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Preparing for TCx Sky Migration


Lori Bratcher

Sharon Graves


March 8, 2021
1 General Information ............................................................................................................................. 4
2 TCx Sky Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Hardware Requirements: .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Software Requirements: ............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Known Issues- Warning ................................................................................................................. 7
3 Skycheck ............................................................................................................................................... 9
4 Pre-Migration ..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 DIF ............................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 ACE .............................................................................................................................................. 12
4.3 CHEC ............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.4 Store Integrator (SI) .................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 SI Java Applications and Preload Bundles ................................................................................... 18
4.6 SI Changes for Terminals for TDK8 .............................................................................................. 25
4.7 TCx Amplify Java Applications and Preload Bundles................................................................... 29
4.8 TCx Elevate .................................................................................................................................. 33
5 OEM Devices ...................................................................................................................................... 35
6 Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Controller Configuration ............................................................................................................. 35
6.2 System Configuration .................................................................................................................. 35
6.3 Generic Terminal Configuration:................................................................................................. 35
7 Controller Drives ................................................................................................................................ 39
8 Additional items for migration to TCx Sky.......................................................................................... 40
9 Migration Steps .................................................................................................................................. 41
10 Migration Testing ............................................................................................................................... 45
11 Post Migration .................................................................................................................................... 46
11.1 OpenSSH for Linux....................................................................................................................... 46
11.2 RxTx- Java communications to serial devices ............................................................................. 47

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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
11.3 Supermarket Application(SA) ...................................................................................................... 48
11.4 General Sales Application (GSA) ................................................................................................. 49
11.5 Diagnostics Utility booting across the LAN ................................................................................. 50
11.6 Non-Toshiba Applications ........................................................................................................... 51
11.7 Netop .......................................................................................................................................... 53
11.8 RMA- Remote Management Agent............................................................................................. 53
12 Migration Check List ........................................................................................................................... 54
13 Updates to Document ........................................................................................................................ 55

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respective owners."
The purpose of this document is to assist users in their preparation for migration to TCx™ Sky 1.2.01-01.
For the sake of this document the assumption is that the user is currently on any level of 4690 V6R5
unless noted otherwise. Users currently on V6R5 do NOT need to migrate to TCx Sky 1.1 before
migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-03. It is recommended that users migrate directly to TCx Sky 1.2.01-03 or
later. All users currently on V6R5 or earlier should be migrating to the latest level of TCx Sky available,
always. Migration from other 4690 release levels will take some additional considerations and have
higher risks. This document assumes that retailers are following best practices and have a golden test
system at the enterprise that matches the majority, if not all the stores in each brand. That all updates
to stores are first tested on this golden system, performed locally, and then when the package has met
the defined requirements placed in a few stores as a pilot, and then lastly rolled out to the enterprise.

TCx Sky is the evolution of 4690, providing retailers with the first version of the Toshiba TCx Sky Platform
with an Operating System that is 64bit. In partnership with Wind River™ Toshiba ‘s TCx Sky Platform for
retail provides a new embedded Linux layer that is much more up to date, more robust, supports 64bit
and allows the support of more industry standard packages. All new hardware and functionality that is
released by Toshiba GCS will require TCx Sky and will not be back ported to 4690, which in many cases
would not be possible. Unless noted otherwise the information here applies to both releases of TCx Sky.

Toshiba Global Commerce has announced TCx Sky 1.1 withdrawal from marketing on 9/5/2020. View
document PROD.TOS2150164 for additional details on the Toshiba website.



There are hardware requirements for TCx Sky in that only system units capable of supporting 64bit can
be supported on TCx Sky. The list of supported hardware for TCx Sky is documented in the
announcement letter and in the Getting Started Guide for TCx Sky and will not be repeated here. These
documents can be found on the site.

There are a couple of points about hardware that need to be highlighted:

4800-743 as a terminal-

This is the one model of supported system units that is a single core processor with an obsolete video
driver. Best efforts have been put into support of this system unit, but it must be noted that a
configuration of this terminal with any use of video may show poor performance when migrated to TCx
Sky regardless of the amount of memory installed. Terminals using a non-video interface, such as the
2x20 displays, should be satisfactory in performance if enough memory is installed. In all cases users

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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
need to test all terminals in their enterprise to ensure the behavior and performance is acceptable after
a migration has been performed.

Ordering new system units:

In the past when ordering new system units for use with the 4690 operating system, the retailer’s
performance and future proofing of their systems were best approached by ordering enough memory
for the terminals. New functionality was more dependent on memory and were less dependent on the
processor speed. With TCx Sky, to properly future proof your enterprise while ordering new hardware
retailers should consider not only memory, but also the processor. Applications will use more memory,
for example SIGUI with dual display will need to have at least 3G of memory in the terminal, TCx Elevate
will need 4G. Processor performance will matter for some of the new functions, such as containers and
databases that TCx Sky will support. Purchasing the highest performing processor and as much memory
as the budgets will allow will ensure retailers will be able to continue to use new functionality as it is
introduced. Toshiba resources are happy to help with the planning for this as well as assistance with
business case justification. Toshiba wants all retailers to be able to take advantage of new features and
functions as they become available in our fast pace and ever evolving environment and not be held back
by new systems that cannot support the newest features.


2.2.1 Java
Java 2 and Java 6 are out of support and receive no security updates. With migration to TCx Sky the
JVMs that support Java 2 and Java 6 will be removed from the system. All Java applications must be
ported to TDK8 (Toshiba development kit, derived from OpenJDK8) before attempting to migrate to TCx
Sky. Due to this situation it is strongly advised that when migrating users place their migration package
into test mode instead of accept mode. Doing this will allow users to cancel their migration and reinstall
the Java 2 and Java 6 JVMs should they find they still have a Java 2 or Java 6 dependent application on
their systems.

Note: Java 2 will be removed from any V6R5 packages delivered after the 12/31/2019 date as the right
to ship this package has expired. Java 6 was removed from V6R5 starting with the 0HN0 CSD and all
later packages for V6R5. In both cases the Java 2 and Java 6 package were not removed from the user’s
system and these applications can continue to operate. In the TCx Sky migration process the packages
for Java 2 and Java 6 are removed from the migrated system. Migrated systems that are in “TEST” mode
and not “ACCEPT” will restore Java 2 and Java 6 if maintenance is cancelled.

2.2.2 Application Levels Supported:

While the minimum memory for TCx Sky terminals and controllers is 2G your software stack may require
you to have additional memory installed for your applications to load and have acceptable performance.
This needs to be taken into consideration when making hardware decisions.
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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
Software Levels supported on TCx Sky
SW package Level TCx Sky Level Comments
ACE 8.1 or higher 8.1 requires V6R5 0HN0 or higher

8.2 or higher 1.2.01-00 or

GSA Q001 1.2.01-00 or SIGUI and TCx Elevate may have specific levels
higher required. Terminal CBasic apps may need to be
relinked after migration to improve performance.
Supermarket S001 1.2.01-00 or SIGUI and TCx Elevate may have specific levels
higher required. Terminal apps may need to be relinked after
migration to improve performance.
SIGUI 4.1 031 or higher Add additional 1G of memory to terminals. Additional
2G if using Dual Display
4.1.51 or higher for
iButton Support 4.1.0087 for Dual/Single video display mix.
4.2 003 or higher Add additional 1G of memory to terminals
4.2.024 or higher 4.2.0024 needed if using iButton support.
4.2.3 or higher 4.2.0060 needed for Dual/Single video Display mix.
DIF 3.1 Spring JMS Framework replaces Microbroker

StorePay V5.4Pinpad For all applications. This level also includes contactless
Controller level support.
RMA 3.3 No longer shipped with the OS.


CHEC or Must be Removal of DB2 in the terminal. See Topic 4.3 CHEC
7.1.6 1.2.00-01
NOTE: Lanes using 743s will not be supported on TCx
7.1.7 Sky. 785, 786 or 767 units in the Lane are required.
Baltimore Lane supported ended 12/31/2019

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respective owners."
TCx™Elevate Requires 4800-745 with 4G of memory or more.
Include mobiles and support for ACE Remote POS.
1.5 Platform
Consumer Mobile- ME controller 8G memory
1.5 WebPOS
TCx Elevate 1.4 currently available. Requires TCx Sky
1.1.02 or higher or TCx Sky 1.2.00-01 or higher
TCx™Amplify 1.5
TCx™Pay 1.2.6 Recommend 8G memory on controller
TCx™Vector Support provided by Professional Services.

Not having your applications at the listed release levels above could cause your programs not to
execute. Before migration to TCx Sky ensure that your applications are at these supported levels. The
Skycheck utility will not validate the release level of these applications. You can use your current
systems management tools to validate the SW levels installed on your store controllers or the controller
report module level function.

2.3 KNOWN ISSUES- WARNING 2x20 or APA LCD Displays:

Customers upgrading V6R5 to 1810 or 1910 or TCx Sky 1.1 are exposed to experiencing a firmware
corruption problem of these displays because of these upgrades. Submit a Service Request to the TCx
Sky/4690 OS Support team and reference the following defects to obtain an updated firmware for these

OS8358 for Single-Sided and Dual Sided displays

OS8386 for All Points Addressable (APA) displays

Feature Codes impacted by this firmware:

5981 5982 5983 5984 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998

This is not an issue if you are migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00, only if you are migrating to a TCx Sky level
below 1.2.01-00. CHEC customers migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00

Retailers with CHEC will need to be at 7.1.5. 7006 of CHEC or be at 7.1.6 before beginning migration to
TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 or higher.

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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners." Performance issues on TCx Sky 1.2.01 corrected with TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 and TCx Sky 1.2.01-03
Some customers have experienced performance issues and spontaneous dumps associated with
controller CBasic applications after migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00. Customers reporting this issue to
support received the Hotfix for defect OS10095 or may have been told to relink the controller CBasic
applications. The Hotfix for defect OS10095 specifically addressed an update to the shared runtime
library and avoided the need to relink the controller CBasic applications. Performance issues were still
experienced on the TCx Sky 1.2.01 systems, even with the correction to the CBasic shared runtimes
library any time legacy 4690 applications were executing, including applications such as legacy ftp,
telnet, SFTP and SSH. Upon further investigation it was found that these symptoms were due to a
specific Linux system call. Changes to this Linux system call have made a significant improvement to the
performance of these applications on TCx Sky 1.2.01. A new package, TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 is now available
that combines both the Hotfix for defect OS10095 and the Linux system call change.

Customers that have already migrated to TCx Sky 1.2.01 are encouraged to apply the new package, TCx
Sky 1.2.01-01 to their test systems. If you had received the Hotfix for defect OS10095 and applied it to
your systems it will simply be replaced with the same files when this package is used to update your
systems. Relinking of your controller CBasic applications is not required once this package has been
applied to your system regardless of relinking or having the Hotfix for defect OS10095 already installed.

With the TCx Sky 1.2.01-03 package additional performance issues that were causing dumps for some
16-bit applications was corrected.

Customers who have not yet migrated to TCx Sky should migrate to the TCx Sky 1.2.01-03 level or
higher. If you need to relink any of the controller CBasic applications, you should do so with this
package installed but relinking of the controller CBasic applications is not required.

This does not impact terminal sales applications. Performance files missing from TCx Sky systems --- fixed in TCx Sky 1.2.01-03
The files normally created by the sysstat service and located in the /var/log/sa folder were missing from
the TCx Sky 1.2.01 systems. These files provide performance information for the TCx Sky controllers.
This is correct with the refresh 03 package which is now available for download from the Toshiba
support site. CBasic and 16-bit C Applications and ADXAUTH Function

TCx Sky 1.2 included some system changes that may require some applications to be relinked.
Specifically, any CBASIC applications that call the ADXAUTH function and 16-bit C applications that call
the ADX_CAUTH function must be relinked with new versions of the runtime libraries. Applications that
are not relinked will cause privilege violation exceptions or cause dumps when the API is called. 32-bit C
programs are not affected since the API code is shipped in an OS DLL.

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respective owners."
CBASIC applications should be relinked with After an application is relinked with ADXACRCL.L86 and 16-
bit C applications relinked with ADXAPACL.L86. These two libraries may be found in the 4690OPT
directory of the TCx Sky installation, migration, and ASM media. Once an application is relinked for TCx
Sky, the application will no longer run on OS4690 V6 or TCx Sky 1.1. Retailers with these applications
are recommended to place these relinked applications into a ASM package and kept in test mode until
the migration of TCx Sky is accepted at the stores. This will allow stores that may have to cancel the
migration to be able to cancel the relinked CBASIC and 16-bit C applications to revert back to the V6R5
version of the applications. Terminals configured for Dual Display are not able to load when using a single display on TCx Sky
with SIGUI
This issue has been seen by customers that have an environment where the terminals are configured for
Dual Display but do not have a second display attached and are using SIGUI on TCx Sky.

This issue is corrected in SI V4R1 s087 and SI V4R2 s060.

If you are experiencing this issue contact support and request the SW update package.

There are several significant changes between 4690 OS V6R5 and TCx Sky 1.2.01-00 including the
‒ 64bit is required such that several older system units that were supported by V6R4 and
V6R5 cannot run TCx Sky.
‒ There is an enforced minimum memory requirement of 2G for both controllers and
terminals that is new for TCx Sky.
‒ The minimum disk size is 64G for the C: drive.
‒ TDK8 is the only Java application launcher that is available.
‒ Classic mode is no longer supported.
‒ 4683 POS I/O no longer supported
‒ Model 3 and Model 4 POS Printers.
Given these conditions, migrating a store from V6 to TCx Sky is far more likely to result in failure than
any previous version change if the customer is not fully cognizant of the store environment. Toshiba is
providing a tool that can run on V6R4 or V6R5 prior to migration that can help detect and report some
of the most likely problems in the store configuration. For this document we are only referring to V6R5.
Migration from V6R4 or earlier will have higher risk factors.

The Skycheck utility can be executed locally, for example on your lab systems, as well as remotely in
each of your stores with the reports pulled back to the enterprise. The skycheck.pdf file gives an
example of using RCP to execute the program remotely at your stores. Skycheck can be included in your
migration process to validate a store is at the expected state before migrating the store.

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respective owners."
Please be aware Skycheck is an OS tool, it does NOT validate the levels of any applications installed on
the system.

The tool will run on the master controller of an MCF system or on the single controller for a Non-MCF
system. It will perform several checks described below for items that could cause problems during or
after migration to TCx Sky. These checks fall into three categories: Warnings, Failures, and Inconclusive
results. The tool will not stop on the first error found so that all conditions checked can be reported at

Failures: Any result listed as “fail” will prevent the migration from completing successfully. An example
of this would be a controller with a drive smaller than 64G or terminals that are configured for classic.

Warnings: Any result listed as “warn” may cause issues for specific systems after migration and should
be reviewed before proceeding with the migration. Warnings will not cause a total failure of the
migration but may leave some system units as inoperable after the migration. An example of this would
be a terminal configured for the PDF viewer. TCx Sky will not provide the PDF Viewer extension, the
browser provides the same functionality. Another example of a warning is a configuration for a Java 2
application is on the store controller and defined for a terminal. If all other criteria for this terminal are
met the terminal will be usable after store migration to TCx Sky but may need to be reconfigured. This
may also happen when a terminal is listed in the Vital Product Data (VPD) file, ADXCSCVF.DAT, but not
online for several of the terminal tests. The model listed in VPD maybe supported but if the terminal is
not online the amount of memory cannot be validated.

See the TCx Sky Communications Programming Reference Guide for more information about the VPD
file. You can clean up the contents of the VPD file by creating an empty keyed file with the correct
statistics and having all available terminals warm boot. This file is updated every night at 1:00am.
Support will also provide an empty VPD file for you if you request it in an SR.

Inconclusive: Any result listed as “inconclusive” may cause issues for specific systems after migration
and should be reviewed before proceeding with the migration. There is not enough information about
the system in question to know if it will cause the migration to fail. An example of this could be a
configured store controller that is not reachable on-line. Some retailers configure 4 store controllers but
purposely have only 2 or 3 controllers in some stores. These offline but configured controllers would be
found inconclusive results by Skycheck since the size of the drive, amount of memory and model cannot
be obtained. The enterprise test system should have all systems that will be utilized in a store turned on
when running Skycheck, as it should be when run at the stores as well.

Note: if you have not set up the eloopaddr parameter for TCPIP yet Skycheck will not execute. See
section 6.2.7 for how to set this up.

This utility is available in the 4690opt folder of the TCx Sky media. You should use the latest version of
Skycheck available. The files will be installed on any system that updates their optionals files with ASM
for TCx Sky. The files provided are:

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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• Skycheck.jar- Place this file in the adx_spgm folder of the system to be analyzed.
• Skycheck.bat- Place this file in the adx_spgm folder of the system to be analyzed.
• Skycheck.pdf – Documentation for the Skycheck utility.

Once the .jar and the .bat files are placed in ADX_SPGM of the store controller running the skycheck.bat
file will provide two reports and a log file in the ADX_SDT1 directory.

• skycnnnn.rpt – Human readable report. Examples provided in .pdf file

• skycnnnn.dat – Data provided in a format to allow easy parsing of fields with simple
tools such as GREP. Example format provided in the .pdf file.
• skycnnnn.log – Log file of utility execution for diagnostics.

nnnn= Store number

It is important to note that the skycheck utility will not validate that all your software packages are at a
supported Version and Release level. Packages such as RMA, CHEC, DIF, etc. are the responsibility of the
retailer to have compatible levels to TCx Sky installed. See section 2.2.2 for this information.

This section will address the applications provided by Toshiba GCS. If you have applications you have
written or you have obtained from 3rd parties that you are running you will need to make sure that, if
these are Java applications, they have been ported to run on TDK8.

TCxElevate information should be obtained from your Toshiba GCS contact working with you on TCx

TCx Vector has not been ported to TCx Sky as of this date, please see your NRSC contact for information
on this.

4.1 DIF
4.1.1 Overview
DIF V2.3 only runs on Java 2 or Java 6. Support for DIF V2R3 ended 12/31/2019.

• Support for Java 6 ended 7/31/2017

• Support for Java 2 applications ends 12/31/2019

DIF V2.3 CSD 1 runs on TDK8 only. Support for DIF V2.3 CSD 1 ended 12/31/2019.

DIF V3.1 runs on TDK8 only.

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respective owners."
• Preload to F: File
‒ The DIF build includes the preload to F: file ADXCBTAZ.DAT.
‒ The contents of this preload to F: file are:
trigger changed=*pcf mode=e isfile=f:\adxetc\java\bin\tdk8.386

msg "Extracting DIF files for TDK8..."

mkdir f:\dif

extract f:\dif

• This file will process when the controller IPLs.

• The contents of the file will only process when the DIF product control file changes (i.e.: a DIF
migration is done) or after a LAN Disk Rebuild.
• This is how DIF will ensure the files that are needed to run from the f: drive will be put on the f:
drive of each controller.

4.1.2 Background Application Definition Changes for TDK8

DIF User’s Guide says to update the background application definition to run DIF on TDK8

Name: adx_spgm:command.286

Parameter: -c f:\dif\difsrvce.bat

4.2 ACE
4.2.1 Overview
• ACE 7.5, ACE 8.1, and ACE 8.2 run on TCx Sky.
• For a non-migration installation of TCx Sky 1.2, ACE 8.2 is required. This is needed since
javax.comm is no longer available and is being replaced with RXTX.

4.2.2 Terminal Configuration

The Java applications and preload bundles in Terminal Configuration need to be updated for TDK8. ACE
contains sample Java application and preload bundle XML files that you can use with the corresponding
4690 XML configuration utility BAT files to update the terminal configuration.

Pinpad controller for all applications:

The sample files for pinpad controller can be found on the root of the ACE 8.1 installation CD.

• ppcapp.xml – Java 2 and TDK8 application definitions for use with Configuration Utility

Page 12 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• ppcapp8.xml – TDK8 application definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• ppcload.xml – preload bundle definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• updppcfg.bat – updates Terminal Configuration Java 2 and TDK8 application definitions and
preload bundle definitions from XML to 4690 Inactive files (for use with ppcapp.xml)
• updppcf8.bat– updates Terminal Configuration TDK8 application definitions and preload bundle
definitions from XML to 4690 Inactive files (for use with ppcapp8.xml)

Use updppcfg.bat to update the Java applications and bundles in preparation for your move to TCx Sky.
Once you have migrated to TCx Sky, use updppcf8.bat.

These files are not copied to the 4690 controllers during the migration of ACE. If you want to use them,
you need to manually copy them to your 4690 Master controller adx_spgm:.

The files that you need for pinpad controller updates are:


• ppcapp.xml
• ppcload.xml
• updppcfg.bat

The contents of ppcapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for ACE pinpad controller. They are:

PP8FS – Pinpad controller for Full Screen ACE

PP8AEF – Pinpad controller for AEF

PP8DM – Pinpad controller for SI GUI Dual Display

PP8OM – Pinpad controller for SI GUI Operator Display

PP8CM – Pinpad controller for SI GUI Customer Display

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only pinpad controller Java applications
needed in the terminal load definition for TDK8.

The ppcapp.xml file provides 5 TDK8 applications for the ACE pinpad controller. When configuring your
terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications listed above can be used. When the
migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of cancelling maintenance, these are
the only SI GUI applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky system for ACE pinpad controller.
Page 13 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
To add the ACE pinpad controller applications and preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration,
install the ppcapp.xml and ppcload.xml files:

1. Copy the BAT file and XML files from the ACE installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminals, edit ppcapp.xml and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

3. Run updppcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

4. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
5. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The updppcf8.bat is a TDK8 version of the BAT file for execution on TCx Sky.

TCx Pay- TCx Pay support of TCx Sky

The sample files for TCx Pay can be found on the root of the ACE 8.1 TCx Pay installation CD.

• payapp.xml – Java 2 and TDK8 application definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• payload.xml – preload bundle definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• updpycfg.bat – updates Terminal Configuration Java application definitions and preload bundle
definitions from XML to 4690 Inactive files.

Use updppcfg.bat to update the Java applications and bundles in preparation for your move to TCx Sky.

These files are not copied to the 4690 controllers during the migration of ACE. If you want to use them,
you need to manually copy them to your 4690 Master controller adx_spgm:.

The files that you need for pinpad controller updates are:


• payapp.xml
• payload.xml

Page 14 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• updpycfg.bat

The contents of pauapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for ACE pinpad controller. They are:

PAY8OM – TCx Pay for SI GUI Operator Display

PAY8CM – TCx Pay for SI GUI Customer Display

PAY8DM – TCx Pay for SI GUI Dual Display

PAY8AEF – TCx Pay for AEF


PP8CM – Pinpad controller for SI GUI Customer Display

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only pinpad controller Java applications
needed in the terminal load definition for TDK8.

The payapp.xml provides 5 TDK8 applications for TCx Pay. When configuring your terminals for
migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications listed above can be used.

To add the TCx Pay applications and preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration, install the
payapp.xml and payload.xml files:

1. Copy the BAT file and XML files from the ACE installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Run updpycfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

3. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
4. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: Currently there is not TDK8 version of the BAT file for execution on TCx Sky.

The sample files for Ingenico can be found on the root of the ACE 8.1 Ingenico installation CD.
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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• ingload.xml – preload bundle definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• updincfg.bat – updates Terminal Configuration preload bundle definitions from XML to 4690
Inactive file
• updincf8.bat– updates Terminal Configuration preload bundle definitions from XML to 4690
Inactive file

Use updincfg.bat to update the bundles in preparation for your move to TCx Sky. Once you have
migrated to TCx Sky, use updincf8.bat.

These files are not copied to the 4690 controller during the migration of ACE. If you want to use them,
you need to manually copy them to your 4690 Master controller adx_spgm:.

The files that you need for pinpad controller updates are:


• ingload.xml
• updincfg.bat

To add the ACE Ingenico preload bundle to your 4690 Terminal Configuration, install the ingload.xml

1. Copy the BAT file and XML files from the ACE Ingenico installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Run updincfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

3. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
4. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The updincf8.bat is a TDK8 version of the BAT file for execution on TCx Sky.

4.2.3 EPS
See Chapter 2 of the ACE Architecture and EMV Guide for EPS Payments for specific information on
configuring the file (in ppctrl.jar in IPGM) and on personalization.

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respective owners."
4.2.4 Changes for First Data / Rapid Connect

When running ACESSL in the Java 6/TDK8 environment from the F: drive, there are some changes that
need to be made to the ADX_IDT1:ACEAPSHL.DAT file, or whatever name the retailer uses for this file.

• TCPIP_HOST_NAME – must be set to the enhanced loop address.

• TCPIP_HOST_PORT – do not specify 443 for but use something like 5698 instead.

4.3 CHEC

CHEC needs to be at a minimum of CHEC 7.1.6 for the software. The CHEC units require a minimum of
4G of memory. Skycheck will not validate this information but will alert you to any configured terminal
that has a CHEC extension.

CHEC lanes that shipped with 743s shipped with 2G of memory, which is supported on CHEC 6.8 and 7.1
when running 4690 V6R5. CHEC Lanes with 743s installed will not be supported on TCx Sky. Baltimore
Lanes ended support on 12/31/2019.

When migrating to TCx Sky all terminals with HDD/SSDs installed will be reformatted during the
migration process. This includes CHEC lanes so after migration is completed the lanes will need to a full
replication of the database for options, security and SAs.

Changes to CHEC are the following:

CHEC 7.1- Switches DB2 to SQLite in the lane with new data replication.

CHEC 7.1.1 -Introduces the Store Replication Server

CHEC 7.2 – Removal of DB2 and WAS from the eBoss and replace with PostgreSQL and Tomcat.

Customers migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00 need the CHEC Lanes to be at CHEC or 7.1.6 before
starting the migration.


4.4.1 Overview
• SI V4R1 runs on Java 2, Java 6, and TDK8.
• SI V4R2 runs TDK8 and offer the use of extensions.

Page 17 of 57
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respective owners."
• For a non-migration installation of TCx Sky, SI V4R2 build 2046 or later is needed. This is needed
since javax.comm is no longer available and is being replaced with RXTX.
• C:/silogs/sidesc.txt and f:/si/log/SIDesc.txt will now contain a line stating the
component/application level running at startup for CSS/POSBC/SIGUI

4.4.2 Dual Display

Running SI GUI in a Dual Display now requires the launching of an additional JVM process to execute the
second display application. Having 2 JVMs running increases memory requirements to 3GB, 4G more
desirable. If you have extended the GUI main Java class, you need to add this property to the Java
Application Definition:


where fully.qualified.classname is the name of the customer extended class you wish to launch instead
of the base class.

If you are configured for dual display but have some terminals that are single display to avoid loading
issues make sure you are at the latest levels of SIGUI.

SI V4R1 s0087 or higher

SI V4R2 s0060 or higher

4.4.3 SI GUI Screen Saver Images

When running SI GUI with Dual Displays, the SI GUI screen saver images do not show on the terminal
after migrating to Sky V1.2. Also, the SI GUI advertising messages on the customer display do not show
on the terminal after migrating to TCx Sky V1.2.00.

This defect is due to a bug which affects the way images are rendered with the JVM version that the OS
ships with TCx Sky V1.2 . This defect was fixed with TCx Sky V1.2.01-00. No one should be using a
TCx Sky level below V1.2.01-03.
If you need to fix this problem before migrating to TCx Sky V1.2.01-00 , you may modify the “HTM” file
in screensaver.dat file for the operator screen and CGUIscreenSaver.dat file for the customer screen.
For each HTM file in the screen saver file, add a “height” and “width” attribute to the <img> tag.


Store Integrator (SI) includes XML files that can be used to update configuration on the 4690 controllers
using the XML configuration utility. Sample files for using bundles with SI GUI are included on the Store
Integrator installation CD in application-specific directories in the \4690\GUI\xxx directory where xxx is

Page 18 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
the application (ACE, GSA, or SA). These files are:

• javaapp.xml – Java application definitions for use with Configuration Utility

• preload.xml – preload bundle definitions for use with Configuration Utility
• savecfg.bat (uses Java 2 4690 configuration utility) – saves Active Terminal Configuration for preload
bundles and Java application definitions to XML files
• restcfg.bat (uses Java 2 4690 configuration utility) – restores Terminal Configuration Java application
definitions and preload bundle definitions from XML to 4690 Inactive files
• savecfg8.bat (for use in TCx Sky) –saves Active Terminal Configuration for preload bundles and Java
application definitions to XML files
• restcfg8.bat (for use with TCx Sky) – restores Terminal Configuration Java application definitions and
preload bundle definitions from XML to 4690 Inactive files

Use savecfg.bat and restcfg.bat to save/restore the Java applications and bundles in preparation for
your move to TCx Sky. Once you have migrated to TCx Sky, use savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat.

The javaapp.xml file defines all the SI GUI applications that are found under "Java Applications" in the
4690 "Generic Terminal Configuration". The preload.xml file defines all the "preload bundles" needed
by SI GUI. The "preload bundles" contain all the files needed by SI GUI to run an SI GUI Java Application.
Once installed, the preload bundle files are found under "Preload Bundles" in the 4690 "Generic
Terminal Configuration".

NOTE: Be sure to use the files for your application (ACE, GSA, or SA).

NOTE: TDK 8 does not ship an XML parser. As a result, Store Integrator ships the xercessi.jar XML
parser. If you are using the sample javaapp.xml and preload.xml files to update your terminal
configuration, then you will be able to access the parser. But you self-maintain your preload bundles
and Java application, you must manually add xercessi.jar to the end of the classpath and preload

4.5.1 ACE
The SI XML configuration files and corresponding installation BAT files are found in the 4690\GUI\ACE
(for SI GUI) and 4690\AEF\ACE (for AEF) directories of the installation and update media.

The files that you need for SI GUI are:

P:\4690\GUI\ACE folder:

Page 19 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml
• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for ACE using SI GUI. They are:

AEOM – ACE Operator Display

AECM – ACE Customer Display

AEDM – ACE Dual Display

AAOM – ACE AEM Operator Display (runs as an extension)

AACM - ACE AEM Customer Display (runs as an extension)

AADM – ACE AEM Dual Display (runs as an extension)

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only SI GUI Java applications needed in the
terminal load definition for SI GUI running on TDK8.

The SI GUI javaapp.xml provides 6 TDK8 applications for ACE GUI, 3 using the AEM extensions instead of
preload bundles. When configuring your terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications
listed above can be used. Those designed for the use with extensions will need to have the extension
selected as well. When the migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of
cancelling maintenance, these are the only SI GUI applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky
system for ACE/SI GUI.

To add the SI GUI Java applications and the SI GUI preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration,
install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for ACE SI GUI:

1. Copy the BAT files and XML files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to and

3. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminals, edit and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

4. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore your
original configuration if needed.
5. Copy and to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

6. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

Page 20 of 57
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respective owners."
7. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
8. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.

The files that you need if you are running AEF without SI GUI are:

P:\4690\AEF\ACE folder:

• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml
• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for ACE using AEF. They are:

ACEAEFEN – AEF for ACE enhanced

ACEAEFAE – ACE AEM for ACE enhanced (runs as an extension)

POSBCAEM – POSBC AEM for ACE enhanced (runs as an extension)

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only AEF Java applications needed in the
terminal load definition for SI GUI running on TDK8.

The SI AEF javaapp.xml provides 3 TDK8 applications for ACE AEF, 2 using the AEM extensions instead of
preload bundles. When configuring your terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications
listed above can be used. Those designed for the use with extensions will need to have the extension
selected as well. When the migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of
cancelling maintenance, these are the only SI GUI applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky
system for ACE/SI GUI.

To add the AEF Java applications and the AEF preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration,
install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for ACE AEF:

Page 21 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
1. Copy the BAT files and XML files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to and

3. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminals, edit and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

4. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore
your original configuration if needed.
5. Copy and to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

6. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

7. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
8. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.

4.5.2 General Sales Application (GSA)

The SI XML configuration files and corresponding installation BAT files are found in the 4690\GUI\GSA
directory of the installation and update media.

The files that you need for SI GUI are:

P:\4690\GUI\GSA folder:

• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml
• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for GSA using SI GUI. They are:

GEOM – GSA Operator Display

GECM – GSA Customer Display

GEDM – GSA Dual Display

Page 22 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
GAOM – GSA AEM Operator Display (runs as an extension)

GACM – GSA AEM Customer Display (runs as an extension)

GADM – GSA AEM Dual Display (runs as an extension)

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only SI GUI Java applications needed in the
terminal load definition for SI GUI running on TDK8.

The SI GUI javaapp.xml provides 6 TDK8 applications for GSA GUI, 3 using the AEM extensions instead of
preload bundles. When configuring your terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications
listed above can be used. Those designed for the use with extensions will need to have the extension
selected as well. When the migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of
cancelling maintenance, these are the only SI GUI applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky
system for GSA/SI GUI.

To add the SI GUI Java applications and the SI GUI preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration,
install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for GSA SI GUI:

1. Copy the BAT files and XML files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to and

3. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminal, edit and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

4. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore
your original configuration if needed.
5. Copy and to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

6. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

7. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
8. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.

Page 23 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
4.5.3 Supermarket (SA)
The SI XML configuration files and corresponding installation BAT files are found in the 4690\GUI\SA
directory of the installation and update media.

The files that you need for SI GUI are:

P:\4690\GUI\SA folder:

• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml
• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for Supermarket using SI GUI. They are:

SEOM – SA Operator Display

SECM – SA Customer Display

SEDM – SA Dual Display

SAOM – SA AEM Operator Display

SAOM – SA AEM Customer Display

SADM - SA AEM Dual Display

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only SI GUI Java applications needed in the
terminal load definition for SI GUI running on TDK8.

The SI GUI javaapp.xml provides 6 TDK8 applications for Supermarket GUI, 3 using the AEM extensions
instead of preload bundles. When configuring your terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these
applications listed above can be used. Those designed for the use with extensions will need to have the
extension selected as well. When the migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance
of cancelling maintenance, these are the only SI GUI applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky
system for SA/SI GUI.

To add the SI GUI Java applications and the SI GUI preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal Configuration,
install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for Supermarket SI GUI:

1. Copy the BAT files and XML files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

2. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to and

Page 24 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
3. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminal, edit and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

4. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore
your original configuration if needed.
5. Copy and to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

6. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

7. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the SI V4 files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles and
Java applications.
8. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.


4.6.1 ICEBrowser and HEK (HTML Editor Kit) Browser

SI V4R1 removes access to the ICEBrowser. When running in TDK8, the browser is always forced to be
the HEKBrowser, regardless of whether the ICE Browser is available in the classpath.

For supported functions, there should be no functional difference using the HEKBrowser versus the
ICEBrowser. However, the ICEBrowser supported other capabilities that the
HEKBrowser does not. The HEKBrowser supports Simple HTML (V3.2 or lower), images,
screens savers, and custom scroll bar settings. But for supported functions, there should be no
functional difference using the HEKBrowser. Scroll bar settings can now be set via the property
browser.scrollbars.enabled.default, which is true by default. This property can be set
in the (ex., browser.scrollbars.enabled.default=false) to disable
the scroll bar when using the HEKBrowser. When in screen saver mode using the HEKBrowser, the scroll
bar will be disabled regardless of the property value. For more information on the HTMLEditorKit, visit

In addition, the ELITE preload bundle contained the files associated with the ICEBrowser. You no longer
need to include the ELITE preload bundle in the terminal load definition, and you can remove the ELITE
Page 25 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
preload bundle from configuration. If you would like to remove the folders from your store controllers
delete the ADX_SPGM:ADXELITE.BAT file from your system after deleting the folders. Otherwise the
directories will be recreated at IPL.

4.6.2 The Viewer1.dat and Viewer2.dat Files

The ADX_IDT1:VIEWER1.DAT and ADX_IDT1:VIEWER2.DAT files are used to configure the images that
show on the customer display in the boxes next to the scrolling receipt.

• VIEWER1.DAT – Top box

• VIEWER2.DAT – Bottom box

With the advent of SI GUI support for TDK8, modifications are required to VIEWER1.DAT and
VIEWER2.DAT and, in addition, a new terminal preload bundle is required.

Customer screen configuration for the advertisements is different for Java 2 versus TDK8. If these files
are being used, the contents need to be changed when moving to TDK8. For TDK8, the HTM and image
files must reside on the F: drive.

NOTE: Since VIEWER1.DAT and VIEWER2.DAT are different under TDK8 versus Java2, Java2 and TDK8
terminals cannot co-exist in the same store.

There are two methods available to provide the files needed for the advertising images for Viewer1.dat
and Viewer2.dat.


• TDK8 viewer files must use a use a Linux-style path such as
"file:///cdrive/f_drive/html/name.htm " to point to F: (filenames and filepaths are case
sensitive). With Java 2, 4690 OS has a 24-character limitation from the start of the R:: to the last
character of .htm. This limitation does not apply to the f:.
• TDK8 HTM files must use Linux-style path (filenames and filepaths are case sensitive)
• Place HTM and image files in in c:\html so they are in \html subdirectory on f: in the terminal
• Use a Preload Bundle to get the HTM files and image files to the F: drive. Create preload bundle
• Add HTM and image (JPG, GIF, PNG) files to the bundle (filenames bundled from c: drive are
lower case)
• Make the files optional. Future proof the bundle by adding all image file types you may add in
the future as optional (such as *.png).
• Load to F: in configuration (do not put in root, for example place in f:\html)
Page 26 of 57
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respective owners."
• Each TDK8 Customer GUI/Dual Display terminal load should load this bundle to F: drive

RAMCOPY Method 2
You must update to use RAMCOPY.
• RAMCOPY eliminates the need to maintain a preload bundle.
• RAMCOPY also allows changes to be made more quickly.

Changes are required for using RAM Copy to refresh Customer Advertisements on the Customer GUI
when running in TDK8
The RAM File Copy function enables you to change advertising images on customer displays periodically
without weighing down controllers with the graphics requests from all the terminals. A configuration
file defines what files are to be managed in a terminal disk. This file should contain all the advertising
HTML and image files that can be changed dynamically. At predefined times (default is signoff time), the
files listed in the configuration file are compared on the controller and in the terminal disk. If the file
has changed on the controller, an updated version is copied to the terminal disk.

To use RAM Copy when running the SI GUI in TDK8, there are some minor changes from how RAM Copy
is used.

There are two properties in that govern the RAM Copy function.

1. One property specifies where the RAM Copy configuration file can be found on the system.
2. The other specifies the location of the target terminal disk.

The following example shows these in

# Specify the name of the RAM File Copier configuration file


# Specify the RAM disk destination, F: is required for TDK8


The ramCopyConfigFile property

Page 27 of 57
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respective owners."
The first property, ramCopyConfigFile, specifies the name of the configuration file that controls the RAM
Copy function. The configuration file contains a list of files to be managed in the terminal's F: drive (in
the case of TDK8) or in the terminal's Q: drive (in the case of Java2) for rendering customer GUI
advertisements, and the RAM Copy function utilizes this file to refresh advertisements between

There are no changes required to the contents of the RAMCOPY.CFG file between Java2 and TDK8, but it
is important to keep in mind that the case of the files specified in RAMCOPY.CFG is very important, since
the target drive for HTM or GIF files for TDK8 is the terminal's F: drive, and filenames on F: are case-
sensitive. The filenames' case must match the entries in the VIEWER1 and VIEWER2 DAT files. The
memory allocated for the Q: is taken from the 1G of memory used by the ACE, GSA and SA applications,
while TCx Sky and TDK8 will allow you to continue to use the Q: for these files moving to the F: will free
up memory for your applications. Remember to change the size of the Q: in Terminal Device Groups if
you move your files from Q: to F: and more memory will be available to your application.

Sample contents of the ADX_IDT1:RAMCOPY.CFG file could be:








The RAMCOPY.CFG file could also change HTML files as well as image files if it is desired that HTML files
be refreshed based on changes between transactions.

The above example assumes that all the files to be managed in the terminal are stored in directory
C:\MANAGED on the controller. These files may be stored anywhere on the controller if the
configuration file points to the correct location. Note that HTML and image files are usually specified in
the ADX_IDT1:RAMCOPY.CFG file, and the same HTML and image files are contained in the controller
directory (in this case C:\MANAGED). Also note that these files are not placed in a \MANAGED directory
on the terminal's F: disk. They are placed in the root of the location specified in the ramDiskDestination
property. It is recommended that all HTML and image files be place in the root of the terminal's F: disk.

Page 28 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
CSS Configuration

Change the CSS Configuration File adxae??f.dat where ?? is the controller node ID:

• Change location of stderr (virterr.x) and stdout (virtout.x). Change logs to go to the F: drive with
the following property: css.stdStreamDir=f:/si/logs
• Change the launch file name to use TDK8 with the following property:
• SI does not copy aefvirt.txt and aefvirt.j6 during the migration. Customers will need to update

NOTE: TDK 8 does not ship an XML parser. As a result, Store Integrator ships the xercessi.jar XML
parser. If you are using the sample aefvirt.txt and aefvirt.j6 files to run your CSS virtual sessions then
you will be able to access the parser. But you self-maintain your files, you must manually add
xercessi.jar to the end of the classpath in aefvirt.txt and aefvirt.j6.

NOTE: Oracle no longer supports javax.comm for serial communications. Store Integrator now uses
rxtxcomm.jar for serial communications. This file is available in Toshiba UnifiedPOS for Windows (as
part of the JavaPOS installation). If you are using any remote serial devices on Windows (such as with
Remote GUI) you need to add rxtxcomm.jar to aefvirt.j6.


TCx Amplify includes XML files that can be used to update configuration on the 4690 controller using the
XML configuration utility. Sample files for Java applications and preload bundles are included on the TCx
Amplify installation CD in application-specific directories in the \4690\MOBILE\xxx directory where xxx
is the application (ACE or SA). These files may be used in conjunction with the Store Integrator BAT files
for saving/restoring the XML files for terminal activation.

NOTE: If the Handout Kiosk Station (HKS) for Retailer-owned Consumer mobile (ROCM) shopping is an
earlier installation, it may be using adxxtrun.386 as the “programName” in the adxcfgaa.dat application
configuration file, passing the launcher name (hks) as a “programArguments” parameter:

<Application applName="HKS"
description="Handout Kiosk Station" outputAppend="0"

Page 29 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
TCx Sky now requires that applications use the launcher name as the “programName”. For TCx Amplify,
you must now use the launcher name (hks.386) of the application instead of using the adxxtrun
command to launch the program at the terminal. This may require you to update your adxcfgai.dat
inactive configuration file (by copying adxcfgaa.dat to adxcfgai.dat). Once the changes are made,
activate Terminal configuration, and reload the terminal. You can make this update on your V6R5
system before migration to TCx Sky as it will execute correctly on V6R5 as well as TCx Sky. Without the
change your Handout Kiosk Station will fail to load after migration to TCx Sky.

See the example below:

<Application applName="HKS"
description="Handout Kiosk Station" outputAppend="0"

Here the “programName” is changed to f:/adx_spgm/hks.386 and “programArguments” is now null.

NOTE: rxtxcomm replaces Javax.comm for serial. You must add RXTXcomm.jar to CSS classpath when
using remote devices and not using the JRE included with JavaPOS 1.14.1 and earlier in your Windows

For RXTX installation instructions for the remote devices and package download refer to:

On 4690/TCx Sky:

TDK8: Copy RXTXcomm.jar to a patch zip file. Refer to Store Integrator User’s Guide Configuring CSS
running under Java 6 and TDK8 for more information on CSS patch zip utility. And add the line
+cdrive/f_drive/RXTXcomm.jar to AEFVIRT.J6. Note the path naming is case sensitive. Refer to section
11.2.1 for Post Migration changes to the TCx Amplify Self Service Scanner/Scale for support of RxTx.
Detailed steps are provided for changing your application from using javax.comm to rxtx.

The TCx Amplify XML configuration files are found in the 4690\MOBILE\ACE directory of the installation
and update media. You may use the BAT files for SI GUI ACE (found on the Store Integrator installation
CD) to update your configuration.

Page 30 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
The files that you need for TCx Amplify are:

P:\4690\GUI\ACE folder (SI installation CD):

• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

P:\4690\MOBILE\ACE folder:

• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for ACE TCx Amplify. They are:

AEOMM – ACE Mobile Operator Display

AEDMM – ACE Mobile Dual Display

AESMM – ACE Self Service Scale

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only TCx Amplify Java applications needed
in the terminal load definition for TCx Amplify running on TDK8.

he TCx Amplify javaapp.xml provides 3 TDK8 applications for ACE TCx Amplify. When configuring your
terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications listed above can be used. When the
migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of cancelling maintenance, these are
the only TCx Amplify applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky system for ACE/TCx Amplify.

To add the TCx Amplify Java applications and the TCx Amplify preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal
Configuration, install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for ACE TCx Amplify:

1. Copy the BAT files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller

2. Copy the XML files from the TCx Amplify installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

3. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to preload.mob and javaapp.mob.

4. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminals, edit preload.mob and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

5. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore
your original configuration if needed.
6. Copy preload.mob and javaapp.mob to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

7. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

Page 31 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
8. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the TCx Amplify files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles
and Java applications.
9. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.

4.7.2 Supermarket (SA)

The TCx Amplify XML configuration files are found in the 4690\MOBILE\SA directory of the installation
and update media. You may use the BAT files for SI GUI SA (found on the Store Integrator installation
CD) to update your configuration.

The files that you need for TCx Amplify are:

P:\4690\GUI\SA folder:

• savecfg.bat
• restcfg.bat

P:\4690\MOBILE\SA folder:

• javaapp.xml
• preload.xml

The contents of javaapp.xml provides the TDK8 applications for SA TCx Amplify. They are:

SEOMM – Supermarket Mobile Operator Display

SEDMM – Supermarket Mobile Dual Display

SESMM – Supermarket Self Service Scale

Once you have accepted the TCx Sky migration, these are the only TCx Amplify Java applications needed
in the terminal load definition for TCx Amplify running on TDK8.

The TCx™Amplify javaapp.xml provides 3 TDK8 applications for Supermarket TCx Amplify. When
configuring your terminals for migration to TCx Sky, any of these applications listed above can be used.
When the migration to TCx Sky is accepted and there is no longer a chance of cancelling maintenance,
these are the only TCx Amplify applications that need to remain on the TCx Sky system for
Supermarket/TCx Amplify.

Page 32 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
To add the TCx Amplify Java applications and the TCx Amplify preload bundles to your 4690 Terminal
Configuration, install the javaapp.xml and preload.xml for Supermarket TCxAmplify:

1. Copy the BAT files from the SI installation CD to your 4690 Master controller

2. Copy the XML files from the TCxAmplify installation CD to your 4690 Master controller.

3. Rename the preload.xml and javaapp.xml files to preload.mob and javaapp.mob.

4. If you are no longer using Java 2 terminals, edit preload.mob and remove all the Java 2 applications.
The only remaining files should be the ones listed above.

5. Run savecfg.bat to save off your current configuration for preload bundles and Java application.
Running this BAT file creates a new preload.xml and javaapp.xml. Rename these files to something
you can save for backup such as preload.sav and javaapp.sav. You can use these files to restore
your original configuration if needed.
6. Copy preload.mob and javaapp.mob to preload.xml and javaapp.xml.

7. Run restcfg.bat to update your current inactive terminal configuration.

8. Activate Terminal Configuration: Activate Configuration (4) →Terminal Configuration (1). You will
now have all the TCx Amplify files available in your Terminal Configuration for SI V4 preload bundles
and Java applications.
9. Reboot the controller.

NOTE: The savecfg8.bat and restcfg8.bat are TDK8 versions of the BAT files for execution on TCx Sky.


4.8.1 Overview
TCx Elevate uses OSGi bundles. These bundles communicate locally and through the network
via services. For TCx Elevate to communicate with SI AEF and JavaPOS, the software needs to be
packaged into an OSGi bundle. A bundle is a package for all the OSGi components and resources
needed to work.

4.8.2 TCx Elevate Platform

The TCx Elevate Platform works with Store Integrator (SI). To work with SI, the AEF JAR files
need to be wrapped inside of an OSGi bundle. TCx Elevate ships with a “JARs to OSGi Bundle”
tool. This tool creates an OSGi bundle with the AEF JAR files that can be shared by the various
TCx Elevate OSGi services. This isolates TCx Elevate from SI and allows it to work with whatever
version of SI GUI is installed.

Page 33 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
In addition to the SI JAR files, the AEF OSGi bundle requires some 4690/Sky JAR and ZIP files
from the 4690/Sky /java directory. Since these files change after migration from 4690 to Sky
releases, these OSGi bundles need to be rebuilt.

There are two AEF bundles, one for the client (terminal) and one for the server (controller). Use
the tool on the TCx Elevate installation CD to create the bundles:

1. Change to P:
2. cd /tools/JarsToOSGi/4690
3. To build the client AEF bundle:
mkclient {SI_VERSION} {SI_RELEASE} {SI_BUILD} {ace|sa|gsa}

The f:/aef-bundle_v.r.####-client.jar is copied to m:/adxetc/ext/xpd/update_sites

4. Run adxpldrb to rebuild the CCFRES preload bundle.
5. Reload the terminals that are configured to load TCx Elevate Client Platform.
6. To build the server AEF bundle:
mkserver {SI_VERSION} {SI_RELEASE} {SI_BUILD} {ace|sa|gsa}

The f:/aef-bundle_v.r.####-server.jar is copied to f:/adxetc/ext/elevate/bundles.

7. IPL the controller that is configured to load TCx Elevate Server Platform.

4.8.3 TCx Elevate Quick Service Application

The TCx Elevate Quick Service Application requires JavaPOS to reside in an OSGi bundle. To
build the JavaPOS bundle, use the “JARs to OSGi Bundle” tool on the TCx Elevate Quick Service
Application installation CD:

1. Change to P:
2. cd /tools/JarsToOSGi/4690
3. To build the client JavaPOS bundle:
mkserver 1 14 2 jpos

The tool generates a file named jpos-bundle_v.r.###-server.jar (where v is JPOS Version, r is JPOS
Release and #### is JPOS Build) in directory f:/adxetc/ext/elevate/deploy

Note: If the execution fails with a file copy error, this may be an indication that the Platform Server
is not configured on that controller.
4. Reload the controller.

Page 34 of 57
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respective owners."
Devices attached to your terminals that come from non-Toshiba vendors may need a firmware update.
Best Practice is to contact your vendors to ensure you have the latest firmware for your scanners, scales,
and other non-Toshiba devices. Not testing all the scanners/scales etc. that are utilized in the stores
before rolling out the migration to the stores could cause a store to require cancelling maintenance if
the store devices need a firmware update.



Controller configuration changes to validate before migration to TCx Sky are minimal.

‒ Verify that the Java 6 controller extensions, ADXXTSJ6 and ADXTSS6, are not selected.

Having these extensions selected for the controller will cause a failure when executing Skycheck. There
are no other required controller configuration changes needed to migrate to TCx Sky.

If you are currently using LAA (Locally Administered Addresses) instead of the MAC address of any
systems this information will be provided in an LAA.xml file for configuration instead of in the
communications configuration screens. There is nothing that must be done before migration.


If you set a default java classpath for controller or terminal applications for Java2 these should be


The terminal configuration has several areas to validate before your migration to TCx Sky. Remember
that the Store Default is modified by the user and available to all terminals that do not have a unique
configuration so these need to be validated as well. Skycheck will review the Terminal load definitions
configurations as well as Java Applications for the terminal.

Legacy terminal configuration will be removed from TCx Sky. Ensure you no longer have any terminals
defined in the Legacy terminal configuration. You can do this by going to 4 Installation and Update Aids,
1 Legacy Terminal Configuration, 3 Terminal Load Definition, 4 Display Terminal Load Summary, 1-999, 3
for all number is the range. You should get a red message indicating there are no load definitions in
range 1-999.

Page 35 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
6.3.1 Device Characteristics
The Q: was provided to give Java 2 applications access to resources and provide support for long file
names. The memory allocated for the Q: is taken from the 1G of memory allocated for the legacy
applications. (16 & 32bit apps). The size of the RAM disk should be reviewed to see if it is still valid.
Some retailers preload the terminal sales apps to the Q: and this may still be valid. Validate this for the
device characteristics store default as well.

6.3.2 Terminal Load Definition

‒ Enhanced Mode: Make sure all terminals are marked to load Enhanced Mode. Verify that your
store default terminal load definition is also set to Enhanced Mode.
‒ Java Applications:
− Select the type of Java application to configure = Java 6/TDK8
− Select the Primary Application = for TDK8
− Select the Preload drive = F
− JVM Preload: = F
‒ Extensions:
− Choose TDK8 (ADXXTSJ8.DAT).
− The Java 6 extensions, ADXXTSJ6 and ADXXTS6 extensions should not be checked.
‒ Preload Bundles:
− Choose Drive Q and move all the bundles from the Selected bundles box to the available
bundles box – EXCEPT for Preload Bundle with your terminal sales application if you are
preloading your terminal Sales app. Choose Drive F and move the following bundles
from the Available Bundles box to the Selected bundles box.
o 4690JARS
o CUSTTDK8 (if running dual display or customer display)

‒ Save Changes and exit.

6.3.3 Keyboard Layouts

TCx Sky does not support 4683 IO and the 4683 Keyboard layouts and they will not be available in TCx

Page 36 of 57
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respective owners."
4690 Version 6 still provided the keyboard layouts for the 4683 keyboards as shown here on the left as
outlined in red. TCx Sky will not have that option to select as shown in the image on the right.

Terminal load definition allows the user to list the keyboard layout to use for every supported keyboard
possibly attached to the terminal. 4690 Version 6 listed a 4683 50Key and a 4683 ANPOS keyboard
layout for the user to define as shown in the image below on the left. TCx Sky will no longer have those
fields listed in the terminal load definition, as is shown in the image below on the right.

Retailers will need to verify that their inventory of POSKeyboards does not include the 4683 generation
of keyboards. These can be identified by not having the CTRL key for the S1 S2 keys.

6.3.4 Network File System

Prior to preload for the JVM and bundles customers were told to map an NFS Drive to C:/ or M:/ of the
store controller. Verify that if you that if you have any NFS mounts assigned to a terminal it is still
needed, accurate and not left over from Java1 and 2 configurations. NFS is still supported on TCx Sky

6.3.5 Java Applications

Any Java applications that you have for your terminals will need to be updated to TDK8. The classpaths
for these applications will be executed on the Linux side of the system and thus will be case sensitive
and expect a “:” colon and not a “;” semicolon between files in the class path. For applications not
provided by Toshiba refer to the TCx Sky Programming Guide, Chapter 18 for detailed information on
designing applications with TDK8 for TCx Sky.
Page 37 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
To validate you are running only with TDK8 you can do any of the following:

‒ Turn off ADXXTSJ6 and ADXXTSS6 extensions for Java 6 in controller and terminal configuration.
By default, javaebin:java will use TDK8 for launching Java applications.
‒ Rename m:/java2/jre/bin/java.386 file and see what Java applications will not start.
Configuration will fail if you rename this file.

All .bat files and Python scripts on the store controller should be reviewed to ensure they are not calling
Java 2 or Java 6 by looking for javaebin:java6.386 or java2bin:java in these files.

Review all .rsp files to verify they are not launching Java 2 and Java 6 applications, rename those that do
and verify that there are no issues with your terminal loads. If no problems are found loading the
terminals these files can be deleted.

See the TCx Sky Programming Guide, Chapter 18 for additional information on designing Java
Applications with TDK8.

6.3.6 Preload Bundles

Preload Bundles allow you to provide resources for your applications at the terminal regardless of
having a drive installed in the terminal. In the past Java 2 application used the Q: to preload resources
for the Java 2 applications. The Q: is a RAM disk that is defined in Device Configuration. Configuration
defines how much memory of the terminal will be set aside for the Q: and this memory comes from the
1G of memory in the terminal used by the 16 and 32bit applications. TDK8 applications should all be
preloading to the F: which is defined by the Operating System and uses memory outside of the 1G
dedicated to the 16 and 32bit applications. Your preload bundles for TDK8 applications should be
verified to be going to the F: in the terminal load definition.

6.3.7 Eloopaddr
For 4690/TCx Sky to communicate with the Linux file system the controller and terminal need to have
the eloopaddr setting in their configuration. This can either be set to the last unused IP address or to a
static IP address. Care should be taken before setting this IP so as not cause networking issues by using
an existing assigned IP address. See the TCx Sky Communications Programming Reference Guide for
details. For Controller IP Configuration – ADXIP??Z.BAT

Edit the c:\adx_sdt1\adxip??z.bat file, ?? = Node ID – need to have one of the following on the ifconfig
lan0 line for each store controller:

eloopaddr last

eloopaddr x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is a specific IP address)

If you have not already done this then this needs to be done before migration to TCx Sky.

Page 38 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners." For Terminal IP Configuration – IPCONFIG.DAT
Edit the terminal IP configuration file –

c:\adx_spgm\ipconfig.dat – needs to have eloopaddr also on the ifconfig lan0 line.

eloopaddr last

eloopaddr x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is a specific IP address)

After completing the update to the c:\adx_spgm\ipconfig.dat

Run adxrtccl from the command line. Then Issue a #9 load to the terminals to load the new

6.3.8 Pseudo Keypad Access

When running Java 2, you can access the pseudo keypad by tapping 3 times in the lower left corner of
the screen and tapping 1 time on the lower right corner of the screen.

This process does not work with Java 6 or TDK8 for Version 6 because the Linux video driver does not
support this command. Starting with SI GUI level V4R1 SI used the APIs provided by the OS to add a
menu option to access the Terminal console screen where the 3 taps bottom left corner and 1 tap
bottom right corner will work.

TCx Sky 1.2.01-00 provides this function in the Linux Video driver with a property file. If you wish to have
the pseudo keypad available to your associates after migration to TCx Sky you can add the following
property to the terminal properties file ADX_IDT1:VX_TRMPR.DAT for terminals:


For controller/terminals add the property to the ADX1:VX_CTLPR.DAT file. Terminal load shrink
(adxrtccl) should be executed after making this change.

Many retailers rarely power off or cold boot their store controllers. The migration process can be drive
intensive. HDDs and SSDs do have a lifespan. If you do not regularly power off/on your store controllers
or are not monitoring the W752, W754 and W872 messages you may not be aware of issues that your
drives are experiencing. To avoid any migration issues due to controller drives it is recommended that
your store controllers are rebooted, and messages viewed to avoid issues during the migration process.
Have a plan for drive replacements if needed or recover for stores should they lose a drive during the
migration process.

Page 39 of 57
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respective owners."
1. If you are using the Whitelisting function make sure you have the updated whitelist files
installed on the store controllers before starting migration. Decisions on cleaning up old
whitelist files after the migration is accepted should be made.


‒ Remove adx_upgm:scload.bat from the file if it exists. This was used to load the IBM 4690
Remote Access program, which is not supported on 4690 Enhanced controllers.

‒ Runs without issue on 4690 V6R5 controllers but causes a TCx Sky controller to dump.

3. Configuration for Linux applications on TCx Sky

‒ In the V6R5 level of the OS a java application could be configured with an autoStart
parameter and restartOnFailure parameter.

‒ These flags are in the Generic Terminal Configuration > Java Applications and the
Configuration utilities as well.

‒ In TCx Sky those parameters are not used and you will get a warning on Skycheck for these
parameters being set. Migration will NOT fail due to these settings. Do not change these
parameters in your configuration if you may need to cancel migration.
4. Java 2 logical file names that were configured can be removed but will not cause a failure if left.

− Check controller configuration for all controllers, User Logical File names. Delete:




‒ Check ADX_IDT1:ADXTRMUF.DAT and ADX_IDT1:ADXCTLUF.DAT for these same three


Page 40 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
Chapter 2 of the TCx Sky Planning, Configuration, and Installation Guide documents in detail the steps
for migrating a store from a previous release of 4690 OS, V6R5 or V6R4, to TCx Sky. Always use the
version of the publications that matches the level of software that you are migrating too, i.e. if you are
migrating to TCx Sky 1.2 then use the TCx Sky 1.2 publications. Directions are given for both a local
migration and for building the remote package for deployment to the stores. The directions for a local
migration are copied here. If you are on a multiple controller system using DDA and MCF migration must
be done from the Acting Master controller. All Windows should be closed. Background Applications

From the Publications:

Step 1. Accessing the Migration README.DOC file on the CD-ROM

Before proceeding with the Migration procedure, read the README.DOC file, which is located
on the CD-ROM. This README.DOC file may contain important information about your system that did
not make it to the publications. Most cases it should refer to the publications.
Follow these steps to access the README.DOC file:
1. Sign on to your system.

2. Insert the Migration CD-ROM (Vol 02 of 02) into the CD-ROM drive. (The CD-ROM drive is referred
to in 4690 OS as the P: drive).

3. Check the label on the CD-ROM.

4. From the SYSTEM MAIN MENU, select COMMAND MODE by typing 7 and pressing


5. Your screen will go blank for a moment, and then the system prompt appears.

6. After the prompt appears, type P:\4690MIGR\README.BAT and press Enter. Follow the
instructions on your screen for accessing the README.DOC files.

7. When you are finished with the README.DOC files, the C prompt appears.

Step 2. Ensuring your operating system is not in ASM test mode

The ASM procedure is equipped with a test mode that saves a copy of your current system
without any migration changes. A system in test mode can be accepted at the current level, or
cancelled, thus restoring the system to its original state.
Page 41 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
The existing operating system cannot be in test mode when migrating to a new operating system

level. The operating system must not be in backup; other applications such as the General Sales
Application might be in backup. To determine if you are in test mode, perform these steps:

1. From the SYSTEM MAIN MENU, select INSTALLATION AND UPDATE AIDS by typing 4 and pressing


MAINTENANCE by typing 5 and pressing Enter.

and pressing Enter.

If your operating system is not in backup, press F3 three times to return to the SYSTEM MAIN
MENU. You can now go directly to “Step 3. If your operating system is in backup, you must decide
to cancel or accept the previous maintenance.

If you are migrating from a previous version of the operating system, select the 4690 Operating
System option. If you were also running multiple store controllers, you must select the option
that shows 4690 Operating System is not in backup or maintenance. If you are migrating from a
previous level of the operating system, the only item you will be able to select is the operating
system option.
If you want to accept the current level for any item listed, type 3 beside the selection and press
Enter. If you want to cancel, type 2 beside the selection and press Enter. If you choose to cancel, the
system will re-IPL and you must sign on to the system.
You must accept or cancel the current operating system. You cannot migrate to a new system
release with a system in backup.

Step 3. Migrating your operating system

Using the Migration CD-ROM while running the 4690 Operating System
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the store controller (Vol 02 of 02).
2. From the SYSTEM MAIN MENU, type 7 (Command Mode), and press Enter.
3. When the C:> prompt appears, type p:4690migr\start and press Enter.
4. First, a panel appears describing license acceptance information. You may press ESC to quit or
ENTER to continue. The license is available in hard copy format or in the \license and \nontosli
directories on the CD-ROM.

Page 42 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
Step 4. Transfer Maintenance (ASM) from CD-ROM
1. The system displays the level to which you are applying the system upgrade and prompts
you for whether this is a local or remote migration. Enter the appropriate response using the
numeric keypad.

2. A progress indicator appears showing that files are being copied. After completing the copy, the
system prompts you to press any key to display the APPLY SOFTWARE

typing 1 and pressing Enter. Type an X beside the operating system selection and press Enter.

As the migration is being transferred and after the process is complete, in maintenance
appears next to the operating system selections. The system prompts you when the process
is complete.

When complete the following message is displayed:

You should activate the maintenance next, as maintenance requires all controllers and
terminals to reload. The maintenance activation should be scheduled at a time when the
impact on the store is minimal.

4. Type exit and press Enter to return to the SYSTEM MAIN MENU panel.
5. When you decide to activate the maintenance, type 4 and press Enter to select

6. Type 5 and press Enter to select APPLY SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE.

7. From the APPLY SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE panel, type 2 and press Enter to select

Page 43 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
You can either test, cancel, or accept the maintenance. If you put the maintenance into test
mode and later cancel it, you must restart the migration over again. Any configuration changes made
while in test mode will be lost when cancelled.

Note: If you put the maintenance in Test or Accept the maintenance, a panel appears
cautioning you that the changes are to be applied and the controller should be IPLed. Press
Enter to continue. The system IPLs all store controllers.

When migrating a store from one release of the OS to another, one Version of the OS to another it is
always recommended that the activation of the migration be done in “Test” mode. This will allow a user
to cancel the migration if necessary. Cancelling a migration should only be done as an emergency
recovery procedure.

See the TCx Sky Planning, Installation and Configuration Guide for more details on cancelling of

After you have completed testing your system on the new level of the OS proceed to the TCx Sky
Planning, Installation and Configuration Guide for details on creating your migration remote package.

Note: For User’s that have already migrated to TCx Sky 1.1 and are now migrating to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00
there is support for the USB key ISO for migration. If you have not migrated to TCx Sky 1.1 then there is
no need to migrate to TCx Sky 1.1 before going to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00, always migrate to the latest level
available. To create a USB memory key ISO, see Appendix B of the TCx Sky User’s Guide for 1.2.01-00.

Page 44 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
Before deploying the new level of the OS to the stores testing of the migrated system should be
performed. In addition to your normal migration testing it is strongly suggested that the following tests
be included as well.

• Review previous migrations of the OS and any issues that were encountered. These issues
should be added to your normal test.
• Test any other recovery procedures used by your help desk or store personnel
• Test any extensions not delivered with the OS.
• Test fail over (one controller gone in the MCF environment)
• Test all scanner/scale models used in the Enterprise. Contact the vendors for any scanners that
have issues on the TCx Sky levels as they may have a new firmware update to provide you.
• All generations of IO that are used in the stores should be tested. 4683 POS keyboards and
Model ¾ printers are not supported on TCx Sky.
• Make sure any dual display configurations are tested.
• Test your remote package creation and migration.
• Test cancelling migration.
• Any 3rd party applications installed in the controllers or terminals across your enterprise.
‒ Some of the terminal 16bit/32bit apps may need to be recompiled for better

TCx Sky does not reformat the Controller drives during the migration process. A CPREP of a controller
drive with TCx Sky will change the format of the controller drive. Controllers with smaller drives (under
208G) will split the drive into an equal partition for the C: & F:, after some amount of shared file space
has been reserved. Larger drives will allocate 100G to the C: and the remaining to the F: after the
reserved shared file space. The amount of space that is reserved by the operating system is subject to
change in size. Toshiba recommends adding these additional tests if they are not already part of your
normal migration testing.

• For those in an MCF environment perform a dir -s on the C: and note the number of files on a
non-master controller. Subtract any log, dump files and log files.
• Repeat for the F:.
• Perform a CPREP on the same controller and execute the LAN Disk Rebuild Utility.
‒ Validate that there are no errors in this process
‒ Perform a dir -s on the C: drive. Review remaining disk space and compare the file
‒ Perform a dir -s on the F: drive. Review the remaining disk space and compare the file
‒ Validate all programs are running as expected.
Page 45 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
• Perform an ADXZUDIR backup of the Master controller by booting the controller from the
supplementals, plug in a USB key typing the following command:

t:>adxzudir -c -auto e:/000/testbackup

• Restore a different controller from this backup:

‒ Boot from the supplementals and CPREP the drive
‒ Set the node ID with t:>ADXNSX0L XX (XX=Node ID)
‒ Restore the image from the USB key with the following command.

t:>adxzudir -x -auto e:/000/testbackup

This will validate the new format of the drive does not negatively impact your store. This will also
validate any applications that are installed on the system and execute of the f: are properly installed.
Retailers that have any issue with these tests should contact Toshiba through the SR process.

Any procedure that includes running CPREP on the new OS level such as a LAN disk rebuild or
restoring the disk from an adxzudir image at the new OS level can cause severe or catastrophic
failures in the event you later attempt to cancel the migration. As noted repeatedly, the cancel
migrate procedure is an emergency measure that should take place within a day or two of the
original migrate. Allowing the store to run weeks or months and then attempting to cancel
migrate is a very bad idea and may end in a store down situation. If you do need cancel maintenance
after one of the store controllers has had the drive CPREPed you will need to turn that controller off
until the cancel is complete. Once the Master Controller is successfully restored the system can be
powered on and will require a new CPREP and LDRU or ADXZUDIR of the drive.

See the TCx Sky Planning, Installation and Configuration Guide for remote migration details.

After the testing of the migration is complete there are new functions/features available in the TCx Sky
platform that you may want to enable. This section will touch base on these.


4690 provides a custom SSH package in V6R5 and earlier. This will no longer receive security updates.
When migrating to TCx Sky your configuration for SSH will be migrated forward unchanged. Delivered
Page 46 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
with TCx Sky is OpenSSH for Linux. This is delivered as an extension for the controllers and terminals.
Retailers should implement the new OpenSSH for Linux as soon as possible to provide the stores with
the latest level of security updates, better performance and the new function that is available with
OpenSSH. The TCx Sky Communications Programming Reference documents in detail the configuration
of OpenSSH server and client as well as the new capabilities with Secure Copy, Terminal Support, and
key options. When implementing OpenSSH the System Configuration option on the screen below
should be disabled, this only applies to Legacy SSH.

Retailers that are not going to include the switch to OpenSSH at the time of deploying the migration to
the stores should have a plan in place to implement OpenSSH soon after the rollout of TCx Sky.

If you do cancel the migration and you have configured the OpenSSH extension on TCx Sky as well as the
configuration files for OpenSSH they will be removed when the migration is cancelled. Have a plan for
restarting legacy SSH configuration.

Both versions of SSH cannot run at the same time. Both require Enhanced Security (complex IDs/PWs) to
be enabled.


In V6R5 and earlier 4690 OS provided terminals with Java communications for serial devices with
javax.comm. Support for javax.comm ends on 12/31/2019. The V6R5 CSDs delivered after Dec. 31,
2019 will not contain Java2 or javax.comm. With TCx Sky javax.comm is migrated forward. TCx Sky also
provides the RxTx Communications extension (ADXSTSRT.DAT) for terminals. When this extension is
enabled for the terminal the opt/adxrxtx/lib/rxtxcomm.jar file is provided as is the shared library
opt/adxrxtx/bin/ These locations need to be added to your applications when you
update them for RXTX to replace javax.comm. Once your applications have been updated to use
rxtxcomm.jar file, the COMM4690.JAR file can be removed from the terminal preload bundles, but it
will not cause a problem if it is left. See the TCx Sky Programmer’s Guide for additional information on
updating you Java applications for RXTX serial communications.

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respective owners."
If you have modified your application while in test mode of the migration and end up canceling the
migration, the RXTX extension will no longer be there once the cancel is completed. You need to modify
your applications again to revert to using javax.comm. If you have done testing with this at the
enterprise, you can send the modified applications with a Product Control File to the store. Having them
in test mode as well will allow you to cancel the maintenance for these applications should you cancel
the OS migration to TCx Sky.

Here is an example of how your application would be updated for rxtx using the TCx Sky Amplify product
as an example:

11.2.1 Configuring Self-Service Scale serial label printer to use RXTX

Self-Service Scale terminals configured on TCx Sky should use RXTX for communicating with the serial
label printer.
1. Go to the Java Applications for the TCx™Amplify Self-Service Scale controller/terminal:
2. Select the primary application that matches the configuration you are running Self-Service Scale
AESMM or other applications, then edit it.
1. Add /opt/adxrxtx/lib/RXTXcomm.jar to the Classpath field
2. Add -Xenv:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/adxrxtx/bin to the Other JVM options field
3. (Optional) Remove comm4690.jar from Classpath field
3. Save your changes, and go back to Terminal Configuration
4. Go to Load definitions:
5. Select the Self-Service Scale terminal you want to change, then edit it.
6. Go to Extensions and enable:
7. Save your changes and exit.
8. Activate the terminal configuration and reload the terminals

11.2.2 CHEC
The CHEC team has provided a configuration update bat file (updgtc.bat) that will change the classpath
in the javaapp configuration and provide new bundles for preload bundles in support of new .jar files
and RxTx support in CHEC. See your installation/update media for this bat file and directions. Cancelling
migration will require this to be changed back for V6R5. Putting these changes into an ASM package
that will be cancelled when/if migration is cancelled will allow the original configuration to be put back.


Customers running the Supermarket Application for their POS application do not need to modify their
application to run on TCx Sky. As with any migration the application should be tested before the OS
migration is deployed to the stores. The Supermarket Application will perform better in the terminal if
the terminal sales application is relinked with the TCx Sky runtimes.

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respective owners."
TCx Sky 1.2 included some system changes that may require some applications to be relinked.
Specifically, any CBASIC applications that call the ADXAUTH function and 16-bit C applications that call
the ADX_CAUTH function must be relinked with new versions of the runtime libraries. Applications that
are not relinked will cause privilege violation exceptions or cause dumps when the API is called. 32-bit C
programs are not affected since the API code is shipped in an OS DLL.

CBASIC applications should be relinked with after an application is relinked with ADXACRCL.L86 and 16-
bit C applications relinked with ADXAPACL.L86. These two libraries may be found in the 4690OPT
directory of the TCx Sky installation, migration, and ASM media. Once you have copied the new files on
then you can link the Supermarket application with the following:


If you have written a 16bit C application regarding authorization then the new ADXAPACL.L86 file needs
to be included when relinking that application.

Once an application is relinked for TCx Sky, the application will no longer run on OS4690 V6 or TCx Sky

It is not required to relink other CBasic applications for the controller on TCx Sky 1.2.01-03. See section and for details.

If you want, or need, to relink a controller CBasic application, your custom and/or third party, do this
only after you have reached the TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 level or higher.

Terminal Sales applications will see improved performance when relinked.

When deploying to the store these relinked applications can be delivered to the stores with a Product
Control File and placed in Test mode while the TCx Sky migration is in test mode. If there is a need to
cancel the migration at the store, then cancelling the application update as well will allow the
Supermarket applications that were linked with the 4690 runtimes to be recovered and the applications
relinked with the TCx Sky runtimes to be removed from the system.

If you are using SI GUI with the Supermarket application additional information is provided in the SIGUI


Customers running the General Sales Application for their POS application do not need to modify their
application to run on TCx Sky. As with any migration the application should be tested before the OS
migration is deployed to the stores. The General Sales Application will perform better in the terminal if
the application is relinked with the TCx Sky runtimes.

TCx Sky 1.2 included some system changes that may require some applications to be relinked.
Specifically, any CBASIC applications that call the ADXAUTH function and 16-bit C applications that call
the ADX_CAUTH function must be relinked with new versions of the runtime libraries. Applications that
Page 49 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
are not relinked will cause privilege violation exceptions or cause dumps when the API is called. 32-bit C
programs are not affected since the API code is shipped in an OS DLL.

CBASIC applications should be relinked with After an application is relinked with ADXACRCL.L86 and 16-
bit C applications relinked with ADXAPACL.L86. These two libraries may be found in the 4690OPT
directory of the TCx Sky installation, migration, and ASM media. Once you have copied the new files to
the system the GSA example would be to add the ADXACRDL.L86 file to your input file relink on the be :


Your input file should include EALDB2ML, EALDMCBL, EALDMDEL, EALDBFML and EALDMML as well. If
you have written a 16bit C application regarding authorization then the new ADXAPACL.L86 file needs
to be included when relinking that application.

Once an application is relinked for TCx Sky, the application will no longer run on OS4690 V6 or TCx Sky

It is not required to relink other CBasic applications for the controller on TCx Sky 1.2.01-03. See section and for details.

If you want, or need, to relink a controller CBasic application, your custom and/or third party, do this
only after you have reached the TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 level or higher.

Terminal Sales applications will see improved performance when relinked.

When deploying to the store these relinked applications can be delivered to the stores with a Product
Control File and placed in Test mode while the TCx Sky migration is in test mode. If there is a need to
cancel the migration at the store, then cancelling the application update as well will allow the GSA files
that were linked with the 4690 runtimes to be recovered and the GSA applications relinked with TCx Sky
runtimes to be removed from the store.

If you are using SI GUI with the GSA application additional information is provided in section on SIGUI
the documentation.


With the addition of UEFI system units the Diagnostics utilities have been updated. If you install the
diagnostics utilities on your store controllers there are a few changes you will need to implement to use
the updated diagnostics in your store. The diagnostics utility assumes that you have FTP Server running
in the store and has a default ID and password for the FTP server. Please read the documentation in the
TCx Sky User’s Guide, Appendix A for the updated directions on using the “Boot Diagnostics across the
network” function. This is a non-PCI compliant installation. The diagnostics team is correcting this to no
longer require the ftp server, and the changes should be in the 11.3 package scheduled for 11.3.

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respective owners."

There should be no impact to Visual Age 32-bit C/C++ Applications.

Odd problems or performance issues with controller applications when moving to TCx Sky 1.2.01-00
have been reported by customers. (See section and Do not relink any controller CBasic
applications until your system is at the TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 level or higher. This level provides an update
for both the controller CBasic application runtimes and the Linux kernel system call that has impacted
performance of applications in the 4690 space of TCx Sky.

If your inhouse application executed fine on V6R5, is not Java2 or Java6 then provide a dump of the
issue you are experiencing with your inhouse written application to support when opening your SR.

As always, a regression test of your application should be performed before rolling the migration to the

11.6.1 ADXAUTH and ADX_CAUTH apps

TCx Sky 1.2 included some system changes that may require some applications to be relinked.
Specifically, any CBASIC applications that call the ADXAUTH function and 16-bit C applications that call
the ADX_CAUTH function must be relinked with new versions of the runtime libraries. Applications that
are not relinked will cause privilege violation exceptions or cause dumps when the API is called. 32-bit C
programs are not affected since the API code is shipped in an OS DLL.

CBASIC applications should be relinked with after an application is relinked with ADXACRCL.L86 and 16-
bit C applications relinked with ADXAPACL.L86. These two libraries may be found in the 4690OPT
directory of the TCx Sky installation, migration, and ASM media. Once an application is relinked for TCx
Sky, the application will no longer run on OS4690 V6 or TCx Sky 1.1.

IF issues are still experienced by your non-Toshiba contact your vendor or Toshiba depending on if you
obtained the application from a 3rd party or wrote the application inhouse. Make sure your vendor
knows the OS level you are currently executing on.

11.6.2 Enhanced Security apps

If your store controllers ever had 4690 V6R1 installed then the system may still have a file
ADX_SDT1:ADXEPW1F.DAT installed. IF you have installed the latest level of ACE and requested the
new SHA256 driver to use with ACE then the above file may cause a failure for your store controllers.
Deleting the ADX_SDT1:ADXEPW1F.DAT file from store controllers before putting the new SHA256
Driver on the store controller will prevent this issue from happening. The ADXEPW1F.DAT file is not
required on your system. Retailers moving to TCx Sky 1.2.02 should not encounter this problem.

Page 51 of 57
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respective owners."
If your inhouse or 3rd party application for Enhanced Security that set the attributes in positions 9-15
and 71-72 in V6R5 will need to be updated to no longer update these attributes when migrating to TCx
Sky. See the table below: V6R5 Programmer’s Guide Entry TCx Sky Programmer’s Guide Entry

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respective owners."
Note: If you relink your applications with TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 and then for some reason cancel the
migration you will need to relink your applications with V6R5 (or whatever your previous level was)
runtimes. By sending the relinked applications in an ASM package that is kept in TEST mode, the ASM
package could be accepted or canceled when the TCx Sky migration is accepted or canceled. This will
allow the store to return to the previous runtimes during a cancel and removal of the applications
relinked with the TCx Sky 1.2.01-01 runtimes.

11.7 NETOP
Retailers using Netop Remote Control for their POS systems will need to get the updated Netop delivery
for TCx Sky. This package will provide the Netop Secure Tunnel Feature. The previous version of Netop
Remote Control will not execute in the TCx Sky environment. Netop Supported levels are:

V6R5 0HL0 and higher Netop 11.5 package

TCx Sky 1.1 Netop 12.62 package (Guest must be at 12.60 or higher)

TCx Sky 1.2 Netop 12.79 package


With 4690 OS V6R5 RMA was included in the OS packages and was automatically installed and updated.
With TCx Sky RMA has been decoupled from the operating system to allow retailers to update their level
of RMA without having to update the operating system. RMA is available for download with no fee on
the website for the retailers that use RMA. To download the package:

‒ Log on to the website with your enterprise ID.

Page 53 of 57
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respective owners."
‒ Select “Support” then “Support Overview” from the menu
‒ In the Software box choose the “Retail Enterprise Management Service (REMS) & Remote
Management Agent (RMA)”
‒ Scroll down to the “downloads” section
‒ Select “Download for TCx Sky”
‒ Save the ISO file. Recommend that you create a Product Control File for installation of RMA.
‒ Test and validate the package on your enterprise test system before distributing to the stores.


1. Using the table in Section 2.2.2 of this document validate that all the installed packages are at the
supported level.
a. If all your SW packages are not at the correct level, then create a plan to update these
b. Return to this migration checklist when all SW products are at supported levels.
2. Validate all Java applications are running at TDK8, refer to Section 2.2.1 of this document if unsure
of this.
3. Validate all systems units in the enterprise are supported by TCx Sky with the required amount of
memory and drive sizes.
a. 64 bit enabled systems- see Getting Started Guide on the site for list of supported systems.
b. 2G of memory or more for all terminals and controllers. SW stack may require more
memory. See section 2.2.1
c. Systems with drives must be 64G or larger.
d. CHEC systems require 4G of memory
e. TCx Elevate systems require 4G of memory and 4900-745 or higher systems
f. Have a plan for any HW that must be replaced before migration is performed in those
4. Schedule a cold boot of all store controllers and validate that no HDD/SSD errors are being logged
as noted in Section 7 of this document.
a. Review logs for W752, W754 and W872 messages.
b. Have a plan and implementation for any store controllers that have issues with the drives.
5. Run the SKYCHEC utility on the Master controller with all terminals powered on and a clean VPD
file, as described in Section 3 of this document.
6. Review the skycXXXX.rpt (where XXXX=store number) documentation and make sure there are no
controller or terminal failures. Review all warnings and inconclusive and resolve.
7. Validate that the operating system is not in backup mode. See Section 9, step 2 of this document.
8. Stop all background applications.

Page 54 of 57
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respective owners."
9. Perform the store migration following the steps in section 9 of this document. Place the migration
in TEST mode.
10. Perform all normal migration/regression testcases.
11. Include all OEM devices during testing. Contact OEM vendor for latest firmware if issues are found.
12. Perform all system recovery procedures documented for your stores.
13. Review and perform any tests not already done that are listed in Section 10 of this document.
14. Relink 16 and 32bit Basic applications, save these off for your store migration packages.
Information on relinking applications can be found in the TCx Sky Programmer’s Guide.
15. Test cancellation of the migration. Validate store controllers and terminals are fully operational
after cancel. Document the store procedure should a cancel of maintenance be required.
16. Create your remote package for migration.
a. Include any firmware updates that are required.
b. Test this package.
17. When all tests have completed successfully execute the store rollout plan.
a. Run skycheck remotely at your Pilot stores. Validate report.
b. Send remote package to pilot stores as your procedures dictate.
c. Provide relinked applications if there are any as well as any other packages, such as Netop
in an ASM package for the store so they may be cancelled should migration need to be
d. Monitor Pilot stores for specified time.
e. When criteria is met complete the rollout.
18. Post migration make sure any issues not found in test but encountered during the rollout are
documented and add to the future migration test plan.


Date Update Comments

8/2/2019 Version 1.02 Section 2.1.1 Known issues Corrupted Firmware for 2x20
and APA displays
8/5/2019 Version 1.03 Section 4.7 TCx Amplify Change to launcher name in
Section 4.8 TCx Elevate configuration of Handout Kiosk.
Update Branding
Added section for Elevate OSGi

8/19/2019 Version 1.04 Section 2.2.2 Application Levels Add StorePay

Page 55 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
10/21/2019 Version 1.05 Section 11.2.1 RxTx details Using TCx Sky as an example of
how to update applications post-
TCx Sky migration to RxTx.
Section 4.7 TCx Amplify Refer to 11.2.1 for adding RxTx
to your application.
11.3 & 11.4 Relink applications Caution on relinking
applications. Defect OS8599 and
10/31/19 Version 1.06 Section 2.2.2 update Change ACE EOS date
11/10/19 Version 1.07 Section 4.1.2 update DIF Remove unnecessary line.
11/10/19 Version 1.07 Section 11.1 updated to Added System Configuration
OpenSSH change.

1/22/2020 Version 1.08 Section 1, 2.1.1, 2.2.2, and 4. Updates for TCx Sky 1.2
Add Section 11.5 for new DIAGS
Update with new website link
4/14/2020 Version 1.08 Update for new optional
comm4690.jar with SIGUI
Update to add ACE 8.2 to
Section 2.2.2
4/15/2020 Version 1.09 Section 2.2.2 Updates to Amplify and Elevate
support levels
6/11/20 Version 1.10 Section 2.2.2 Update to Applications with TCx
Section 4.4.1 SI levels Sky 1.2.1
Section 10 Cprep highlite red SA & GSA SR fix delivery
Section 11.3 SA / 11.4 GSA Relink Supermarket Controller
Section 4.4.3 Applications
Added section for SI GUI Screen
Saver Images defect
8/5/2020 Version 1.11 Major updates with removal of
TCx Sky 1.1 levels and addition
of CBasic Hotfix update.
Changes have been highlighted
in Red .
10/21/2020 Version 1.12 Update section, 11.3,
11.4, 11.6 for performance issue
and package

Page 56 of 57
“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."
1/29/2021 Version 1.13 Update sections known Issues
sections and moved to 2.3
section,, 11.3,
11.4 and 11.6 for CBasic and
16bit C application issues with
Updated 2.2 for SIGUI levels
Added for SIGUI Dual
Display configuration
Updated 4.4.2 for Dual Display
2/19/2021 Version 1.14 Update 11.3 and 11.4 relinking
CBasic and 16Bit C apps
Add 11.6.1
Add 11.6.2 for Enhanced
Security apps

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“Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
respective owners."

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