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Cartography contours which is its distinguishing

Art and science of graphically representing a characteristics.

geographical area, usually on a flat surface such
as a map or chart. • THEMATIC MAPS
– emphasizes attributes related to a
What is a Map? single subject or theme. Thematic
• A map is a graphic representation of the maps typically have a very specific
cultural and physical environment. purpose and wish to convey a very
• It is a reduced, selective, and symbolized specific message related to, typically,
graphical representation of an a single subject.
Classification of Maps
• Tangible • PHOTOMAPS
- a map that you can hold in your hands – A reproduction of an aerial
such as a paper map photograph or a mosaic (an
• Virtual assembly of photographs) on which
- any map displayed on a computing grid lines, contours, boundaries,
device. Maps are now found on desktop placenames, and marginal
computers, tablets, laptops, phones, information have been added or
GPS receivers, and many other digital overprinted.
• Mental Purpose of Maps
- a map that is stored in someone’s mind • The purpose of maps lies chiefly in
and is their conceptualization of space. navigation and in helping cultures
Mental maps do not translate exactly determine new trade routes.
from person-to-person except through • To understand relative locations,
the conversion of the mental map to a concepts of global geography and
tangible or virtual map, or to any other weather
communication path such as speech or
There are 2 types of maps that can be Map Scale
Tangible or Virtual • Refers to the relationship (or ratio)
1. General Reference Maps between distance on a map and the
- are often also called basemaps corresponding distance on the ground.
- emphasizes location and shows a variety of (On a 1:100000 scale map, 1cm on the
features. A general reference map primarily map equals 1km on the ground)
displays objects, their location, and identifying
information • The smaller the map scale, the larger the
reference number and vice versa (1:1000
2. Thematic Maps scale map is a larger scale than a 1:2500
- emphasizes attributes related to a single scale map)
subject or theme. Thematic maps typically have
a very specific purpose and wish to convey a Types of Scale
very specific message related to, typically, a 1) EQUIVALENCE SCALE
single subject. a. It is expressed by words and
Types of Maps Ex. 1 inch = 1 mile
– It is a representation of the earth’s 2) SCALE RATIO OR REPRESENTATIVE
surface in the two horizontal SCALE
dimensions only. It shows the correct a. It is referred to as natural scales
horizontal position of natural and which are expressed as ratios.
man-made features such as Ex. :10000
buildings, roads, bodies of water,
land forms, vegetation, and political 3) GRAPHIC SCALE – It is a line subdivided
boundaries. into map distances corresponding to
convenient units of length on the ground.
– It shows the same features as a Classification of Map Scales
planimetric map and in addition a. Large Scale Maps
indicates relief, usually by means of
- Are those having scales of 1:2,000 or larger a) Equidistant conic - In the projection,
and with contour intervals ranging from 0.10 to the parallels are spaced equally and
2 meters. thus the north- south distances are
b. Medium scale Maps b) Lambert conformal conic: In the
- Are maps having scales ranging from 1:2,000 projection central parallels are
to 1:10,000 and with contour intervals ranging spaced more closely. The shapes are
from 2.0 to 5.0 meters. preserved in both small and large-
scale maps.
c. Small Scale Maps c) Albers equal area conic: In the
- Are maps having scales of 1:10,000 or smaller projection the spacing of parallels in
and with contour intervals ranging from 5 to the northern and southern edges are
2,000 meters. more closely spaced in central
parallels. The areas are preserved.
Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems are frameworks that are • Cylindrical projection
used to define unique positions. For instance, in In cylindrical projection, the axis of the
geometry we use x (horizontal) and y (vertical) cylinder coincides, oblique or
coordinates to define points on a two- perpendicular to the polar axis. When
dimensional plane. axis is perpendicular to the polar axis, the
projection is called transverse projection.
Two Common Coordinate Systems
1. Geographic coordinate system (GCS) a) Mercator projection: This is
• Latitude lines run east-west and are commonly used projection. In the
parallel projection, the axis of cylinder
• Longitude lines run from north-south coincides with the polar axis. The
• Unit of measurement in GCS is angular equator is line of tangency.
(degrees, minutes, and seconds) b) Transverse Mercator: In the
projection, the axis of cylinder is
2. Projected coordinate system perpendicular to the polar axis. The
• In projected coordinate system, earth is cylinder touches along a meridian to
represented on flat two-dimensional the sphere or spheroid or intersects
surface. along lines parallel to the meridian
• Planar projection
Map Projections In planar projection, a plane is used as
Map projection is a mathematically described projection object. Plane touches pole,
technique of how to represent the Earth’s equator or any other point on sphere or
curved surface on a flat map. spheroid. The projections are called
polar, equatorial, or oblique respectively.
• Conformal projections
preserve shape and angle, but strongly a) Polar projection: In the projection,
distort area in the process. They are very parallels are concentric circles and
useful for navigation, topography meridians are straight lines
(elevation), and weather maps. originating from focus.

• Equal-area projections Other Projections

the size of any area on the map is in true • Sinusoidal projection
proportion to its size on the earth. In other The projection is pseudo cylindrical
words, countries’ shapes may appear to projection. In the projection all parallels
be squished or stretched compared to and central meridian are straight lines.
what they look like on a globe, but their
land area will be accurate relative to other • Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
land masses. The projection is Transverse Mercator,
with parameter defined for 120 zones in
• Equidistant projection, earth. Globe is divided in to 120 zones
distances between certain points are (60 each for northern and southern
preserved i.e. scales are maintained globes) of 6 deg each.
along these points.
• Polyconic
• Conic projection Polyconic is a special type of conic map
the axis of cone in general coincides with projection. The projection parameters are
the polar axis. varied continually as parallel changes.
Contours • Constant vertical distance between two
Are lines on a map that joins places of the same adjacent contour lines.
height above sea level. Contours make patterns • In the design of topographic maps, the
showing the relief or shape of land. contour interval is commonly fixed at
multiples of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and
Types of Contours 100m.
1) Index Contours • For general types of terrain, the contour
• A contour is shown by a heavier line interval used may be as follows:
at regular intervals on a topographic - Flat to gently rolling: 1-5m
map. These heavier lines which are - Hilly: 5-20m
normally twice the gauge of the - Mountainous: 25-100m
standard contours are called index
contours. Selection of Contour Interval
• Usually drawn every fifth contour and Factors to be considered in planning and
carry the contour number or elevation designing the contour interval to be used for
designation. topographic map:
• Index contour is broken along 1. Relative Costs – The time and expense of
portions of the line and the contour field and office work is given important
number indicated accordingly. consideration. The smaller the interval, the
(When the interval is 5m, contours greater is the amount of field work, reduction,
whose elevations are multiples of 25 and plotting required in the preparation of the
meters are shown heavy. When the map.
interval is 20m, the index contours 2. Purpose of the Map – When the map is to be
have elevations that are multiples of utilized for the detailed design of engineering
100m.) constructions or for the measurement of
2) Intermediate Contours earthworks quantities, close contouring will be
Intermediate contours are lighter weights required.
contours found between the index
contours. 3. Nature of the Terrain – Rugged terrain will
• These lines are not usually labeled require a larger interval than gentle and rolling.
except where the terrain is relatively To portray adequately flat ground a relatively
flat and their elevations are not small interval must be specified.
readily obvious. 4. Scale of the Map – contour interval should be
• In certain portions of the map where in inverse ratio to the scale of the map. If the
the intermediate contours are so map scale is reduced, the interval must be
closely spaced as to nearly unite or increased.
merge into a single line, it is standard
practice for readability not to portray Interpolation
the lines for short distances. This The process of locating contour lines
technique is called feathering proportionally on the map between plotted
3) Supplemental Contours points.
• Supplemental contours are drawn as
dashed lines or lines of dots that Methods in Locating Contour Lines by
begin and end when they approach Interpolation
the areas where the regular contours 1. By Estimation
close in on each other. • This method is suitable on small-scale
4) Depression Contours maps where the ground form is too
• Depression contours are drawn to irregular.
show low spots such as excavations • The first step is to make a careful study
around which contours close. of the positions of the contour points
• The symbol used is the index or and try to visualize the changes in
intermediate contour to which ticks slope of the terrain. Then the contours
are drawn perpendicular to the which appear to be most located by
contour line on the downhill side. the plotted points are drawn.
5) Approximate Contours • Usually the index contours are drawn
• Approximate contours are used when first and are used guides in drawing
contour accuracy cannot be the intermediate contours.
determined. The areas may be • This process of interpolating is fast
inaccessible on the ground or it may and produce results which are
be difficult to interpret contours from reasonable if extreme care is
aerial photographs when heavy exercised, and if supplemented by
clouds or shadows occur. mental computations.
2. Rubber Band Method - Coordinate Method
• The rubber band selected should be - Controlling-point Method
sufficiently wide such that - Cross-profile Method
graduations at equal intervals can be - Photogrammetric Method
marked on it to form an elastic scale.
• It is stretched between two plotted Slope
points so that these points fall at • The rate of rise and fall of the ground
scale divisions corresponding to their surface. Slope can be described as steep
elevations. or gentle.
3. Analytical Method 𝐷𝐸
𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
• Arithmetical computations are 𝐻𝐷
employed where high accuracy is Where:
desired in locating contour lines. This DE = difference in elevation between A and B
method is well suited for drawing HD = horizontal distance between the same
large-scale maps. two points
• Distances between points of known
elevations are measured and the • Slope is always measured relative to the
location of contour points are horizontal and depends on the
determined by proportion. relationship of vertical distance to
• Based on the principle that the ratio horizontal distance between any two
of the horizontal length of a line to the points on the ground.
difference in elevation between its
extremities is the same ratio of the Methods of Expressing Slope
horizontal distance between either 1) Percent or Grade
extremity and any intermediate point most common method of expressing
on the line to the difference in slope is in percent. The slope is
elevation between the selected calculated by dividing by 100 to get the
extremity and the intermediate point. slope in percent. A plus or minus sign
must be given to indicate if the slope is
ℎ𝑚 𝐻 𝑑𝑒 rising or falling.
= 𝐷𝐸 and ℎ𝑚 = 𝐷𝐸 (𝐻) 𝐷𝐸
𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = (100%)
4. Triangle Scale Method
• The method of interpolating points by 2) Degrees
using an engineer’s scale and a slope may be expressed as the angle in
triangle is an application of the degrees that a line makes with the
geometric method of dividing a line horizontal.
into a convenient number of equal 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )
parts. 𝐻𝐷
5. Template Method 3) Gradient
• Graphical devices are used for slope for gradient is determined by
interpolating contour lines between dividing the difference in elevation by the
plotted positions. One such device is horizontal distance and expressing the
the contour template. numerator as one unit.
• Contour Template 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 =
- consists of a series of equally 𝐻𝐷
spaced parallel lines that are 4) Mils
drawn on transparent film or unit of measurement that equals to
paper using any specified scale. 1/6400 0f a circle. Ninety degrees equals
1,600 mils. To determine the slope in
Methods of Obtaining Contours mils, the expression DE/HD is simply
1) Direct Method – are those in which the multiplied by 1000.
contours to be plotted are traced out in 𝐷𝐸
the field. 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = (1000)
a. Trace-contour Method
5) Grads
the slope is determined like that of slope
2) Indirect Method – comprise those in
in degrees with the value of 63.7 used
which the points located as regards
instead of 57.3. A grad is a unit of angular
position and elevation are not necessarily
measurement based on the centesimal
situated on the contours to be shown, but
system. 1 grad = 1/400 of a circle
serve, on being plotted, as a basis for the 𝐷𝐸
interpolation of the required contours. 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = (63.7)

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