Master 2 - L1 Words and Definitions

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Part 1

cardboard thick paper used to make boxes

Little Rock the state capital and largest city in Arkansas
Arkansas a state in the south central part of the U.S.
bucolic relating to the countryside
Heber Springs a small town in Arkansas
spring a place where water comes up naturally from the ground
border, to to be next to and have a border with another country, state, city or area
border the official line that separates two countries, states, cities, etc.
pristine clean, free of pollution
Greers Ferry Lake a lake in northern Arkansas, considered one of the most pristine lakes in North America
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or goods across an area of water, especially as a regular
trout a common fish that lives in rivers and lakes
brown trout a kind of European trout, widely introduced as game fish (fish caught for sport)
sanguine somewhat red
intense involving or done seriously, with a lot of effort
championship 1. competition that decides who is the best; 2. the position of being the champion
race competition that decides who is the fastest at doing something, especially running, swimming
or driving

Part 2

finely with great care and skill to produce something excellent

milled produced in a paper mill as opposed to handmade paper
paper mill a building or group of buildings equipped with machinery for making paper
corrugated paper a type of thick paper
product 1. something that is produced from a certain material; 2. something that is produced in large
quantities in order to be sold
slather, to to put a lot of soft thick substance on a surface or to cover something with this substance; to
spread thickly
raise, to to build
battleship a very large military ship that has many big guns
competitor person or team that takes part in a competition
sink, to to go down or disappear below the surface of water
race, to 1. to drive or ride in a race; 2. to take part in a race
fly, to to move or to go very quickly
racer person, animal or machine that races
trappings things such as money, influence, etc., that are usually related to a particular type of person, job,
or way of life
fame the state of being famous
throughout during all of a particular period of time, from the beginning to the end

Part 3

trophy an object, such a large cup, given as a prize to the winner, second-place or third-place in a
trophy room a room where someone keeps his/her trophies
hardware 1. tools or parts of a machine which are made of metal; 2. equipment and things for your
home and garden; 3. computer machinery and equipment as opposed to the programs
that make computers work
software programs that make computers work
glory public admiration and fame
win victory
key the most important in a group
ingredient one of the things used to make something
glue sticky substance used for joining things
seal, to 1. to cover a surface with a liquid or substance in order to protect it; 2. to close an
entrance or a container so nothing can enter or leave it
tape a piece of material that is sticky on one side and that is used to stick things together or to
cover or repair something
high high quality, means excellent
LA-Z-BOY a furniture manufacturer used in the video as an example of high quality cardboard
recliner an armchair in which you can lean back in different angles
treasure 1. something valuable, such as money, jewelry, gold, silver, etc.; 2. a valuable object,
especially a piece of art or a historical item
dig up, to to find something that is hidden or has been forgotten by carefully searching for it; to
go with one’s gut(s), to to trust your feelings or instincts when deciding what to do
fancy-schmancy expensive and fashionable in a way that is meant to be impressive (used to show
willpower strong determination, especially when doing something difficult
‘n (also ‘n’) and
drive a strong desire for success

Part 4

Huggies Baby Wipe a funny name chosen by Dan Jone’s cardboard boat racing team
baby wipe a small piece of wet material used to clean babies
Huggies a brand name of baby wipes
stinger the sharp, pointed, part of an insect’s body used to sting someone
sting, to to push a sting into a person’s skin so s/he feels a sharp pain
kayak a type of light boat, used for one person, pointed at both ends and moved by using a paddle
sprocket a device like a wheel with tooth-like parts, such as those used in bikes
rocket a space vehicle shaped like a long tube
(four-man)-powered operated by four men
mechanical relating to engines or machines
drive system used to power a vehicle
figure, to to expect or think that something will happen or that certain conditions will exist
peak 1. at the highest point or level; 2. filled with the most activity
generate, to to produce power or energy
horsepower a unit for measuring the power of engines
sustain, to to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time
work out, to to develop something such as an idea, a plan, etc.
design a drawing that shows how something will be made or what it will look like
calculate, to to find (a number, answer, etc.) by using mathematical processes

Part 5

‘bout about
power supply 1. a source of power; 2. a device that provides power to electric machines
crank, to to make something move by burning a crank
crank a device that you turn in order to make something move
thin having a small distance between the top and the bottom or front and back surfaces
obsessed to keep thinking about and find it difficult to think about something else
view an opinion or way of thinking about something or someone
fun-seeker someone who is usually looking for something fun to do
hoot very amusing
prep, to 1. to make someone or something ready for something; 2. to make yourself ready for something

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