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Internet of Things in Medicine

24 May,2022

Name: Misbah Jamil (E18MBA-48)

Section (A)
Session: 2018-22
Internet of Things in Medicine
As we know that Pakistan has a huge population and there are several people who go
through different diseases each day but we have a lack of medical staff and medical fa-
cilities too. Though we have qualified doctors to deal with patients if we compare it with
the population there are many areas in Pakistan infect not only in Pakistan but world-
wide where we don’t see medical staff and medical facilities. Moreover we know that
the lower class suffers more diseases instead of the upper class but we also know that
poverty does not allow people to go for treatment every day. There must be some facili-
ties that Government should provide for these needy and poor people that would help
them to think beyond the health issues only.

Automated Laboratory
Firstly to reduce the burden on medical and paramedical staff government should take
initiative to introduce an automated laboratory system that would deal with a daily rou-
tine check-ups of patients. Patients would be issued medical cards of 5-10 years period
with an expiry date, without spending on clinics and private hospitals this facility will be
provided on regional bases. The illiterate people of those areas will be educated to use
that laboratory, installed in their areas. That laboratory would have the functionality to
check blood pressure, sugar, and other regular checkups. Then the same laboratory will
suggest the medicine that will already be available in the laboratory. Devices in the labo-
ratory will detect the customer’s report and analyze the extensive data collected in a
short time, cutting the need for its storage. This data would go through the doctor’s
speed up insight, in case of serious disease that patient would get immediate treatment.

Moreover using IoT solutions and connected medical devices allows the doctor to moni-
tor the patient remotely with real-time data, which not only ensures the accu-racy of re-
sults but also fastens the treatment. It gives benefits like constant communication, re-
duces the usage of the hospital's resources and traveling expenses, etc.

Installation of Automated Laboratory

step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4
patient visits the gives voice Machine Patient takes
labortary command to examines and medicine
existed machine shows the result recomended by
and recomends machine
the medicine

Impact of Automated Laboratory

by installing the automated laboratory in different regions the people of those areas
would be able to manage their daily routine checkups. This will reduce the medical ex-
penses of poor people and it will also reduce the crowd of people in clinics and hospi-
tals. We know that private clinics and hospitals shine their business by charging high
fees from patients but after installing automated laboratory system people will be saved
from such black sheep’s tactics.
Moreover, the doctors will be unburdened from examining only routine problems in
large number each day.

Literature Review
literature states that healthcare has the most potential users of the Internet of Things
than any other sector. Internet of Things plays a significant role in the medical field. Ex-
perts think that the combination of the Internet of Things and Healthcare will have im-
mense benefits which may include health condition monitoring, self-care, discovering
new methods for disease prevention, and control examinations and diagnosis. A litera-
ture study by Statista states that the installation of almost 161 million healthcare Inter-
net of Things devices will be seen by the year 2025 and healthcare will become cheaper
and more efficient in the future. It also states that more patient-oriented pieces of
equipment can be created like an artificial laboratory. Moreover, such initiatives will
help patients to get better access to data, and personalized care; thus, leading to fewer
visits to the hospital.

Future devices may include Remote Monitoring, Wearables, Asset Monitoring, Future
Benefits of IoT in Healthcare, Better Supervision and Reporting, End-to-End Connectiv-

ity, Data Analysis, Alerts and Tracking, Lower Costs, and Medication Management.

From the time of stones, people are dealing with their problems through herbal meth-
ods. Elders use to treat the disease according to their own experiences later many revo-
lutions came that changed the whole system. Medicine became a field and then People
started taking certificates in the medical field. Then new revolutions came and many un-
treated diseases started to get treatments. Now Innovation has taken place in this field
many technologies are used to examine patients. The patients are getting treatments
immediately. Moreover, we can see this technology in medicine is expanding rapidly
and it is expected that within the coming 10 to 15 years robots or artificial machines
will take the place of doctors and other medical staff. There would be roughly crowds in
hospitals and clinics, and it is also expected that patients will become able to treat their
diseases by themselves.

Moreover, the installation of automated laboratories will also help people to improve
their health, especially in backward areas where medical facilities are not available.

This is also a small initiative to improve the lives of people as happy people are a sign of
Applications that are used by IoT are not fully developed yet. Though it is a challenge for
engineers to create an automated laboratory but IoT and healthcare together will radi-

cally change the service offerings, as technology is making progress by leaps and bounds
and engineers are inventing and creating new machines this might be possible that such
a setup will also be installed in future and we will be able to see people becoming their
own doctors.
Many people die because of a lack of facilities including clean water, food, and medical
facilities, at least such steps will give life to people. We shall be able to save their pre-
cious lives.


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