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Racism is partly affected by two concepts that have been mentioned in chapter eight. One

is white nationalism where most whites are expected to run most of the countries affairs. The

other concept is internal colonialism which refers to the minority group being sidelined. The

white American form a race and they have over the years excluded other races including African

Americans, Asian American and other races such as the Mexicans. Racism occurs primarily

because a race feels superior to another race and they take that advantage to exploit the other

race. Issues such as prejudice and privilege cause racism one race feels privileged over other

races and have prejudice on various issues such as the abilities of the other races.

Chapter nine is on sex and gender and talks about sexuality, sexual orientation. Sexism as

a social concept points out that women receive prejudice and are discriminated against on their

sex. Black women for example would be more discriminated against as they have little power as

per their race. The other concept is sexual orientation which is about the attraction that one has

sexually. Blacks who are not heterosexual face racism where white LGBT communities refuse to

recognize them for them being of the minority groups. Being of the minority groups in the

United States is a factor enough to make the decisions even ones that affect one’s sexuality.

Chapter ten is about politics which is the act of controlling others. Even in politics there

is racism witnessed in the American politics. Authoritarianism is the social concept of political

leadership whereby black persons do not receive as much support as the white politicians.

During the campaigns of President Barack Obama, he did not seem to be most people’s favorite.

Pluralism is another social concept captured in the chapter. Pluralism is a concept that shows that

politics requires different groups and these groups are divided in terms of age, race, religion and


Chapter eleven is on economics and touches on various economic models which include

socialism. Socialism is not only an economic concept but also a political and a social concept.

Socialism encourage the collective undertaking of work including production and distribution of

goods. In a great way it does not encourage racism as the already installed system of capitalism

which does not offer equal opportunities. The United States has some elements of socialism in

terms of provision of education and healthcare. Another economic yet social concept is

communism which is socialist that seeks to eliminate private property. Just like the way the

government offers equal services in education and health it will revolutionize industries and

there will not be issues of racism.

Chapter thirteen is about leisure time and one of the ways of spending use of leisure time

is by going through different media. Media has effects on the audiences while media owners may

overlook the effects that their media have on the audience. The hypodermic theory assumes that

audience only consume media content passively yet racist remarks for examples affect the

audience being targeted from that point not from an earlier point. The reinforcement theory

mentioned in this chapter suggest that people look out for messages that conform to their beliefs

and attitudes thus things such as racism cannot be driven by the media. Agenda setting theory

only confirms that media is influential to its audience.

Chapter fourteen is on the sociology of medicine, health and illness. In this chapter

medicine, health and illness as being affected by factors such the physical wellbeing,

geographical location and social factors such as culture. Social inequality has also been

explained in this chapter with it focusing on the ability of one being able to afford healthcare as

determined by their social class. It is common knowledge that the white Americans have are in a

higher social class and the other minority groups cannot afford quality healthcare. ‘Deprivation

Amplification’ is a concept explaining how the risk of getting ill is caused by the social factors.

For example, minority groups have a challenge with living in the clean neighborhoods with the

ghetto having a higher risk of contracting waterborne and foodborne diseases. Another important

concept is the social institution of medicine which in a great way is not racist as both the

professionals come from different races.

Chapter fifteen is about population and narrows down to issues such as urbanization. A

social concept in this chapter is social atomism which talks about cities being filled with free-

floating people. While this is to signify that people in the city have a lot of freedom it is not

entirely true as some of the minor groups are discriminated against they live in poor conditions

and face racism in the workplace and the streets. Another social concept mentioned in this

chapter is altruism which is on the kind of attitudes that city people have including being

impersonal. Altruism is one of the factor into racism as no person cares about the other and cases

of discrimination do not get the deserved attention.

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