepted for international conference on Successful cases of sustainable development in the Tropics at Xalapa, Mexico. 2005: Presentations in USA on Auroville at Arcosanti, Arizona; at Urban Eco-Village conference in Los Angeles; and at Green Century Institute, San Francisco. 2005: Aurovilian invited as guest speaker in 2 international conferences, the first at University of Washington, Seattle, USA, the second at University of Xalapa in Mexico. Other talks were given in both countries at a variety of university and similar institutions. 2005: Exhibition and presentations/workshops given at UNEPs World Environment Day event at San Francisco. 2005 (March) Aurovilian attended National Seminar for 300 people on the Relevance of common effluent treatment plants for environmental protection at university in Hyderabad and made a presentation on Management of waste and effluents using EM technology. 2005 (May) Aurovilian invited to speak on building with earth in Auroville at a 300-person (architects and construction professionals) conference on Eco Habitat in Trivandrum, India.



2005 (August) Aurovilian invited to speak on Earthquake resistance with CSEB at international conference on Disaster Management in Chennai attended by some 500 architects, construction professionals and NGOs working for rehabilitation, including from UK and 5-6 S.Asian countries. 2005 (October) Aurovilian invited to speak on Earthen architecture in Auroville and arches, vaults and domes at conference in Bangalore on Recent developments in design and construction technologies attended by 400 people. 2006 (January) Aurovilian attended National Homoeopathic Conference for several hundred people on Homoeopathy for the modern era in Hyderabad, and made presentation titled Homeopathy and implications beyond curative medicine. 2006 (March) Aurovilian attended Auroville International Meeting and Conference in Cape Town. South Africa alongside approx 150 other people from around the world, and made a presentation: Concepts and technologies of an ecological approach to the treatment of solid, liquid and human waste, and to public hygiene. 2006 (March) Aurovilian attended conference at Pondicherry University on Eco habitat for 150 architects and construction professionals, and spoke on Earthen architecture for sustainable habitat in Auroville. 2006 (May) Invited speaker on Earthquake resistance with hollow international conference in Chennai attended by 200 architects, construction professionals and NGOs working for rehabilitation. 2007 (February) Aurovilian attended symposium on Biological methods of waste treatment and management in South India organized by United States Educational Foundation in India and by The New College, Chennai at Chennai. Some 200 people attended his presentation on Achievements and unexplored scope of Effective Microorganisms technology in India.


2007 (April) Auroville representative made presentation on Auroville at meeting of steering committee of the International Federation of Green Regions Association (IFGRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland, set up to approve constitution of IFGRA as proposed by Vth Symposium of Swiss Environmental Solutions for Emerging Countries (SESEC). The meeting was attended by representatives of 10 nations, and Auroville representative was invited to serve on the Steering Committee in his capacity as Technical Coordinator for Aurovilles Future (now LAvenir dAuroville). Final outcome was that Auroville was nominated as a founder member of IFGRA in June 2007. 2007 (Oct/Nov) Auroville representative made presentation on Auroville at VIth symposium organized by Swiss Environmental Solutions for Emerging Countries (SESEC) in Lausanne, Switzerland, attended by 150 people from 5 continents. Theme was International Networking for Promoting Sustainable Development at the Local Level


2008 (October), Uma made a presentation on Varanasi Weavers, which her Auroville unit, Upasana, has been closely involved with, at an event at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris attended by some 80 people from around the world, and she also participated in the Ethical Fashion Show at the Carrousel du Louvre.

Auroville in the Media (2008)

Argentina La critica de la Argentina La Anarquia possible - March 2008 Canada The Walrus India, Terror and Human Unity - December 2008 France Ulysses Auroville, cite des utopies - February 2008 La Croix Auroville exprimente toujours lutopie bohme - February 2008 Libration Ballade en Utopie - March 2008 Libration Auroville - March 2008 Psychologies Auroville, 40 ans - April 2008 Nouvel Observateur Mai 68 - May 2008 Nouveau consommateur Aquadyn - June 2008 Cyberpresse Nadaka, lAurovilien - August 2008 Le Monde des religions La cit de lAurore - September 2009 Lecologiste Voyage Auroville - Autumn 2008 Unesco Aurovilles 40th anniversary celebrated at UNESCO in Paris National Geographic (French Edition) Auroville, un labotatoire dutopies en Inde October 2008 Ouest-France Les 60 ans dAuroville, en Inde. La ville de toutes les utopies - December 2008

India Jetwings City of Dawn - September 2008 Italy Yoga Journal Utopia realizzata - January 2008 Oggi Abbiamo costruito la citta dellarmonia - March 2008 Libertaria Utopia imperfetta January - June edition 2008 Spain La opinion de Murcia El Experimento espiritual de Auroville cumple 40 anos - December 2008 United States WallPaper Motherland - April 2008 Plymouth Sense and Sustainibility - Spring 2008 Departures Golden Rules - September 2008 Washington Post India Tourism forcesUniversal Township to ponder Crowd Control, Nov 2008

United States WallPaper Motherland - April 2008 Plymouth Sense and Sustainibility - Spring 2008 Departures Golden Rules - September 2008 Washington Post India Tourism forcesUniversal Township to ponder Crowd Control, Nov 2008


Student exchange programmes, internships and volunteering

Auroville has never seen itself as isolated from the world around it, and has from its inception always interacted in a wide variety of positive and constructive ways with individuals and institutions around the world. While this interaction has been of major help to Auroville itself, it has also benefited those with whom Auroville has maintained contact, and is absolutely appropriate for a township that, by its Charter, belongs to humanity as a whole. There follow some examples of this continuing interaction. 1. Groups and learning communities

Over the past few years, Auroville has hosted various groups visiting from within India and around the world, such as the following for educational programmes. Twice annually, US undergraduate students have come for a semester abroad program coordinated by Living Routes. The Indian Council of Architects has been bringing student groups twice a year for courses in sustainability. Each winter quarter, University of Washington, Seattle, students come to study linkages involving nature, spirit, and political theory, as well as sustainable development, resource conservation and community building. The American University of Paris ran its first graduate course in Sustainable Development in the winter of 2008-2009. Preparing for a Master of Arts degree in Global Communications, 14 students put their skills at the service of several Auroville units, producing flyers, brochures and videos. The Breuninger Foundation based in Germany has created a programme, recognised by UNESCO, which provides experiential training opportunities for younger generation people aged 18 30 who want to create significant projects for change. Auroville, as a demonstration site for principles and applications, hosted an International Youth Conference in 2005 supportive of these aims. Auroville is increasingly receiving expressions of interest from other institutions and universities abroad that recognise the township as a living learning centre and would like to host programmes on themes compatible with the ideals of Auroville. For example, in 2005 the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) began a first pilot programme with 2 student groups and a tour with alumni and friends, which is scheduled to continue. The University of California, Santa Cruzs anthropology department also began a pilot 5-week programme with a student group in 2004.




Auroville Volunteering, Internships & Studies programme

Auroville Volunteering, Internships & Studies programme (AVIS) was founded in 2000 in response to requests from both independent students and volunteers as well as institutions in India and abroad interested in undertaking educational programmes in the township. Auroville, as a place for unending education, invites and welcomes the participation of students and volunteers in fields such as architecture, teaching, town planning, design, I.T., health care, village development, social research, farming and forestry, project writing and administration. Typically, people come to offer their skills while gaining work experience; to contribute in specialist fields for a time; to gain practical experience in a chosen field; or as university graduates and researchers wanting to make an aspect of life in Auroville a theme of their research. 3. Centre for International Research in Human Unity

The Centre for International Research in Human Unity (CIRHU) is an educational research institution in a unique position to provide an integrated field for experiential study and research. Unlike other comparable institutes, CIRHU being located within the living laboratory of Auroville - is a centre specifically dedicated to experiential, transformational learning, a place that offers the possibility for designing flexible study programmes that combine and synthesise different fields of knowledge with a spiritual foundation, and an integral approach that honours multiple approaches to learning and knowledge. CIRHU actively seeks collaboration with centres, institutes and foundations from around the world who, in practice, demonstrate a commitment to contributing in a positive way to the evolutionary momentum for uplifting human consciousness and providing a life-enhancing future for all. Kalamitra and Kala Khoj

Kalamitra is a group that seeks to stimulate cultural life in Auroville by hosting performances of major well-known artists. Kala Khoj is a programme offered by Kalamitra to facilitate the development of an international network of art exchange programmes, involving artists from India, Auroville and the rest of the world wishing to deepen their research in the arts. It offers short- and long-term residential programmes for visiting artists. Kala Khoj is an affiliate member of the international Res Artis network, which is represented in over 120 countries, and is currently designated as the organization to coordinate and develop Res Artis programmes in South East Asia.



The Auroville International Association is a registered body comprising 12 Auroville International Centres in Europe, and North and South America, supported by 15 other Liaison Offices around the world. These centres provide a conduit of information about Auroville and its activities and projects. The Auroville International Centres maintain regular contact with each other and Auroville. A General Assembly of the Auroville International Association is held each year for representatives of the Centres and Auroville. The General Assembly enables the Centres to share their work experience and agree upon a unified approach to supporting the Auroville township in the coming year.

AVI BRAZIL Paulo J. Baeta Pereira R. Inconfidentes 360 ap. 203 - Funcionrios 30140-120 Belo Horizonte MG BRAZIL Tel: (+55) 31-3221 28 49 mobile: (+55) 31-8804 8063 Email: AVI CANADA Claude Daviault 2164 Amherst, Montral , Qc . Canada H2L 3L8 Tel: (+1) 514-526-2600 or (+1) 514-521-8203 Fax: (+1) 514-526-2813 or (+1) 514-521-7253 Email: (infos) Christian Feuillette Claude Daviault AVI CANADA-ONTARIO (antenna) Catherine Blackburn 195, Howard Park Avenue, Apartment 6, Toronto , Ontario Canada M6R 1V9 Tel: (+1) 416-604-1428 Email:



AVI DEUTSCHLAND Friederike Werner (secretary AVI Association) Solmsstr.6 10961 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49) (0)30 - 42 80 31 50 Fax: (+49) (0)30 - 92 09 13 76 Email: AVI FRANCE Devsmita Patnaik c/o SAVITRI 14 rue de Lancry 75010 Paris France Tel: (0033) 01 43 39 16 99 Or (0033) 0671 08 32 17 (mobile) Email: AVI NEDERLANDS Jet Zwaans van Petersheimstraat 41 5126 HJ Gilze The Netherlands Telehone; +31 (0)161453939 Email: AVI ESPAA Alfonso Galiana Passeig Joan Moreira, 6, 1r-2a. 43500 TORTOSA (Tarragona) SPAIN Tel: + 34 977 441 200 email: and: Kitxu Snchez San Lorenzo, 20, 4. 31001 PAMPLONA (Navarra) SPAIN Tel: + 34 948 227 514 email: (for Spanish-speaking people only)


AVI ESPAA (antenna) LUR GOZOA Rosana Agudo c/Gordoniz, no. 44-4 Dpt.1 48002 Bilbao Spain Tel. (+34) 658738269 (mobile) Email: (for Basque speaking people) (Spanish and English) AVI SVERIGE Eveline Preibsch Rrlggarv. 53 S-16833 Bromma Sweden Tel: (+46) 08-7048153 Email:


AVI UK 30 The Green Surlingham Norwich NR14 7AG U.K. Tel: (+44) 1508 538300 Fax: (+44) 1508 537122 Email AVI USA PO Box 1534 Lodi , CA 95241 U.S.A. Tel: (+1) 831 542 5620 Email: Auroville Information Office Julian Lines (chairman AVI association) PO Box 676 Woodstock NY 12498 U.S.A. Tel: (+1) 845-679-5358 Email:


Anandi E.Fernandez Bolivar 1288- 1o. Dto.4 Buenos Aires C.1151 ARGENTINA Tel: (54-11) 4 307 08 42 Email: Jan Allen 5/4 Walker str. Lavender Bay, 2060 NSW AUSTRALIA Phone/Fax: +61 2 99557769 Email: AUROVILLE: UNIVERSAL CITY FOR HUMAN UNITY Peter Lloyd Riverrun 5a1 Ka Nam Village North Lamma Island HONG KONG Tel/Fax: (852) 2982 2807 email: Dorith Teichmann 5 Hatapuach St. Hod-Hasharon ISRAEL Phone: (+972) 9 7445719 Email: Eyal Teichman Marco Ferrarini via De Gasperi, 24 24123 Bergamo ITALY Phone: (+39) 35 341637 Mobile: 0338 - 4313907 Email:


Arjunan & Naomi Sano #902 5-26-14 Kamiuma Setagaya-ku Tokyo -154-0011 JAPAN Tel + fax +81-3-3428-0677 Email: Nurlan Yeskendirov and Kaisha 480043 Almaty Mkr. Orbita-4, 7 - 37 KAZAKHSTAN Phone: (+7) 3272 207018 Email: (Nurlan) (Kaisha) Egidijus Skudrickas Vilniaus str. 56-9, 41118 Birzai , LITHUANIA Mobile +370 621 27728 Mobile +370 672 75537 (Vytautus Rasimavicius) Email: Adriana Portillo G. Insurgentes Sur 1168 Col. del Valle D. F. 03100 MEXICO Mobile: (52-5)55 155 7296 Email: August Deudahl Olerudvn. 30, 2770 Jaren, NORWAY Phone: 0047-61335667, 0047-95239674 or 0047-48059724 Email: AVI Liaison Russia c/o Aditi Publishing House Minina st., House 23 St. Petersburg RUSSIA Phone: +7 (812) 9748897 Email: Website in Russian of Auroville Information, Russian Pavilion in Auroville and AVI Moscow Suvarna Dayanandan #13-91 Spottiswoode Park Road, Apartment Block 110 Singapore 081110 SINGAPORE Phone:+65 622 24194 (home) Mobile: 91261060 Email: Jasmin and Aravinda Maheshwari 18 Firfield Road, Plumstead 7800, R S A SOUTH AFRICA Tel (+ Fax) +27 21 762 27 21 email: Visit the website:



Mr. Yi, Kyun-Hyeong (Namu) 107-1203, Hanyang Apt. Hongje-dong Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-782 SOUTH KOREA phone: 010-3160-4630/ 02-733-3134 Email: Camille Egger-Foetisch Av. C.-F. Ramuz 79 1009 Pully SWITZERLAND Phone: (+41) (0) 21 729 85 53 Mobile:9+41) 79 407 18 01 Email:

Auroville International Centres Tax exemption status

USA Auroville International USA is a tax-exempt nonprofit under section 501(c) (3). This means that you can make a tax-deductible donation to Auroville International USA, and we will forward it to the project of your choice in Auroville. We do take a 1/12th deduction from donations passing through Auroville International USA to cover our operating expenses. Auroville International USA is classified by the Federal Government as a tax exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Foundation Status Classification is: 509(a)(2) and the Federal Employer Identification Number is 23-7360183. If you make a donation through AVIUSA to one of Aurovilles projects, or make a contribution to AVIUSA itself, you will receive a receipt for your tax purposes. Note that this tax-exemption letter can only be used by U.S. taxpayers

UK If you are a British tax payer, please make your donation via Auroville International UK as we can claim an extra 28p tax for every 1 donated via Gift Aid. GERMANY German donors and sponsors are entitled to deduct their donations from their taxable income. For this purpose VFAVR issues in January of each year receipts of the donations received during the previous year which are accepted by the tax authorities. NETHERLANDS You may select one or several projects in Auroville by making a donation to Postbank account 805707, in the name of Auroville International


USA in Rijswijk, indicating the destination of your gift. Since AVI Netherlands transaction to a public interest body, your donation under certain conditions, tax deductible.

In recognition of the exemplary work being carried out by Auroville in several of its fields of activity, Auroville has received the following national and international awards over the past decade: 2008 Ajit Koujalgi, as Architecture Co-Convenor for INTACH in Pondicherry, played a major coordinating role in getting an Award of Merit in UNESCOs Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation Programme for the restoration work done on Vysial Street, Pondicherry, a project initiated by himself and fellow Aurovilians Sauro and Lalit. 2006 Margarita Correa received an award for Social and Environmental Development within India (including Auroville) and around the world. from Sustainable Community Development and EM dealers and distributors representing 46 countries at a meeting in Kansas City, USA. 2006 Auroville Earth Institute again won first prize in the All-India design competition Multi hazard resistant shelter, awarded by Gandhigram Rural Institute, funded by Bhoomika trust and ICA-USA.

2005 Upasana Design Studio won an Award of Excellence certificate in Delhi for their innovative and highly successful Tsunamika doll project, on the occasion of the 12th Annual Convocation Day of Indias Ministry of Textiles-sponsored National Institute for Fashion Technology. Auroville architect Jana Dreikhausen won a significant award at an International Conference on Ecological Architecture and Environment in the Tropics held in Semarang, Indonesia, for integrating the full range of (then) known sustainable building concepts into a single innovative design, in the form of a residential house in Auroville. Auroville Earth Institute won first prize in the All-India design competition Hazard Resistant House, awarded by Gandhigram Rural Institute, funded by Bhoomika trust and ICA-USA. 2004 AuroRE Projects & Services won a Green Oscar in the form of one of the five annual Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, which highlight and reward outstanding renewable energy projects around the


world. This particular award was for acting as a catalyst for small-scale solar businesses across India, helping India to unlock its huge potential for solar power usage. 2003 Editions Auroville Press International unit won an award for its inspiring Genius of India video, based on a slide presentation shown widely around India, and acclaimed both by Indias then Prime Minister and Home Minister, in the 14th University Grant Commissions annual educational video competition, held in cooperation with the National Open School, New Delhi, for The Best Programme of the Year. 2002 Editions Auroville Press won the award for Best Programme of the Year in the 14th University Grant Commission annual educational video competition in New Delhi. At the same time Raintree Records also won the award for Technical Excellence in Sound Recording for their work on the video. 2001 AuroRE received the SESI PV SEC (Applications) award from the Solar Energy Society of India. 2000 The UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture Constructive Cultures and Sustainable Development was created to accelerate the dissemination of knowledge on earthen architecture amongst higher education institutions and universities worldwide. The Auroville Building Centre has been chosen as one of the partners of the UNESCO Chair for its excellence in the promotion of earthen architecture through research projects, training programmes, publications, and practical application in public buildings and human settlements. 2000 Vikas community at Auroville was selected as finalist for the World Habitat Awards 2000, sponsored by Building and Social Housing Foundation, UK, for its environmentally-conscious dwellings using renewable energy, advanced water management techniques and woodless construction methods. 1999 The Auroville Building Centre received the Gold Medal from the India Trade Promotion Organisation, New Delhi, for Excellence in presentation of special display on Build Tech pavilion 1999 New Delhi. The medal was awarded for a disaster resistant house, built in 66 hours during the India International Trade Fair 99. 1997 The Auroville Centre for Scientific Research was nominated Best NGO in the Renewable Energy Sector in India by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), New Delhi, on the occasion of its Decade of Service celebrations.



1996 The Club of Budapest adopted the Auroville project to become humanitys first universal city, the shared treasure of all nations and people. 1996 Outstanding Performance Award for the Best Building Centre through Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), New Delhi, from the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India. 1995 We the Peoples 50 Communities Award in the category of Human Settlements on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations. 1995 Outstanding Performance Award for the Best Building Centre through Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), New Delhi, from the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India. 1992 Hassan Fathi International Award for Architecture for the Poor from the Society for the Revival of Planning and Architectural Heritage, Cairo, Egypt, for the construction of the Auroville Visitors Centre, where cost-effective earth and ferrocement technologies have been applied in a public building.




The General Assembly of UNESCO unanimously passed in 1966, 1968, 1970 and 1983 resolutions of support for Auroville, inviting member states and international non-governmental organisations to participate in the development of Auroville as an international cultural township designed to bring together the values of different cultures and civilisations in a harmonious environment with integrated living standards which correspond to mans physical and spiritual needs. A further UNESCO Board resolution of support was passed in 2007 Indira Gandhi, (late) Prime Minister of India, on 25th March 1969: It is an exciting project for bringing about harmony among different cultures and for understanding the environmental needs for mans spiritual growth. May Auroville truly become a city of light and of peace. His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his first visit to Auroville in January 1973: We are deeply impressed by the spiritual aim behind the building of an international city called Auroville. The importance of the effort to achieve human unity and international cooperation by the creation of such a city cannot be overemphasized; nor can we neglect the immense benefit to be acquired from it. Dr. Ervin Laszlo, former Director of Research to the United Nations and Special Advisor to the Director-General of UNESCO, writer and philosopher, in his support letter of 28th February 1996: Auroville, a unique experiment in international and intercultural coexistence, is one of the most hopeful indications of the practical realization of the human potential the entire world community will soon require to ensure a truly sustainable and humane future. () Auroville deserves worldwide recognition as a pioneer of planetary cooperation, harmony, and understanding. David R. Brower, Chairman of the Earth Island Institute, USA, eminent environmentalist, in his support letter as reference person for the nomination of Auroville for the Blue Planet Prize 1997: Auroville stands as one of the most courageous and hope-giving models of what is possible when the human will and spirit unite in a common action. () I encourage you to assist this unique global community venture in its determination to reverse the tide of environmental destruction, demonstrating how to restore hope and compassion on the only Earth. Snr. Federico Mayor, former Director-General of UNESCO, in his support letter of 31.01.98: The Auroville project situated in Tamil Nadu, South India, which has been supported by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1966, 1968, 1970 and 1983, is actively developing according to the basic principles of international understanding and human unity.




Indira Gandhi, (late) Prime Minister of India, on 25th March 1969: Pondicherry was Sri Aurobindos place of political exile and spiritual unfolding. His effulgent message radiated to different parts of the world from Pondicherry. It is appropriate that seekers of enlightenment from various lands should found a new city there bearing Sri Aurobindos name. It is an exciting project for bringing about harmony among different cultures and for understanding the environmental needs for mans spiritual growth. May Auroville truly become a city of light and of peace. P.V. Narasimha Rao, then Minister for Human Resource Development, and ex-Prime Minister of India, during his visit to Auroville on 23rd August 1986: I dont know why we are calling Auroville an experiment; it is life, it is a part of life, it ought to be a part of life, but now that we have gone back and started calling it an experiment, lets make it a success. P. Shiv Shanker, former Minister for Human Resource Development, while introducing the Auroville Foundation Bill in September 1988 in Parliament: Auroville is to be looked upon as a vision which has a great potentiality, and this can be of tremendous service to our country and the world at large. The aim of Auroville is to discover a new life, deeper and more complete, and to show the world that tomorrow will be better than today. The Government is determined to help the process of development of Auroville in such a way that its aims and goals are made more and more realisable. Dr. Karan Singh, appointed by the Central Government as Chairman of the first Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation, in his speech to the residents of Auroville on 28th February 1991: Auroville was envisaged by the Mother as a concrete manifestation of the new consciousness, as an arrow pointed towards the future of evolution. And that is why Auroville is so extremely significant for the future of the human race. Never forget it is not only important to those who happen to live here. Certainly you are important, because it is you Aurovilians who are doing the work and making the experiment, but your work far transcends barriers of space and nationality and even of time. Because what is sought to be done here is nothing less than the transmutation of consciousness.



D.S. Meshram, Chief Planner, Town & Country Planning Organisation, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, in a letter after visiting Auroville in May 2000: We appreciate the efforts of Auroville towards the innovative approaches adopted in recycling water, recharging of ground water, rehabilitation of water bodies, use of solar energy and biogas, regeneration of waste land, afforestation, plantation, etc. Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, Union Minister of Human Resource Development, in his message for the Auroville Universal Township Master Plan 2000 2025 that was approved by the Government of India in February 2001: The significance of Auroville can be understood properly only when we fathom into the very heart of the crisis through which humanity is passing today. As Sri Aurobindo points out, the crisis of today is evolutionary in character and can be resolved only if humanity turns upward towards the next step of evolution and realises universal fraternity. () Auroville is an alternative to the conflicting strategies that aim at mere freedom that hurts the values of equality and equity or at mere equality that tends to fetter freedom of the spirit. In this context, Auroville stands out as a promise that liberty, equality and fraternity can meet together in a large synthesis. It is gratifying that the Master Plan has not only been designed by the residents of Auroville and approved by the Governing Board, but the Town and Country Planning Organisation of the Union Ministry of Urban Development has also extended valuable collaboration and thus enhanced the excellence of this Plan. () This Master Plan will serve as a further instrument through which Governmental and Non-Governmental help can be enhanced. Dr. Jagmohan, Union Minister for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, in his foreword of 25th January 2001 to the Auroville Universal Township Master Plan 2000 2025 that was approved by the Government of India in February 2001: The Auroville Universal Township envisaged by the Mother is one of the unique examples of manifestation of human unity in diversity. The township founded on a barren plateau devoid of any blade of grass in 1968 has become a green area shaded with a variety of trees and plants. The architectural designs, appropriate building technologies, conservation approach, rainwater harvesting, re-use and recycling of water resources, solid waste management, land re-generation, community participation, are some of the areas where innovative models and techniques have been developed and adapted in the township. As per its Charter, Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole, and the ones who are to live in Auroville must be willing servitors of the Divine Consciousness. It is in this background the growth of Auroville needs to be seen. The township designed for an ultimate population of 50,000 in an area of 2000 ha. would be a viable functional entity. Although the character and set up of the township may not be the same as that of any other town of similar size, functionally it requires to be a self contained township. The Master Plan of the township has, therefore, rightly envisaged development of an economic zone along with residential, cultural and institutional areas. The provision of green belt around the built up portion of the township would be an im-



portant environmental safeguard. Auroville is a different township from the point of view of development management, and the Master Plan exercise has rightly recognised its uniqueness. I am sure the Master Plan would channelise the future growth and development of Auroville as per the envisioned Charter. Its development may provide a good model for emulation in other towns and cities as well. Contributions made by the Residents Assembly and the various other Auroville Working Groups in formulation of the Master Plan are praiseworthy, symbolising active involvement of community groups in the Master Plan exercise. I complement Town and Country Planning Organisation of this Ministry and Auroville Foundation for drawing up the Auroville Master Plan of international significance. Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Science and Technology, in his address to the residents of Auroville during his visit on 31st December 2003: I was (also) very happy to have seen the short beautiful film on Auroville, which encompasses the great story of development of Auroville in a few snapshots, each vibrant with charm and instructive disclosure. In those 20 minutes, I learned of Auroville more than one could learn from reading one full volume. I also learned with great eagerness the achievements that Auroville has registered during the last 30 years. The first and the greatest achievement is a fact that it is through your labour that this arid land has been transformed into a miraculous green land. Your commitment to ecology and your dedication to the cause of harmony between humanity and nature is convincing and deeply satisfying. You have won several awards for varieties of achievements connected with development, housing and various inventions that are directly useful for the regeneration of the land and economic development. It is not surprising that UNESCO has adopted four Resolutions in appreciation of the aims and ideals of Auroville and of the educational work that is being promoted here. I am happy that the Government of India has accorded its recognition to your Institute of Educational Research as an Institution of Higher Learning of All India Importance. I am sure that the Government will be happy to extend both moral and financial support to the task of educational research in which you are engaged. For the programme of your educational research is centred on education for human unity, education for integral development of personality, and education for value-orientation. Happily, all these three objectives are central to the educational policy of the Government of India, and we shall be happy to receive the benefit of your research work. I am also particularly happy that Sanskrit is being specially encouraged, and your language laboratory is so designed that it can provide rapid training to students in Sanskrit as also in Tamil, French and English. () To my mind, Auroville is an achievement and yet a promise which is still to be fulfilled. For Auroville is a great effort that aims at fulfilling a tremendous dream, a Divine Dream. This Dream places Truth as the sovereign principle, -- Truth, not as the mind sees it, but the Truth that can be seen by a supramental vision, by the faculty of vijana, to use the expression of the Taittiriya Upanishad. It is a Dream where human relationships are to be built on the principle of universal fraternity, where work is to be conducted in the spirit of service to the Divine Conscious-



ness, and where life is to be lived as a process of constant research whereby highest values can be embodied both in the individual and collective life. () The Mother has given very important guidelines for the organisation of the economic life of Auroville. She has perceived a kind of economy in which none here owns any property, none has the right of inheritance, and all property is to be held collectively as a trust for the common welfare. I am happy that this directive of the Mother has been implemented, and that this is being done by everybody voluntarily. It is an instructive example that self-control can best be attained when it is voluntary and deliberate. () The Charter of Auroville that the Mother has given is an uplifting Charter; it is an inspiring Charter, and it is a Charter that fulfils the highest ideals that India has conceived throughout the ages for social harmony and human solidarity. The Charter declares that Auroville belongs to nobody in particular but to humanity as a whole; it proposes Auroville as a place of unending education, of constant progress and a youth that never ages; the Charter also provides to Auroville an ideal situation where money cannot remain a sovereign lord, and it ensures that Auroville develops as a learning society. In proposing it to be the bridge between the past and the future and as a repository of knowledge that comes to us from external frontiers of consciousness as also from internal frontiers of consciousness, Auroville has been turned into a field of research, a multisided, multidisciplinary, and integral research that can open the gates of future realisations. Indeed, Auroville has been designed to fulfill Sri Aurobindos statement: We do not belong to the dawns of the past but to the noons of the future. Finally, in declaring Auroville to be a site of material and spiritual re searches that aim at a living embodiment of an actual human unity, we have here an unprecedented opportunity for creating a model where people can unite as citizens of the world.


Sri Aurobindo has spoken of a world union of free nations, in which each nation brings to the totality its own special contributions that can enrich unity and oneness of the entire humanity. This is a great vision, and the fact that you have voluntarily come here to organise a model of human unity puts on your shoulders a great responsibility to work out the problems which have divided the world so far into the East and the West or into smaller divisions of regions and provinces. Your efforts fill me with a great hope. Sri Aurobindo has said that humanity has today decisively turned towards the ideal of human unity; and even though there are dangers on the path, they can be minimized, if the principle of law and liberty is rightly employed.


Mr. S.K. Triphathi, Secretary of State for Education, Govt. of India, at a colloquium on Evolution of Human Consciousness within the Society of Auroville: an Example of Cultural Diversity, organised by UNESCO in its headquarters in Paris on 11th April 2003, to celebrate Aurovilles 35th anniversary: We envisage that the Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Educational Research, which is being now supported by us, would bring about a change in the educational system in India through the implementation of Sri Aurobindos vision of integral education. This involves a change in the aims of education, a new perception in the role of the teacher, experiments with evolving new curricula and new methods of teaching and learning, thus serving as a real life laboratory for the countrys education system. () Auroville has already brought a transformation in the areas surrounding it by adopting people-friendly technologies, eco-friendly farms which do not destroy Mother Earth, income generating industrial units which do not pollute the air, and many such innovations, which point towards an India of the future which is prosperous, in tune with nature, does not sacrifice its collective goals, and which acts as an inspiration for the new generation. Towards this aim, we are here to support Auroville as partners in progress, as facilitators rather than as mere administrators, and would like to contribute towards the progress of Auroville to serve as a beacon of hope, not only for the future of India, but also for humanity as a whole.



Over the past decades, Auroville has received support from a considerable number of governmental and non-governmental agencies, foundations, corporate donors and private well-wishers in India and abroad. However, the financial challenge of building a sustainable model town for a projected population of 50,000 residents, which at the same time cares for an expanding rural neighbourhood of -- at present -- 40,000 people, is immense. This selective list comprises funding agencies that have supported specific research and pilot projects and programmes in Auroville and the neighbouring villages.

International Organizations
European Community (EC) ICEF (India Canadian Environment Facility) United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS-Habitat) UNESCO

Foreign Governments & Governmental Organizations

BELGIUM Algemene Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking CANADA Canadian High Commission in India

DENMARK Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) FRANCE Ministre des Affaires Etrangres GERMANY Bundesministerium fr Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Deutsche Welthunger Hilfe (FAO) Deutsche Gesellshaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit German Agro-Action German Appropriate Technology Exchange(GATE) Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KFW) JAPAN Japanese Embassy in India


NETHERLANDS Royal Netherlands Embassy in India NEW ZEALAND New Zealand High Commission in India SPAIN Government of Navarra Municipality of Pamplona SWITZERLAND SWISSAID UNITED KINGDOM DFID, UK Department for International Development

Indian Government and Governmental Organizations

Government of India

Building Material & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) Ministry of Education Ministry of Environment Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources Ministry of Rural Development Ministry of Science and Technology Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) Indian Navy Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) National Wasteland Development Board (NWDB)

Tamil Nadu Government Tamil Fund Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) Tamil Nadu Family Welfare Board Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Board Tamil Nadu State Forest Department TRYSEM Programme

Indian Non-Governmental Organisations & Businesses All India Books Aurofood Auroshikha Bombay Natural History Society Credit Himatsingka Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


Indian Tobacco Company INTACH J.R.D.Tata Trust Modi Charitable Trust New Horizon Sugar Mills Sri Aurobindos Action Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Sri. Dorabji Tata Trust Sri. Ratan Tata Trust Tata Energy Research Institute


Arrakis, Holland. Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA, Germany) Communities Professional Partnership Programme (CPPP), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Craterre, University of Grenoble, France.

Deutsche Gesellshaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Germany. Development Consultants Ltd, Calcutta. Ecole Fdrale Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland. Gamos Ltd, UK. German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE), Germany. HGA Ltd, UK. HUDCO, New Delhi. Human and Institutional Development for Ecological Refrigerants (Hidecor), Mumbai Human Settlement Management Inst, New Delhi.


IT, Madras. International Development Research Corporation (IDRC), New Delhi. International Ferrocement Information Centre (IFIC), Bangkok, Thailand. IT Power India, Pondicherry. Spanner Consultants, Denmark.

Collaborating Partners of Auroville Greenwork Resource Centre and Palmyra

Government of Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology Government of India International Development Research Corporation (IDRC) Ministry of Environment and Forests Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) National Wasteland Development Board Foreign Organisations Agriculture, Man and Environment (A.M.E., The Netherlands) Canada Fund Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Denmark) Foundation for World Education (FWE, USA) GIFFRID (German Israel Government Collaboration) Overseas Development Administration (ODA, UK.) through Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC). Swiss Aid.

Collaborating Partners of Pitchandikulam Bio-Resource Centre and Shakti

Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests Andaman and Nicobar Ecological Team Foreign Organizations Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Denmark) through the Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT, India)


Collaborating Partners of Water Harvest

Government of Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology

Collaborating Partners of Auroville Centre for Scientific Research (CSR) and Auroville Building Centre (AV-BC).
International Organisations United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS-Habitat) European Commission Government of India Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) Indian Navy Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES) National Building Organisation (NBO) Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Mission, Ministry of Rural Development Foreign Government Organisations Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Denmark) Deutsche Gesellshaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GIT, Germany) German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE, Germany) Overseas Development Administration (ODA, UK) through Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC) Foreign NGOs Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA, Germany) Foundation for World Education (FWE, USA) INERP Association Scienfique (France) Stichting De Zaaier (The Netherlands) Threshold Foundation (USA)



Agreements exist with the following cities: Municipality of Cologne (Germany) Municipality of Venice (Italy) Atelier Parisien dUrbanisme de Paris (France) Provincia di Treviso (Italy) Municipality of Pamplona (Spain) Government of Navarra (Spain) Municipality of Formia (Italy) City of Campinas (Brazil)


In September 1988, the Parliament of India passed the Auroville Foundation Act to vest all undertakings related to Auroville in an autonomous body, in order to secure the further development of Auroville in accordance with its original Charter. On the basis of this unique Act, the Auroville Foundation came into being in February 1991 when the Central Government nominated the members of the first Governing Board. Authorities of the Auroville Foundation The Governing Board, appointed by the Government of India, has the overall responsibility for the proper management and development of Auroville. The International Advisory Council, appointed by the Government of India, advises the Governing Board on any matter relating to the management and development of Auroville. The Residents Assembly, comprising all the residents of Auroville over the age of 18, organizes the various activities of Auroville and decides upon the terms of its membership. The Residents Assembly selects a Working Committee from its own members to liaise and represent itself with the Governing Board and the Secretary to the Foundation.


Governing Board Members of the Auroville Foundation

Dr.Karan Singh Chairman Shri.Ajoy Bagchi New Delhi Ms.Malini Parthasarthy Journalist, Chennai Ms. Mallika Sarabhai Darpana Academy of Performing Arts, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad. Dr. (Smt.) Aster Mira Patel Auroville Smt. Ameeta Mehra The Presence Centre, New Delhi Shri. Sunil Kumar Joint Secretary, (Planning & UNESCO) Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Shri S. K. Ray, Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India

Present members of the International Advisory Council

Sir Mark Tully Chairman Dr. Marc Luyckx Ghisi Mr. Doudou Diene Dr. Vishakha N.Desai Mr. Julian Lines Former members include: Mr. MBow, former Director General of UNESCO; late Ms. Ludmilla Zhivkova, Minister of Culture, Bulgaria; Shri Narasimha Rao, ex-Prime Minister of India; Mr. Maurice Strong, former Secretary General UNCED; the late Mr. J.R.D. Tata, Indian industrialist, Mr. Ervin Laszlo, Secretary General of the Club of Budapest, Snr. Federico Mayor, Director General of UNESCO, Mr. Bertrand Schneider, Secretary General of the Club of Rome, Mrs. Hanna Strong, President of the Manitou Foundation, and Dr. Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner, UK.

A Dream
There should be somewhere upon earth a place that no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of goodwill, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme Truth; a place of peace, concord, harmony, where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his suffering and misery, to surmount his weakness and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities; a place where the needs of the spirit and the care for progress would get precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the seeking for pleasures and material enjoyments. In this place, children would be able to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with their soul. Education would be given, not with a view to passing examinations and getting certificates and posts, but for enriching the existing faculties and bringing forth new ones. In this place titles and positions would be supplanted by opportunities to serve and organize. The needs of the body will be provided for equally in the case of each and everyone. In the general organisation intellectual, moral and spiritual superiority will find expression not in the enhancement of the pleasures and powers of life but in the increase of duties and responsibilities. Artistic beauty in all forms, painting, sculpture, music, literature, will be available equally to all, the opportunity to share in the joys they bring being limited solely by each one's capacities and not by social or financial position. For in this ideal place money would be no more the sovereign lord. Individual merit will have a greater importance than the value due to material wealth and social position. Work would not be there as the means of gaining one's livelihood, it would be the means whereby to express oneself, develop one's capacities and possibilities, while doing at the same time service to the whole group, which on its side would provide for each one's subsistence and for the field of his work. In brief, it would be a place where the relations among human beings, usually based almost exclusively upon competition and strife, would be replaced by relations of emulation for doing better, for collaboration, relations of real brotherhood".

L'Avenir d'Auroville Phone : 91 (413) 2622250

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