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receipts and movement of file should be noted by means of seals of the sections or

of the Officers concerned in the columns provided for the purpose i.e., the first
column under the heading “Number and Date” similarly all routine instructions
such as “Please Speak”. “Please discuss” etc., should be noted under column 3. The
practice of giving such instructions on the note sheet or by means of slips of paper
pinned to the note sheet should be avoided.

153. When a file is referred to another section, that section should, before it
starts noting, write across the note sheet, immediately below the last note the name
of that section which records the note e.g.,

“ --------------------“

154. Routine notes exchanged between persons in a section or between Officers

of a section, rough work sheet statements, etc., should not form part of the notes or
correspondence portion of the file, but may, if required for reference in near future,
kept folded below the file jacket of the file board. Similarly, when the enclosures
received with a communication consist of bulky material, pamphlets, brochures,
statements, etc., such material should not be filed with the correspondence
portion, but kept in the file pad below the file jacket with a suitable indication of
the particular communication of which it forms and enclosure.

155. Every file shall be given a file number. This file number shall consit of four

(i) Letters indicating the section to which the file certains e.g., Legislation,
Questions, Public accounts committee etc.,

(ii) a group of letters indicating the subject head.

(iii) serial number of the file under the subject head.

(iv) the last two digits of the calendar year e.g., 87, 88, 89 etc.,

Thus LGAPE 87 means the First File initiated in Legislation Section under
the head PE (Presidential Election) opened during the year 1987.

156. The object of maintaining the file in the secretariat is to arrange and
allocate the numerous communications received in the Secretariat to a number of
small self-contained compartments or jacket meant for different subject. It follows
that the reply to a communication will also be placed on the same file. Containing
earlier related communications or receipts on the same subject.

157. In each section a number of subject heads each consisting of a group of

distinct letters which will, by themselves give an indication of the subject matter
shall be prepared, i.e, the subjects allocated to each section will be broken in to


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