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PRESENTS \ Oca Y G Xi GOR on Y Se MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE 2018 GD GOF MODEL L reer ‘CAMBRIDGE jg) Sem With it's maiden edition, GD Goenka World MUN 2018 aspires to set an unprecedented bar for tse. ‘The conference, with its origins in a strong desire to commemorate the true art of dialogue and resolution, hopes to impart each and every participant with unparalleled geopolitical knowledge, consensus-bulding skils and social awareness. With a wide array of 12 committees encompassing the stringency of the Security Council, controversies of Indian Politics, developments in the UNHRC - and the likes of Potter-heads alongside others, we assure fruitful discussions across the table. We promise to uphold the dignity and pride ofthe various international organizations simulated and leaving delegates and dais members wit indelible experiences, - OUR MISSION MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR PRINCIPAL GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE | Serna ed En ae Congratulations! We'e very excited that our school is hosting Model United Nations Conferences which is a student led and managed initiative and is being organized by IBDP students fel that the students are about to embark on a life-changing journey that wil help them develop confidence in leading others, a stronger awareness of global issues, and having give them chance to make new fiends from around the world. MUN involves and teaches participants researching, pubic speaking debating, and wing skils, in addition to crtical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. As the Director Principal, itis my pleasure to extend an invitation to students from across the nation to participate in this conference to be held at GDGWS Campus from October 28, 2018 to October 30, 2018. Through this ‘conference, we hope to provide a unique opportunity to engage school students in productive dialogue, while developing strong friendship bonds. The conference will draw attention to fundamental issues of global importance through different ‘committees and focus willbe on concrete solutions and ways to make our world a better and more secur place to live in. ‘The youth constitutes the richest wealth ofa country. They must develop quality of catholicity of personal integrity, personal discipline and open mindedness. The youthful period is period of passion, emotion, activities and vigor. | congratulate ‘young Goenkans on their maiden initiative in promoting all these time tested values through the fist GD Goenka World MUN 2018 and wish them great success! | welcome all delegates from across the country from various high schools. Ido hope all of you will have great learning at GD Goenka World MUN, make friends, learn new skills, and have the best time of your lite. Cheers! Dr. Neeta Bali MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY HEAD f GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE id) Soccainocee area Emacs — ren MRS, SHAHNAZ BANO! UTY HEAD MIS SOENKA WO UT sch In the fast changing world we live in today, where ‘normal’ has become ‘new normal’, Yacts’ have become ‘alternative facts’, Countries and their people have become self-centred, we ae finaly Giving a chance to our students to actually stop and think about ‘what is happening in the world around them and how they can Contribute in safeguarding a better future for the mankind. Ths is something that we believe is one ofthe most important aspects of education. We are trying to do ths by discussing the currentissues that need to be spread within our upcoming generations through [MUN simulations. In order to reach our goal of providing all round ‘education we are conducting our very fist MUN which is undoubtedly one ofthe best platforms to discuss important issues {acing the world and increase awareness in our young generations. GD Goenka World MUN 2018 welcomes all delegates from all around the world tobe apart ofthis immersive experience where they don’t only earn and discuss about the current affairs but also gain confidence in public speaking and get a chance to socialise with people from different cutural and ethnic, backgrounds. This further takes us closer to our goal ofall round education. Through different committees like Human Rights ‘r Security Council we try to indulge our delegates into a typical UN code of conduct where they are expected to adhere tothe Tules of UN code of conduct and discuss important issues keeping the rules in mind, This allows our students to learn how to respectfully disagree or agree to ciferent opinions and further encourages them to diplomatically rove their point, enhancing ‘nother set of skill for our students. | would personally like to invite you to come and be. part ofthis fantastic opportunity and lear while having fun! do look forward to meeting all of you. ‘Shahnaz Banoo Butt | DHM, GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE =U Eu. nara tama MESSAGE FROM SEC-GEN: MS. AEKUS KAMBO} SECRETARY GENERAL GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 Ladies and Gentlemen, itis with great pleasure and honor that | invite you to the first edition of GD Goenka World MUN 2018 The GD Goenka World MUN 2018 secretariat has taken the challenge to organize the first edition of this conference upon their shoulders with ‘optimism to create an indelible experience. United Nations, once considered the golden armor, has created a legacy of finding ‘agreement within disagreement’ and taught the world the art of diplomacy. Thus, this simulation of the United Nations is an attempt to promote the importance of cohesive consensus building and bridging the gap between disagreements. With the prevalence of innumerable issues around the world that await resolution, the committee's simulated aimis to encompass those ranging from the ones under the consideration of the United Nations Security Council to ripping unconventional discussions. We sincerely hope you will join us in this unique opportunity to achieve fruitful discussions, disagreements, negotiations and consensus for each and every council with insurmountable levels of engagement. We aspire that the Secretariat, Executive Board members and most significantly the delegates workin absolute harmony and make the Model UN an indubitable success. MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY GENERAL INTRODUCING THE SECRETARIAT GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE 1 Dp Meematonal seal temas Baccalrente ‘About Us: The Secretariat consists of the six most senior-ranking members of the GWMUN staft: the Secretary-General, the President, the Deputy Secretary General, and the three department heads. Each member ofthe Seoretariat leads one of the six ‘organs coinciding with their impeccable skit. With their incredible cohesion, and great sense of teamwork they have led this Conference to great heights. Throughout the year, they have been dedicated to providing an unprecedented experience to the participants of GD Goenka World MUN 2018, and ther top priority is to ensure that this maiden conference is rewarding and enjoyablefor al. Perma soso AEKUS KAMBO) SECRETARY GENERAL | GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 ‘As Aekus Kamboj, our Secretary General steps in her graduating year, she concludes her fourth successful year of Model UN. Started as a local delegate in one of the GD Goenka branches years back, she has risen up to receiving laurels at Harvard MUN, Singapore MUN, Asia-Pacific MUN and so onto chairing and directing some ofthe biggest MLUNs of world including Barcelona International MUN, Asia-Pacific MUN, Yogyakarta International MUN, The Youth Society of Bangladesh and soon. ‘ekus has been making @ successful career in Model UN and is now sponsored by various organizations andtirms (Iie MUNPlanet, MUNCafe, The DelhiMIUN, ec.) to touch the peak. Aekusis honored tobe the founder Secretary General, Pema PRIYAM SHARMA PRESIDENT | GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 Priyam Sharma, our president is now an ardent MUN participant, has been fascinated by the concept ‘ever since her first as a 13 year old curious gil who wanted to make a ctference inthe world! She ‘stepped into the world of intellectual conflicts through the means of Rotary Debates across the city ‘and has previously represented New Delhiatthe World School Debating Championship. Over the past three years, she has participated in over 30 MUNs and won numerous awards alongside serving as ‘an Executive Board member for several conferences at the University of Delhi and has chaired for Harvard MUN 2018. Used to ahvays being the youngest person in the room, Priyam truly believes that ‘comprehending the complexities of the global social organisation and unearthing middle-ground to resolveissues should be the most significant attributes of an MUNer. GD GOENKA WORLD fODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE =U Esa ase es Samos cia YUVRAJ CHADHA DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 ‘A proficient student of world history, Yuvraj Chadha has partic ipated and won accolades in over 15 Model UN conferences. Since a very tender age, he has been {fascinated by the idea of resolution through discussion and now as an MUN er, Yuvra aims to assess world issues with the widest of perspectives. As the Deputy Secretary General of GMUN 2018, Yuvraj has been closely involved in the intellectual evelopment of the committees alongside logistics. He's an avid reader of socio- poltica literature and loves to spend his free ime indulging in political discussions with friends and family. Yvrajhas worked very hardto get this conference tlie! Pores TE AFFAIRS PRANKIT BHARADWAJ HEAD OF DELEGATE AFFAIRS GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 Introducing the secretariat. Prankit Bhardwaj, ourUSG for delegate affairs astringent yet an amiable member ofthe team, is alover of Mathematics and also International Economics. He has a profound interest for MUN. He has been helping our community in many ways and sii fees lke doing so, His interest for MUN escalated as he went for various conferences anditwas there he could see that this i a platform for change which can help us realise the hardships faced by our society and tis platformis where a common person can also make a difference and get rd o all the borders of hatred that have divided us all and resulted in a \orid ful of cisorder, sorrow and vengeance. GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS CAMBRIDGE RADHIKA GOEL HEAD OF MEDIA] GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018, Introducing our secretariat. Radhika Goel, The head of Media, This denartmentis a crucial ‘aspect in making GWMUN'8 an accurate simulation of not only the United Nations, but how the UN interacts with the rest ofthe world, Radhika Goel, our media head is here to ‘make that possible and has been actively involved in the promotion of our MUN. Her keen. interests consisting of videography and photography amalgamated with her advance skill in graphics allows her to gear her social media direction which seamlessly integrates the ‘media with GD Goenka World MUN 2018 by interacting with other delegates through one. ‘on one interviews, social media posts and live updates ofthe event and crisis that ll the ‘committees encounter. She is in year ane of her IB diploma and wishes to pursue ‘communication design while maintaining her Keen interest in English literature. The passion and dedication she exhibits for her work will enable you to learn about what goes ‘on outside the committees, potentially changing how you approach situations in yours. SAHIL YADAV “RESOLVE HEAD OF LOGISTICS | GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 Introducing the secretariat. our head of logistics. Sahil is a year two IB diploma student pursuing Economios, Business and English iteature. He has been passionately involved in ‘drawing 2s much attention possible o GD Goenka World MUN 2018 andi without doubt the most enthusiastic of all secretaries. Some of his past Model U.N. conferences include discussions of te Indian political system andit’ atest crises, He has been actively involved In training our Middle School and younger students for Model U.N, Keeping the sessions ‘engaging and memorable. His love for kids draws him further to politcal crises for helping create better futures. Apart from Model U.N. Sahil enjoys his natural talent for sports especially Cricket, being the current Vice Sports Captain of the school. He enjoys ‘maintaining his heath and physique and wouldn't miss a chance to spread the healthy fever around! “EVOLVE” GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATION oro CAMBRIDGE Uy Sass SAARTHAK RAVI CHIEF ADVISOR | GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 Saarthak Raviisa student pursuing his bachelors in Business Economies from University of Deh. Being an avid MUN'er, debater and public speaker, he has been participating in MUNs since 5 years and has spun together an extensive portfolio including leadership roles such as student president of his high school, founder and president of his high school’s MUN society as well founder and president of his college's mun society. Recently, he has also launched a global initiative called Global Diplomacy Project aimed at creating a global community of future leaders. Having chaired around the world, heis known for his accommodating and encouraging nature in bringing outthe best possible debate froma council gE ba 5 i HEAD OF COMMITTEE AFFAIRS HEAD OF PUBLIC RELAI Mikul Manocha Sencar SG Delegate Affairs Nikita Marwah ES yo & United Nations United Nations General Security Council Assembly: DISEC 1. Situation in Baluchistan 1. Emergency Special 2. Militarisation of the arctic region Session on the recent progressions in East Jerusalem © © United Nations General Unites Nations Assembly : SPECPOL Human Rights Council: 2. Militarisation of outer space 1. Assessing the human rights with special emphasis on the Outer conditions in Pakistan Space Treaty [1967] and Prevention Occupied Kashmir and Jammu of an Arms Race [PAROS] and Kashmir @ United Nations High fu COMMITTEES 1.Promoting Cooperation with the Unit io Political 1c g ia ions in PolHiCal, Humanitarian Assista Economic, Scientific, Hum rgy Market Intex anitarian And Cultural Matters gy Market Integr The rise of the Dark Lord 1.Establishing a review of the reforms for the United Nations Economic and Social Council ‘al _ERATONAL PRES Discussing and Reconsidering the Qatari Boycott. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE DAY 1 - CITY TOUR:OCTOBER 27TH 11:30 am Departure from School 01:30 pm - 02:30 pm Parliament House NOOO) Nha 08:30 am - 09:15 am Arrival of schools at delegate desks accompanied 09:15 am - 09:30am Delegate and faculty advisors to be escorted to the auditorium by volunteers Lunch - University refectory “02:30 pm - 04:00 pm “04:00 pm - 04:30 pm Committee Session 2 High tea GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS oe wowmanpce yea EOC) Aaa Snack serving outside committee rooms Committee Session 4 Lunch-School dining hall Committee Session 5 Gala dinner DAY 4- OCTOBER 30TH Delegate and advisor arrival and breakfast Committee Session 7 a Snack serving outside committee rooms Committee Session 8 _ : Delegates and advisors escorted to the auditorium Closing ceremony GD GOE A WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS AWARD POLIC’ We believe in making this simulation an enjoyable and educational experience fr al the participants. This conference is an ‘opportunity forthe participants to learn about international retations, public speaking, and the challenges of high-stakes cliplomacy through fsthand experience. Most ofl, we hope tha the participants leave this conference as well-informed Global citizens. However, we distinguishably value the recognitions of students and delegations that have contributed to the Conference in exemplary ways. Hence, atthe closing the secretariat takes the honor of announcing individual and delegation ‘awards. Each committee director with the consultation of his/her committee stat will determine the Individual awards on the basis ofthe following crtria: Diplomacy Publi speaking ‘ity to persuade and work with the other delegates. ‘Atendance tothe conference. Quality of position papers. Exhibition of the desire to compromise, while adhering to the policies and interests of the representative naton/ngividual + Exhibition ofin-depth knowledge and understanding of the topic area + Skillofetfective resolution writing, debate and, caucusing. ‘Thedelegate awards foreach committee willbe as folows andin a stratalorder:- + BestDelegate Award + Outstanding Delegate Award + Diplomacy Award + Vervalmention ‘The number of awards of each category (except the best delegate) may vary dependent on committee strength. The decision ‘the Secretariat with respectto any awards isfinal and binding. PLAGIARISM POLICY ‘The open exchange of ideas is crucial to an effective MUN experience. However, itis important for al the delegates to ‘acknowledge clearly when they have relied upon or incorporated work of others. tis expected that al the work submited to the ‘committee staff before and during the conference willbe the delegate’s own work. Delegates should take great care in cistinguishing ther own knowledge with te the information derived from other sources through proper citation of all quoted ‘and paraphrased material Plagiarism can take many forms, including: + Verbatim Plagiarism + Inadequate Paraphrase + Material replication ‘Any delegate suspected of commiting an act of plagiarism willbe subjected to an investigation tat is reported to faculty ‘advisors and may result disciplinary action, upto and including reduced consideration to ineligibility fro awards, expulsion from the conference, and/or disqualification from future attendance at any Goenka Model United Nations conferences. POLICY CONFERENCE POLICIES, GD GOENKA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS DANO POLICY: In this simulation of the United Nations, we at Goenka World MUN strive for professionalism in all aspects of the ‘conference, Delegates are expected to follow a dress code fr all committee sessions and conference events. During the ‘committe sessions all delegates are expected tobe in a Western business atte, though national and religious attire willbe permitted, Western business attire requires one tobe dressedinasuitjacket, slacks or skirt, dress shirt (with tit applicable), and dress shoes. Hats and caps are not permitted. At all times all faculty advisors, delegates, observers, directors, secretariat and statt are expected to exercise good sense of interpretation of dress code. Even when casual ate is permitted basic rules of property will apply. Delegates dressed inappropriately for any event may be asked to returnto changeinto more appropriate atires. TURAL SENSITIVITY POLIC Delegates may hailfrom a wide range of ethnicity, cultures and, societies. Everyone must be mindful and respectful ofthe factthat the other might be of distinguished perspectives and belies. One ofthe main purposes of ModelUN is to fostrinter-cutual interactions and understanding between the younger population making them open minded ‘and global thinkers. In pursuit of this aim, we request ll delegates and faculty advisors to keep an open mind throughout the conference and exercise respect towards the other, especialy in their choice of ate, language and, behavior at GWMUN. BADGES AND PLACARD POLICY Hotels, Dorm and Conference security protocols requir al participants to wear a conference-issued badges at all ies. A badge is required fro admission to all conference functions, including opening ceremony, delegate dinner and, closing ceremony. Also, one placard will be given to every delegate n the absence of which no delegate is permitted to attend the Committee sessions. Delegates without a placard will be referred to Delegate Affairs where they must issue a replacement. ‘Adults must provide Delegate Affairs with a valid identification when requesting fora replacement fr a placard or badge. No badges orplacards can be issued for replacement for entry atany conference events. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the support of GD Goenka Management and GD Goenka University. Special thanks to our MUN coordinator, Mrs. Priya Mahendru and our sponsors =s4 N GD GOENKA wr UNIV . . rare roonaron ro rier —— GSK & COMPANY IENKA UNIVERSITY. GSK & Co. ie; DreamFelks ee Experience Amplified ! de STREAMLINE ur riTp Streamline Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. DCLG MONA AIUD INDIA'S LEADING ” EDUCATION GROUP = ER se Re IMPARTING % KNOWLEDGE FROM PRE-NURSERY TO Ph.D. (eter een EC aoe HUMANITIES 8 SOCIAL SCIENCES: i ietadiaiael soo. poe erent ARCHITECTURE 6 PLANNING HOSPITALITY, . ie Nationalities onion eninetins Testy EDUCATION eed MANAGEMENT’ na Ranson, pen scH00 oF FASHION & DESIGN MEDICAL 6 ALLIED SCIENCES ; e Sefonis © : yee @ CO) © mm vcr: HS ? Mi Seneca F sms NSE CoM! ea Bs ey (ore oa a) GD GOENKA WORLD MUN 2018 MADE BY: RADHIKA GOEL (HEAD OF MEDIA) DQ WS GD GOENKA — WORLD SCHOOL — Aan Rea Rotter Eriiterritarts rere & 9818171904 / 9818171302 @

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