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A conflict is a struggle between people which maybe physical,
or between conflicting ideas. Conflict is from the Latin word
conflictus which means striking together with force. It occurs
when one's action or beliefs are unacceptable to and are hence
resisted by the other (Forsyth)
1 Person vs. person
- friction between friends and lovers or protagonist and

Six types of

2 Person vs. nature

- conflict between Characters and environment e.g natural

3 Person vs. self
- inner conflict e.g fear and self-doubt; self-destructiveness

4 Person vs. society

- struggles between individuals and social codes in their world

5 Person vs. supernatural

- conflict between characters and paranormal/other worldly

6 Person vs. technology

- conflict between characters and the results of scientific
Why do conflicts
Causes of conflict within an organization include:

Poor organization structures where people may
feel alienated or isolated, thus the spirit of
competitiveness and non-cooperation may be
strong write an agenda here.
Poor communication where people don't have the
conflict situations arise because of opportunity to express how they feel or to clear
misunderstanding, misperceptions up causes of conflict that may arise
and miscommunication. Other Personality conflicts cause people to clash with
causes of conflict can be each other due to different styles of interaction
communication gaps, personality or differing values or beliefs
differences substandard Poorly managed change within an organization,
which can lead to people feeling insecure and
Performance, disputes over
approaches, responsibility and Lack of teamwork/ poor performance, where
authority cooperation or some members of the team believe other
competition for limited resources. colleagues are not competent in the Jobs they do.
What Prevents Us from Resolving Our
It is not second nature for many to resolve their conflicts constructively.
There are many factors that hinder us from doing so. One of them is the
experience of strong emotions such as fear, pride, anger, and desire for
revenge. When these powerful emotions are present, it is difficult to process
information objectively. Indifference or apathy is another obstacle to conflict
resolution. People sometimes show a lack of concern or interest, whether
deliberately or not, for the situation. Others feel helpless or hopeless,
perhaps, because the situation is discouraging or the other party is a person
of authority.
The lack of communication between disputants, or the absence
of it, may also be a hindering factor in conflict resolution.
There are also situations when conflicts are not resolved
because of provocations from sympathizers who, with or
without meaning to, "fan the fire" and aggravate the situation.
There are also situations when people perceive the problem-
solving process tedious and stressful and hence shun it.
Dialoguing with an adversary also requires a great amount of
courage and often we find ourselves lacking in audacity to
face the "enemy".
Team Members

Galang, John Leaner Nardo, Arnold Jr. Obias, Mark Jabal, Irish Joy Marto, Jeanlyn

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