Practical Research 2 - Background of The Study

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Chapter 1

Welding is creational or sculptural process that joints Material, typically metals or
thermoplastic, by causing combinations, which is particular form bring down the
temperature metal-joining methods, for example, brazing and binding, which don’t
liquefy the base metal.
The major focus for our study is on the training of a SMAW students. With a high
demand for certified welders, training programs need efficient methods of preparing
certified welders. That many students usually perform a hands-on training as they train
some of students having difficulties of welding but there are also learn fast the way of
welding or a fast learner.

Theoretical Lens
Mavrikios, Karabatsou, Fragos, and Chryssolouris (2006) postulated that hands-
on welding practice can be dangerous, which may lead to anxiety. Therefore, finding a
training method or strategy reduce the effect that anxiety has on trainees may reduce
the amount of time needed to train qualified welders (Bryd & Anderson, 2012)

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