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Module Objectives/ Outcomes: By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

 Define work, energy and power, and give their units.

 Give the relationship between work and power.
 Solve problems about work and power
 Define kinetic and potential energy
 Solve problems on kinetic, potential energy and power
 State the principle of conservation of energy.

Time Frame: 2 weeks

In this lesson you will learn about the definition of work, energy and power
and how these three terms are related. We use the term `work' in everyday
conversation to mean many different things. We talk about going to work,
but, Physicists mean something very specific when they talk about work, it
describes the process of transferring energy from object or system to another
or converting energy from one form to another. There are some activities or
exercises you will be performed in order for us to assess the level of your
learning outcomes. Enjoy reading your lesson 1, and let’s make it fun
List words (as many as you can) that comes into your mind when you hear/read the word
AB materials.
From the words listed on the above activity, choose only one word and explain its
significance/applicability on AB Materials properties?


Farm Power is an essential input in agriculture for timely field operations, and for
increasing production and productivity of land. Farm power is used for operating different
types of machinery like tillage, planting, plant protection, harvesting and threshing
machinery and other stationary jobs like operating irrigation equipment, threshers/ shellers /
cleaners/ graders, etc.

1. Work as Energy Transfer

 Work W is a quantity that gives the amount of energy transferred between a system and
its surroundings by mechanical means.
 The SI unit of work is the unit of energy, 1 J (joule).
 The English unit of work is the foot –pound (ft – lb)
 When forces do work on an object, they tend to accelerate the object.
 When the work done by a force on an object is positive (W > 0), the force transfers
energy to the object.
 When the work done by a force on an object is negative (W < 0), the force transfers
energy away from the object.

For example, the gravitational force accelerates a falling durian fruit. The work done by
the gravitational force on the durian fruit is positive. The air resistance opposes the motion.
The work done by the air resistance on the durian fruit is negative.
2. Definition of Work
 Work is the product of a force on an object, and the displacement of the object in the
direction of the force.
 Work W done by a constant force F acting on an object is
𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑 cos ∅ (1)
𝑑 cos ∅is the displacement of the object in the direction of the
∅(phi) is the angle between the displacement and force F .

Example 1.
A cart is travelling in a frictionless inclined plane at an angle of 20 degrees with a 10
meters inclined plane. Assume that the force exerted in the cart is 10 KN, estimate the work
done by the cart.
Since the direction of force is the same as distance, therefore; ∅= 0.
The Work done by the cart is;
𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑 cos ∅ = 10𝐾𝑁 𝑥 10 𝑚 𝑥 cos 0 = 10 𝑥 10 𝑥 1 = 100 𝐾𝑁 − 𝑚 Ans.
Example 2.
A cart is travelling in a frictionless inclined plane at an angle of 20 degrees at 4 meters
high. Assume that the force exerted in the cart is 10 KN; estimate the work done by the cart.
Since the direction of force is not the same as distance, therefore;
𝑑 = 4cos 20 = 4(0.9397) = 3.76 𝑚
The Work done by the cart is;
𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑 cos ∅ = 10𝐾𝑁 𝑥 4𝑚 𝑥 cos 20 = 10 𝑥 10 𝑥 1 = 37.59 𝐾𝑁 − 𝑚 Ans.

3. Definition of Energy

Energy is the capacity for doing work.

 It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various
 There are, moreover, heat and work—i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one
body to another.
 After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature.
Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest
itself in the form of mechanical energy.

4. Kinetic Energy, 𝑲 𝒆
 The kinetic energy of an object is the energy the object has due to its motion in a
reference frame with respect to the speed of the object is measured.
 If an object moves by the speed of v, its kinetic energy is

𝑚 𝑣2 (2)
= 2
m is the mass of the object v is
speed of the object2
 The unit of kinetic energy 𝑘𝑔 𝑚 = 1J (joule).
 Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity.
 In equation (2) the mass is measured in kilograms and speed in ms−1.
5.Work-Energy Theorem
 When a non-zero net force acts on an object which can be regarded as a point particle,
the kinetic energy of the object increases. As a result, the net force does work on the

Work-Energy Theorem
 The work done W by the net force on the object is equal to the change in the kinetic
energy of the object

𝑊 = ∆𝐾
𝑚 𝑣22 𝑚 𝑣12 (3)
𝑒 = 2
− 2

where 𝑣 2 is the final speed of the object,

𝑣 1 is the initial speed of the object, and m is
the mass of the object.

6. Example on Work Done by Gravity

 Example, your reference book falls from rest down to the floor from a 70 cm high arm
chair. Assume the mass of the book is 980 g., neglecting the effect of air resistance.

a) Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on the book.

b) State the change in the kinetic energy of the object.
c) Where does the energy come from?

 Solution/Answer:
m = 980g = 0.9 kg ,h = 70cm= 0.70 m,g = 9.81ms−2
Because the weight of the book is G =mg , and the book moves in the direction
of the weight, the angle between the displacement and gravitational force is
zero. Thus the work done by the gravitational force on the book is
W = F d cos0◦ =Gh ×1 = mgh = 0.98kg×9.81ms−2 ×0.70
= 6.73J
b) By the work energy theorem the work done by the net force equals the change in
kinetic energy. Neglecting the air resistance, the net force
equals the gravitational force. Because the book starts from rest, the change in kinetic
energy equals the final kinetic energy which is 6.73 J

c) The energy comes from the gravitational field. When the book falls and gains kinetic
energy, the work done by the gravitational force equals the amount by which the energy of
the gravitational field decreases.

7. Definition of Potential Energy, 𝑷 𝒆

 Potential energy is energy stored in a system as a result of internal forces that depend
on the position of interacting objects in the system.
 The types of potential energy include gravitational potential energy, elastic potential
energy, electrical potential energy, nuclear energy, and chemical energy.
 Each type of potential energy relates to a different type of force acting in a system

8. Gravitational Potential Energy

 The Earth creates a gravitational field around it. When an object is placed in Earth’s
gravitational field, the object and the Earth form a system that is bound
together by gravity.
 Gravitational potential energy is potential energy associated with the gravitational
force acting inside a system.

9. Definition of Gravitational Potential Energy

 Gravitational potential energy is energy an object has due to its position in
gravitational field, and the gravitational force acting on the object.
 The gravitational potential energy is a property of the gravitational field formed by the
object and the Earth.
 Instead of considering the actual value of gravitational potential energy, we consider
the changes in it.

10. Change in Gravitational Potential Energy

 When an object moves in a gravitational field, the work done by the field on the object
depends only on the initial and final position of the object.
 When the vertical position of an object placed in Earth’s gravitational
field changes by ∆ℎ, the change in the gravitational potential energy of the object is
∆𝑃𝑒 = 𝑚 𝑔 ∆ ℎ (4)

where m is the mass of the object, and

g = 9.81ms−2 is the acceleration due gravity.

 The gravitational potential energy is a property of the gravitational field formed by

the object and the Earth.
 Instead of considering the actual value of gravitational potential energy, we consider
the changes in it.

11. Mechanical Energy

12. Zero Level of Gravitational Potential Energy
e Only the changes in gravitational potential energy are physically relevant.
However, if we choose a feference level of potential energy, and attack a
value of Er —- 0J to that level, we may spea k of the potential energy of
an object zt vertical distance it from the reference level.
As an example, consider a ball on the table. If the Weight of the table is denoted by
li, tke bal! on ‹Le tahle has gravitational potential energy £i , = //‹gfi.

-height /;

reference level

13. Center of Mass

• The motion of an object under the influence of a net force can be described
terms of the centre of mass of the object.

The centre of mass of an object is tht poiñt where the mass of the object
can be
thought of residing such that the net force on” the object acts on that point.

e For d homogeneous and symmetric object the centre of mass lies at the
centre of the object.
14. Center of Mass Motion
The photograph illustrates the path of a bou ncing bas&tbalI.

Even though the ball is rotating its centre of mass follows a paraba1ic path. The
shape of the path can be undeFStODd in terms of net force acting on the centre of

15. Center of Mass and Change in Gravitational Potential Energy

When an object falls a distance //. the vertical position of its center of
mass changes by // as well. That explains why the magnitude of the
change in gravitational potential ene gy is given by E, - ///y/i

mass changes
also by
reference 6„ =
level 0J
16. Mechanical Energy
When a ball is at rest on a table, its mechanical energy with respect to the floor is

because the initial speed is ‹/ — 0, and the kinetic energy is thus
E , m il-' ill x f0m s”’)' - 0J. The ball has only potential energy and no
kinetic energy.

'- height li

Becalise the ball is relatively heavy and the distance fallen is small, we may
neglect rhe effect of air resistance As a result, the only force acting on Ehe
falling ball is the gravitational force
By the work energy the.orem, the work done by the gravity on the ball equals the
change in the kit etic energy of the ball
As the ball reaches the ground, the poten tial energy has transformed e ntirely into
kinetic energy T he mechanical energy a( the ball is just kinetic energy


Now we are finally ready to introduce the law of conservation of mechanical

energy in symbolic form
At point I. the object has gravitational potential energy f-i•i = rely /r; , and
kinetic energy Ey - - /t/ //' At point 2, the potenDal energy is €y;. - rug/I;., and
kinetic energy Trip - -rrr'

When an object moves from po”int 1 O po'nt 2 in Eaxh’s grawta0onal held,

in the absence of ‹estst‹ve forces the mechanical energy o[ the object i”s
conserved so that

In the absence of resistive forces. the mechanical energy of an object in
Earth's gravitational field is conserved. When the ball falls from rest to
the floor. its gravitation al potential energy transforms entirely into
kinetic energy,

hnal velocity is f/

Here we have denoted the initial height /z t by // for simplicity

AB gn equation the conversion of gravitational potential energy Into ki hetic energy

is expressed as

Solving for the final sred gives

In free fall from rest, the final spee‹I bepends only on the distant e f allen it and
accelera Eion due gravity g = 9.81m s *. not on mass ///.

15. Definition of Power

e When a farce does work on an object, energy is exchanged between the
object and its surroundings.
e The rate at which energy is exchanged is called power.

Because work relates to energy transfer. the power can be defined in I.erms
of work done.
Power is the rate at which work is done of an object.

Alt+rnativeIy, the power can be defined in terms of energy.

Pawer is ”the Late at”whicfi ener@ is transfer”fed.

16. Power as the Average Rate of Work

a For example, if tkg power of an incandescent lamp is 1SW, it transforms

electrical energy into thermal energy and light at the rate of 1S J in one
e If the power of a car engine is 120 i‹W, the engine can do worL at the rate
of 120 kJ in one second. Of that power. only a fraction is used to
actually accelerate the car.

wk.en W is the work done dn the oBject ifi time /'.

• The unit of power is \P| - Js—’ = 1W (watt joule per seconds.

17. Instantaneous Power

Instantaneous power is

where F’ rs the magn”itude of a force acting in the ai›«i‹» «r motion of an »bjw

moving at speed p,

1. Calculate the work done by a force of 30 N in filling a load of 2kg to a height of l0m (g = 1Oms )



Porce mg = 30 N ; height = 10 m
Work done to lift a load W = ?

W = F.S (or) mgh

= 30x10

I= 300]

Ans: 300J

Conceptual Questions

1. A spring which in initially in un-stretched condition. is first stretched by a length x and again by a
further length x. The work done in the first case i is one third of the work done in second case W2. True
or false?

Work done in the first case WJ — 2 .

(i.n. P.E. siored)
In second case, work done W = Change in P.E.
= P. E ¿„ — PE„

= True.
3. A body of mass 10kg at rest is subjected to a force of ITN. Find the kinetic energy at the end of 10 s.


Pass m = 10 ke

Force F = 16 fi'

time t = 10 s

a=F = 1.6ms

we know that, v = o + at
- 0 + 1.6 x 10 = 16 in r'
Kinetic energy K.E =
-2 in • ia 1s
— I 280J

4. A body of mass 5kg is thrown up vertically with a kinetic energy of 1000 J. If acceleration due to
graiâty is l0nir , find the height at o'hich the kinetic energy becomes half of the original value.

Mass m = 5kg

K.E E = 1000J

At a height 'li, mgh =

5 x i0 x h
h -— - io«
9. A gun fires 8 bullets per second into a target X. II the mass of each bullet is 3 g and its speed 600 s '.
Their, calculate the power delivered by the bullets.

Power = u ork done per second = total kinetic energy of 8 bullets per second

P -— 8x (kinetic energy of each bullet per second)

P - 4320W
P = 4.320 kW

Easmple 4.1

A box is pulled u ith a force of 25 h' to produce a displacement of 15 m. If the angle between the force and
displacement is 30°. find the v°ork done by the foi‘ce.

Force. F = 25 N

Displacement. dr = 15 m

Angle beiu’een F arid dr. 8 = 30°

Work done, W = Fdr cos8

W = 25 x l5 x cos30 = 25 x l5 x

W = 324.76 J
Example 4.2

An object of mass 2 kg falls from a hei%t of 5 m to the yound. What is the work done by the gravitational
force on the object? (Nep•lect air resistance; Take p = 10 m s*')


In this case the force actinp• on the object is dourward graintational force md. This is a constant force.

Work done by graintational force is

W = mg pc - r, )

W = 2 x 10 x 5 = 100 I

The work done by the gravitational force on the object is positive.

An object of mud »r= I kp is ‹Airline fzou iop to bottom In the fiiciiotilees inclined plaiz of iattioaiioa
anew ie 8 = 3p° rind Um length nf inclined plum is I o m ris stress in the flgwc onlciilvie ihr wi»-b
graritstionaJ force and normal force on the object. Assune acceleration due to smxñty, p - 10 m r'

h re oilculaie in the previous chapter tint tfie acceleration experienced by the object in the inciined plane ai

.AccordingQ :1cu1cu’* socond laH, ihc r c ring oc Ihc mes* aIonp the mamncd ylazic F- = mg sine, .Note
that fine tbrce ie consTaof tbrouaI+cur tbe mation of tbe zuas».

Tile hark done bv tbe pzraJ[+I cazsponeo of zmx•ttctionaI love.t zog eia8” iz ai 'en by

z . a is be augli betueeti & fore (nig sin oj and the ttirecliou of notion tdrj. In thus c-ase. force top xin
8) end the displ«ccmcni (d2! are in tR sane direction. Herrce 4 = o oritt as 8 = 1

z'here is the ang•le between the force (mg sin 0) and the direction of motion (dr). In this case. force (mg sin
8) and the displacem tdr) are in the same direction. Hence e = o and cos e = 1

W = F dr = (mg..sin8) (‹lr)
(dr = length of the inclined place)
Example 4.4

If an object of mass 2 kg is thrown up from the ground reaches a height of 5 m and falls back to the
Rarth (neglect the air resistance). Calculate

a) The work done by gravity when the object reaches 5 m height

b) The work done by gravity when the object comes back to Earth

c) Total work done by gravity both in upward and downward motion and mention the physical
significance of the result.

When the object goes up, the displacement points in the upward direction whereas the gravitational force
acting on the object points in downward direction. Therefore, the angle between gravitational force and
displacement of the object is 180°.

a. The work done by gravitational force in the upward

motion. Given that dr =5 m and F mg

= f'-Ar cot = mgbr cns180°

b. When the object falls back, both the gravitational force and displacement of the object are in the
same direction. This implies that the angle between gravitational force and displacement of the object
is 0°.

W = FAr cos0°
W 0 joule
= 2 x10x5x
tc•*o°= ii

c. The total work done by gravity in the entire trip (upward and downward motion)

It implies that the gravity does not transfer any energy to the object. When the object is thrown
upwards, the energy is transferred to the object by the external agency, which means that the object
gains some energy. As soon as it comes back and hits the Eartk the energy gained by the object is
bansferred to the surface of the Hartb (i.e., dissipated to the Earth).
Eaample 4.5

A weight lifter lifts a mass of 250 kg with a force 5000 N to the height of 5 m.

a. What is the workdone by the weight lifier?

b. What is the workdone by the gravity?

c. What is the net workdone on the object?

a. When the weight lifter lifts the mass, force and displacement are in the same direction, which means that
the angle between them 8 = 0 . Therefore, the work done by the weight lifter,

W , - P /i cos8 —— F,/z(coso')
-so›o• s•(I)-25,000joule = 25 k(

b. When the weight lifter Ufls the mass, the gravity acts downwards which means that the force and
displacement are in opposite direction. Therefore, the angle between them 8 = 1800

= -12,500 joule = -12.5 kJ

c. The net workdone (or total work done) on the object

= 25 k J - 12.5 k J+ 12.5 k J
Example 4.7

Two objects of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are moving with the same momentum of 20 kg m s*1.

a. Will they have same kinetic energy?

b. Will they have same speed?

a. The kinetic energy of the mass is given by

For the object of mass 2 kg, kinetic

(zo) 2 400
eftergy i› < . 100 J
' 2x2 4
For the object o/ otsss 4 kg, kinetic

Note that i / i.e., even though both are having the same momentum, the kinetic energy of both
masses is not the same. The kinetic energy of the heavier object has lesser kinetic energy than smaller mass.
It is because the kinetic energy is inversely proportional to the mass (KB m finn) for a given momentum.

b. As the momentum, p —— or, the two objects will not have same speed.

An object of mass 2 kg is taken to a height 5 m from the ground g = 10ms 2 .

a. Calculate the potential energy stored in the object.

b. there does this potential eztergjr come boot?

c. What external force must act to bring the mass to that height?

d. What is the net force that acts on the object while the object is taken to the height 'h’?

a. The potential energy L' g h —— 2 > 10 5 = 100 I

Here the positive sign implies that the energy is stored on the mass.

b. This potential energy is transferred from external agency which applies the force on the mass.
The external applied force F, which
takes rhe object to the height 5 m is

where, j represents unit vector along

vertical upward direction.

d. From the definition of potential energy, the object must be moved at constant velocity. So the net force
acting on the object is zero.

Example 4.10

A body of mass m is attached to the sprin_• which is elongated to 25 cm by an applied force from its
equilibrium position.

a. Calculate the potential energy stored in the spring-mass system?

(The spring constant. k = 0. l m '),

The spring constant. k = 0.1 N rn ’

The displacement. x = 25 cm = 0.25 m

a. The potential energy stored in the spring is given by

x t0. 2s)2-0.0031]
2 2
C.a voider oa objcci of mess â I g moth by an eternal ft ‘TO in a svrfocc hat ing coctficicnt of kinetic
fricii‹»i o,.o Io a disi+xa to iii. «in i M u'ork none oy itiz east fore atid kinetic Mctioii ?
more rim ilie result. fAssutne g = iO cis”-1

rt = 2 kp. d = 10 w 6t{, - *0 . ° J• - 0.9. '\Vben 3z ubject ia iu azoiioo on the boñzautaJ aurfase. it

experiences nso fart .

b. Kinetic fricooix

fp •y y tg • 0 Pxt2)x10=18a.
The vorlc done by the e.vtertial force Wp = Fs = .£'x2O =200J

The e-ork done A• the 'force of Lineuc friction W, =f = t -18) x10=- Id0J Here ibe negative.sign flies thai
flm Force of kinetic action is ppusiu• to W d ection uf aisplaceniou.

The total uvrli done on the object

SiHce tbe fticzlaa is a non-co atit•e force, out oF*dd J si\st b}• the external force. t1+e i8o J is coat aod i‹
cao aot be reco\-ered.

An nhj< t of mess I kg is taJliog from tile height é = 10 m. CaJmlatc

b. Potential cricrg)• of lhr a@ cct w hen ii i> nt ii = 4 m

c. Moécic math}' oFthe object tien it is a Jr =- -I ro

fMnzrrte g -10 ii s '1

.x. Thu i-itsiinrta1 force is a corts•rxaiix'e fmce. S a the tcdnl energy tins cnixHnl ihmugjiaut the
molion. At h ——(0 m, the trill gjMtrgyF. ix eJjiJ]y p•ntcpti4j em•rgy.

b. Tbc potoztial czt<m¿ at t1Ie obje'ct at ii = 4 of is

U -— mgh -— 1x 10 x 4 = 40 J

c. Since the total energy is constant throughout the motion. the kinetic energy at h —— 4 m must
be M = N - L = 100 - 40 = 60J

Alternatively. the kinetic eneryy could also be found from velocity of the object at 4 m. At the height 4 m.
the object has fallen through a height of 6 m.

The velocity after falling 6 m is calculated from the equation of motion.

v= 2gh = TO 6= m s ';
v’ = 120

The kinetic energy is

2 2
x 120 = 60 J

d. When the object is just about to hit the ground. the total energy is completely kinetic and the potential
energy. C = 0.

E = KE = 2 mv' = 100 J
Eaample 4.14

A body of mass 100 kg is lifted to a height 10 m from the ground in tu°o different ways as .showy in the
figure. What is the work done by the gravity in both the cases? Why is it easier to take the objecl through a

Path (1) straight up

Path (2) along the ramp

The ini•ii•niu•i fotce Jt required tn uint'z thu ubject io ihe height nr I o iii sbeuld be equal to fire graviiuiuual
farce. F inc = 100 10 - 100a N

The distance moved along path f i) is, • 10 ei

Tire werk done on the objm along psln I I ) is

In the cv of the ramp. the minimum force J• that ue apply on tbe object to M ir not equal to uJ.. it
isfahnrqu8tto ng sit.fmgsin • «g .

Theref‹xe. r; - oil sink - 100 • 10 • st 36° - 100 • 10 • fi.1 - STOP

Example 4.15

An object of mass m is projected from the ground with initial speed o

Find the speed at height h.

Since the gravitational force is consen•ative: the total energy is conserved throughout the motion.

Kinetic 1
energy — mv0 — mv
2 2
Potential 0 mgh
Total 1 2
1 z ! 2
energy -iVq+0= —mv —mV t
2 2 2

Final values of potential eneryy. kinetic eneryy and total energy are measured at the hei%t li.

By law’ of conservation of eneryy. the irutial and final total energies are the same.

2 ’
+ mgh

v= 2

Note that in section (2.11.2) similar result is obtained using kinematic equation based on calculus method
Example 4.16

An object of mass 2 kg attached to a spring is moved to a distance x =10 m from its equilibrium position. The
spring constant I =1 N m ’and assume that the surface is frichonless.

a. When the mass crosses the equilibrium position, what is the speed of the mass?

b. What is the force that acts on the object when the mass crosses the equilibrium position and extremum
position .T = 10 m.

a. Since the spring force is a consewative force, the total energy is constant. At x =10 m. the total energy is
purely poteriñal.

E = U = —k x’ =—
x (i)x(io)' = so j
2 2

When the mass crosses the equilibrium position x = ,0 the potential energy

v • 2xix(0) -o j

The entire energy is purely kinetic energy at this position.

Tlrobi<lco:n** tomouiep'm 1ai = -lum evsithough it a peñai s aim mofo e atlx›thdie‹v

References: work-energy-and-
Eloranta, K,. (2015). Work, Energy and Power. Jyväskylän Lyseon lukio,

Campbell A., Jordan Hanania, James Jenden, Jason Donev

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