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English Activity Sheet

Quarter 3 – MELC 4
Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on
Various Approaches
English 10
Activity Sheet No. 4
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional
Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Activity Sheet

Writers: Joerrie G. Enerido

Illustrator: Felizardo S. Valdez III

Editor: Ma. Portia G. Galanto

Layout Artist: Felizardo S. Valdez III

Division Management Team:

Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat
Nordy D. Siason, Jr.
Elleda E. de la Cruz
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ma. Portia G. Galanto
Felizardo S. Valdez III
Marve E. Gelera
Ma. Leah Lynn D. Proilan
Chat C. Gabo
Regional Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Josilyn S. Solana
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul M. Pingil
Introductory Message
Welcome to English 10!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Guimaras and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western
Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD).
This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and
responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist
the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for
productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The English 10 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal
or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available to
the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English 10 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even
if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read
and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Quarter 3, Week 4

Name of Learner:_______________________ Grade and Section:____________

Date: _________________________


Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on the Following Approaches:
Structuralist/Formalist, Moralist, Marxist, Feminist and Historical

I. Learning Competency with Code

Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:
structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist and historical

II. Background Information for Learners

Have you been critiquing a literary selection using the various approaches? What
literary type have you critiqued? Did you do it well?

Some people say that being critical is the same as being negative. Nevertheless,
being critical reader does not mean that you necessarily respond negatively to what you
read. It means that you take the time to analyze carefully what you read and consider
how effectively an author has put together a piece of writing.
In doing so, a critic has to recognize first author’s purpose of writing. An author’s
purpose will provide you the type and amount of information given in a literary work.
Moreover, knowing the author’s purpose will help you make sound judgments
about his or her credibility.
When you evaluate the author’s message, you make a judgment about how
relevant his or her point. To evaluate the author’s message, ask yourself questions like:
what is the message of the work, what details that support the message and do I agree
or disagree with the message?

For your reference, the content can be found in Grade 10 English Learner’s Material
(Celebrating Diversity through World Literature) published by the Department of

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and

Educational Sites
Almonte, Liza R. et.Al. (First Edition 2015). Celebrating Diversity through World
Literature- Grade 10 English -Learner’s Material, pages 273-318 .
Published by the Department of Education, printed by REX Book Store

Saeed Farzaneh F. (2016). A Short Introduction to Literary Criticism. International

Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Retrieved from on January 25,2021
Activity Proper – Day 1

Formalist approach to literature focuses on modes, genres, discourse and forms.

Formalistic critics believe that all information essential to the interpretation of the
literary work must be found within the work itself. They are also interested in the
work’s setting, characters, symbols and point of view.

Read the story “The story of Keesh” by Jack London in your English Learner’s
Material 10 book, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature on pages 299-305.

Activity 1. Fill Me Up!

1 Use the chart below to analyze the short story “The Story of Kesh.” Use the
questions provided as your guide. Write your answer on your paper.

Title of the story: ______________________

Element Description
1. Character(s): Who play major roles
in the story?

2. Setting: Where and when does the

story take place?
3. Conflict: What is the main
problem in the story
4. Plot: What is happening in the
story? What is the story about?
5. Tone/Mood: What is the author’s
attitude toward the subject? What
kind of emotion do you get after
reading the story?
6. Point of View: Who is telling or
narrating the story? Is the
character acting as narrator (first
person), or someone telling what
is going on (third person)?
Activity 2.Connect!

Direction: After analyzing the story connect the events by supplying the boxes with the
appropriate details.

The Story of Keesh



Guide questions:
1. How did they face the conflicts through their words, actions and motives?
2. Base on your analysis of the two characters, who is more effective in responding
to the people’s needs?


Reflect on how you performed in this lesson. Complete the following:

1. My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn


2. I made me realize that_____________________________________________________

Activity Proper – Day 2
Moral critics believe that the larger purpose of literature is to teach morality.
They usually draw conclusion on how effective is the treatment of the underlying or
overarching issue concerning human experience.


Direction: Read the lyrics or listen to the song “What a Wonderful World” by Louis
Armstrong. Lyrics and link of the song is found on page 276 of the textbook. Then do
the following activities. Write your answers in a separate sheet.

Why do you think

What word captured the composer
your interest most wrote the song?
What a
What moral did
Explain why you learn from
such word What issue concerning the song?
captured your human experience is
attention recounted by the

Activity 4. Complete Me!

Direction: Complete the table below to make sense of how effective or ineffective the
treatment is of the underlying issue concerning human experience

Senses Effective Reasons Ineffective Reasons


Sum up what you have learned from this lesson by completing the statements below:

1. I find it important to know that _______________________________________________


2. I realized that I am good in ___________________________________________________

and I need to pay attention on ________________________________________________

Activity Proper – Day 3

Feminist critics believe gender on writing and reading greatly influence the
readers. This includes the representation of women in the work reflecting the place
and time in which the work was written.

Today, you will realize the feminine side of nature and appreciate its

The words Earth and Nature can be used interchangeably in context. In this
activity, you are going to relate the words, mother and nature, and identify their
similarities and/or differences. Read the excerpt from the “Preamble of the Proposal
for Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.

The text can be found on page 315 of the textbook.


We, the people and nations of Earth:

Considering that we are all part of the mother, an indivisible, living community
of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny; gratefully
acknowledging that Mother Earth is the source of life, nourishment and learning and
provides everything we need to live well; recognizing that a capitalist system and all
forms of depredation, exploitation, abuse and contamination have caused great
destruction degradation and disruption of Mother Earth, putting life as we know it
today at risk through phenomena such as climate change; convinced that in an
interdependent living community, it is possible to recognize the right of only human
beings without causing an imbalance within Mother Earth; affirming that to guarantee
human rights, it is necessary to recognize and defend the rights of Mother Earth and
all beings in her and that there are existing cultures, practices, and laws that do so.
Activity 5. COMPTRAST!

Direction: This time, complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast
words, Mother and Nature.

Activity 6. Think it Over!

Directions: Based on the “Preamble”, answer the questions that follow. Use separate
for your answers.

1. What are the qualities of nature? Of a mother?


2. How are the words, Mother and Nature, similar/different?


3. Why is nature compared to a mother? Cite concrete examples.


4. Share some pertinent experience/s when you realized that nature is like
a mother to you.

5. What can you say to the youth of the new generation in connection with
this realization?
Fill in the blanks with significant details you learned about the lesson.

1. I found out that feminist critics _______________________________________________


2. It is important to _____________________________________________________________

Activity Proper – Day 4

Historical critics see works as the reflection of an author’s life and times. Its
key goal is to understand the effect of a literary work upon its original readers. To
truly understand the work, this approach involves looking beyond the literature at
the broader historical, cultural, economical, and sociological events occurring during
the time the piece was written and context of his times.

In the following activity, you will appreciate the relevance of the selection to
the historical context which it was produced.

Activity 7. Fill Me Up!

Directions: Revisit the story “The story of Keesh” by Jack London in your English
Learner’s Material 10 book, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature on pages
299-305 and 338- 341.Then, fill in the table with the appropriate evidences from the
text. Use separate sheets for your answers.

Note: Author’s biography can be found on page 338 of the textbook

Questions Detail/s from the story

1. Time the work written?

2. Author’s biography and

3. Ideas circulating by the time of

4. Political/social concerns

5. Historical event

6. Belief systems
Try to assess your learning today by answering the following question:

1. To critic using historical approach one has the idea on __________________


Activity Proper – Day 5

Marxist critics view literary work as the product of work and reflections of the social
institutions from which they originate. Specifically, this approach seeks answer to the
following questions:
1. What is the economic status of the characters?
2. What happens to them as a result of this status?
3. How do they fare against economic and political odds?
4. What other condition stemming from their class does the writer emphasize? (eg.
Poor education, poor nutrition, poor health care, inadequate opportunity)

Critiquing a short story usually takes the form of an essay. It is an in-depth

evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight into the
story. Writing a critique requires you to reassemble the elements in such a way that
your intended audience has a better understanding of the story’s strength,
weaknesses, and highlights.

Study the following Sample Critique.

Activity 8. Critique Me !

Directions: After a thorough studying of the given sample, revisit the “Story
of Keesh” and write a critique using the guide below. Use separate sheet
for your answers.

Content What genre is it? Adventure?

Science Fiction? Fantasy? Literary?
Authors’ Intention What is the author trying to
accomplish with the story? If the
story is meant to be funny and
isn’t, or is meant to be morality tale
but doesn’t quite pull it off, then it
has failed in at least one respect
Voice reactions Note your reactions as you read.
Either keep a spare piece of paper
with you or mark your reactions on
the margins of the text.
Literary devices Figures of speech used in the story
and their purpose
Literary technique Ask yourself if these literary
techniques make the reading
experience more enjoyable or
strengthen the story
Ending of the story Decide how ending of the story
relates both to the story as a whole
and to its beginning. Does he
ending resolve the plot and bring
closure to the crisis of the

Activity 9. Fix Me!

B. Review your critique from the previous activity. Go back to the details and justify
your points by citing lines from the text. Complete the table below.

Statements Details from Citations

from the the text Paragraph No. Line No. Others
Rubric for critiquing a story

4 3 2 1

A. Content Content is very Content is Content is Content is not

comprehensive; comprehensive; somewhat comprehensive;
required parts required parts comprehensive; required parts and
and elements and elements required parts elements are mostly

are complete are complete are complete incomplete and needs
and excellently but needs but needs total
statement is
achieved. improvement improvement in improvement/revision.
very clear
in one element. two or three
and powerful
2. Body –
Details that
3.Ending –
the main

B. Order of ideas Order of ideas Order of ideas Order of ideas and

Organization excellently progresses is in correct supporting statements
of ideas progresses from from beginning from beginning is mostly erroneous
beginning to to end with to end with and needs total
end with logically logically revision.
commendable sequenced sequenced
logically supporting supporting
sequenced statements statements
supporting however with however with
statements. one error. two errors.

E. Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence structure is

MECHANICS structure is structure is structure is mostly erroneous
excellently excellently tolerable, with including use of
formatted, formatted, three or four punctuations and
Punctuations however with errors in capitalization.
and one or two Punctuations
capitalization errors in and
are correct. Punctuations capitalization.
Grade Equivalent:

A. Excellent = 10 – 12 points
B. Very Good= 7 – 9 points
C. Good = 4- 5 points
D. Needs More Practice = 1- 3 points

Sum up what you have learned from this lesson by completing the
statements below. Copy the statements and your answer on your answer sheet.

1. I realize that in critiquing a short story, I need to focus on

2. Of all the approaches I learned in critiquing a literary selection, I am good in

______________________ and I need to enhance myself to
Day 3
Activity 5.
Day 5 Answers may vary Day 1
Activity 8. (Rubric for Activity 1 Possible Answers
Critiquing a story)
1. 1. a. Keesh- courageous,
Activity 9. Answer may vary brave
Activity 6.
Answers may vary b. Klosh- Kwan- unfair
2. 2. Long ago in the rim of the
polar sea; long sgo
Day 2 3. 3. Not everyone gets equal
Day 4 share of meat
Activity 3. 4. 4. Keesh hunted the meat
Activity 7. Possible answers Answers may vary alone and everyone was
1. Long ago on the rim of amazed of his mystery.
the polar sea 5. 5. a. optimism, bravery,
2. Born in San Francisco in Activity 4. heroism
1878 Possible answers b. proud, happy, amazed
3. Deals with the individual 6. third person point of view
effort pitted against but Smell-
natural and human
4. Made a name for himself Activity 2
5. So long ago did he live
Answer may vary
not only the old men Hear-
remember his name.
6. The least old woman and Sight-
the last old man receive
Answer Key

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