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(a) D = 0.2 m, Q = 0.02 m3/s, Ω = 151.8 rad/s, ∆p = 150
kPa = ρgH. Calculating the parameters,

ΩQ 1 2 151.8 × 0.021 2
Ωs = = = 0.501.
( gH )3 4 ( 150 )3 4

D( gH )1 4 0.2 × 1501 4
Ds = = = 4.95.
Q1 2 0.021 2

ρgQH 1000 × 150 × 0.02

P= = = 3.658 kW .
η 0.82

(b) Data: D = 0.8 m, Ω = 75.92 rad/s.

ΩQ1 2 Ω D( gH )1 4 Ω D
Ωs = = =
( gH )3 4 ( gH )34 Ds 1 2
( gH ) Ds

Ω D 75.92 × 0.8
⇒ ( gH )1 2 = = = 24.5
Ω s Ds 0.501 × 4.95
∴ H = 24.52 9.81 = 61.19 m

From the definition of specific speed,

Ωs 0.501
Q1 2 = ( gH )3 4 = × 6003 4 = 0.80
Ω 75.92
∴ Q = 0.64 m3 s

The power to drive the prototype pump is

ρgQH 1000 × 9.81 × 0.64 × 61.18

P= = = 468 kW .
η 0.82
2.7. A hydraulic turbine is to be installed where the net head is 120 m and the normal
available flow rate is 1.5 m3/s. A 48 pole synchronous generator is available (to operate
with a 60 Hz electrical system) and has an adequate power capacity matching the
turbine. Determine,

(1) the rotational speed and the electrical power that can be delivered if the system
efficiency (turbine and generator) is 85%.

(2) the power specific speed of the turbine.

What type of turbine should be used in this application?


(1) For a 60 Hz system, N = 3600 / z where z is the number of pole pairs

N = 3600/24 =150 rpmAns

The power is given by P = ηρ gQH = 0.85 × 9810 × 1.5 × 120 = 1500 kW Ans

(2) The power specific speed, eqn.(2.15), is


( ρ)
2  1.5 ×106  2
N P 150  
 103 
N sp = =
( gH ) ( 9.81×120 )
5 5
4 4

= 0.842 revAns

Alternatively, Ω = 2π N = 5.293 rad

sp sp

From Fig.2.8 it appears that this turbine should be of the Kaplan class. Details and
appearance of the various classes of turbine are given in Chapter 9.
2.8. A hydraulic turbine running at160 rpm, discharges 11 m / s and develops 2400 kW at a
net head of 25 m. Determine,
(1) the efficiency of the turbine
(2) the speed, flow rate and power output of this turbine when running under a net head
of 40m assuming homologous conditions and the same efficiency.


N = 160 rpm, Q = 11 m3 / s, P = 2400 kW, H = 25 m

(1) P 2.2 ×106
η= = 3 = 0.889 Ans
ρ gQH 10 × 9.81×11× 25

(2) From the homologous groups we find

H 2  N2  N2 H2 40
=  ∴ = = = 1.265
H1  N1  N1 H1 25

∴ N 2 = 202.4 rev/min Ans

Q2 N 2
= ∴ Q2 = 1.265 × 11 = 13.9 m3 / s Ans
Q1 Q1

N 
 202.4 
P2 = P1  2  = 2.4 ×106 ×   = 4.858 ×10

 N1   160 

P2 = 485.8 kW Ans.
2.9. A hydraulics engineer is planning to utilise the water flowing in a stream, normally able to
provide water at a flow rate of 2.7 m3/s, and a head of 13 m for power generation. The engineer
is planning to use a 2.0 m diameter turbine operating at a rotational speed of 360 rpm and at a
hoped for efficiency of 88%.

(a) Determine the likely power developed by the turbine, the specific speed and specific
diameter and the most suitable type of turbine for this duty.

(b) The engineer then decides, first of all, to test a geometrically similar model turbine with a
diameter of 0.5 m, (operating at the same specific speed and specific diameter as the prototype)
and with a head of 4.0 m. Determine, for the model, the volume flow rate, the rotational speed
and the power.

(a) The power developed by the prototype turbine is

P = ηρ gQH = 0.88 × 9810 × 2.7 × 13 = 303 kW Ans

The rotational speed Ω = 360 × π / 30 = 37.7 rad/s

From eqn.(2.14) the specific speed is

1 1
ΩQ 2 37.7 × 2.7 2
Ωs = 3
= 3
( gH ) 4 ( 9.81×13) 4
= 1.632Ans

From Fig.2.8 it would appear that the most suitable type of turbine is the Francis.

The specific diameter is given by eqn. (2.17), i.e.

1 1
D ( gH ) 4 2 ( 9.81×13) 4
Ds1 = 1
= 1
2 2
Q 2.7

= 4.09 Ans

(b) As the specific diameter of the model is the same as that of the prototype, after transposing

D ( gH 2 ) 4 0.5 ( 9.81× 4 )
1 0.25
∴ Q2 = 2 = = 0.306
Ds 2 4.09

∴ Q2 = 0.0936 m 3 / s Ans
Q1 Q2
Using eqn, (2.13a), but writing N instead of Ω , i.e. =
N1 D1 N 2 D23

3 3
Q D  0.0936  2 
∴ N 2 = 2  1  N1 =   360
Q1  D2  2.7  0.5 

= 799 rpm Ans

Thus, the power of the model turbine is:

P2 = ηρ gQ2 H 2 = 0.88 × 103 × 0.09369.81× 4 = 3.23 kW Ans

2.10. A single-stage axial-flow gas turbine is to be tested in a “cold rig” so as to simulate
the design-point operation. The two sets of operating conditions are:

1. Design – point operation of turbine

Stage – inlet total pressure, p01 = 11 bar

Stage – inlet total temperature, T01 = 1400 K

Stage – exit total pressure, p02 = 5.0 bar

Speed of rotation, N = 55,000 rpm

Stage efficiency, ηt = 87 %

Mass flow rate mɺ = 3.5 kg/s

2. Cold – rig operation

Stage – inlet total pressure, p01 ( cr ) = 2.5 bar

Stage – inlet total temperature, T01 ( cr ) = 365 K

For both sets of conditions assume that the axial velocity across the stage remains


(a) the stage – exit total temperature T02( cr )

(b) the power output in the cold rig.

Assume that the average specific heat ratio for both operating conditions, γ = 1.36


Part (a)From the rules of similarity, see eqn.(2.9b), the pressure ratios for the hot
engineand as a cold rig are equal, i.e.

 p01   p01  11
  =  = = 2.2 ∴ p02 rig = 2.6 / 2.2 = 1.182 bar
 p02 rig  p02 eng 5
T 
1 −  o2 
 T01 rig γ −1
Also ηrig = ηeng = 0.87 = γ −1
, where = 0.2647
p  γ
1 −  02 
 p01 

Transposing and substituting values we get,

 T02    5 0.2647 
∴1 −   = 0.87 1 −    = 0.1639
 T01 rig   11  

∴T02 rig = (1 − 0.1639 ) × 365 = 305.2 K Ans

Part (b)
Dynamic similarity rules give:

 mɺ T01   mɺ T01 
  = 
 p01   
 rig  p01 eng

T01eng p01rig 1400  2.6 

∴ mrig = meng = 3.5   = 1.620 kg/s
T01rig p01eng 365  11 

The power supplied by the rig is:

Prig = mɺ rig C p (T01rig − T02 rig ) = 1.62 ×1084 × ( 365 − 305)

= 105 kW Ans

1.36 × 287
N.B. C p = γ R / ( γ − 1) = = 1.084 kJ/kg K

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