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Remolado, Mary Ann O. Sept.

19, 2022
Professor: Golda S. Sierra
B.S. In Computer Engineering-1B-2

Life and Works of Rizal

Activity 1
By answering the following guide question, write a reflection paper on
Rizal insistence on education as ann essential ingredient in the task of

On the education of the masses, Rizal pleaded for the knowledge of the
adults. Rizal embarked through Isagani:

“We cannot all be doctors, it is necessary that some of us

cultivate the soil. We must follow everyone’s inclination.”

Mass education is, therefore, a must in a free society. Rizal certainly

expressed this idea in the Noli when he said:

“The school is the basis of society, the school is the book in

which is written the future of the nation! Show us the school of
the people, and we shall show you what the people are.”

What do you think is the youth’s role in shaping our future?

The future is uncertain and ambiguous. Future events are out of our
control. But we can somehow change its shape. The condition of the
Philippine economy is currently critical. Due to our country's economic and
financial situation, perhaps other nations undervalued us. However, Rizal
believes that young people can change the future and that they are the
only ones who can make their country succeed by enhancing its reputation.
Young people are able to pick up new skills and adapt to their environment.
In a similar vein, we are willing to pick up new information and use it to
further our goals. Our youth make social reform and societal growth
possible. Without a youthful population, a country cannot survive. Never
give up on your dreams; keep going after them.

A. Identification: Write on the blank the best answer on the given


1. Otherwise known as Rizal Bill which was first sponsored by Senator Claro
M. Recto-stating the inclusion of the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal in
the curricula of all public and private schools in the tertiary level. REPUBLIC
ACT 1425 or SENATE BILL 438
2. The main proponent of the Rizal Bill-was even dubbed as a communist
and an anti-Catholic. SENATOR CLARO M. RECTO
3. Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. SMART
4. It mandates the studying of Rizal’s life and works, as stated in section 1.
THE RIZAL LAW, also known as RA 1425
5. The date when the said Republic Act was signed by President Magsaysay.
JUNE 14, 1956
6. According to The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP),
Rizal violated this law on which they submitted a pastoral letter which
forbids or bans books that attack or ridicule the Catholic doctrine and
practices. Rizal violated CANON LAW 1399
7. The suggested reading material for students with a collection of Rizal’s
literary works that contain the patriotic philosophy excluding the two
8. He suggested the exemption to those students who feel that reading
Rizal’s novels would negatively affect his or her faith. SENATOR LIM
9. The senator who co-wrote the Rizal law. He believed that Rizal was the
founder of the country’s nationalism and has significantly contributed to
the current condition of the nation. SENATOR JOSE P. LAUREL
10. And act that prohibits horse racing, jai-alai, and cockfighting, every
thirtieth day of December. The act also created a committee to be in charge
Rizal day celebration in every chartered city and municipality. REPUBLIC
ACT NO. 229
11. He proposed Rizal as our National hero in 1901. WILLIAM HOWARD
12. The first exponent of nationalism in Asian and a source of inspiration for
the outbreak of the Philippine revolution of 1896 According to De Campo.
13. It is a desire for political independence and attainment of freedom.
14. Refers to discerning, evaluative, and analytical thinking. CRITICAL
15. The person who retrieved the stolen original manuscripts of Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo without paying a single centavo as ransom.

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