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Experiment #01

Submitted by:
Delos Santos, Mary Rose P.

Submitted to:
Jenny Aruta

Year Level and Section:

3rd Yr. CEIT-29-502P
 To be able to familiarize the Emona-Tims
 To be able to familiarize the differences of types of sampling
 To be able to recognize the features between the sampled signals.
 Waveform analysis using data sampling

Theoretical Discussion
Sampling is one of many methods used to perform signal analysis. Similar to other
analysis methods, sampling takes measurements of a waveform at regular intervals and
structures the measurements as a sequence of values. Sampling affects the behavior in the
time and frequency domain and can introduce distortion.
A continuous time signal can be processed by processing its samples through a discrete
time system. For reconstructing the continuous time signal from its discrete time samples
without any error, the signal should be sampled at a sufficient rate that is determined by the
sampling theorem. Nyquist Sampling Theorem: If a signal is band limited and its samples are
taken at sufficient rate then those samples uniquely specify the signal and the signal can be
reconstructed from those samples. The condition in which this is possible is known as Nyquist
sampling theorem.
Most sampled signals are not
simply stored and reconstructed. But
the fidelity of a theoretical
reconstruction is a customary
measure of the effectiveness of
sampling. That fidelity is reduced
when s(t) contains frequency
components whose periodicity is
smaller than two samples; or
equivalently the ratio of cycles to
samples exceeds ½. The
quantity ½ cycles/sample × fs samples/sec = fs/2 cycles/sec (hertz) is known as the Nyquist
frequency of the sampler. Therefore, s(t) is usually the output of a low-pass filter, functionally
known as an anti-aliasing filter. Without an anti-aliasing filter, frequencies higher than the
Nyquist frequency will influence the samples in a way that is misinterpreted by the interpolation

In this experiment, As a result, sampling theory is fundamental to digital audio signal

processing. The sampling theorem is credited to Harold Nyquist (1928), extending an earlier
result by Cauchy (1831) based on series expansions. Claude Shannon is credited with reviving
interest in the sampling theorem after World War II when computers became public.
QUESTION 01: What type of sampling is this an example of?
 Natural Sampling
QUESTION 02: What two features of the sampled signal confirm this?
 The magnitude of the sampling wave gradually increases when sampling signal
takes place in the oscilloscope.
 When the oscilloscope is not in used and not taking samples, the magnitude
rests at 0 (Zero).
QUESTION 03: What two features of the sampled signal confirms that the set-up models
the Flat-Top scheme?
 The magnitude is fixed. The sampling wave shows a Fixed-Top during the
 When the oscilloscope is not taking any samples it stays at the previous
magnitude levels. When it does take a sample, a waveform appears in the
QUESTION 04: Comparing Figure 3 and Figure 5, what is the difference between their
outputs? Explain why this is so.

 The Output in Figure 03 is a result of a "naturally" sampled message, while the

output of Figure 05 is an alternative system where the sampled size is fixed.
Question 5 What’s the name of the distortion that appears when the VCO
module’s Frequency Adjust control is turned far enough?
 Aliasing

QUESTION 06: Given the message is a 2kHz sinewave, what’s the theoretical minimum
frequency for the sampling signal?

• Minimum sampling frequency = 2x the highest frequency content

 2(2kHz) = 4kHz.
QUESTION 07: Can you still use the Master Signal to provide sampling pulse in Figure 9 or
10, instead of a VCO and get the same result? Explain.

• Yes, Using Master Signal the appearance of a waveform for both Channels can
be seen. The waveform without the VCO differs slightly from when it originally
has. Because with VCO, the wave is steady and consistent but without the VCO,
the knobs becomes crucial in the attempt for the sampling pulse to appear. Thus,
the result is rooted from the knobs if, and only if VCO is unavailable.

QUESTION 08: Why is the actual minimum sampling frequency higher than the
theoretical minimum that you calculated for Question 6?

• 5.2kHz is the actual measured minimum sampling frequency. This is higher than
4khz which is the theoretical minimum sample frequency. During the
experimentation, we conclude that it is safer to use a frequency that is higher than
the theoretical minimum to avoid further error aliasing. It is said that sometimes,
it is often used to offset the errors that actual machines may produce.

PART A. Draw the input and output waveforms to scale for Figure 2 and 3.


Draw the new sampled message to scale in the space that you left on the graph paper.

Draw the input and output for Figure 9 and 10

Draw the input and output for Figure 9 and 10 after slowly turning the Frequency Adjust.





During this Emona TutorTIMS experiment, the Tims are built identically to standard
TIMS lab equipment experiments, however the signals are simulations and are without
the distortions present in real world electrical signals. The present elements are identical
to other elements that caused us confusion during the laboratory experiment attempts.
One should indeed study the TIMS before further exploring the simulator to avoid
committing endless mistakes.

After this laboratory experiment, we have concluded that Emona Telecoms-Trainer
101 can either produce us our needed outcome or not, depending in our input if it is right
and if we know how to use the Emona Tims. Emona Tims also samples a message using
natural sampling and a sample-and-hold scheme. We can reconstruct the message from
the sampled signal and examine the effect of aliasing. Lastly the tools we have used in
this experiment is vital and fundamental in learning Telecommunications and Signals and
Systems Theory.

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