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L1: Formal Mail - | Complete Course on BCR - CA Foundation ee ee Chapter 2: Vocabulary Chapter : Note Making Chapter 8: Report Wrting WRITING FORMAL MAILS There has a revolution in the manner and method of communication in the last few decades. The internet has made instantaneous communication a part of everyday life. Writing and posting letters is no longer a viable option. The most common and preferred method of informal and formal communication in the modern world, is the Email (electronic mail). An emai used as an inter-of fice outside the company or institution However, there are differences in language and style used in an informal, semi- formal and formal mail. Nenad Abel aiasionacanso Semi- Formal mails: These are ee ee, ay oe sant te addressed to colleagues functioning les to be followed Y within a team and at the same seniority pes persia vows iss Guan! : level. The Email can be brief and the inf language can be casual and friendly. But ea ere a maintaining decorum is essential and the ley a a rn Hosoi nihe ca purpose of the mail and message should atthe wae ad message should be be clear to the recipient/ recipients. clear to the recipient CCA Indeash Gandhi (T6SIR ) Formal mails: They are addressed to people within and outside the organisation. Therefore, the style and language should be formal, the purpose clear and content lucid and precise. Follow all etiquettes of formal communication. Formato ema wig From: ‘Senders ema dene To: Receivers eal ce {means Carbon copy Te same mal being vant 1 ote indus with thermal levis lin the group eee (Bee means Blank carbon copy) The names and emall Ds of te Bee ‘ectver i ct vil to he alent of th mbt hier viet ie Bee recewes. Sabet Tae othe reson owing een Sahat: Thema hou tt wh elution sch One Mr res ays go oases he mcpent rae. ise Boy eatin man content fhe mal. 3) Operng paragraph stl tine he man ea reason forthe mal »)_ Flowing prorat gr rele eta losing: ‘ae a concutng statement sogaeson- 13) Racemendatons adres te eso probe 1) Suggestions on th tna for eohvng th sand lgating responaiy ove cats ‘athe "Atach require documents nd ve Oe at he ema ‘Yeu can use ‘Pease find atch bel the at of documents or one, to my andl hrcever bot the tachment ‘Signature Line: | Inlues signa, nae ard designation of sender may Indude eal ran nd leone rambet remained eee Anatomy of a good e-mail Subject line: The most important part of the e-mail because - + A good subject line can entice people to open your e-mail to read + Abad subject line can land your e-mail in trash. + Hence, carefully craft the subject line. Please note that every time you are discussing a new topic, change the subject line. Salutation/ Greetings: + Directly address the person you are sendi Example : ‘Dear Students,'; ‘Dear Ms. Jones,”, + Tf you do not know the name of the person whom you are sending the e- mail, try to find the designation/position or simply address as "Dear Human Resource Department,'; ‘Dear Sir/Madam,'; ‘To whom it may concern’ + Use ‘Dear All’ if you are addressing to a group of people. Tip: Suppose you are addressing the person whose name is S. Oberoi, write either - ‘Dear Ms./Mr. Oberoi,’ or ‘Dear S', use last name with title or just the first name. Body of the e-mail: Introduce yourself if you are connecting with someone for the first time Briefly explain the subject in the beginning. Be clear and concise. Organise the contents point-wise in paragraphs. Each paragraph should have only one point of discussion. Check the grammar, spelling and punctuation. Closing + Just as you started on a pleasant note with greetings, you also should part well. + Sign off on a friendly note, for example : ‘Thanks, Best Regards, Best Wishes + Choose a closing that genuinely reflects your sentiment and strengthens your relationship to ensure professionalism. Signature: + Always use your full name. + Your contact information should be mentioned in the signature ~ such as designation, company’s name, phone number, e-mail id, website address, etc. Providing this information establishes a connect apart from creating a good impression. Starter Kit to writing good e-mails Following are the sample phrases/sentences that can be used in formal e-mail writing. + Greetings: 1. Dear Jones, 2 HiAmit 3. Dear Professor Jain, 4. Dear Ms. Sharma, wee - awpes Introducing a topic/informing This isto inform yor Just to let you know. Good news!, Bad news, | have got a news for you... Follow up on previous discussion/e-mail: As discussed... To follow up on our meeting/discussion,.. As required... Regardinglin regards to... Asking and requesting: I would like to know if. Could you please let me know if..? Could you confirm ifiwhen/how.. Could you give me an update/quote/estimate? Thanking: Getting back to me. The information. The update. The e-mail Following up on/with... Ending: Hil get back to you as soon as I can i Tet you know. Let me know Looking forward to hearing from you soon Trust you will find in order Keep me posted Thanks/regard/all the best. (PRACTICE EXERCISES You are Mr. Pradeep Kumar, General Manager, Surbhi Furnishings. You provide fumiture and other fumishings to large businesses. Write an e-mail to Mr. Naveen Bansal, proprietor, ‘Chelsea’ chain of restaurants offering your latest range of products at a discounted price in about 100-150 words.

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