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NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 01
VMGO and Course-on-Focus

Name: ___ Prog./Yr./Sec.: _BSIE 1-A__ Date: ________ Score: _______

Due Date:______________________

After reviewing the school’s VMGO and your course syllabus, answer this activity:

Focused Free Write…

From the VMGO Statements, which one/s relates to the study of this course on NSTP-
CWTS? Copy this statement below. Discuss your personal role expectations on how you can
contribute for its attainment.

 Part of CTU System, Argao Campus VMGO:

From the VMGO statements, there's one/s relates to the study of this course on NSTP-CWTS, this is the
statement "recognize the youth’s vital role in nation building, the state shall promote civic
consciousness among the youth and shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social
well being". I believe that this sentences relates to the study of NSTP cause this is accurately explains the
NSTP is all about.__

I personally expect to be a part in its attainment by:

I personally expect to be a part in its attainment by applying it in my life. I believe I should be part of this
attainment because I think I’m fit for it. It also for my goodness, characteristics and to become a well-
trained person in the future. I should be part in its attainment because it helps me build myself and has
a good benefits for it.

 I would like to succeed in this program by (your personal commitment):

 I would like to succeed in this program by doing my best all the time. I would like also to apply skills that
would benefit the program to become succeed. I will not give up on it, no matter how hard or difficult it
is, so that I could benefit to it and helps me not to give up

NSTP-CWTS Social Action Activity No. 01

I am a barangay volunteer.

Name:___________________ Prog./Yr./Sec.: __BSIE 1-A________ Date: ________ Score:

Due Date:________________


Explore your barangay and ask for its VMGO. You can interview your barangay captain
or any of his/her official to expound the barangay’s VMGO. After doing the activity, answer the

Note: Please attach a copy of the VMGO of your barangay with documentation of your virtual
interview with any of your barangay official.

As a community member, how can you help attain the barangay’s VMGO?

As a community member, I believe that I could help our Barangay achieving its VMGO by contributing
my simple deeds that could help our community such as being a role model of taking care our
surrounding and environment, making sure that there is always peace in our

What specific activities can you organize for the betterment of your beloved
barangay? How will you fulfill it?

Clean and green program. I will fulfill it by encouraging my friends, family and relatives and my
neighborhood to participate to the clean and green program every saturday.

I am an active community member and I am willing to…

I am an active community member and I am willing to serve my community and to be responsible

to my actions.

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