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Activity 1.




Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?
- There are two bulletin boards and one announcement board in each room. Every corridor has a bulletin
board, but none of them contain any pertinent information, or they are all empty.
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?
- The majority of the classroom's bulletin boards are located on the back wall, facing the students. However,
some of the bulletin boards that are located outside of the hallways are also found on the levels of every
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors do you see? How are
pieces of information and images arranged?
- The objective of the presentation is on providing knowledge about various saints. The information they
convey includes the saint's name, the date, and their special contributions to each and every aspect of his
life. There's nothing exceptional about the image, which is composed of neutral tones. The images are
positioned on the bond paper's left side, and the information is positioned on the right.
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are bored used?
- Artificial flowers and colored bond paper are the materials utilized.
5. Do you notice some errors? (Misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like) Are the messages clear and
easily understood?
- There are no misspelled words or grammatical error. Despite the use of a small font, the information is
straightforward and understandable.
6. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
- The bulletin board's display caught my eye since it was unexpected and typical. I'm expecting for
interactive, attention-grabbing, and enlightening bulletins.
7. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed)
Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

2. Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the Board displays)

3. Board Display Evaluation Form

• Topic of the Board: All about Bl. Frederick

• Location of the Board Display in School: bulletin boards are located on the back wall, facing the students.

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS 0 Comments
1 2 3 4
/ The board contains insufficient
Effective Communication
It conveys the message
quickly and clearly

/ The displayed graphics are

incapable of grabbing the
Colors and arrangement students' attention.
catch and hold interest

/ The display is evenly distributed.


Objects are arranged so

stability is perceived

/ Display is linked together through

forms, colors, or the usage of
Repeated shapes or colors or
use of borders hold display

/ Students may quickly recognize a

picture's purpose by pointing to it.
The style and approach However, not enough details are
entice learners to be involved given.
and engaged

/ The font size and illustrations not

utilized appropriately and it can be
Letter and illustrations can seen only from not more than 2m
be seen from a good distance distance.

/ There are no grammatical or

spelling mistakes.
It is free from grammar
errors, misspelled words,

/ All of the images are thoroughly

attached to the board.
It is well-constructed; items
are securely attached.


Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Board Informational Incapable of grabbing
students’ attention.
Very simple
Evaluation of educational content The display board shows minimal All of the images are
and other aspects and educational information, thoroughly attached to
images and pictures. the board. However, the
displayed graphics are
incapable of grabbing the
students' attention and
the font size and
illustrations not utilized
Recommendations or suggestions for improvement
- Be intriguing, interesting, and colorful.
- Adhere to a consistent theme that shifts every few days or weeks.
- Laminate materials that students will be touching to prevent deterioration.
- Never have crammed displays
4. “My Board Display Lay-out”

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. Present your output through any of these:

*A hand made drawing or lay out

*An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or lay out

*A collage

B. Analyze

1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

Answer: The goal of the bulletin board display is to express support for the United Nations Month
celebration on October 24. The students will be reminded of the day when nations got united.
2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audiences?
Answer: I feel so; the board display design is modest yet eye-catching. Since the colors are only basic, it is not
distracting to look. Children, as we all know, are particularly attracted to colorful objects.
3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?
Answer: Yes, I utilized simple language that was straightforward to comprehend and convey. The words
employed are basic ones that allow the target to know the purpose and properly grasp the message.
4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
Answer: Yes, this would be very effective because United Nations Month is almost approaching, and it would
remind students of the day when nations come together.
5. What suggestions can you make?
Answer: I hope that by seeing this bulletin board, all students will be able to participate in the activity during
United Nations. I recommend that individuals make a small effort to demonstrate their love and acceptance
of different countries.

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme Stop the War Spread Love

Board Title United Nations Month Celebration

Rationale (Purpose) An important occasion took place in October. This would be an excellent platform for showing
students what activities are taking place during the month of October. This aids in conveying the message of importance
and support for the United Nations Month commemoration on October 24. Students will be reminded of the day when
nations came together.

Objectives Students able to know United Nation all about

Students able to understand the purpose of celebrating United Nations Month

Students able to show respect in different nation and state.

Students able to recognize the importance of uniting nation and to establish friendly relationship.

Best Features of my Proposed Bulletin Enrichment

Creative, Colorful, Simple, Easy to understand content, Unique Graphics

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each brief description)

Pictures from the internet, material from Google, as well as several countries

Materials for Aesthetic Enhancement

Primary Colors, Simple Graphics such as Pictures, Flag Icons, Calligraphy,

C. Reflect

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays.
Elaborate in why each skill is needed.
Creativity - It is important to be creative because innovation keeps the audience engaged. This promotes the
capacity to develop an entirely fresh, attractive, and beneficial notion or idea for them. It entails deviating from
routine and doing something out of the ordinary only for the purpose of doing something out of the ordinary.
Communication Skills - It is essential to be a clear communicator so that students may quickly absorb the idea by
utilizing simple and basic terms.
Organization Skills - This mean organized in a precise manner, particularly on a large scale. It is essential, especially
when utilizing words, that they are united so that all phrases connect to the same topic. It should be cohesive,
with sentences that are rationally organized and clearly related.
Visual Skills - This is managed by the use of eye-catching visuals, images, and visual resources that are not dry and
monotonous. This would be ideal if it appeared colorful yet modest in appearance. Being visually creative allows
you to realize what should and should not be used to deliver your message.
Computer Skills - As technology becomes more prevalent in classrooms, computer skills, particularly in creating
bulletin boards, are becoming increasingly vital for teachers to possess. Instead of the usual method of creating
bulletin boards, this allows teachers to save their time. Because many resources are available online, this would
maximize the materials used.
2. Which of the skills you named in number 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board
displays. How do you practice these skills?
I believe my strongest abilities are communication, visual, organizational, and computer skills. I have little
experience creating bulletins, but these experiences have helped me develop my skills. This allows me to improve
my abilities in creating outline bulletin boards online, which I will utilize as the basis in the classroom. I feel that
these elements should remain intact since as much as possible we want to convey a clear message to the public
and hence eye-catching visuals for them.
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can improve on or
acquire these skills?
My creativity, I assume, is one of my weaker qualities that has to be developed. I am not that creative, and I
personally should need basis or reference to follow able me to develop my original art. I believe that the best way
for me to improve those skills is to continue doing a lot of practice offline or online, watching tutorials, observing
samples bulletin outside and inside school campus, browsing references online, and especially asking for advice,
particularly from artists and teachers, so that I know what to do. It is not sufficient to rely more on computer
graphics, but rather to be as creative as possible in your own style. I believe that with perseverance and effort,
these skills may be acquired over time.

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