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Grading rubric oral exam NED1104 herfst 2018

Speaking Fluency Assessment Rubric* NED1104

(*adapted from TFU Foreign Language Assessment Rubrics)

Categories 0– inadequate 1 – needs improvement 2 – meets expectations 3 – exceeds expectations

Vocabulary Uses only simple vocabulary and Uses limited vocabulary and Uses varied vocabulary and Uses appropriate expressions and a
expressions. Sometimes uses expressions and makes frequent expressions learned in class, wide range of vocabulary learned
inadequate vocabulary, which errors in word choice. Does not and makes only a few errors in and out class.
try to use new words learned in
hinders the student from in word choice.
class or expand vocabulary and
responding properly. expressions.

Grammar Uses only basic structures and Uses a variety of structures with Uses a variety of sentence Uses many different structures
makes frequent errors. frequent errors, or uses basic structures but makes some depending on contexts with only a
structures with only a few errors. errors. few grammatical errors.

Pronunciation Frequent problems with Pronunciation, rhythm and Pronunciation, rhythm and Pronunciation, rhythm and
pronunciation and intonation. intonation errors sometimes make intonation are almost clear intonation are almost always clear
Voice is too quiet to hear. Hard to it difficult to understand the and accurate, but only and accurate.
occasionally difficult to
understand. student. understand.

Overall fluency Speaks with much hesitation, Speaks with some hesitation, Speaks with some hesitation, Speaks smoothly with little
which often interferes with which sometimes interferes with but it doesn't usually interrupt hesitation and doesn't interrupt the
communication. communication. the flow of conversation. flow of conversation. Speaks with

Grading scale
F 1 = 0-24% 0-3 points C 4 = 60-79% 7-9 points

E 2 = 25-39% 3-4 points B 5 = 80-94% 10-11 points

D 3 = 40-59% 5-6 points A 6 = 95%+ 12 points

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