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The results of this study demonstrate that there is always an arms race between attackers and
defenders when it comes to security. Attackers will utilize a range of methods, approaches, and
tools. Insider attacks are a major difficulty in this area. If a network cannot be directly attacked
from the outside, it can be attacked much more simply from the inside.

 Maintaining the security of the data we keep on our mobile devices is becoming increasingly
important. There are a number of possible hazards to the data you're holding as your reliance on
computers and mobile phones grows. Data can be lost as a result of a system failure, or it can be
corrupted by a computer virus, or it can be removed or manipulated by a hacker. If people prefer
mobile devices over desktop computers, attackers will target them more commonly. The
conclusion of the study provides a thorough picture of the problem, examining the negative
events, conditions, and circumstances that might lead to asset loss, as well as the remedies that
attempt to eliminate them and provide adekwet and effective protection for users.

The importance of cybersecurity is increasing. Fundamentally, our society is more

technologically dependent than it has ever been, and this tendency shows no signs of slowing.
We have gotten so reliant on technology that it has become a part of our daily lives. Upon review
of these findings, it shows that users become unaware of the risk and are unable to improve their
security. Also included in this is their behavior, which prioritizes access to specific programs
over security issues. There are mobile security practices that can help to protect them. Although
it is not 100 percent guaranteed security, at least this can help them be safe. even with the
advancements of cyber security, we should still be vijelent and always make sure that the apps
we are going to trust are real and reliable. We cannot only depend on technology alone for we
are also users of this who have the power and responsibility to create a safe environment for
everyone to use.

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