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Swedish Writing System

R Reading

1.Swedish Alphabet

Lexicon (Name) English Approx Swedish Example

Aa /ɑː/ are apa

Bb /beː/ be banan
Cc /seː/ celebrate cd-spelare
Dd /deː/ delerious dvd
Ee /eː/ net ekollon
Ff /ɛfː/ far fira
Gg /ɡeː/ go gata
Hh /hoː/ ham höst
Ii /iː/ in is
Jj /jiː/ yes ja
Kk /koː/ keep kaffe
Ll /ɛlː/ land lördag
Mm /ɛmː/ must man
Nn /ɛnː/ nest natt
Oo /uː/ olive ost
Pp /peː/ pay pris
Qq /kʉː/ quick quiche
Rr /ærː/ car ringa
Ss /ɛsː/ sand sommar
Tt /teː/ tall te
Uu /ʉː/ rude under
Vv /veː/ valley vår

Ww /2dɵbːɛlˌveː/ walk wok

Xx /ɛks/ axe exempel


Lexicon (Name) English Approx Swedish Example

Yy /yː/ leave yxa

Zz /2sɛːta/ sing zon
Åå /oː/ door åka
Ää /ɛː/ say bära
Öö /øː/ fur öl

Note: The provided alphabet list above offers phonetic pronunciation; the actual spelling for each
letter is similar but not the same.

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